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李大  易祖斌 《法制与社会》2010,(20):260-261
本文指出违法所得是刑事诉讼中一个非常重要的课题,面对司法实务中认识和操作上的困惑,有必要引入"刑事违法所得"这一概念以对这一类问题进行规范和研究。并且,在条件成熟的时候,有必要明确赋予公安、检察机关在相应诉讼阶段中追缴一定范围内刑事违法所得的权力,以进一步完善有关刑事违法所得的追缴制度。  相似文献   

罗晖 《法制与经济》2010,(12):29-31,33
"没收违法所得"是《医疗器械监督管理条例》中行政处罚的主要罚种,但是对于违法所得如何量化在理论界和实务界中均存在争议。因此,文章从一个违法销售医疗器械案出发,通过对现行医疗器械监督管理中违法所得量化存在的不足进行剖析,并结合我国实际情况提出改进和完善的建议,从而为正确地适用违法所得,有效打击医疗器械监督管理中的违法行为提供理论的借鉴。  相似文献   

王心权 《法制与社会》2013,(32):81-81,93
修改后的《刑事诉讼法》违法所得没收程序,在适应该程序的过程中,检察机关如何科学合理地将没收违法所得程序体系建立,关系到即将生效违法所得没收程序能否正确有效的执行,能否更进一步地推动我国反腐败惩防体系的构筑,具有重要的理论与实践意义。本文介绍违法所得没收程序,并对其立法完善及建立相关配套制度进行阐述。  相似文献   

本文主要针对医院出租、承包科室的行为展开探讨,讨论了办理此类案件过程中经常出现的问题:法律规定不完善,出租、承包与联营、合营定性不清,对没收较大数额违法所得是否适用听证,并构想了相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

黄莹 《法制与社会》2013,(32):150-151
2012年修订的刑事诉讼法中新增了违法所得没收程序,作为一种新生的制度,这一程序尚有许多需要完善之处。本文通过对违法所得没收程序的分析,以及同他国没收制度的比较,兼顾《联合国反腐败公约》中的规定和我国的国际义务,针时其存在的问题提出了明确没收的财产范围、证明和举证责任,加强对利害关系人、善意第三人的权利保护,以及完善保全措施、管理制度和回转程序等相关建议,以期待我国违法所得没收程序更为完整,发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

朱加嘉 《人民司法》2013,(11):106-111
在司法实践中,对行政违法所得的概念认识不统一,加上各种效力等级的规范性文件彼此冲突,给违法所得的司法认定带来困难。在此,笔者尝试着以法律及相关规范性文件为出发点,运用模型条件分析法,逐一检验,以求理论上的说明。一、行政违法所得概述违法所得,是我国独创的一个法律概念。据不完全统计,截至目前,涉及违法所得内容的行政法规有237部,部门规章有821部,团体规定、行业规定、军事法规、军事规章及其他有19件,地方性法规有  相似文献   

没收违法所得是指行政机关将行为人因违法而获取的经济利益收归国有的处罚方式。大部分现行法律及行政法规规定了没收违法所得,但违法所得的内容和范围未明,以及明确认定标准的阙如,造成实践中没收违法所得的操作不易。没收违法所得通常处于附属地位,并未发挥立法者所预期的功效。在实务中,行政机关将违法所得的认定标准与违法所得定义混同,导致司法机关在实务中无法对违法所得的认定发挥应有功能,无法形成较为统一的裁判标准以实现类案类判。为回应上述现实困境,此次修订后的《行政处罚法》重塑没收违法所得法条构造。因此,对违法所得的认定,应以“总额原则”作为认定基本原则,限于积极经济利益,应当扣除行为人已缴纳税费,且应进行合理推估。应当从行为前提、所得人、标的、违法所得范围、已实际退赔份额的排除和处罚效果等六个方面建构没收违法所得审查体系。  相似文献   

行政处罚中的违法所得研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
叶平  陈昌雄 《中国法学》2006,(1):107-116
在我国现行的行政处罚立法中,存在大量的以违法所得为基数的没收违法所得和罚款的规定,但从未有对违法所得作过直接的界定,而对违法所得的错误解读又造成了立法的混乱和执法的困惑。文章在梳理我国违法所得立法现状及其存在问题的基础上,通过分析违法所得的内涵及其特性,对我国现行违法所得立法模式作了深刻的反思,并主张引入涉案金额的概念来重新建构我国的违法所得立法,剥离违法所得与行政处罚之间的直接联系。  相似文献   

追缴违法所得是查办职务犯罪刑事案件中不可或缺的一个重要环节,但我国目前规范职务犯罪违法所得处理的规定因缺乏针对性和可操作性,导致在司法实务中呈现出不规范的混乱局面。在探析职务犯罪违法所得的概念和界定等法理权源的基础上,理性分析司法实践中追缴职务犯罪违法所得的具体模式及其内陷性缺失,并就如何重新构建我国职务犯罪违法所得追缴工作机制模式进行粗浅的思考,以期对进一步规范检察工作程序,提高职务犯罪办案质量,最大限度地实现社会公平和正义有所裨益。  相似文献   

王龙 《政法学刊》2013,(2):77-80
"违法所得"是知识产权刑法及司法解释中的常见词语,但理论、实践界对"违法所得"的理解不尽相同,有的将其与"销售金额"联系起来,有的认为是扣除一定成本的利润;就是利润本身也存在不同的解释,如销售利润、净利润等。法律上的不确定给侦查办案增添了难度,因此,在法律层面必须明确"违法所得"的真正内涵,在不同案件中的具体核算方法。公安机关办理相关案件,取得"违法所得"证据的过程中,要重点注意现场处置;有价值会计资料信息提取;针对性的讯问及从交易双方获取"违法所得"记录等等。  相似文献   

Globally, tobacco is responsible for the death of approximately 6 million individuals per year. In reaction, governments have enacted tobacco control policies that cope with the harmful effects of the drug. However, these policies have also created geographic price disparities and increased the effort needed to purchase legal tobacco products. The result was the creation of a new illicit tobacco market. While tobacco smuggling continues through conventional avenues, a new generation of traffickers have turned to a different source for the illicit distribution of tobacco – the internet, specifically the darkweb. The purpose of this paper is to describe the size and scope of illicit trafficking of tobacco on cryptomarkets, and the diverse types of tobacco-related products available on the cryptomarkets. Our analysis will provide guidance for policymakers, researchers, and all interested in the illicit trade of tobacco.  相似文献   

Abstract: To determine the prevalence and circumstances of psychoactive substances amongst nonoverdose completed suicide, 1436 consecutive cases autopsied at the NSW Department of Forensic Medicine over the period 1/1/1997–12/31/2006 were analyzed. Substances were detected in 67.2% of cases, and illicit drugs in 20.1%. Alcohol was present in 40.6% of cases. Males were more likely to be positive for alcohol, cannabis, and psychostimulants, and females for pharmaceuticals. Illicits were associated with younger age. Alcohol was most prominent amongst toxicity cases, as were opioids, psychostimulants amongst gunshot cases, and pharmaceuticals amongst drownings. Cases in which drug and alcohol histories were noted were more likely to have a substance detected. Alcohol was more common where a suicide note was left and where relationship problems were involved. Pharmaceuticals were more common where a previous attempt was noted. Licit and illicit substances are strongly associated with suicide, even when the method does not involve drug overdose.  相似文献   

The main focus of this paper is: how strong are people's opinions and policy preferences on the issue of drugs and drug users influenced by their own exposure to drug problems? From a general population survey conducted in eleven European cities, it is concluded that opinions and policy preferences are influenced only to a limited degree by exposure. The people who are not exposed to drug problems in their neighbourhood are more strongly inclined towards a repressive approach than the people who are affected by drug nuisance. Personal experiences with illicit drugs play an important part in the viewpoints. People who have tried drugs themselves lean far more strongly towards a health approach. That tendency is even stronger among those who are exposed to drug-related nuisance.  相似文献   

Most incarcerated women suffer from adverse and abusive life histories, including adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as sexual, physical, emotional abuse, and neglect, and intimate partner violence (IPV). In addition, many have difficulties regulating their anger expression and most participate in illicit drug use. Although many have offered explanations for these relationships, the current study is among the first to utilize an integrated feminist pathways and general strain theory (GST) approach to explain them. Using data from a stratified random sample of all incarcerated women in Oklahoma (N?=?441), we explore the linkages between ACEs, IPV, the externalized expression of anger, and heavy illicit drug use. Our findings indicate that childhood physical and sexual abuse are significantly associated with externalized responses to anger. However, the effects of childhood adversities, particularly sexual abuse, on heavy illicit drug use are mediated by externalized responses to anger suggesting that anger plays a significant role in women’s pathways to illicit drug use. In contrast, and somewhat surprisingly, being a victim of IPV was negatively related to externalized responses to anger and not significantly related to illicit drug use. Implications for the importance of utilizing an integrated feminist pathways and GST approach in future research are offered.  相似文献   

The CRAVED model has been used to understand theft variation in a whole host of hot products, including wildlife. Past research, however, has only applied the model at either the theft or illicit market stage to understand why particular products are stolen in high numbers. The CRAVED model has yet to be applied to the trafficking stage of hot products smuggled between illicit markets and, therefore, its applicability at this particular stage remains unknown. Using secondary data from the Los Pozos wildlife market in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, this study applies the CRAVED model to explain why parrot species are trafficked between illicit markets in Bolivia. This research finds that species that are more “available” and less “valuable” are more likely to be trafficked between illicit markets, suggesting that variation at the trafficking stage of the parrot trade can be explained by nearly the same CRAVED concepts as they do at the poaching stage. This study also finds that one-quarter of parrots in the Los Pozos market are trafficked to other cities, of which 99% are to the city of Cochabamba. These findings suggest that shutting down illicit markets and patrolling major roadways between cities can substantially reduce the illegal parrot trade.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the growing literature on the use of computer-mediated communications to research illicit markets. In it, we conduct an analysis of the British cannabis market using data crowdsourced from a publicly available platform, PriceofWeed.com. Crowd-sourced transaction data present some new insights into the British cannabis market. First, this study has tracked the trafficking flow of cannabis within the UK. Second, it shows the extent to which a quantity discount is granted to consumers. Third, it discusses purchasing habits of cannabis users. Conclusions suggest new areas of application of crowdsourcing to research hard to reach and deviant populations.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(2-3):261-286
Transnational illicit markets are deeply embedded within legal trade systems and thus should be affected by shifting market conditions. Applying a stochastic actor-oriented model (SAOM), this study tests whether variation in illicit market opportunity could account for changing relations within the small arms trade (2003–2008). Measures of market accessibility – changes in export activity, reporting transparency and the percent of the labour force that is armed – outperformed measures of weapon availability with the exception of involvement in armed conflict. Significant structural change in outdegree density and transitivity suggest the development of trade factions, and decreasing balance hints that leaders are emerging. With the pending de-escalation of US-led conflict in the Middle East, a flood of second-hand weaponry is about to enter the market. Continued research is required to further uncover how the legitimate trade infrastructure facilitates the illicit flow of goods.  相似文献   

The majority of incarcerated women who suffer from diverse traumatic life histories including abusive home lives and intimate partner violence (IPV), develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and struggle with heavy illicit drug use. While many have offered examinations of these relationships, the current study is among the first to utilize an integrated feminist pathways and general strain theory (GST) approach to explain them. Using data from a stratified random sample of all incarcerated women in Oklahoma (N = 334), we explore the links between, adverse childhood experiences, including physical, sexual, emotional, and childhood neglect, IPV, PTSD, and heavy illicit drug use. Our findings indicate that the effects of IPV on heavy illicit drug use are mediated by PTSD symptoms suggesting that PTSD plays a significant role in the pathway to illicit drug use among Oklahoma women prisoners. Implications for the importance of utilizing an integrated feminist pathways and GST approach in future research are offered.  相似文献   

The Internet is a global infrastructure, connecting individuals, regardless of their proximity to one another. But, the ability to connect on such a large scale has also been leveraged to coordinate illicit activities. This has led to the emergence of online illicit networks that have enabled broader participation in cybercrime. Online stolen data markets have been of particular interest to researchers, though the networks involved in the development, deployment and distribution of malicious software are far less explored, despite being intricately tied to the growing issue of cyber security. The current study identifies community structures within a larger network of hackers, malware writers and market actors and examines the underlying characteristics of these networks. Results suggest that the network is composed of modular communities formed largely of weak, non-redundant ties that follow the ubiquitous structure of complex networks. Implications, limitations and directions for future research conclude this paper.  相似文献   

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