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论基本医疗卫生法的立法定位及其主要内容   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基本医疗就是要让国民小病看得起、医保广覆盖、医疗服务质量有保障的满足患者基本医疗需求的医疗模式。基本医疗卫生法就是围绕这一核心予以规制和保障的法律。基本医疗卫生法是公民健康保障的基本法律,是跨领域跨专业的综合性法律,是各具体职能部门共同保障基本医疗服务的法律。基本医疗卫生法的立法基本原则是理论与实践相结合的原则、平衡各方利益的原则、厘清争议问题的原则。基本医疗卫生法立法的核心内容包括:基本医疗卫生法的基本原则、政府的基本医疗保障责任、医疗保险付费为主的多渠道医疗费用筹措机制、基层医疗机构担负国民健康守门员的职责、弱势群体医疗救助制度等。  相似文献   

“尊重和保障人权”已正式写入我国刑事诉讼法,这是我国法治进程中又一标志性事件,体现了我国法治文明的不断进步.监狱服刑人员的人权保障,是我国人权保障体系的组成部分,他们的人员保障应给予重要关注.在我国,由于监狱医疗保障体系的不完善,使得作为服刑人员各种权利中最重要的生命健康权没有得到很好的保障,服刑人员的医疗保障问题已经是个不可回避和亟待解决的问题.在全民医保的背景下,构建监狱服刑人员医疗保障体系有着重大意义及现实紧迫性,剖析造成当前现状的深层次根源之后,可发现解决这一问题的方法和途径.  相似文献   

瑞典完善的医疗保障制度是高福利国家的缩影。瑞典医疗保障具有医疗保障高福利性、公平性和适宜性三个特点。瑞典高福利下的医疗保障也面临高税收、老龄化、低效率、医疗福利诈骗等挑战。我国应从瑞典医疗保险制度中得到启示,坚持全民医保的目标,医疗保障水平的提高应选择循序渐进的路径。  相似文献   

论文以近年来在西方社会福利与社会政策领域广为盛行的福利多元主义为分析视角,结合调查数据,对我国城市医疗保险改革实践问题进行了实证考察。以福利多元范式分析我国医疗保险改革将发现,不同医疗保障形式因政府、市场和社会三方主体的不同组合而在保障水平上呈现出很大差异,这种差异直接地体现为不同参与群体及其个体享受着不同水平的基本医疗保障待遇。如何合理界定政府与市场在医疗保障中的主体责任,是我国医疗保险改革面临的迫切问题。它不仅直接决定着我国城镇医疗保险改革的进程与效果,也是多层次医疗保障体系的建立和以“全民医保”为目标的新一轮医疗保障制度改革的关键所在。  相似文献   

本文在分析我国目前医保模式在实践中存在的主要问题和分析借鉴国外基本医疗保障制度的模式基础上,探讨了我国实施城镇基本医疗保障制度以来,医保中心和医疗机构就基本医疗合作签署的医疗保险服务协议存在的相关问题。本文阐明了医保协议是以民事约定的形式表现出来的具有任务书倾向的一种行政管理手段,并在此基础上提出建议在签订医疗服务协议的时候引入谈判机制和用民事审判程序来处理医疗服务协议相关的纠纷。  相似文献   

健康权的争议性首先表现在健康权概念名称的争议性上。现有健康权、医疗权、卫生保健权等概念名称上的分歧,是因为忽略了各种权利所指向的义务对象和设定的义务内容的不同。作为基本人权针对国家并使国家承担建立医疗保障体系和公共卫生服务体系、保障和促进人民健康义务的积极权利是医疗卫生服务保障权,而不是健康权或其它权利。  相似文献   

平等权是一项基本人权,也是我国宪法所确认的最基本的公民权利。在全民医保的背景下,监狱服刑人员却因为受到犯罪的惩罚而无法同其他公民一样享有起码的医疗保障,折射出我国人权保障的不足。本人从服刑人员医疗状况入手,分析了存在问题的原因,并提出了完善性建议。  相似文献   

戴庆康 《河北法学》2007,25(10):60-64
为国家设定建立医疗保障体系和高效优质的医疗服务体系以保障和促进人民健康义务的基本人权是医疗权,而不是健康权.合作抵御包括疾病在内的自然的侵害,是人际社会形成的重要根据.现代医疗服务已经成为一种基本的善,一种人之生命的必需.病人的医疗权是病人对分享社会合作成果的一种期待,这种期待具有伦理的正当性,能够得到伦理的辩护.这种作为正当性期待的医疗权本身又要受限于权利秩序中当时的条件和资源.  相似文献   

本刊讯天长市人大常委会近日调研了县级公立医院综合改革工作情况。调研组对该市公立医院综合改革工作所取得的成效和财政补偿政策、药品遴选、绩效考核等创新做法给予了充分肯定,并提出4条建议:进一步加强高层次人才引进工作,充实医疗专业人才队伍;进一步加强对外合作,积极引进管理经验,全面提升医院管理效率和水平,加快打造现代化的县级公立医院;进一步强化改革创新,建立健全由医保补偿、大病保险和重特大疾病医疗救治基金等组成的医疗保障体系,不断提高医疗保障水平:高度重视债务化解问题,让医院轻装前进,健康发展,为人民群众提供更好的医疗服务。  相似文献   

刘丹  刘志凤  薛钢 《法制与社会》2010,(28):181-182
本文在大学生医疗保险改革的背景下,基于江苏省三所高校的调查,对大学生医疗保障的现状进行分析,包括大学生医疗需求情况、利用情况、高校医疗卫生服务情况以及对医疗保险改革的认知与意愿情况。得出在大学生新医保的开展中,要更多地关注贫困大学生,加快高校医院的建设,提高诊疗水平和服务质量,同时要加大力度做好大学生医保的宣传和推广工作。  相似文献   

In May 2005, the World Health Organization adopted the new InternationalHealth Regulations (IHR), which constitute one of the most radicaland far-reaching changes to international law on public healthsince the beginning of international health co-operation inthe mid-nineteenth century. This article comprehensively analysesthe new IHR by examining the history of international law oninfectious disease control, the IHR revision process, the substantivechanges contained in the new IHR and concerns regarding thefuture of the new IHR. The article demonstrates why the newIHR constitute a seminal event in the relationship between internationallaw and public health and send messages about how human societiesshould govern their vulnerabilities to serious, acute diseaseevents in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the passage of an unprecedented state law, promising every resident access to affordable health insurance. The Massachusetts Health Security Act of 1988 was the product of a set of political and financial pressures that had been developing for nearly a decade. Hospital, insurance, and business interests were unable to reach a new accommodation on hospital payment. This logjam created the opportunity for a policy breakthrough, but did not inherently lend itself to progressive reform. It was consumer activism that forced the traditional powers in health policy to address the interests of the uninsured. By imposing a more public-interest agenda on the process, consumers were able to change the configuration of the stalemate, but could not resolve it. The particular terms of the stalemate, however, made possible a new, more aggressive role for state government in health policy. Unable to satisfy their competing interests within a policy framework that had universal access as a goal, traditionally powerful interest groups found themselves increasingly dependent on the state to broker a new agreement. While the many concessions made to these groups are likely to prove to be the bill's undoing, the unraveling of the agreement will not end the story. The same pressures which led to passage of the Massachusetts law and which are now causing other states to act will continue to exert their effect until a more durable solution is found.  相似文献   

当前,大学生的心理问题已日益突现,并且已经在其人生发展道路上造成了各种各样的不良影响,这主要是由于个性差异所致,因为个性在很大程度上影响着人的行为、思想、情绪反应方式。当前师范院校和公安院校大学生在心理健康问题上存在着显著差异,要以“互动式”的应对措施直面现状,重视和加强对当前大学生健全人格的自我优化以及强化家庭、学校和社会对大学生心理健康的教育与培养。  相似文献   

This article discusses the role of individual rights in the production of active citizenship. In recent years, the notion of ‘active citizenship’ has become an object of research in both political and social science. Studies that draw on the Foucaultian governmentality tradition have been particularly interested in various societal discourses and practices through which active citizenship is being produced. However, the role of law and rights has been neglected or even rejected in these studies. The aim of this article is thus to show that certain procedural rights, the right to participate in particular, constitute an important legal technology in the production of active citizenship. The analysis is based on the recent developments in Finnish social and health care law. It will also be argued that despite the apparently convergent subject-matter, Jürgen Habermas’s normative theory of the ‘procedural paradigm of law’ does not offer a meaningful framework in which to address the relationship between active citizenship and procedural rights since it is based on an overly narrow conception of subjectivity.  相似文献   

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