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电子化政府采购是政府采购协议框架下缔约国阳光采购的基础支撑,这也成为中国入世后又一项谈判目标。电子化政府采购涉及技术执行和采购行为的匹配关系,这也是观察电子化政府采购绩效的有效路径。从组织研究视角出发,以政府采购过程为核心,建构电子化政府采购的技术执行和采购行为的结构化分析框架。从我国电子化政府采购发展历程来看,电子政务促动了电子采购系统的发展,法律法规主导了政府采购行为。发展我国电子化政府采购的发展策略是:以人为本的技术设计和参与方采纳,兼顾采购结果和采购过程的政府采纳行为以及法律法规协同管理规范。  相似文献   

赵文娇 《求知》2000,(5):29-31
政府采购制度是指政府采购政策、采购程序、采购范围、采购方式及采购管理等具体规定的总称。其实质是将市场竞争机制和财政支出管理有机结合起来。自1995年在深圳市率先拉开政府采购的帷幕以来,政府采购在我国发展很快,全国几乎所有的省、自治区、  相似文献   

政府采购是各级国家机关、事业单位和团体组织,使用财政性资金采购依法制定的集中采购目录以内的或者采购限额标准以上的货物、工程和服务的行为,是公共财政管理的重要组成部分。本文针对2003年全面实施《政府采购法》以来,多数区(县)政府采购的现状及存在的问题进行深入分析,并提出了若干对策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,人们越为越多地听到“政府采购”这个字眼。在上海、重庆、深圳、沈阳、南宁和河北一些地方,政府采购付诸实施并取得了一定成效。如何正确看待这一新生事物,在实行政府采购中存在那些问题及如何解决这些问题,都需要我们做出回答。 一、政府采购的重要地位 政府采购,亦称政府统一采购或公共采购,是指各级政府为了开展日常工作或满足公共需要,通过公开竞争、招标和财政部门直接向供货商付款的方式,按法定程序从市场上购买商品、服务和工程的行为。 需要说明的几个问题是:其一,政府采购是市场经济的产物,是利用商业手段来管…  相似文献   

董卫红 《学理论》2012,(13):200-201
图书馆图书的采购质量控制对于图书馆建设具有十分重要的意义,但是目前图书采购中存在许多问题,如对利益过分注重、对书商的选择不够谨慎、特殊文献的采购较难等。为了建立图书馆图书采购质量控制体系,图书馆应当在采购方案执行前、执行中、执行后采取一系列控制措施,以切实提高图书采购质量。  相似文献   

政府招标采购中信誉风险对最终招标采购质量影响至关重要。以社会总效益水平最大化为出发点,引入概率、罚金和社会损失等变量,用博弈论对政府招标采购信誉风险问题进行系统分析和讨论,对政府今后的招标采购行为提出的政策建议在于:落实并完善相关法律法规,健全政府采购机制;改进政府采购模式,优化采购效果;对投标人实行诚信级别管理,加大惩罚力度;切实保证第三方机构的公正性,实施有效控制;建立政府采购监管机制,遏制劣质供应商的粉饰行为。  相似文献   

图书采购工作是图书馆藏书建设的基础性工作,分析了图书馆的图书采购的现状,并针对目前的现状,从读者、资金、供应商、采购人员的素质及政府采购等方面提出了切实可行的采购建议。  相似文献   

构建政府采购的反腐败监督链制度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
政府采购腐败是政府采购各利益主体“合谋”的产物,其根本原因在于市场经济条件下的利益寻租所致。无论在非制度或者在制度条件下,政府采购腐败现象均不可避免,所以需要构建政府采购的监督制度。按照委托代理理论,政府采购的活动形成“三方”监督链,在此基础上构建以政府采购的利益组织与行为层次为结构的反腐监督链制度体系。  相似文献   

私经济行政的兴起产生了私经济行政是否受公法拘束的问题,在德国,产生了双阶理论,将私经济行政分为两个阶段,认为,前一阶段"是否"进行私经济行政属于公法问题,受公法调整;后一阶段"如何"进行私经济行政属于私法问题,受私法调整.双阶理论提出后虽然遭受了种种批评,但仍然占据主流地位.同时,对政府采购行为的性质如何认定,也产生了种种学说.我国台湾地区的主流学说认为对其适用双阶理论.我国<政府采购法>对政府采购合同和"采购文件、采购过程和中标、成交结果"采用不同的救济途径,这也是运用双阶理论的体现.根本的原因在于,政府采购合同与"采购文件、采购过程和中标、成交结果"具有不同的性质,前者属于民事合同,后者属于公权力行政中的单纯高权行政.  相似文献   

美国的政府采购制度是一顶相对成熟、完善的制度。本文概括性地介绍了美国政府采购的性质、目标、原则、特点、模式、程序以及主要方式和法制管理,并作了适当的评点。  相似文献   

作为一项影响重大、意义深远的改革举措,政府购买社会组织服务的效能提升是当前理论和实务界共同关注的焦点。依据多元供给主体的层次结构,将政府购买社会组织服务分为购买生产者服务和购买集成者服务两种模式。基于委托代理理论,引入任务冲突变量,建立了两种模式下的最优模型,并对政府购买社会组织服务所支付的租金大小进行比较分析。结果发现,任务冲突程度直接影响政府购买社会组织服务的模式选择。当任务冲突程度较高时,政府应该选择购买生产者服务模式;反之,则应该选择购买集成者服务模式。  相似文献   

Abstract: Recent moves by both Labor and Liberal Governments in Australia indicate increased awareness of the possibilities that a centralized government purchasing body may be able to secure economies in purchasing large quantities of a wide range of goods used by government departments, agencies and commissions, and also that such a purchasing authority can be used as an instrument with which to put into effect government policies concerned with supporting a particular industry or geographic area. The argument in this paper elaborates on this theme. It is suggested that a centralized purchasing authority should act, using its countervailing power, to secure cost savings which would not only provide benefits to government departments, but which could also be passed on to the general public. For these savings to be achieved, significant changes would have to occur in the relatively passive system of tendering which characterizes most government purchases. The government purchasing body would need actively to induce some real competition between rival tenderers, if need be playing one bid against the other. A government contract would be awarded only on the condition that the lower price offered the government was, in fact, also passed on to the general public. Thus both the public and the firm would benefit; the public by paying lower prices and the firm by the extra demand likely to be generated for its product, as well as the security of the government contract. Of course, such a purchasing policy could only be followed against firms with significant market power and excess profits. Even if such a policy were followed for a small number of products, the result could be greater efficiency and lower prices for all consumers of these products.  相似文献   

治理理论被引入中国以来,一方面被学术界寄予厚望,另一方面关于治理在中国的适用性又受到很多质疑.治理及地方治理是为了克服各种不可治理性而进行的国家(政府)与社会关系的调整过程和趋势.宁波市海曙区政府购买居家养老服务的政策过程表明,地方政府的职能转变需要管理创新.循于此,作为工具的地方治理就可能在中国出现并取得局部的良好效果,而且可能为地方治理机制的成长准备社会条件.但对地方治理机制的成长最有决定性的因素仍然在于政府,政府职能的转变可能会创造出对地方治理发展有利的条件.在中国未来治理机制形成和运行过程中,政府将是最有力的保障或最严重的障碍.而在地方,治理的发展空间是存在的.因此,应将地方治理作为政府职能转化过程中的管理创新思路,逐渐发展出针对地方公共事务的地方治理机制.  相似文献   

政府向社会组织购买服务作为近年来政府职能转变的重要举措与突出亮点,不仅体现了社会治理方式的创新,更在深层意义上反映了政府与社会关系格局的动态变化。基于2013-2016年A市政府使用“市级社会建设专项资金”购买社会组织服务的短面板数据,对政府购买服务视角下的政社关系重新进行了审视。实证结果表明,包括替代型关系与合作型关系在内的两类理论假设都得到了经验数据的部分支持,在功能替代、功能吸纳以及功能嵌入等不同机制的共同作用下,现阶段中国的政社关系表现为一种兼有替代与合作的复合形态。在对未来政社关系的展望上,认为政社关系的理想状态应当是在双向赋权和利益共容的基础上走向共生,但目前尚无充分理由认为政社关系已实现了从替代到共生的演化。  相似文献   

Taking their policy cues from the federal government, the states have done little to effectively deal with energy problems. In fact, their programs could be styled "federal funds for paper programs." inasmuch as the state programs have been written to conform to federal language, but not to attack energy problems in a serious fashion. There is great variation among the states in energy program expenditures, but these are not related to economic or political structures. However, the more urbanized, economically growing, and energy "rich" states spend the most on energy problems.  相似文献   

Local government officials are operating in a policy void when it comes to the establishment and use of reserve funds. In part, this is due to confusion about the distinction between reserve and contingency funds. The limited research that has been conducted shows that relatively large sums of money are maintained in reserve by many local governments. Some governments refer to these sums as reserve funds and their intended use is clearly indicated in one or more local documents, such as a budget or audit/financial report. Others simply maintain an unreserved fund balance. This article identifies rationales for using reserve funds, discusses the alternative ways reserves are accumulated, and outlines key issues a local government financial plan should address when reserve funds are utilized.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines the impact of state government purchasing preference laws on expenditures and revenue of individual states. Purchasing preferences allow firms located within a state to win state contracts without being the low bidder. We find that states with purchasing preference laws spend 3% more in real terms per capita than other states. Evidence is found indicating that the preferences require revenue increases to fund them (the tax base does not rise sufficiently), and that there is some apparent taxpayer resistance to these preferences. This evidence is consistent with a coalition model of state government behavior because it indicates there is significant redistribution of income between groups within the state.We thank the Center for Public Policy at the University of Houston for financial support. This paper benefitted by comments received from Gordon Tullock and an anonymous referee.  相似文献   

Gordin  Jorge P. 《Publius》2004,34(1):21-34
This study seeks to advance our understanding of the institutionalunderpinnings of federalism by evaluating William H. Riker'sstudy of party causality. Using data from federal funds transfersin Argentina, a federation exhibiting high levels of fiscaldecentralization despite its centralized party system, it isshown that when governorships are held by opposition parties,the overall amount of federal funds transferred to provincesincreases considerably. In addition, changes in the partisancomposition of the national government are also associated withsteep increases in the share of provincial federal funds, whereas,more controversially and challenging prominent recent studiesof decentralization in Latin America, divided government atthe national level leads to centralization of intergovernmentalfunds. These findings support Riker's contention that politicalparties exercise a decisive influence over the distributionof fiscal powers between states and the national government.  相似文献   

State-owned enterprises and sovereign wealth funds have ‘insured’ Singapore's domestic economy against financial crisis and restructuring interventions from multilateral institutions, engendered elite cohesion and political stability, binding middle class employees to the political system. This essay analyses paths by which the Singapore government established state-owned enterprises and transformed them into global enterprises. It also examines how sovereign wealth funds contribute to government social expenditure without increasing taxes. Such redistribution through state capitalism resonates with the People's Action Partys social democratic origins, inviting comparisons with contemporary developments in Chinese state-capitalism.  相似文献   

This paper examines the management of stabilization funds by local governments in Massachusetts. It assesses the implementation and funding of stabilization funds and explores how they were utilized to respond to a midyear reduction in state aid. We find that stabilization funds correlate weakly with unreserved general fund balances. We also construct multiple regression models to predict stabilization and general fund balances. We surmise that communities have either implicit or explicit financial management strategies in which slack resources play more than countercyclical roles. Further research is needed to determine the role of stabilization funds in local government financial management strategies.  相似文献   

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