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<正>《政治学》(月刊):立足政治学基础理论研究,精选中外政治思想史、政治制度史、政治学说史等方面的优秀研究成果;关注政治学研究前沿,聚焦重大理论问题,反映学科的发展动态;倡导中国政治学研究新风潮。《公共行政》(月刊):精选行政学理论、政府管理、公共管理、公共政策、公共组织、行政改革、行政文化、公务员制度和MPA教育等优秀研究成果;关注理论研究热点和前沿,注重应用性和对策性课题;汇集  相似文献   

2023年,本刊将继续围绕党和国家重大决策部署,立足于中国式现代化实践,构建和丰富中国特色的政治学、行政学知识体系;鼓励借鉴其他学科领域的理论资源和研究方法,推进政治学和行政学在前沿领域的知识生产。为此,设置了政治学、行政学、民族政治与边疆治理。  相似文献   

《行政论坛》是由黑龙江省行政学院主办,面向国内外公开发行的以研究行政科学为主的综合性学术理论期刊。开设的主要栏目有政治学研究、行政学理论、行政改革、行政文化、行政伦  相似文献   

《行政论坛》是由黑龙江省行政学院主办,面向国内外公开发行的以研究行政科学为主的综合性学术理论期刊。开设的主要栏目有政治学研究、行政学理论、行政改革、行政文化、行政伦理、绩效管理、公共政策、行政与法、政府与企业、公务员研究、NGO研究、人力资源、领导科学、国外行政和案例分析等。  相似文献   

正基于学术评价理念,精选、转载政治学理论、中国政治、比较政治、国际政治、外交学、行政学等领域的优秀研究成果;强调理论创新、突出问题意识,荟萃实践经验、注重中外比较,致力于引领中国特色政治学发展。  相似文献   

正基于学术评价理念,精选、转载政治学理论、中国政治、比较政治、国际政治、外交学、行政学等领域的优秀研究成果;强调理论创新、突出问题意识,荟萃实践经验、注重中外比较,致力于引领中国特色政治学发展。  相似文献   

正基于学术评价理念,精选、转载政治学理论、中国政治、比较政治、国际政治、外交学、行政学等领域的优秀研究成果;强调理论创新、突出问题意识,荟萃实践经验、注重中外比较,致力于引领中国特色政治学发展。  相似文献   

<正>《行政论坛》是由黑龙江省行政学院主办,面向国内外公开发行的以研究行政科学为主的综合性学术理论期刊。开设的主要栏目有政治学研究、行政学理论、行政改革、行政文化,行政伦理、绩效管理、公共政策、行政与法、政府与企业.公务员研究、NGO研究、人力资源、领导科学、他山之石等。欢迎新老作者赐稿并敬请注意以下事项:  相似文献   

<正>基于学术评价理念,精选、转载政治学理论、中国政治、比较政治、国际政治、外交学、行政学等领域的优秀研究成果;强调理论创新、突出问题意识,荟萃实践经验、注重中外比较,致力于引领中国特色政治学发展。  相似文献   

<正>基于学术评价理念,精选、转载政治学理论、中国政治、比较政治、国际政治、外交学、行政学等领域的优秀研究成果;强调理论创新、突出问题意识,荟萃实践经验、注重中外比较,致力于引领中国特色政治学发展。  相似文献   

Abstract. The development of political science was closely connected to the democratic changes and the restoration of statehood at the end of the 1980s in Lithuania. This paper examines the historical and contemporary social and academic roots of political science in the country. The other issue investigated in detail is the institutionalisation of political studies, which required the development of new academic curricula. Major vehicles for the institutionalization of political science were the decentralisation of academic activities and the establishment of new institutions, such as the Institute of Political Science and International Relations (University of Vilnius) and the Lithuanian Political Science Association, and intensive cooperation withWestern universities and funding organizations. Nonetheless, the growth and efficiency of political studies and research depend very much on their successful integration into the environment of the existing universities. The research output of Lithuanian political science is characterised by a widening of research interests and the further introduction of statistical and computer methods of investigation, with problems of Lithuania's foreign and security policy and issues of democratisation as topics of continuing popularity.  相似文献   

This article offers a theoretical proposal of how political science graduate programs can emphasize teaching in the discipline by creating the subfield of the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). Currently, these programs neither prepare their students for academic positions where teaching is valued nor participate in a disciplinary trend that emphasize SoTL. Furthermore, the recent political pressure for political science programs to demonstrate their public worth might be alleviated by the scholarship in teaching and learning, which is more understandable to the public than traditional non-SoTL work. The article concludes with some of the challenges political science programs may confront in institutionalizing a subfield of SoTL and how they can overcome them.  相似文献   

女性制度主义作为女性主义政治学与新制度主义政治学相互融合的产物,在跻身新制度主义前沿领域的同时,还为制度分析增添了性别维度。发端于女性主义第二波浪潮与社会性别理论的女性制度主义研究动向,在新制度主义异军突起的理论背景和性别平等举措全面开展的现实背景下确立为重要的分析途径,日益得到众多具有制度分析取向的女性主义学者的积极推动,并在多领域与多学科的交织脉络中不断发展演进。女性制度主义将浸染社会性别特征的政治制度作为研究起点,致力于协调现实政治生活的结构性要素与能动性要素,通过阐释性别体制、制度变迁以及制度性抵制的复杂关系,对性别化的权力体系及其动力机制予以深入探讨。基于女性制度主义所涉及的学术身份认同、学理资源汲取、学派交流融汇、学科议题嬗变,可以对该分析途径的贡献、不足以及前景进行系统审视。  相似文献   

《公共管理学报》2004-2005年载文统计分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应用文献计量学的方法,对《公共管理学报》2年共8期刊载的110篇文章的著者情况、信息密度、出版时滞,论文的地区分布及内容构成,引文情况和2005年的投稿、录用情况进行了统计分析,得出论文选题逼近前沿,研究深入,总体上具有高起点、高质量的显著特征和较强的新颖性;通过对载文的分析也从一个侧面反映出公共管理学科的研究重心、研究方式和研究方法的发展趋势.  相似文献   

目前,政治学研究的主体队伍在高等院校,研究的领域以政治理论为主,多侧重于规范性研究。经验研究由于本身水准的制约,使之尚难以上升至本科学专业刊物的主流位置。值得重视的问题还在于:不管是经验研究,还是规范研究。其规范性程度均有待大力提高。相当部分论文既缺少必要的“文献评论”,也不作任何“文献引证”;既缺失“问题意识”,更不能提出自身的理论假设。不过,近年间《政治学》论文规范性程度的大步提升,或许既显示了主流专业学术刊物对学术规范的重视,也预示了本学科研究中业已出现的值得鼓舞和追求的努力。  相似文献   

Abstract. The study of the relationship between media and politics has long been marginal in French political science. The take–off of research has been stimulated by the impact of the Presidential election under the Fifth republic and by the increasing role of television and spin–doctors in this new electoral context. If French studies on political communication converge with international research, they are also characterised by strong peculiarities. The material of case–studies is not campaign–centred, but gives room to various TV programmes, to a wide range of media uses by French politicians. The contribution of historians, the influence of a literary tradition of 'textual' analysis of political speech are important. The publishing of books on this topic also reveals a surprisingly intense participation from spin– doctors, journalists and even politicians. Three main 'schools' are contributing to the dynamics of French research. Linked to the tradition of semiological and literary studies the first one focuses on the study of political discourse in the media. Merging the legacy of English–speaking studies and the French tradition of electoral studies a second one develops an analysis of the campaigning process and of its effects. More recently, a new generation of researchers has widened the object of research to the complex network of relations between politicians, journalists and consultant. Linking successfully the most recent developments or international research and the peculiarities of academic tradition, research on political communication appears as one of the most dynamic areas of French political science.  相似文献   

The article takes stock of methods use in German political science. Based on an analysis of articles published in four German political science journals it is shown that only a minority takes an explicit theory-guided empirical perspective on research. A large share of publications can be better characterized as a knowledgeable discussion of a particular topic. This finding is amended by a placement of Germany in the international context and a glance into the political science curricula at some German universities. The finding is then nuanced by exemplary references to methodologically innovative work by German political scientists in four research areas. This work, however, has only seldom been published in German scholarly journals but has been preferably sent to international ones. The article closes by referring to the specific character of research questions in political science compared to neighbouring disciplines.  相似文献   

杨光斌  释启鹏 《政治学研究》2020,(1):10-20,M0002
历史政治学的提出引发了中国政治学界的广泛关注。作为一种新型研究路径的历史政治学不但具有客观的分析主义特征,而且和其它政治理论的研究路径一样,还具有鲜明的功能主义特征。历史政治学首先回答了政治理论的知识来源问题,从而为建构中国自主性政治学知识体系提供了可能。基于政治学取向的政治史研究有助于避免因“文化转向”而导致的历史研究的碎片化问题,这意味着历史政治学研究既追求“真相”也关怀“真理”。历史政治学的知识功能自然有其政治实践价值,那就是为治国理政提供历史解释与现实论述,并为认识合法性政治提供一套不同于理性人假设的历时性方案。  相似文献   

The complex nature of policy problems requires innovative approaches to problem analysis and a new social science interdiscipline focused on policy processes. The Policy Science Program at SUNY Buffalo is designed to advance this field and to train hybrid Ph.D.'s as research-scientists/practitioners. These new policy science professionals will augment policymaking organizations as policy analysts, evaluation researchers, knowledge brokers, research feedback disseminators, process monitors, and consultants. Their training must include research methodology, analytic approaches, orienting conceptual schemes from systems theory, social sciences, and specific problem domains, and operating skills. The curriculum includes both academic and field-training aspects.Though the program is oriented toward the applied sciences, it is an attempt to mold a version of the new combination of revised social science paradigms and analytic approaches identified by Dror as the Policy Sciences.  相似文献   

Abstract. This article reviews the place which the comparative study of European countries has occupied in the development of political science as an academic discipline, and discusses how single country studies can contribute towards the construction of new models for cross-national research. Particular attention is paid to the contribution made by the late Stein Rokkan to this development.  相似文献   

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