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人的主体性及其理论的发展经历了漫长的历史过程,这一过程表现为从史前原始社会"共同体主体性"到多数人的"个体主体性";从阶级社会中少数人为主体之主体性到多数人为主体之主体性;由主体性不充分发展到充分;从理念论证到实然享有。  相似文献   

人的主体性及其理论的发展经历了漫长的历史过程,这一过程表现为从史前原始社会"共同体主体性"到多数人的"个体主体性";从阶级社会中少数人为主体之主体性到多数人为主体之主体性;由主体性不充分发展到充分;从理念论证到实然享有.  相似文献   

近代以来,人超越于他物的主体性得以确立,其内容包括不可侵犯的人格尊严、自主决定、在社会和政治生活中具有重要性以及基于自身目的利用自然。然而,人工智能已经从以下方面挑战了人的主体性:冲击了人格尊严的基础,削弱了自主决定,降低了人在社会生活中的重要性。因此,亟需法理学基于整体性反思和价值视角予以回应。法理学应采取的立场包括:注重人的道德主体性以彰显其独特性,明确反对赋予人工智能法律人格,坚持对人工智能涉主体性应用的合法性审查。  相似文献   

邹益民 《法商研究》2021,38(6):88-102
当代中国主流法理学的发展呈现专业化、技术化和功能化加强的趋势,与整个社会生活失去联系,并把技术上的强功效当作法律发展的标准,从而脱离、遮蔽与消解对美好生活的追求,在主体性发展上无甚作为,陷入内卷化困境.这是由中国法理学坚持片面肯定的现实观、无视中国人对美好生活的想象力、无力反思中国主体性的可欲性所导致的.要破解这种内卷化困境,我们可以坚持反思的现实现,运用想象力,以此发展中国的法律形式,表达整体性的中国社会,形成自主的中国法理学立场,最终形成中国法理学的可欲的主体性.  相似文献   

在劳动法学理论与司法实践中,主体性判断和内容性判断(从属性判断)为两个基本的判断标准。我国劳动立法虽采取了主体性判定标准,但由于未对"劳动者"和"用人单位"这两个关键语词进行立法释义,主体性判断标准操作性较差甚至名存实亡,理论与实践上不得不过度依赖内容性判定标准,即进行单一的从属性判断,这往往导致劳动关系在范围上判定得过宽或过窄。反思传统劳动关系判定标准之得失,探索确立契合当代劳动关系发展形态和趋势的综合性判定标准,是大势所趋,也是当务之急。  相似文献   

王娟  卢山 《犯罪研究》2007,(4):20-25
犯罪可以从不同侧面进行研究,而犯罪学与刑法学的研究是这些不同侧面的重中之重,犯罪——犯罪原因——犯罪对策是犯罪学的研究轨迹,而犯罪——刑罚则大体体现了刑法学中的犯罪关系。但在这些研究中,人的主体地位是决定性的因素,人之为人,在于其情感因素的作用,因此,虽研究视角不同,但主体性因素决定了要对人的情感因素进行探析,其中,既有个体情感因素,也有社会情感因素。恰当评价情感因素的作用,在犯罪原因的探求中体现了人的主体性,而在定罪量刑的过程中亦是达至罪责刑相适应的必然要求。  相似文献   

崔宁 《法制与社会》2010,(36):239-240
本文对"主体"从本体论和认识论意义给予涵义解释,以及人的主体性的特点阐述,以认识论意义扩展上的主体涵义为理论指导,来探讨"农民的主体性"问题,并对其作出初步的概念规定,以及我国农民主体性的实践体现。  相似文献   

近年来,在反思"全球化"理论的过程中,"本土化"问题的提出确实带给了我们重新认识现代文学自身的机会。但是,由于"本土化"理论模式"化"他者理论为己用的先天缺乏研究者"主体性"的缺陷,使得"本土化"理论在面对什么是新文学真正的中国特质这样根本性的问题时显得乏力,而"民国文学机制"问题的提出,刚好弥补了"本土化"理论的缺陷,以突出历史情境为切入口,强调研究者的"主体性",为塑造中国自己的文学研究思维打开了一扇窗。  相似文献   

马克思的主体性思想主要是通过对康德以来德国古典哲学中主体性范畴的批判过程中创立的,它立足于"新唯物主义"即历史唯物主义立场去理解和改造主体性范畴。马克思的主体性哲学把主客体看作是实践活动的历史生成;主客体的统一不单纯是真理的问题,而是人的自由和解放。同时,马克思的主体哲学坚持实践理性之路,因而马克思哲学的目的不仅是对世界作出正确的理解,更为主要的目的是变革现存的世界。由此,他探索人的自由的过程,也就是他的关于人的主体性思想不断发展完善的过程。  相似文献   

邓正来 《中国法学》2007,(2):132-144
直面全球化,中国法学首要的问题便是对“全球化问题”本身问题化而非将之视为当然的事实与前设。经由对“全球化问题”的理论建构中国法学才能进一步洞见到全球化的深层内核以及其背后的话语争夺、建构与视角转换问题,才能对作为特定时空的“中国”在全球化下所面对的问题的复杂性与多样性有更清晰的认知。本着这种问题化的理路,经由把“世界结构”作为重新定义“中国”、建构“中国”的历史性条件,中国法学就建构起了一种“关系性视角”与“共时性视角”,通过视角的建构与转换,中国法学才能够洞察“世界结构”对中国的双重强制性并在建构“主体性中国”的过程中据以建构起中国自己的法律理想图景。同时这种“主体性中国”的建构本身就是一种开放的进程。它既要对既有的“世界结构”本身的正当性保持批判与反思,更要对地方性中国对“世界结构”本身的意义与贡献充满想象。“主体性中国”的建构既是直面全球化的中国法学所秉持的一种“中国观”,更是一种“世界观”。  相似文献   

当代心理学关于创造性才能研究的回顾与前瞻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类对创造性才能的认识从主观走向主体。当代心理学对创造性才能的本质内涵、静态结构、动态特征、人格因素、物质基础等的研究共识 ,使创造性才能研究成为科学。确立创造性才能是人的主体性集中体现的科学认识论和科学方法论根本原则 ;使定量研究与定性研究相结合 ,多角度地透视创造性才能的静态结构和动态规律 ;确立从生活实际中探索创造性才能的发生发展规律并应用于创造性才能培养的最终研究目标 ,是未来创造性才能心理学研究的科学思路  相似文献   

法人主体相对性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
团体拟人主体化是民法二元主体结构形成的基础,作为平等主体的自然人和法人概念在大陆法系学术和立法语言中占据统治地位。作为集合体的法人团体经法技术的整体化抽象和个体化拟制,已然取得了同自然人一样的基础主体地位,掩盖了其群体性和社会性本质,危害甚巨。法人主体相对性思想揭示了法人主体的技术性、非基础性和难以同自然人类比的形式意义;分析了法人本质的集体性和技术智能工具性,并以公司法人为例阐释了法人的"生死"相对性、独立相对性和本质上的技术智能工具性,为深入解读法人的主体形式化、交易控制客体化和关联非独立化现实,实质性反思和完善法人制度提供了思想基础和原理性指南。  相似文献   

阳东辉 《时代法学》2007,5(5):52-57
后现代主义作为西方发达国家的一种泛文化思潮,已给中国经济法学研究带来了理论解释的任意性、研究范式的多元化、研究方法的主观性和权利话语的非中心化诸多负面影响,但是从另一方面来说,后现代主义给我们提供的反思维度和批判精神又是具有积极意义的。辨证地看待后现代主义思潮对经济法的影响,充分认识其负面效应,适当借鉴其批判精神,是经济法学人对待后现代主义思潮的应有态度。  相似文献   

张建文 《政法学刊》2009,26(2):36-41
我国《物权法》第五十四条的规定仍然没有完成高校法人财产权的类型化、有名化的任务,对高校法人财产权的总考应当进一步深化。应借鉴俄罗斯法上的业务管理权制度,填补我国《物权法》对高校法人财产权问题上的立法空缺。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(3):224-247
In Australia, despite greater public awareness and acknowledgement of the problem by government agencies, trafficking in persons remains a phenomenon poorly understood and researched. The true extent of Australia's human trafficking problem is not fully known, largely due to the clandestine nature of this phenomenon. Anecdotal evidence, media reports, and statistical estimates without proper evidentiary bases are the only sources of information currently available about trafficking in persons in Australia. This article produces a more accurate assessment of the scale of trafficking in persons in the light of the open source evidence, thus contributing to the understanding of the immediate problem, and paving the way for further research on the many facets and aspects associated with trafficking in persons in Australia and elsewhere. The article calls for further research into trafficking and greater openness from relevant stakeholders, in order to clarify the facts about trafficking in Australia, and to help to dispel the myths and misconceptions that abound in discussing this issue.  相似文献   

This article explores the health problems experienced by victims of trafficking in persons in Australia and analyses the domestic support schemes established to assist these victims. It focuses specifically on the health of adult, female victims who constitute the majority of identified victims, and who are the principal recipients of government support services. Domestic experiences and support schemes are reviewed in the light of international law and best practice guidelines. Recommendations are made to improve the health services available to victims of trafficking in persons in Australia.  相似文献   


Despite the increasing amount of research on human trafficking, certain aspects of the phenomenon have remained less studied. For many years, research had focused on trafficking for sexual exploitation and men-exploiting-women cases. Recently, the body of literature has become more diverse, and different forms of trafficking have been recognised. However, the trafficking research has largely ignored the notion of intersectionality, although intersectionality has been applied in several studies, for example, on domestic violence. This article deals with the relationships between offenders and trafficked persons. The study asks what is the nature of the relationships between them. Furthermore, the intersectional approach is applied to analyse what factors make trafficked persons prone to exploitation and, on the other hand, keep them in the exploitative situation. The study also focuses on the power relations between the parties involved. The data consists of trafficking in human beings court judgments from the Finnish courts. The intersectional analysis focuses particularly on the close reading of two cases. The analysis shows that many intersecting factors are linked to the victimisation of trafficked persons. Furthermore, the exploitative relationships between offenders and trafficked persons display many features of unequal distribution of power.  相似文献   

Despite important gains in human rights, persons with disabilities — and in particular women and girls with disabilities — continue to experience significant inequalities in the areas of sexual, reproductive, and parenting rights. Persons with disabilities are sterilized at alarming rates; have decreased access to reproductive health care services and information; and experience denial of parenthood. Precipitating these inequities are substantial and instantiated stereotypes of persons with disabilities as either asexual or unable to engage in sexual or reproductive activities, and as incapable of performing parental duties. The article begins with an overview of sexual, reproductive, and parenting rights regarding persons with disabilities. Because most formal adjudications of these related rights have centered on the issue of sterilization, the article analyzes commonly presented rationales used to justify these procedures over time and across jurisdictions. Next, the article examines the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the attendant obligations of States Parties regarding rights to personal integrity, access to reproductive health care services and information, parenting, and the exercise of legal capacity. Finally, the article highlights fundamental and complex issues requiring future research and consideration.  相似文献   

人民法院司法公信现状的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,对我国司法公信现状的判断主要是通过满意度调查的方式获得的,但这种方式具有片面性。本文通过对案件质效、法官自我的评价、当事人的反映和社会公众的认知等多角度的考察,揭示出我国的司法公信呈现出"四个交织"的复杂图景:案件质效不断趋好与司法公信不断趋弱的现象交织,当事人维权意识增强与权利滥用现象交织,社会公众对司法的客观评价与主观臆断交织,司法公信不足与司法自信不强交织。  相似文献   

The individualistic fallacy (i.e., the fallacy of assuming that individual-level outcomes can be explained exclusively in terms of individual-level characteristics) is a problem with most research on violence, and is particularly problematic in research on mental disorder and violence. This article illustrates the importance of measuring community context by showing that race is not an important predictor of violence among persons with mental disorders when neighborhood disadvantage is controlled statistically. More generally, these results suggest that researchers run the risk of perpetuating the individualistic fallacy in studies of violence by persons with mental disorders when they use individual-level risk factors as predictors, but do not control for community context.  相似文献   

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