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文化创意产业范畴是和第一、二、三产业交叉融合的,通过把文化创意渗透到各个产业,可以提升其产业价值,引领潮流,带动发展。通过集群发展加速这种产业融合,形成新的文化创意产业发展模式,成都成为全国文创产业集群创新发展的前沿阵地,对我国文创产业发展的研究具有代表意义。当前成都文化创意产业集群的发展没有脱离传统产业发展模式,在西部省会城市中具有代表性,其工业产业园区的发展思路根深蒂固,地方政府财政激励下形成的"房地产+"的运作模式仍然是文化创意产业集群的主要模式之一,需要立足于地区文化创意产业发展实际,从理论上和实践上深入研究文化创意产业集群。  相似文献   

从理论上讲,作为产业集群的行为主体,地方政府应当在产业粟群升级中发挥重要作用,并承担起"网络经纪人"和"集群升级催化剂"的重要职能,以促进产业集群创新网络优化和高级化.为避免市场和政府双失灵,地方政府推进产业集群升级必须遵循"3C"原则、扶持性原则、优先性原则和整合性原则.在策略选择上,则必须制定产业集群升级规划、完善产业集群网络、促进产业集群创新和人力资本增强以及塑造产业集群升级环境.  相似文献   

随着经济的迅速发展,产业集群在推动区域经济的发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文认为,政府在产业集群的发展中应积极有所作为,要以科学的发展观为指导,在充分发挥市场机制的基础性作用的前提下,通过加强规划指导、营造创新环境、实施力量整合、加强协调服务为产业集群的健康发展提供保障,以实现区域经济更好地发展。  相似文献   

对于以繁荣一方经济为己任的地方政府来说,产业集群正成为他们发展经济的灵丹妙药。但是,国内政府对产业集群的认识大多停留在一般层次,尤其不知道如何发挥作用,再加上其行为动机方面的原因,在产业集群的形成过程中政府的正面作用相当有限,有的甚至起着阻碍作用。  相似文献   

欠发达地区产业集群竞争优势刚性及其超越   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产业集群作为一种新的产业空间组织形式,具有较强的竞争优势,是区域经济竞争优势的重要来源。然而,构筑产业集群竞争优势的某些特质,同时也是削弱其应对外部环境变化的能力,并最终导致其生成竞争优势刚性乃至走向衰退的根本原因。在欠发达地区的产业集群中,竞争优势刚性主要表现为地方产业政策效应递减刚性、资产专用性刚性、产业价值链趋同刚性、技术创新刚性和产业发展网络结构刚性。要超越这些刚性,必须继续发挥政府的推动和引导作用,积极扶持本地民营企业的成长,进一步密切产学研联系,不断促进企业学习与知识创新,培育和发展集群经济,建立健全风险投资机制与企业支撑体系和促进集群内企业与外部环境的联系。  相似文献   

产业集群是当代经济发展潮流和国内区域经济竞赛的主旋律。产业集群发展经验可从两方面总结,一是产业集群自身发展经验;二是政府支持作用经验。  相似文献   

旅游产业集群是区域旅游业发展的热点问题,本文以西部民族地区的云南省为例,梳理了云南省旅游政策的变迁历程,提出了基于政策变迁的云南旅游产业集群的培育主张,并从空间集聚和产业集群要素两个维度阐释了以政府政策推动的旅游产业集群培育方式.  相似文献   

产业集群培育的路径与政府作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张宏 《理论导刊》2006,(5):21-23
产业集群已经成为提升区域竞争力的具有时代潮流性的产业组织模式,我国各地已纷纷确立了产业集群发展战略。但我国处在经济转轨时期,必须充分借鉴西方产业集群培育的市场路径与成本路径,充分借鉴我国东南沿海等地产业集群培育的九条具体路径经验,坚持以市场配置资源为基础手段,避免政府主导,积极发挥政府在引导产业发展、营造产业环境、加强招商引资、实施政策吸引、优化公共服务等方面的作用,防止政府干预过大和干预力度不够两种偏失。  相似文献   

"西部大开发"是中央政府作出的一项有中国特色的区域发展战略.影响和制约西部发展的因素众多,但根本的、起决定作用的是西部广大地方政府能否有所为有所不为,主导当地的经济发展,为参与西部发展的经济主体和企业主提供适当的个人刺激的有效制度.西部地区目前的社会现实是制度发育不够,发展平台滞后,地方政府能力欠缺.因此,地方政府着手全面的制度创新,必然成为西部发展中首先要做好的基础性工作.  相似文献   

发展集群经济对于增强区域经济实力,提高城市竞争力具有十分重要的意义.发展集群经济可以促进同行业合作,优势互补,提高科技水平,形成规模经营.发展集群经济要准确把握地区产业优势,培育名牌,开拓市场.发展集群经济必须科学确立主导产业,延伸产业链,调整和创新产业体系.  相似文献   

Performance management and citizen participation are being used by local governments to improve government accountability and responsiveness. In some cases, local governments are integrating these two trends. One area of local government in which this trend has not been assessed is special districts. This paper uses data from a study of nine special districts in the state of Texas to fill this void. To assess citizen participation in performance management among the districts, we interviewed district managers, analyzed minutes from governing board meetings, and conducted citizen focus groups in three regions of the state. Our findings suggest that although districts may not yet be in tune with the latest performance management trends, they are making efforts to engage citizens in other ways. We recommend ways that districts can build on these experiences and more effectively incorporate citizens in the development, analysis, and reporting of performance measures.  相似文献   

商务区经济的发展有赖于政府发挥其宏观调控、监管和有效服务的功能,而商务区政府功能的发挥离不开合理的管理与服务模式的构建。本文认为,通过理顺商务区政府与相关职能部门、企业的关系,发展各种企业协会组织,搭建政府、企业、社会合作的有效平台,有助于建设和谐商务区,为商务区经济的发展营造良好的软环境。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results and policy implications of a study that examined the spawning of founders who had previously been employed at large corporations. We found that spawning of founders is positively associated with the parent companies' productivity, innovativeness, and headquarter location. Furthermore, we found that the spin‐off per employee rate is higher in smaller establishments. We also found that the local entrepreneurial culture is significant in explaining local spawning of founders. Finally, we present new empirical evidence on the crucial role of successful homegrown companies in regional cluster development. More specifically, we found that the existence of successful homegrown companies is significantly correlated with the level of the regional entrepreneurial activity. This finding is consistent with the finding of many cluster development case studies. Thus, we argue that successful homegrown companies have a unique role in cluster development. This role can seldom be replaced by nonhomegrown companies. This is related to the notion that prior to the development of an entrepreneurial cluster, some intangible precondition should be realized such as the appearance of local role models and a shift toward a more entrepreneurial culture. In a more general perspective, these results support the notion that knowledge‐based regional development is a complex process that requires a long‐term and continuously adjusting supporting policy rather than being based mainly on attracting established companies' R&D centers to the region.  相似文献   

We propose proactive policies which allow state and local governments to participate in the global economy, offering opportunities and venues for effective development. We first develop the argument that the changing economic conditions associated with globalization call for a new approach to state‐local economic development policy. We then outline three assumptions which are critical to drive successful state and local economic development policy in a global environment. The major part of the analysis describes this new strategy of “regional cluster‐based economic development,” drawing extensively upon a case study of Cleveland's economic revitalization.  相似文献   

Globalization stimulates local governments in China and the United States to step up their economic development efforts. What strategies are successful and why? Does industry cluster development lead to higher per capita income? What government infrastructure and incentives stimulate and nurture businesses? This article examines local economic development in China and the United States, comparing strategies and outlining challenging issues. Kuotsai Tom Liou of the University of Central Florida finds that local governments must play the leading role in sustainable development, as a partnership approach promotes collaboration among communities, industries, and other government entities. Policy implications and theoretical issues aimed to promote further comparative studies are presented .  相似文献   

In 1983 the Government of Kenya embarked on an accelerated programme of decentralization known as ‘District Focus’. This exercise in devolution is aimed at promoting more effective and efficient use of scarce domestic resources through efforts to strengthen planning capacity at the district level, improve horizontal integration among operating ministry field agents, and expand authority to district heads of operating ministries for managing financial and procurement aspects of local project implementation. Given the importance of this initiative to the economic growth of Kenya and the current search for administrative reforms that could help accelerate rural development in Africa, District Focus merits close attention by development experts. This article reviews the historical background, content, and implementation progress of District Focus.  相似文献   

The article focuses on new forms of governance involving partnerships between public and private actors. As several scholars have noticed, organisational hybrids at the intersection of the public and private sectors play an important part in the implementation of collective action. Local economic development in particular has provided a fertile ground for building coalitions across traditional divisions, and encouraging partnerships. This applies to Norway as well as to other liberal Western democracies.
Obviously, the formation of partnerships reflects efforts to design more efficient and flexible instruments for founding new firms and for supporting local entrepreneurs. The article, however, raises the question of whether these arrangements may entail a far more expanded role and domain, opening up new channels for participation and mobilisation. By expanding their agenda and integrating new segments of the local community, public–private partnerships appear to be an innovation in local democracy.
Analytically, the article utilises elements of regime theory. Although the partnerships studied hardly constitute stable coalitions dominating local politics, they nevertheless illustrate how the building of coalitions including both private and public actors is crucial to coping with the problems and challenges of local restructuring and revitalisation. Case studies carried out in Norwegian municipalities provide the main empirical source. The article does, however, build on experience from other European countries.  相似文献   

There is widespread acceptance that current institutions are inadequate to address the challenges of sustainable development. At the same time, there is an urgent need to build awareness and increase capacity for promoting action with respect to environmental protection at the local level. This article analyzes the Web sites of the environment departments of European local governments that signed the Aalborg Commitments to determine the extent to which they are using the Internet to promote e‐participation in environmental topics and to identify the drivers of these developments. Potential drivers are public administration style, urban vulnerability, external pressures, and local government environmental culture. Findings confirm that e‐participation is a multifaceted concept. External pressures influence the transparency of environmental Web sites, while public administration style and local government environmental culture influence their interactivity.  相似文献   

Kjar  Scott A.  Laband  David N. 《Public Choice》2002,112(1-2):143-150
Faith and Tollison (1983) argue that since itis costly to `fire' a representative for poor performance,voters will rationally prefer local candidates withlongstanding ties to the district. Such candidates implicitlyput more specific human or other types of capital at risk as aKlein and Leffler (1981) type of performance bond than doother candidates with lesser ties to the district. Votersunderstand and appreciate the implied efficiency of castingtheir ballots in favor of someone who has a lot to loselocally from nonperformance as their representative. Usingprecinct-level data from the 1998 election for the thirdcongressional district in Alabama, we find compelling evidencein support of `home grown-ness' in politics.  相似文献   

Participatory development strategies are known to mobilize rural resources, but their effectiveness depends on local conditions. This article evaluates the potential importance of three facilitating factors: competing opportunities, development experience, and local leadership. The impact of these factors on project outcome is examined through study of a rural development project undertaken from 1982 to 1985 in southern Thailand. The project used participatory techniques to build self-guided problem-solving groups in 21 poor villages. The village groups launched income-generating, health, education and related efforts that attracted the participation of large numbers of village residents. Comparison of the village project experiences confirms that: participatory strategies are more effective in villages that (1) are relatively isolated from competing urban opportunities (villagers are more prepared to invest their own resources in the community); (2) have prior experience with development efforts and community endeavours (villagers are more open to learning new approaches); (3) hold greater confidence in traditional village leaders and local government agents. When local leadership is not held in great confidence, participatory strategies are found to encourage the emergence of new leadership that can successfully guide project efforts.  相似文献   

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