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家庭暴力是指行为人以殴打、捆绑、残害等手段给家庭成员的身体、精神等方面的伤害行为。家庭暴力危害了受害者的身心健康和合法权益,破坏了社会的稳定与和谐。为此必须建立法律、社会、心理各个方面的社会支持体系给予受害者协助,从源头上制止家庭暴力的发生。  相似文献   

欧阳艳文 《政法学刊》2011,28(2):112-115
无论是从警察干预家庭暴力的重要作用和家庭暴力本身的特点规律看,还是从警察干预家庭暴力的现实状况看,编写警察干预家庭暴力实际操作程序规范都十分必要;编写警察干预家庭暴力的实际操作程序规范要将借鉴国外成功经验与深入本地调研结合起来;警察干预家庭暴力的实际操作程序规范框架应该包括警察干预的基本立场原则和态度、基本原则、几个重要环节、出警记录、风险评估、询问技巧、多机构合作、警察干预家庭暴力的常见错误等内容。  相似文献   

家庭暴力逐年上升,它由隐蔽性转向公开性的程度令人震惊。培育健康的社会细胞,逐渐消除家庭暴力切实保障妇女权益在我国有着非常积极的作用。本文针对夫妻间的显性暴力行为,从家庭暴力中妇女受虐的成因、社会有现状及立法不足等方面进行剖析,继而对家庭暴力中受害者权益的保护从法律与社会两个方面提出一些建议与看法。  相似文献   

家庭暴力破坏家庭的和谐与稳定,已经成为社会的公害。本文从分析我国反家庭暴力的立法现状入手,提出我国在反家庭暴力立法方面的不足,进而从立法、司法层面提出了构建我国未来的家庭暴力防治法的建议。  相似文献   

通过对湖南省家庭暴力情况的一次广泛调查 ,并对 2 54起典型家庭暴力案例予以重点剖析 ,分析了家庭暴力呈现出的特点和产生原因 ,从家庭暴力带来的严重后果、国际立法的实践、我国现有反家庭暴力法制状况三方面提出了制定反家庭暴力地方性法规的必要性及其重要意义。  相似文献   

本文从家庭暴力的界定、我国家庭暴力现状及原因、反对家庭暴力的法律工作中存在的问题、国外的立法实践和我国的家庭暴力法律救济体系如何完善这几个方面进行阐述.  相似文献   

王立君 《法制与社会》2013,(31):132-132,140
家庭暴力犯罪是近些年来发生在家庭中的比较常见的一种犯罪,由于其犯罪主体的特殊性和对家庭产生的破坏性,因而引起了广大群众的高度关注.本文从家庭暴力犯罪的概念、特点入手,通过对家庭暴力犯罪的危害性、产生的原因等方面的论述,来探讨我国应如何加强立法和改进制度设计,从而完善我国对家庭暴力犯罪的预防和制止.  相似文献   

目前我国家庭暴力现象越来越严重:数量越来越多,施暴方式越来越残忍。它已成为一个严重的社会问题。探其根源,笔者认为,认识偏差、立法缺陷、救助缺失以及自我保护意识不强等都是产生家庭暴力的原因。我国要防治家庭暴力,应该从扩大法律宣传、建立专项立法、完善社会救助、增强自我保护意识等方面入手,只有这样才能解决家庭暴力问题,维护社会的和谐及稳定。  相似文献   

杜华 《法制与社会》2012,(29):180-181
家庭暴力犯罪时有发生,破坏家庭和睦,影响社会和谐稳定,家庭暴力犯罪有家庭性、隐蔽性、模糊性、持续性等方面的特点及其存在的特定原因,可以从完善立法、贯彻宽严相济的刑事政策、加强家庭文化道德建设、健全社会救助体系、加大法制宣传教育力度等方面打击防范.  相似文献   

家庭暴力并未因社会进步而销声匿迹,我国涉家暴离婚案件呈增长之势。以实证研究为方法,对我国基层人民法院涉家暴离婚案件民事判决书中对于“家庭暴力”的认定进行分析,发现实务中家庭暴力的司法认定存在家庭暴力类型范围界定狭窄、家庭暴力行为认定标准过高、家暴事实证明标准过于严苛等问题。基于此,应从明晰家庭暴力行为的概念、构建多元化家庭暴力认定标准和优化家庭暴力证据认定规则等方面予以完善。  相似文献   

In this article, I examine the rationales that have been given for extending domestic violence legislation to associated persons. I argue that the empirical and principled rationales are unfounded and that the ideological rationale is reactionary. With regard to the empirical rationale, the extent of violence that the aggregate of associated persons suffers is not high enough to justify privileging associated persons over other citizens with regard to protection from violence. In relation to the principled rationale, the impetus for domestic violence legislation was based on isolation and inequality, which are not experienced in particular by the category of associated persons when taken as a whole. With regard to the ideological rationale, it is worrying that intimacy and equality are emerging as the touchstones of a newer rationale for domestic violence legislation, which rightly has more to do with isolation and inequality than intimacy and equality.  相似文献   

家庭是社会最小的细胞,家庭暴力直接影响到社会的安定团结.本文在分析产生家庭暴力原因的基础上,阐述了家庭暴力对家庭乃至社会产生的负面影响,提出了防治家庭暴力一方面要不断提高人们的自身素质,另一方面必须依靠法治.  相似文献   

159例家庭暴力损伤的法医学鉴定分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨家庭暴力损伤的特点及其有关的法医学鉴定问题。方法 对 1 998年 4月~ 1 999年 1 2月间来诊的 1 59例家庭暴力损伤鉴定案件进行回顾研究。结果 家庭暴力的受害者绝大多数为妇女(占 93 1 % ) ,主要发生在配偶间 ( 85 5% ) ,其次为虐老 ( 7 5% )和虐儿 ( 5% )。家庭暴力一般发生在家中 ,以晚上为发生高峰。致伤方式以拳脚为主 ,其次为随手可得的钝器或锐器。损伤多为软组织损伤 ;有4 0 %的受害人投诉前未去医院就诊 ;损伤程度多为轻微伤 ,达轻伤标准占 1 0 %。结论 家庭暴力损伤具有隐藏性和复杂性 ,准确及时地进行法医学鉴定可为受害人主张权利提供有力的证据和帮助 ,对揭露家庭犯罪有着重要意义  相似文献   

Domestic violence has emerged as a worldwide concern since the 1970s. Although a substantial amount of efforts have been devoted to assessing various aspects of domestic violence, a relatively small number of studies have empirically examined factors that shape public attitudes toward police response to such incidents. Even rarer is investigating the topic from an international, comparative perspective. Based on survey data gathered from approximately 550 college students in China and the United States, this study analyzes the effects of background characteristics, personal and vicarious experiences of crime, and perceptions of gender roles and violence on attitudes toward proactive and traditional police response to domestic violence. Compared to their American counterparts, Chinese students were less likely to favor proactive response and more likely to support traditional response. Chinese and American students' attitudes toward police response to domestic violence were shaped by some different and common factors. Implications for policy and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Domestic violence is a problem which historically has not received adequate attention in Macau. At the outset, it explains why the right to be free from domestic violence matters in Macau. I contend that the treatment of domestic violence is a human rights issue under international human rights law, focusing on the shift in the conceptualization of domestic violence from a private matter into a human rights issue. I denounce domestic violence as human rights violation. The second part depicts the draft law on Combating of Domestic Violence Act and analyzes the possible effects of Combating of Domestic Violence Act that can occur. Then, I intend to highlight the absence of attention to the positive duties of states—not negative duties to restrain from acting (such as a duty not to infringe upon the right to be free from domestic violence), but positive, affirmative duties to protect women.  相似文献   

英国防治家庭暴力与保护受害人立法述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋月 《政法论丛》2011,(2):106-116
家庭暴力是一个普遍存在于英国社会各阶层的家庭中的社会问题,尽早发现、尽早处理才能将伤害减少至最低。为此,英国自从20世纪70年代开始制定了一系列法律案防治家庭暴力,从家庭成员身份界定到司法保护、从家庭暴力的认定到骚扰防治进行较全面的法律干预。英国法既注重对加害人予以法律制裁,更注重预防,及时帮助受害人和加害人,防止家庭暴力延伸到下一代,防止家庭暴力从家庭内部延伸到家庭之外。英国法防治家庭暴力的理念、路径和对策能够为我国制定防治家庭暴力法提供诸多借鉴与启发。  相似文献   

Domestic Violence is a serious problem among Korean immigrant women in the United States. However, little is known about the incidence of domestic violence as well as risk factors predicting violence experienced in intimate relationships. The purpose of this study is to describe domestic violence among Korean immigrant women, including type and frequency of violence and predictive factors of domestic violence experienced by Korean immigrant women. One hundred and thirty-six Korean women completed questionnaires developed in this study. Results indicate that domestic violence is a major family problem for Korean immigrant women. Implications are discussed in terms of the need of social services for Korean immigrant women.  相似文献   

This article reports on a large-scale nation-wide study conducted by Intomart among 1,000 randomly selected Dutch adults (male and female) about their experiences with domestic violence. An important goal of the survey was to generate general information on domestic violence. It turns out that nearly half of the Dutch population (45%) has at one time been a victim of some form of non-incidental domestic violence. It was also demonstrated that both men and women become victims of domestic violence, and the high percentages of victimization during childhood are particularly striking. Furthermore, it turned out that domestic violence often involves a combination of physical, mental and sexual forms of violence.  相似文献   

Presumptive arrest and prosecution policies are designed to eradicate domestic violence by disrupting abusive relationships and transforming the subjectivities of victimized women and abusive men. Using in-depth interviews with 30 persons arrested and prosecuted for domestic violence, this article examines the power of presumptive policies by exploring how intimate abusers experience them. The study finds that while the police and courts are able to secure arrests and convictions on domestic violence cases, nearly all the respondents in this study understand their punishments as unfair sanctions meted out by an unjust local legal system rather than as the consequences of their own actions. These injustice claims emerge from abusers' group identities as well as the very practices through which the police and courts gain authority over them. These findings demonstrate that the power of the law as a force for social change may be more limited than some have claimed. In addition, they reinforce calls to reform society's response to intimate violence through procedures that can go further in empowering victims and having offenders recognize their responsibility for violence.  相似文献   

Previous international studies have found collectivism and low gender empowerment to contribute to higher domestic violence perpetration by males, compared to females. Little is known about gender differences in domestic violence perpetration prevalence in collectivist countries with high gender empowerment, for example Curaçao. Curaçao demonstrates gender similarity in committing domestic violence, resembling Western countries: 25–33 % have committed psychological domestic violence, 11–17 % physical violence, and 1–6 % sexual violence. Antecedents to the perpetration of domestic violence are similar for both sexes as well. Domestic violence victimization, especially in cases of severe physical violence, increases the probability of becoming a perpetrator. Other perpetrator risk factors are a high education (psychological violence) and having children in the household (physical violence).  相似文献   

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