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信春鹰在《光明日报》撰文指出,中国特色社会主义法律体系是动态的、开放的、发展的.需要与时俱进.需要适应客观条件的发展变化不断加以完善。改革不断深化,带来社会利益格局的深刻调整.必然要求对各方面体制机制进行完善和创新;完善社会主义市场经济体制.转变经济发展方式,贯彻“五个统筹”,从制度上更好地发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用.都需要法律手段实现体制机制的改革;建设创新型国家,需要从战略角度设计鼓励支持创新、保护知识产权、促进科学合理配置资源的法律制度,把科技决策、  相似文献   

信息化警务实质上是由人和若干信息载体组成的用以承担公安工作任务的人机交互系统,这一系统效率的高低不仅仅取决于信息载体的质量,更关键的是人的因素。解决人的因素需要通过公安院校教育及在职民警培训进行。当前公安院校在《信息化警务》课程建设上存在教师素质有待提高、教材不够系统、实训条件欠缺等问题。公安院校应在提升信息化警务教学教师素质、完善教材体系、构建因人施教体系、建立仿真实训室等方面采取措施,提升人才培养质量。  相似文献   

党的纪律是党的各级组织和全体党员必须遵守的行为规则,是维护党的团结统一、完成党的任务的保证。中国共产党的纪律从本质上讲,主要是解决忠诚和廉洁两个问题,新中国成立以前由于革命斗争的需要,主要是解决忠诚的问题;新中国成立以后为了防止权力腐败,主要是解决廉洁的问题。党的纪律建设同党的诞生同步,是与之俱来的,并且贯穿于党的成长全过程,不断地得以发展与完善。十八大以来党的纪律建设在理论和实践方面都实现了跨越式的发展,其中的新做法和新经验主要有:提出用纪律管住大多数;提出六大纪律的体系;制定和修订党内法规;提出监督执纪四种形态;对纪律检查体制进行改革。  相似文献   

迟福林 《求知》2005,(8):14-16
改革实践证明,企业的可持续发展需要企业家,市场经济体制的建立和完善需要企业家,建设和谐社会同样需要企业家。为此,要加快企业家制度建设,努力营造企业家成长的社会环境。  相似文献   

佟艳玲 《学理论》2009,(9):180-181
教育是民生之基,课堂教学是服务民生的直接途径。教学要充分体现公平性与公益性,要面向全体学生,满足每个学生不同的学习需求;要树立科学的教育理念,遵照学生认知规律、成长规律,努力营造有利于学生成长和发展的教学环境,使教学真正做到为学生的学习、成长和发展服务;认真落实以人为本的科学发展观,以教学促进学生全面发展,为构建和谐社会服务。  相似文献   

加强我国法律援助制度建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律援助制度的实质是从形式正义到追求实质正义,具有责任主体的政府性、工作的统一性;范围的广泛性、实施人员的多样性、法律责任的严格性。法律援助是保障基本人权、诉权平等的客观要求;有助于弘扬平等、正义、公正等法律理念;是建立法治的需要;对构建和谐社会具有重要作用。我国法律援助制度建设实践中存在立法层面不完善,没有专门的法律援助法;法律援助宣传力度不够,部分公民综合素质不高;法律援助缺乏经费保障,办案质量不高;法律援助工作人员远远不足等问题。加强我国法律援助制度建设需要提升法律援助立法层次;加大宣传力度,提高对法律援助的认识;积极建立法律援助经费保障机制;完善法律援助服务人员体系。  相似文献   

廖志鹏 《学理论》2009,(15):39-40
政府行政伦理是社会主义现代化建设的重要思想基石。现代化进程中政府行政伦理失范的外部根源有:行政环境等体制外影响、来自体制和机制方面的原因、行政职权过于集中、行政管理体系层次太多、行政职责不够清晰、行政规范存在“真空”、行政权力的监督和纠偏机制失灵。为此,要通过创造良好的外部环境、深化行政体制改革、注重导向宣传、强化制度规范、完善行政机制等途径,加强政府行政伦理建设。  相似文献   

高职英语课程是高等职业教育的一个有机组成部分,是为培养面向生产、建设、服务和管理第一线需要的高技能人才的目标服务的。高职英语教师要通过持续性学习、不间断的教学实践及培训,来提高英语专业知识、职业知识及教育技术等能力。高职英语教师专业化发展存在了很多问题,专业知识性不强、学科地位低、缺乏话语权、持续发展有效机制不够完善、高职英语教师教学与科研成果转化能力不强、社会支持力度不足等。  相似文献   

朱道才 《学理论》2009,(14):155-156
数字化学习必然促使学校教学模式的变革,在数字化的环境下,学校教学要充分发挥学生的主体性、合作性和创造性。因此,教学模式必须创新。教学模式创新体现在教学观念创新、学习资源建设与利用、教学手段创新和教学效果评价体系创新上。  相似文献   

李翠芝 《学理论》2010,(6):180-181
朗读教学在中小学语文教学中有着极其重要的地位。实现朗读教学目标,教师必须做到:创新各种方法,激发学生朗读兴趣;创设朗读情境,增强训练效果;创造朗读机会,培养良好朗读和学习习惯;充分发挥教师创议引导作用,提高学生朗读能力。  相似文献   


South Korea is a middle power in a region where its scope of action can rise and fall quickly and diplomatic flexibility is needed. Neither realist responses to threats nor idealist trust in integration meet its needs for adjusting triangular ties with China and Japan, as their relations become the principal great power divide in Northeast Asia. Its optimal choice is as a facilitator biding its time when tensions over both security and national identity clashes are intense, while preparing for opportunities. Four conditions would give it a favorable environment: forward-looking foreign leadership; security challenges brought under some control; subsiding preoccupation with national identities; and its own strategic planning with care not to overreach. Multiple possibilities emerge if it can rebuild ties with Japan as part of a triangle with China as well as one with the United States and also synchronize ties with China to other ties. Even amidst recurrent tensions, the core East Asian triangle offers Seoul a chance to take advantage of changing dynamics in the world's most ascendant region.  相似文献   

Utilizing a cognitive perspective, this article examines the social processes through which teachers come to understand the Common Core State Standards. The authors begin by identifying three beliefs that have important implications for policy implementation: self‐efficacy, resource adequacy, and value for clients. They measure those beliefs and the Common Core discussion networks that emerge among teachers at three points in time. Through the use of SIENA models, the authors explore how networks and beliefs coevolve within schools. Unlike prior research on social networks, which consistently finds strong homophilous tendencies, this research finds no evidence that teachers seek out coworkers who hold similar beliefs. Rather, teachers relied on preexisting formal and informal relationships to guide interactions. Those interactions were characterized by social influence, whereby a teacher's own beliefs adapted toward the beliefs held by the members of their social network. The findings offer a novel perspective on the complex dynamic that occurs within organizations as new policies are unveiled and employees interact with one another to understand the changes those policies entail.  相似文献   

Despite claims that school districts need flexibility in teacher assignment to allocate teachers more equitably across schools and improve district performance, the power to involuntarily transfer teachers across schools remains hotly contested. Little research has examined involuntary teacher transfer policies or their effects on schools, teachers, or students. This article uses administrative data from Miami‐Dade County Public Schools to investigate the implementation and effects of the district's involuntary transfer policy, including which schools transferred and received teachers, which teachers were transferred, what kinds of teachers replaced them in their former schools, and how their performance—as measured by their work absences and value‐added in math and reading—compared before and after the transfer. We find that, under the policy, principals in the lowest performing schools identified relatively low‐performing teachers for transfer who, based on observable characteristics, would have been unlikely to leave on their own. Consistent with an equity improvement, we find that involuntarily transferred teachers were systematically moved to higher performing schools and generally were outperformed by the teachers who replaced them. Efficiency impacts are mixed; although transferred teachers had nearly two fewer absences per year in their new positions, transferred teachers continued to have low value‐added in their new schools.  相似文献   

罗俊 《学理论》2012,(17):213-214
教师的人格魅力是教师的性格、气质、能力等个性特征的总和,是教师个人整体的精神风貌,它对学生有很大的影响,能够促进学生人格的发展。教师要注意塑造自己高尚的人格,发挥人格力量的独特魅力去影响学生。  相似文献   

It is probably not easy for a foreign reader to understand many of our difficulties. It is only natural. Each people and each country have a life of their own, their own laws, their own hopes and misconceptions, and their own ideals. Such diversity is wonderful; it needs to be developed rather than stifled. I, for one, am sick of the attempts of some politicians to teach others how to live and what policy to conduct.—Mikhail Gorbachev.’1

The report [Gorbachev's report at the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the October Revolution] . . . makes a world assessment at variance with our understanding, virtually liquidating the contradictions of the period and acts as a damper on the world revolutionary movement. Our Party cannot accept its analysis, its argumentations and its conclusions.—Resolution of the Communist Party of India—Marxist.2

The Marxism we follow is superior to that followed by them [the Communist Party of the Soviet Union]—Saroj Mukherjee, Secretary, West Bengal State Committee of the Communist Party of India—Marxist.3  相似文献   

The conventional wisdom about public schools is that they face serious problems in terms of performance and that improving schools requires additional money. However, the available evidence suggests that there is no relationship between expenditures and the achievement of students and that such traditional remedies as reducing class sizes or hiring better trained teachers are unlikely to improve matters. Furthermore, there is little reason to believe that schools will move toward more efficient operations, either on their own or through consumer pressures. More attention should be given to developing direct performance incentives.  相似文献   

A fundamental reason why public service management in many Third World countries has improved so little, despite significant training inputs, is that the political and bureaucratic elite do not want it to. The ‘Hombe thesis’ is that the elite consists of executives skilled in managing the system to meet their own interests and to preserve the status quo. Further, aid organizations and third parties engaged in management development tend to collude with the elite. Three additional basic problems are explored. First, that of developing a style of management appropriate to the local political and social environment. Second, identifying the actual functions of chief executives in the public service and helping managers to develop expertise in their roles. Third, the difficulties of assessing real managerial training needs rather than expressing desires. The paper concludes with a plea to face the fundamental constraints to effective management and training instead of playing around with subordinate issues.  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(3):213-231
For many historians of Latin America and others, twentieth-century Mexico offers a shining example of a country that has been able to overcome its ethnic divisions. Following a decade of brutal civil war (1910–20) the state devised a range of reforms designed to incorporate previously marginalized sectors of society. Semi-autonomous indigenous communities were singled out for particular attention as rural teachers and cultural missionaries engaged in the dual task of bringing ‘civilization’ to the ‘Indian’ and simultaneously gathering cultural remnants of ‘traditional’ indigenous culture for inclusion within an all-embracing new national culture. Within an environment of mutual understanding and respect, mestizo children in Mexico City, for example, would learn the dances of the Yaquis in Northern Mexico, and Yaqui children would practise the games of Mayas from the South. But what were the motives behind such measures, and how successful were they? Using sport as his focus, Brewster suggests that the political rhetoric accompanying these reforms contained an inner contradiction: the cultural diversity of Mexico's ethnic groups would be celebrated within a homogeneous national culture. He argues that there is little evidence that mainstream mestizo society ever compromised its own values in order to embrace those of its indigenous compatriots. Rather, the underlying trend was one in which indigenous communities were forced to accept an urban-based model of civilized society completely alien to their own. Moreover, Brewster argues, the frequently ostentatious public celebration of indigenous culture, whether in sport, dance or other arenas, rarely moved beyond a level of paternalistic tokenism. Behind the facade of national unity, the reality of ethnic divisions lay hidden, only to re-emerge at the end of the twentieth century to the surprise of a complacent mestizo society.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article reviews self-assessment and reporting strategies of national audit offices in the United Kingdom, Sweden and Australia and develops a framework for the reporting of their performance. There is a common emphasis in the audit office objectives on serving their primary client and on improving the performance of the public sector, but there are differences in emphasis regarding the clients being served. The differing approaches to assessing and reporting their own performance can in part be attributed to differences between their mandates, objectives and identification of the clients being served. The audit offices have developed complementary internal quality assurance processes which generate additional performance information and have been subject to external peer reviews which assess and report on their performance. A framework is developed which clarifies the relationship between audit office objectives and the measures used. It involves a hierarchy of performance parameters, including effectiveness, efficiency and workload and gives priority to meeting the needs of the primary client. The study has revealed that significant progress is being made in particular areas of assessing and reporting audit office performance and this should encourage audit offices to share their experiences internationally to enhance their own accountability to their primary clients and the communities they serve.  相似文献   

This article explores what factors are important in developing the future leaders of the US intelligence community in the post-9/11 security environment. It surveys traditional leadership theory to assess whether any of its perspectives are applicable to understanding leadership in the intelligence context. It argues, that although some leadership theory may be applicable, the intelligence studies field may be better served by developing its own body of leadership theory. Second, any leadership theory needs to consider together the two synergistic components of intelligence leadership: personal leadership development and the ability to lead organization reform. Furthermore, the role of intelligence governance may be the most critical factor in promoting better leaders of US intelligence agencies and the broader community.  相似文献   

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