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恩格斯一生都很重视工人群众的理想信念教育。他认为:要使工人阶级通过社会主义道路解放自己,必须对其进行理想信念教育,使他们团结成一个阶级整体来为实现无产阶级和全人类的解放而奋斗;社会主义要从理论变成现实,也需要通过理想信念教育培养信奉共产主义理论的、有实践力量的共产主义者;在理想信念教育实践中,要注重思想政治教育和革命实践教育相结合,宣传马克思主义和批判非社会主义思潮相结合,承认无产阶级领袖作用和反对个人崇拜相结合。为发挥恩格斯关于工人群众理想信念教育思想的当代价值,本研究建议:新时代应该重视对工人群众的理想信念教育,注意把理想信念教育的主要内容与新时代工人群众的特点结合起来,并结合实际情况采取多种方法开展理想信念教育。  相似文献   

理想信念教育,能够帮助大学生树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。新媒体在大学生理想信念教育中发挥积极作用的同时,也使大学生理想信念教育面临新的挑战。在新媒体环境下,提升大学生媒体素养,加强校园新媒体管理和建设高素质政工队伍等措施能够增职大学生理想信念教育的实效性。  相似文献   

对产业工人进行理想信念教育,是永葆工人阶级先进性和实现党在不同历史时期奋斗目标的需要,也是产业工人自身发展的迫切需要。当前国际共产主义运动和工人运动处于低潮的事实,产业工人地位的弱化,理想信念教育方式方法单一等不利因素,制约了产业工人理想信念教育的有效性。需从强化理论武装、加大权益维护、创新方式方法、注重形成合力等方面增强新时代产业工人理想信念教育的有效性。  相似文献   

大学生理想信念教育的缺失与对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
理想信念教育是我们党的优良传统和政治优势。它是培养社会主义合格的建设者和接班人、实现中华民族伟大复兴的重要保证。但是,由于在教育中存在各种缺失,削减了高校理想信念教育的影响力。因此,我们必须提高领导者的认识和教师的政治素质,改革教学内容和方法,弘扬社会主义主旋律,加大校园文化建设,不断增强理想信念教育的实效性。  相似文献   

培育大学生的价值观,是一项系统工程.当前,培育大学新生科学价值观要突出根本,在坚定理想信念、弘扬爱国奉献精神的教育中培育人生价值观,同时,要强化教育内容的针对性和实效性,努力拓展实践教学平台,促进思想教育工作效益的提高.  相似文献   

理想信念是当代大学生健康成长的目标和动力。在新的历史条件下 ,加强对大学生理想信念的教育 ,应主要通过理论教育和社会实践两种途径来进行 ,以使当代大学生成为开创有中国特色社会主义事业的建设者和接班人。  相似文献   

党的十七大强调要做好青少年思想道德教育工作.新时期青少年的思想道德教育应体现时代特色,做到胸怀中国特色社会主义的理想信念;树立为人民服务的人生现价值观;践行社会主义荣辱观;养成生态文明观念.  相似文献   

陈国宝 《时代风采》2014,(21):28-29
党的群众路线教育实践活动的宝贵经验,最重要的一条,就是必须加强思想理论武装、坚定理想信念,解决好世界观、人生观、价值观这个“总开关”问题。对此,本人结合学习习近平总书记一系列重要讲话精神和中央关于开展党的群众路线教育实践活动的部署要求,着重对理想信念问题,谈点粗浅的认识和体会。  相似文献   

各级工会组织既是职工利益的代表者和维护者,又是职工理想信念和价值观教育的参与者。尤其是当前,我们各级工会应通过倡导爱岗敬业、无私奉献精神,开展增产节约、增收节支、节能降耗、技术革新和创先争优等一系列的活动,来推进勤廉文化进企业,促进企业健康发展.  相似文献   

高校是意识形态工作的前沿阵地。面对多元化意识形态和价值观念的冲击,高校基层学生党组织以其独有的优势成为主流意识形态宣传的重要场域。要加强基层学生党组织理想信念教育,帮助学生形成牢固的思想壁垒;规范基层学生党组织政治生活纪律,发挥学生党员的先锋模范作用;发挥基层学生党组织的纽带作用,丰富组织生活方式,实现对主流思想的宣传教育,进而提升基层学生党组织的使命感和责任感,使其真正成为引领高校主流意识形态建设的中流砥柱。  相似文献   

根据90后大学生对大学语文的学习期待,从探讨语言魅力、哲理智慧、作家人格精神等方面提高其审美鉴赏能力;用课堂演讲等方式提高其口语表达能力;通过征文比赛等第二课堂提高其写作能力;以开拓系列公选课来满足其不同的学习需求并提升其综合能力.大学语文老师要不断探求,加强自身的学习和修养,以适应学生对老师的授课期待,使大学语文教学...  相似文献   

The persistent underachievement among African American boys has led to increased empirical inquiry, yet little research considers within-group variation in achievement nor positive youth characteristics that help explain positive achievement outcomes. This study conceptualized culturally-based factors (racial pride and religiosity) as adolescent assets that would promote African American boys’ achievement and also enhance positive effects of other youth assets (positive educational utility beliefs) on achievement. Our sample included 158 adolescent boys (M = 17.08) from a large, socioeconomically diverse suburban community context. Accounting for demographic background variables, educational utility beliefs were positively associated with academic grade performance. A significant educational utility beliefs and racial pride interaction indicated a stronger, positive association of educational utility beliefs with grade performance among boys with higher racial pride relative to those with lower racial pride. Also, there was a stronger positive association between educational utility beliefs and grades for boys reporting lower religious importance, but boys endorsing both lower educational utility beliefs and religious importance were at highest risk for low grade performance. Overall results suggest the importance of considering culturally-based factors in studying achievement motivation processes among ethnic minority adolescents.  相似文献   

Students’ motivational beliefs about learning physical science are critical for achieving positive educational outcomes. In this study, we incorporated expectancy-value theory to capture the heterogeneity of adolescents’ motivational trajectories in physics and chemistry from seventh to twelfth grade and linked these trajectories to science-related outcomes. We used a cross-sequential design based on three different cohorts of adolescents (N?=?699; 51.5?% female; 95?% European American; M ages for youngest, middle, and oldest cohorts at the first wave?=?13.2, 14.1, and 15.3 years) coming from ten public secondary schools. Although many studies claim that physical science motivation declines on average over time, we identified seven differential motivational trajectories of ability self-concept and task values, and found associations of these trajectories with science achievement, advanced science course taking, and science career aspirations. Adolescents’ ability self-concept and task values in physics and chemistry were also positively related and interlinked over time. Examining how students’ motivational beliefs about physical science develop in secondary school offers insight into the capacity of different groups of students to successfully adapt to their changing educational environments.  相似文献   

Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Quality of Experience in Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated learning activities and associated quality of experience of students with different levels of perceived academic self-efficacy. Two groups were formed out of 130 Italian adolescents (age 15–19), one with high and one with low academic self-efficacy beliefs (31 and 32 participants, respectively). Students provided valuation of academic pursuits and aspirations, and were monitored for one week with experience sampling method (ESM). Attention was paid to the association of learning activities with optimal experience, characterized by high perceived environmental challenges matched by high personal skills, involvement, concentration and intrinsic reward. High self-efficacy students reported higher academic aspirations and pursuits than low self-efficacy students. They also spent more time in homework, and primarily associated learning activities with optimal experience. Results have educational implications in fostering motivation and enjoyment in learning. They also provide empirical support for the combination of self-efficacy beliefs and quality of experience in motivational research. Lecturer of Psychology at the Medical School of the University of Milan, Italy. She received her Ph.D. in 1999 from the University of Milan. She has conducted research in human development, focusing on adolescents’ quality of experience and identity building, as well as on methodological aspects of experience sampling procedures. She received her Ph.D. in 2004 from the University of Padua. Her main interests focus on the study of subjective and psychological well-being across the life span, as well as on methodological aspects of longitudinal research Her main research interests are the cross-cultural investigation of the quality of daily experience and its long-term developmental impact. She is supervisor in intervention projects on migration, disability and social maladjustment His major research interests include personality development and personality assessment along the life span. He is supervisor in longitudinal projects on psychosocial adjustment from childhood to young adulthood  相似文献   

The beliefs of 107 teachers who students have for mathematics the last year of elementary school are compared to the beliefs of 64 teachers the same students have for mathematics the first year of junior high school. As hypothesized, posttransition teachers trust students less, believe more strongly in controlling and disciplining students, and have a weaker sense of teaching efficacy than do pretransition teachers. There are no significant differences in beliefs about the nature of ability as a fixed trait. It is suggested that societal stereotypes about early adolescents may flourish in school settings that are exclusively for that age group, so that teachers believe these students are unlikely to make much academic progress and must be controlled.This research was made possible by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health (MH31724) to Jacquelynne S. Eccles, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (HD17296) to Jacquelynne S. Eccles, and the National Science Foundation (BNS-8510504) to Jacquelynne S. Eccles and Allan Wigfield.Received Ph.D. in Education from the University of Michigan. Research interests are adolescent development, middle years education, teacher beliefs, and classroom processes.Received M.A. in Education from the University of Michigan. Research interests are adolescent development, classroom environments, and supporting beginning teachers.Received Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of California at Los Angeles. Research interests are development of self-concept, subjective task value, interests, and activity preferences, especially during early and middle adolescence. Also investigating the impact of school and family experiences on these constructs.  相似文献   


Teacher attitudes and instructional strategies impact success of human sexuality programs. Limited prior research has examined the relations of teachers’ attitudes and instruction to the development of adolescents’ sexual self-efficacy beliefs. This study examined how adolescents’ perceptions of their health teachers (i.e., teacher value of content, teacher affinity, teacher caring for students) predict changes in efficacy beliefs related to HIV/STD and pregnancy prevention, and if perceptions of mastery goal structure predicted adaptive efficacy beliefs. Data were collected in 4 Midwestern/Appalachian high schools in health class where the delivery of a 14-lesson sexual health curriculum occurred. Participants included 561 students (50.4% 9th graders, 43.5% female, 56.3% White, 53.7% did not have a current romantic partner, and 59.7% had previously not engaged in sexual activity). The findings indicate students’ perceptions of teachers valuing the content predicted perceptions of mastery goal structure for all sexual self-efficacy beliefs: learning efficacy, condom negotiation efficacy, refusal self-efficacy, and situational self-efficacy. Students who perceive a mastery goal structure in health class, and who feel their teachers value learning about HIV/STD and pregnancy prevention, are likely to experience positive adaptive self-efficacy beliefs related to sexual health, ultimately leading to behaviors indicative of decreased STDs among teenagers and safe sexual practices, such as abstinence, the use of a condom, and saying “no” to having sex.


Black Canadians share many aspects of the historical experiences of African Americans, but there are also important differences. One similarity between these two groups is the persistent academic underachievement of Black adolescents. Although this is a subject of widespread concern in both countries, it has received little empirical scrutiny in Canada. We address this shortcoming by examining the academic and achievement-related beliefs of Black high school students in two Canadian cities, Toronto and Halifax. Despite significant regional differences most participants believed that schooling could lead to success for them. Females’ attitudes and beliefs regarding education were more positive than those of males. Perceived parental values and support were strong predictors of participants’ attitudes and school marks; socioeconomic status (SES) and perceived peer support were non-significant correlates of academic outcomes. We discuss the results in terms of the germane US research, and highlight the implications of the findings for understanding diversity among Black Canadian youth.Received PhD from the University of Toronto. Areas of research include educational and psychological correlates of ethnic and racial identity in Black Canadians.Received PhD from the University of Toronto. Research focuses on the cultural dimensions of friendship.Received PhD from the University of Toronto. Research interests include adolescent development, social justice, and children’s rights-related thinking and knowledge.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the factors and processes that lead to differential patterns of achievement among Asian-American adolescents. Using grades and standardized test scores as criteria variables, a paper- and- pencil survey was conducted to determine the relative effects of sociocultural variables, personality factors, and student perceptions of school and social events in explaining differential patterns of academic performance within a sample (N=89) of Asian-American tenth graders. Generally, the results demonstrate that Asian-American students whose educational and social experiences convey a strong link between schooling, academic success, and social integration are more likely to demonstrate patterns of achievement, as reflected in higher grades and better performance on standardized tests. The study's findings are discussed in connection with the relative functionalism concept proposed by S. Sue and S. Okazaki (1990) and the effective schools literature.Received doctoral degree in 1988 from the University of California, Los Angeles, specializing in developmental psychology. Research interests include the educational attainment of Hispanic and minority group children, adolescent alcohol use, and social policy analysis and planning.This work was supported partially by an Affirmative Action Faculty Development Grant from California State University, Fullerton.  相似文献   


Teaching mathematics involves helping students develop mathematical skills and empowering students to see themselves as capable of participating in and being knowers and doers of mathematics. Extant research has postulated that mathematics identity is a critical contributor to adolescents’ mathematics achievement and subsequent academic success. Guided by motivation and instructional quality theories, this classroom-based study examined a mediating mechanism through which teacher practices associated with mathematics identity through motivational beliefs (i.e., expectancies, task values, and cost value). Participants included 525 sixth-grade students (48.6% male; 64% European American, 34% African American, 2% other race; 58.6% free-or-reduced lunch) in the United States. The findings suggest that competence beliefs and task values, except for cost value, mediated the association between teacher practices and mathematics identity. These mediation pathways also differed by race. The mediating role of mathematics expectancies was stronger for European American adolescents, while the mediating role of mathematics task values was stronger for African American adolescents, though effect sizes were relatively modest. Teachers seeking to develop students’ mathematics identity—especially in their minority or stereotyped students—might consider enhancing their sensitivity to students’ psychological needs, quality of feedback, and instructional learning supports in their daily interaction with students.


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