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张爽 《学理论》2011,(18):259-260
以教育部"中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点"项目研究为背景,本文在探索现代远程开放教育教学模式改革与实践中,提出了"四维互动"学模式,该模式以系统科学理论、现代远程教育理论和现代教育技术理论为基础,对于广播电视大学如何突破传统的教育观念,扩展教师的教学能力,促进学习者的自主学习,提高远程教育质量有着重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

日新月异的信息技术,促进了远程的迅猛发展,给教育带来了深刻的变革.本文对现代远程教育下的教师学习,教学方法的多样化和学生的学习进行了探讨.提出远程教育对教师带来的跨跃式发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

学习支持服务系统是高职高专院校现代远程教育新型人才培养模式改革的重点之一,学习支持服务系统构建的基础是学生自主学习.完善的学习支持服务系统必须从学习条件、学习准备、学习过程等几个方面进行构建,以满足学生自主学习的需要,保证远程教育条件下教育教学质量和人才培养目标的实现.  相似文献   

本土化慕课的实行可以促进高校思想政治理论课改革,这种环境下高校思政课面临着以下挑战:从科技条件说,需要专业化、复杂化的系统技术;从改革重点说,课堂教学要进行混合模式教学;从难点来说,如何使学生进行有效学习;从制度保障来说,高校的规范要进行调整;从教师层面来说,教师技能要提高。可从这五个方面寻求相应对策,使高校思想政治理论课改革提高实效性。  相似文献   

现代远程教育近几年在我国得到迅猛发展,有关现代远程教育教学模式和教学资源建设的研究也非常多.但是有关远程教育学生学习过程管理的文章和相关的研究却寥寥无几本文从加强对远程教育学生深入了解的基础上,提出建立并规范远程教育学生学习过程管理的意见,适时调整远程教育的支持服务体系建设;在对学生学习时间充分得到保证的基础上确保远程教育学生学习总量和学习质量的有效管理,但对于远程教育学生学习过程支持服务体系建设的细节问题以及如何有效地对学生学习时间和学习总量及质量的管理上还有待于进一步的研究和探讨.  相似文献   

远程教育即远距离教育。在我国 ,远程教育有函授教育、广播电视教育、网络教育三种模式。网络教育是远程教育的发展方向 ,但其市场开发在我国存在种种缺陷和不足 ,目前它还不足以取代其他模式的远程教育。在我国 ,需要结合国情建立三种模式并存的立体远程教育市场开发体系。  相似文献   

国际互联网为人力资本投资与远程教育的发展拓展了广阔的空间,人力资本投资与远程教育相融通产生了全新的 教育模式,即为“产、学、研链接的人力资本投资与远程教育互动模式”。  相似文献   

胡立强 《学理论》2009,(29):90-91
课程辅导教师在现代远程教育中应该扮演什么样的角色,处于什么样的地位,又发挥了哪些作用呢?这个问题虽探讨已久,但说法不尽相同。有人认为,课程辅导教师的工作就是对学员的学习进行导学、助学和促学;也有人认为教师是学员学习的指导者、各种学习关系的协调者、学员思想个性的培育者;还有人认为他们是学员学习的促进者、指导者和学习材料的提供者以及学员潜能的挖掘者。笔者认为课程辅导教师在现代远程教育中可以定位为十二种角色,并在整个教学过程起主导作用。  相似文献   

教育技术能力是任何学科教师都必须具备的专业实践能力,新疆地区在中小学双语教师培训时,要因地制宜,充分发挥现有的资源优势,通过加强双语教师对新疆中小学双语远程教育建设计划的认识与配套设备应用能力的提高来达到双语教师教育技术能力培养的目的。  相似文献   

以黑龙江省12个市、县及所辖村镇的899人,其身份分别为农村党员干部、群众;农村远程教育站管理员;远程教育中心负责人;农广校、电大教师;基础教育教师;农村中、小学生以及农村中小学现代远程教育管理人员共七类为研究对象,通过调查问卷及实时访谈,对黑龙江省三农远程教育资源共享现状进行了调查,并用统计学的方法分析了已取得的成绩和存在的不足,全面且客观地反映了黑龙江省三农远程教育的特点及发展需求,为黑龙江省三农远程教育今后的发展及策略的制定明确方向。  相似文献   

This article describes a lesson plan that harnessed students’ abilities to generate new teaching material by constructing country timelines. This involved crowdsourcing, or the reliance upon task inputs from a large number of people to acquire information. The plan was motivated by an approach that conceives of learning as deriving from the joint activity of individuals with shared tools, and was geared toward promoting self-instruction alongside traditional lectures and exams. By relying on independent research and individual contributions to create a new teaching resource, the course facilitated strategic reading and peer learning and promoted a research-active learning environment. The experience encourages instructors to consider ways to use distributed learning in the classroom to make students both the producers and consumers of innovative content.  相似文献   

In an effort to promote learning in classrooms, political science instructors are increasingly turning to interactive teaching strategies — experiments, simulations, etc. — that supplement traditional lecture formats. In this article, I advocate the use of student-generated data as a powerful teaching tool that can be used in a variety of ways to support learning. The “data-driven classroom” is one in which original student data are collected via survey at the beginning of the course and the results presented throughout the term. Examples and case studies across multiple courses and classroom settings are used to illustrate how the method may be applied in practice. Feedback from student assessment surveys reveals strong support for the method, even among nonmajors. The article concludes with recommendations for instructors interested in creating more data-driven classrooms.  相似文献   

The previous expansion of EdTech as a substitute for traditional learning around the world, the recent full-scale substitution due to COVID-19, and potential future shifts to blended approaches suggest that it is imperative to understand input substitutability between in-person and online learning. We explore input substitutability in education by employing a novel randomized controlled trial that varies dosage of computer-assisted learning (CAL) as a substitute for traditional learning through homework. Moving from zero to a low level of CAL, we find positive substitutability of CAL for traditional learning. Moving from a lower to a higher level of CAL, substitutability changes and is either neutral or even negative. The estimates suggest that a blended approach of CAL and traditional learning is optimal. The findings have direct implications for the rapidly expanding use of educational technology worldwide prior to, during, and after the pandemic.  相似文献   

This article reflects on some of the issues involved in teaching Chinese politics in the west and assesses the rationale for incorporating technology into teaching. The article specifically addresses the potential benefits of using microblogging (Twitter and Weibo) as a supplementary teaching tool in Chinese politics classes. The article argues that microblogging has benefits in terms of helping students develop professional networks, extending contact hours without placing an onerous burden on instructors, contributing to the construction of a supportive and collaborative learning environment and demystifying China for non-Chinese majors. Furthermore, in classes where students possess Chinese language skills, China??s domestic Weibo provide a fascinating window onto social and political issues as they are experienced contemporaneously by Chinese netizens. An assessment of the potential uses of microblogging is timely as the learning preferences of current and future cohorts change and commercial and pedagogical imperatives increasingly impel university teachers to consider the effectiveness of their teaching methods.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of a survey of practices and change in respect of teaching and learning politics in UK universities for the period 1991/92–1994/95. It begins by contextualizing the survey; summarizing changes that occurred in higher education in the UK in the early 1990s and reviewing key strands in contemporary British literature on teaching and learning in higher education. Following a methods section, the findings of the survey are then presented. These suggest that, in 1994/95, UK politics departments were struggling to cope with increased student numbers and resource constraints whilst retaining a broadly traditionalist approach to teaching and learning. Implications of these findings are then considered in a short concluding discussion.  相似文献   

案例教学符合加强实践教学、实施素质教育的指导思想,符合行政管理专业由学术型向应用型转变的发展趋势,对于激发学生学习的积极性和自主性、培养学生的认知能力和实践能力具有重要作用。但在教学实践中,认识上的误区和本土案例的匮乏成为行政管理专业案例教学的两大制约因素,全面认识案例教学的性质与特点、强化本土案例的搜集和编写是突破困境的必然选择。  相似文献   

欧阳世芳 《学理论》2010,(7):137-138
目前,高职在思想政治理论课在教学方面主要存在两个大的难题:一是学生课堂学习态度问题,二是老师课堂教法的问题。本文分两个方面分析了造成上述困境的原因,并提出高职院校思想政治课必须从端正学生学习态度入手,创新教学模式,丰富教学内容,凸显高职高专教育特点,加强教学的针对性提升教学效果。  相似文献   

刘杨 《学理论》2009,(8):124-125
多媒体计算机应用于教育领域,给传统的教学活动带来了新的挑战,它打破了传统教学中所结成的人(教师)与人(学生)的单一交流模式,取而代之以新型的人(教师)-机-人(学生)的双向交互模式,而在这一模式中,人与机究竟形成了怎样的关系?本文欲从哲学视角进行阐述,以期更好地协调人机关系,促进教学改革。  相似文献   

佟艳玲 《学理论》2009,(9):180-181
教育是民生之基,课堂教学是服务民生的直接途径。教学要充分体现公平性与公益性,要面向全体学生,满足每个学生不同的学习需求;要树立科学的教育理念,遵照学生认知规律、成长规律,努力营造有利于学生成长和发展的教学环境,使教学真正做到为学生的学习、成长和发展服务;认真落实以人为本的科学发展观,以教学促进学生全面发展,为构建和谐社会服务。  相似文献   

纪莹 《学理论》2010,(8):157-158
在进入到21世纪后,国家教育部相继制订了《普通高中英语课程标准》及《大学英语课程教学要求》,开始对实行多年的英语教学进行反思,加强了中学英语教育与高校英语教育的衔接。本文对《课程标准》及《教学要求》进行分析对比,论证大学英语教育在教学目标、学习策略和自主性培养等多方面的可持续性发展的可行性,为实现教学服务社会的终极目标提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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