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实现依法治国,行政机关依法决策、依法行政是基础。当今社会经济的发展正在趋向全球化,领导干部如何在驾驭经济发展,在推动社会各项改革顺利进行中科学决策、民主决策,并且坚持依法决策,是一个不容忽视的课题。  相似文献   

政府决策听证制度确立的理论基础包括其宪政基础即社会契约理论和人民主权理论,行政实体法基础即依法行政原则,行政程序法基础即利益代表理论和程序正义原则,行政决策学基础即民主决策和科学决策理论,它们共同构成政府决策听证制度产生的原因,因而称其为基础。  相似文献   

原朝阳 《法制与社会》2011,(17):148-149
行政听证制度是在为了实现公正决策、民主决策、科学决策、规范决策和高效决策目标的探索过程中的成果。该制度在实践中并被证明是现代公共决策体制中不可或缺的一种规范性、程序性制度设计。本文在分析行政听证制度本土化过程中存在问题的基础上,从加强公众参与等角度提出完善建议,探讨中国行政听证制度改革的思路。  相似文献   

提高行政公权机关决策质量刻不容缓.行政公权机关决策必须恪守民主理念,遵守民主程序,贯彻民主原则.因此,根据不同情况,行政公权机关民主决策应分为主要领导民主决策、领导集体民主决策、公务员民主决策、专家民主决策、公众民主决策等基本形式.决策中必须实行决策公开、决策问责、决策评议制度,坚持决策法治、决策科学、决策为民(为公)原则,以防范、克服决策失误乃至决策腐败,提高行政公共决策(公共政策)的质量.  相似文献   

当前互联网、云计算等高科技技术正对全球经济社会文化产生着深远的影响,大数据时代已经到来,传统决策模式也随之而改变.本文旨在借鉴大数据思维的“三转变”,创新驱动基层传统警务决策变革,在刑事侦查、治安防控、社会管理这三大职能方面运用大数据思维进行民主决策、科学决策、依法决策,树立在大数据背景下高效、透明、服务、责任型公安机关形象.  相似文献   

指导中央企业完善“三重一大”制度是一项带有全局性、探索性的重要工作。指导中央企业落实“三重一大”制度,要把握好完善企业集体决策制度和保障企业自主决策的度,这就需要我们在工作中,准确把握国有企业决策管理的共同要求,指导企业按照集体决策、科学决策、党组织参与决策、民主决策的原则全方位贯彻落实“三重一大”制度。同时,要注意准确把握现代企业制度发展方向,实行依法分类指导。  相似文献   

滕抒 《中国监察》2009,(2):32-33
“凡属重大决策、重要干部任免、重大项目安排和大额度资金使用等重要问题,必须经集体讨论作出决定”,这是党的“三重一大”集体决策制度的规定。对国有企业而言,在实践中完善“三重一大”集体决策制度,是规范权力运作,降低决策风险,促进企业全面协调可持续发展的重要保证。2003年以来,中国水利水电建设集团公司以强化对权力的约束为重点,坚持依法决策、科学决策、民主决策,促进了企业又好又快发展。  相似文献   

何炼红 《知识产权》2010,20(1):42-46
我国重大经济活动知识产权审议机制尚处于起步阶段,缺乏应有的制度保障。明确知识产权审议的内涵、合理界定重大经济活动的范围、成立审议组织机构、规范审议内容、科学设置审议程序、建立跟踪监督机制并明确法律责任,才能充分发挥重大经济活动知识产权审议机制的功效,为政府部门重大经济活动的科学决策、民主决策和依法决策提供重要保障。  相似文献   

根据<监督法>的有关规定,县级人大常委会按照民主集中制的原则,依照法定程序,集体行使职权.集体决定问题.县级人大常委会依法履职经常运用的基本形式是至少每两月召开一次会议(以下简称"例会").例会质量的高低直接关系着常委会的依法决策、科学决策和民主决策的质量和水平.  相似文献   

民主决策是要使人民群众充分行使决策参与的民主权利 ,充分听取专家意见 ,决策目标与成果要充分体现民主 ,体现人民群众的根本利益。本文以中国的乡镇政府为主要研究对象 ,论述了乡镇政府民主决策应设置的前提条件 :⑴乡镇政府民主决策的主体 ;⑵乡镇政府民主决策的程序 ;⑶乡镇政府民主集中制的领导制度 ;⑷乡镇政府民主决策的法治化。  相似文献   

近十年来,在决策环境影响下,互动关系成为影响中国公共政策过程的关键变量。通过对中国新医改方案制定过程的案例研究发现,当下中国公共政策过程是官僚体系层面(政策前台)的制度环境、社会网络层面(政策后台)的博弈格局和两者界面的互动结构共同作用的过程。这种双层互动决策模式在新常态下仍然具有强大的生命力,应得到积极的推广和发展。发展双层互动决策模式,尤其关注充分发挥执政党意识形态的政策价值导向功能、创造各利益群体平等参与公共决策的博弈平台以及以程序公正保障政策公正等三个问题。  相似文献   

吴斌 《河北法学》2004,22(2):88-91
WTO的决策机制是指WTO对有关事项诸如条文的解释、修改、义务的豁免以及接受新成员、贸易争端的解决等作出决定的机制。WTO的决策机制十分重要,因为它直接涉及到与这些事项相关的各成员的权利与义务。从WTO决策机制与国家主权、协商一致机制和投票表决机制三个方面进行了分析,并指出了WTO决策机制的缺陷与不足,旨在为WTO决策机制的改进与完善作出努力。  相似文献   

Assessing Decision-Making Capacity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

In this paper we introduce the concept of ‘reviewability' as an alternative approach to improving the accountability of automated decision-making that involves machine learning systems. In doing so, we draw on an understanding of automated decision-making as a socio-technical process, involving both human (organisational) and technical components, beginning before a decision is made and extending beyond the decision itself. Although explanations for automated decisions may be useful in some contexts, they focus more narrowly on the model and therefore do not provide the information about that process as a whole that is necessary for many aspects of accountability, regulatory oversight, and assessments for legal compliance. Drawing on previous work on the application of administrative law and judicial review mechanisms to automated decision-making in the public sector, we argue that breaking down the automated decision-making process into its technical and organisational components allows us to consider how appropriate record-keeping and logging mechanisms implemented at each stage of that process would allow for the process as a whole to be reviewed. Although significant research is needed to explore how it can be implemented, we argue that a reviewability framework potentially offers for a more useful and more holistic form of accountability for automated decision-making than approaches focused more narrowly on explanations.  相似文献   

… he (the layman) can understand the basic character of the English way of legal thinking, he can identify himself with it and, above all, can make his peace with it by retaining once and for all a solicitor as his legal father confessor for all contingencies of life (Max Weber, Economy and Society, 19221). The tendency in England and Wales is to use a solicitor's office as the automatic first port of call without first becoming aware of the range of services and the range of options which are available to separating and divorcing couples (Looking to the Future, 1995, para 7.3).  相似文献   

Abstract With the 1999 approach of the juvenile court's first centennial in this country, it behooves us to pick up the pace of policy reformulation for the entire juvenile justice system. Given the enormity of that task, it would be wise to encourage researchers to begin building a larger, empirical data base to enhance this reformulation. This study contributes to that task by focusing on a key major component, the decision-making process involving factors leading to institutional placement. Over seventy indicators drawn from the case histories of 162 male delinquents were examined. One half of these youths had been sent to a state training school; the other half consisted of a randomly matched sample of noninstitutionalized court referrals. A set of indicators which add insight into this crucial decision and which show promise for increasing court effectiveness is identified. Among other recommendations, the authors advocate reexamining an under-used resource – the mounds of closed juvenile cases, including the predisposition reports, subsequent developments, and outcomes.  相似文献   

Most of the economic models that analyse the behaviour of interest groups in the policy making process uphold the idea that there are many organized groups that compete, with the aim of achieving their individual goals. The adoption of decisions is the result of a complex system of strategic interactions, and since different groups have different resources at their disposal this makes it easier for one or more groups to influence whether or not a policy is adopted. This research demonstrates that an institutional system such as the European Union (EU) should be able to protect us from the potential manipulation, which accompanies these channels of influence.  相似文献   

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