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劳教人员是心理问题的高发人群,大多数劳教人员适应环境能力差而挫折感强,表现出经常性的心理矛盾、困惑甚至心理障碍或疾患。劳教场所心理矫治工作是调适与矫正劳教人员各种心理问题,防范场所安全稳定、提高教育矫治质量、提升劳教工作水平的重要手段和有效途径,已成为教育工作科学化和创办劳教工作特色的重要内容。本文通过对当前劳教场所心理矫治现状的客观审视,探析进一步深化发展对策、提高其工作质量等问题作一探讨。一、现状扫描劳教场所心理矫治工作经过10多年的实践,取得了一定经验和成效,加快了教育矫治工作由经验型向科学型转化…  相似文献   

一、劳教人员惩处案件听证制度的依据及概念 劳教工作法制化是劳教工作适应我国法制建设的必然要求,根据《司法部关于深入开展劳教工作办特色的意见(试行)》,在决定给予劳教人员处分等执法活动中采取听证制,变书面审核为公开审核,让劳教人员享有充分的陈述和申辩权利是推进劳教执法工作规范化的有利措施。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 盗窃是最古老的违法犯罪形式之一,也是劳教人员群体的重要组成部分,根据2010年对我所劳教人员收容构成统计分析,盗窃类劳教人员222人,占到普通劳教人员总数的半数以上;多进宫184人,占到盗窃类劳教人员的83%,常习性盗窃类劳教人员已经成为盗窃类劳教人员群体的主体,同期滋扰类劳教人员多进宫比例仅为40%,从中可以看出盗窃类多进宫人员更成为重新违法犯罪的高发群体,存在着人员数量大、结构复杂、违法手段多元化、常习化的突出特点,是新时期盗窃类劳教人员矫治的重点,也是提高教育矫治质量的关键因素,落实首要标准的重要举措。  相似文献   

劳教人员逃跑是指劳教人员为逃避行政处罚,逃避监管,非法获得人身自由的一种继续违法的行为。这是劳教人员反社会性的心理在特殊情况下的延续和发展。以去年广东省逃跑劳教人员的年龄来看,均为21~25岁的年轻劳教人员。因此,研究劳教人员逃跑的心理变化规律,对做好劳教人员的思想转化,实现场所的安全稳定有着重要的意义。 一、劳教人员逃跑的心理基础 劳教人员逃跑的心理基础,同其所处的宏观社会环境和微观心理环境有紧密的联系。另外,造成劳教人员逃跑的外在因素,即逃跑的机遇,一般是由于劳教机关管理上的过失所造成的。 尽…  相似文献   

难改造人员是指在劳动教养过程中,不认罪错,具有消极改造或反改造思想和行为,一贯以极端的行为方式拒绝、抵制劳教场所教育改造的劳教人员。难改造人员是劳教人员中改造秩序、生产秩序和生活秩序的破坏者,是妨碍他人改造的害群之马,他们人数虽少,但危害极大。为有效地维护劳教场所的监管秩序和促进大多数劳教人员的教育改造,与劳教人员中的难改造人员作斗争的问题,应放在教育改造工作的重要位置上,有计划、有步骤、有目的地开展各项工作。下面从难改造人员的产生及我们干警应采取的对策和教育方法两个方面展开论述。一、少数劳教人…  相似文献   

王长佴 《中国司法》2004,(11):88-88
沈阳市沈新劳教所在上级主管部门指导下大胆探索劳教人员奖惩工作,率先试行“劳动教养管理工作听证会”制度及“劳教人员百分考核联审、现场办公”制度,引进“劳教人员评优聆询”制度,充分体现“公平、公正、公开”原则,积极推动“阳光工程”向系统化、规范化、程序化发展。在探索劳教人员奖惩工作的实践中,我们认为:好的制度固然重要,但关键是要建立新的工作理念,以此引导劳教工作全面发展。(一)法制理念和程序观念是基础。在劳教人员执法过程中,追求结果的公正与过程的公正具有同样重要的意义。因此,在执法活动中,必须不断增强法制理念和…  相似文献   

徐新昌 《中国司法》2001,(12):24-25
劳教人员民主管理就政治制度而言,是依法保障劳教人员享有一定的民主权利,让劳教人员过一定的民主生活。从管理意义上看,是在民警直接管理下,实行劳教人员自我管理、自我教育的一种管教方法。近年来,湖南省白泥湖劳教所将民主管理制度原则贯穿到劳教人员的日常管理实践中,实行民主推荐民管员、班组长,民主测评民管员、班组长,对劳教人员奖惩实行评议公示等,不断探索在民警直接管理下的劳教人员民主参与、相互监督、自我约束的管理新机制,已取得了较好的效果。一、深化劳教人员民主管理的可行性深化劳教人员民主管理是管教方式的一…  相似文献   

戒毒工作是一个社会系统工程,劳教戒毒已成为戒毒工作的主战场。从武汉市劳教系统收容劳教人员近10年的实践来看,吸毒劳教人员与日俱增,据今年全市劳教工作会议公布的资料显示,吸毒劳教人员占劳教人员总数的51%以上。如何加强对吸毒劳教人员的管理,如何提高毒瘾戒断率、提高教育矫治质量、降低复吸率,是现在乃至今后一个时期我们劳教民警必须面临和解决的严峻问题。按照“十六大”提出的“与时俱进、开拓创新”时代要求,积极探索新形势下吸毒劳教人员管理及教育矫治专业化模式已成为共识。  相似文献   

开展劳教人员职业技能培训是当前教育矫治工作的重要组成部分,也是落实“首要标准”,架设劳教人员回归社会、就业谋生桥梁和降低解教人员重新违法犯罪率的重要途径。2008年5月12日,我所承办的团河职业技能培训学校正式揭牌成立后,按照上级“高质量办学、高标准服务”的指导方针,我所坚持以落实“首要标准”、提高劳教人员教育挽救质量为中心,帮助劳教人员解教后再就业,促进劳教人员全面发展为出发点和落脚点,认真开展教学研究,  相似文献   

杨杰 《中国司法》2002,(5):19-20
民管是劳教场所民主管理的简称,是指劳教所在对劳教人员的管理过程中,应充分保障劳教人员的民主权利,允许他们过一定的民主生活的管理制度。就制度而言,民管是依法保障劳教人员享有一定的民主权利,让劳教人员过一定的民主生活;就管理而言,是在民警直接管理下,实行劳教人员自我管理、自我教育的一种管教方法。健全和加强民管工作,有利于形成严格管理下的适  相似文献   

An estimated 25% of the US population aged 18 to 50 years has a tattoo, which have been associated with markers of high-risk behaviors including alcohol and drug use, violence, carrying weapons, sexual activity, eating disorders, and suicide. This study compares tattoo prevalence and type in a homicide population to those of an age-, race-, and sex-matched control group of nonhomicide deaths. The data for this study were abstracted from autopsy records maintained by the Jefferson County Alabama Coroner/Medical Examiner's Office for the years 2007 and 2008. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the association between homicide and tattoo presence and characteristics were calculated using conditional logistic regression. There was no association between tattoo presence and death by homicide; however, among blacks, memorial tattoos were significantly more common among homicides compared with other types of deaths (odds ratio, 2.50; 95% confidence interval, 1.10-5.68). The results of the current study suggest that specific types of tattoos, but not all tattoos, may be risk factors for homicide. Other factors, such as race and lifestyle, along with tattoos may need to be considered.  相似文献   

Any person with a tattoo known to their family or friends could potentially be identified from the presence of such personal identifying markers. Problems in identification utilizing tattoos may arise when these markers are removed or defaced in some way. This paper uses infrared wavelengths at 760, 850, and 950 nm to improve the visualization of laser‐removed or covered up tattoos and also to establish whether the ink pigments used can be observed on radiographs from any metal that may be present. The results obtained indicate that some older inks have a high enough metallic content to allow them to be viewed on a radiograph, while infrared light can demonstrate latent ink still present in the skin after laser removal and can also be utilized to distinguish an original tattoo through a secondary “cover‐up” tattoo. Infrared photography and radiography have been shown to improve tattoo visualization in a forensic context.  相似文献   

Tattoo removal is increasingly required as the number of, particularly young, people acquiring tattoos is increasing. A 21‐year‐old man is reported who underwent attempted removal of large dragon tattoo utilizing a tattoo machine that injected a phenol‐containing solution. At the end of the 3‐h procedure, he collapsed and died. At autopsy, large areas of white skin discoloration with focal necrosis and sloughing were present overlying areas of previous tattooing. Histological examination showed collections of eosinophilic fluid with a minimal chronic inflammatory infiltrate in better preserved areas, with focal areas of dermal necrosis. Toxicology was positive for phenol in cardiac blood and liver tissue. There were no underlying organic disease or injuries present which could have caused or contributed to death. This idiosyncratic method of tattoo removal involving subcutaneous injection of phenol had resulted in death most likely from cardiotoxicity.  相似文献   

31 of 275 unselected forensic autopsy cases revealed tattoos on one or both sides of the upper extremities, which were nearly always accompanied by pigmentations of the axillary lymph nodes. The deposits of tattoo pigment could already be identified with the naked eye. Their composition reflected the colour ingredients of the tattooed skin. So this easily practicable preparation and examination of the draining lymph nodes makes it possible to establish the identity of unknown corpses by drawing conclusions about former tattoos even if they have been removed or if, owing to postmortal changes of the skin, they cannot be recognized by the forensic pathologist.  相似文献   

Purpose. This paper is a survey examining beliefs about cues to deception held by prison inmates, prison personnel and students. In line with the ideas about more beneficial learning structures in the environment of criminals and findings from previous studies, we predicted that the beliefs held by prison inmates would be most consistent with the general pattern found in studies examining objective cues to deception. Method. A total of 326 participants filled out a questionnaire containing questions about cues to deception. The sample consisted of 107 prison inmates from high‐security prisons, 103 prison personnel and 116 students. Both between‐group and within‐group analyses were conducted. Results. In line with previous surveys, students and prison personnel held stereotypical and wrongful beliefs about cues to deception. Prison inmates' beliefs about deception were less stereotypical than the beliefs of prison personnel and students. Conclusions. The results indicate that prison inmates have relatively more insight into the psychology of deception. A reasonable explanation for these findings is that the environment of criminals is beneficial in the sense that they receive more adequate outcome feedback than the other two groups. The results indicate that studying this group may generate useful knowledge about the dynamics of deception.  相似文献   

A hopeless case?     
In a hollow covered with earth, a herb gatherer discovered a severely decomposed corpse mutilated by scavenging animals. Only small areas of the skin had remained intact. A conspicuous tattoo could still be distinguished on the left upper arm. Despite concrete evidence of violence (fracture in the occipital bone, subdural hemorrhage with a volume of 20 ml), the exact cause of death could no longer be established. Police enquiries identified a person in whom such a conspicuous tattoo had been photographed in an earlier criminal case. Eventually, the deceased person could be identified by DNA analysis of a stored blood alcohol specimen. Considered together, the autopsy findings and the results of the investigation of traces of blood on the putative tool used in the crime indicated that the man had been struck dead and the body had afterwards been buried in the wood. Although the prospects of success had been initially slight, it was not only possible to identify the victim, but also to reconstruct the crime.  相似文献   

Test firings were conducted on specially prepared live rabbits to determine the approximate maximum ranges at which powder tattooing occurs for different forms of gunpowder. For .38 caliber, powder tattooing from cartridges loaded with flake powder disappears at a range of 18 to 24 in. (0.4 to 0.6 m). Powder tattooing with flattened ball powder extends to 36 in. (0.9 m), while that due to ball powder extends to 48 in. (1.2m) of range. In .22 caliber, powder tattooing was observed out to 24 in. (0.6 m) with flake powder and 18 in. (0.4 m) with flattened ball. Attempts to reproduce the animal powder tattoo patterns on paper revealed that the paper patterns are consistent with skin tattoo patterns only up to 18 in (0.4 m) of range.  相似文献   

With the rising number of tattooed people tattoos have become increasingly important for the identification of unknown corpses. Tattoos can be helpful in both phases of the identification process, either by providing clues to the identity of an unknown person or body or as a means of verifying a postulated identity. In the presented case, an ante-mortem photograph of a tattoo was available although it was of poor quality. The respective skin region of the body was photographed from the same angle as the tattoo on the ante-mortem photograph. When superimposing the two photos, the tattoos were found to match and the identity of the body could be verified.  相似文献   

POPULATION: Blood samples were collected from a total of 84 healthy and unrelated Halakki (44) and Kunabhi (40) populations, with their informed written consent. The geographic location of the sampled area is shown in Fig. 1. Both the populations are endogamous, and they belong to Dravidian linguistic family. Halakki is a tribal group having a population size of approximately 3383. They claim that they originally belong to Gujarat and Rajasthan, and migrated through Andhra Pradesh to Karnataka. Kunabhi is also a tribal population, who are approximately 35,214 in number. The male Kunabhi can be identified by their tattoo marks. A necklace is the symbol of married women. They were hunters and gatherers, but at present they practice agriculture.  相似文献   

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