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中俄边境贸易是中俄经贸合作的重要方式之一。中俄边境贸易经过改革开放以来近三十年的发展,规模扩大,层次升级,拉动了两国边境地区的经济发展。中俄边境贸易历经了一些曲折,但总体发展平稳。中俄边境贸易中长期存在一些制度性、结构性制约因素。中方应该整合各种有利条件,克服阻碍,推动中俄边境贸易迈上新台阶。  相似文献   

中国与俄罗斯的边境贸易源于1689年的《中俄尼布楚条约》,至今已有300多年的历史。虽然两国的边境贸易经历了沙皇俄国、苏联、俄罗斯联邦等不同的历史时期,但是友好往来、互通有无的良好传统一直没有中断。在当前中俄经贸合作全面展开的新态势下,中俄边境贸易仍具有巨大的发展潜力,随着中俄两国国家关系的持续良好发展,中俄边境贸易又迎来了新的历史机遇。  相似文献   

中俄是两个毗邻大国,发展两国的经贸关系有着接壤线长、人文基础好、经济互补性强的优势。但从当前中俄边境地区经贸的基本状况看,存在着不少制约中俄边境贸易发展的不利因素,为加快发展中俄边境贸易,建议从以下几方面加以努力:1.进一步提高对边境贸易的认识;2.参与俄市场开发建设要有少而精的“大动作”;3.创造宽松的口岸环境,支持口岸重点项目建设  相似文献   

<正>目前,中俄边境贸易的背景正在发生变化,为了适应形势的要求,使中俄边贸健康、稳步地发展,必须加快边贸政策的调整步伐,实现边境贸易合作形式的转变,并不断加以完善。本文试对中俄边贸的形式和内容提出以下探索性想法,以利于边贸改革的需要。  相似文献   

中俄边境贸易在经历了全面发展的新阶段之后突然跌入低谷,进入了一个困难重重的过渡时期。边境贸易怎样才能走出低谷,重现昔日辉煌,关键在于在过渡时期能否相应调整对策,在边境贸易的主要环节上有所突破和创新。结算方式就是一个值得认真研究和切实解决的重要环节。  相似文献   

中俄两国贸易源远流长。早在17世纪,中俄两国就已经建立了经常性的贸易联系。频繁来华的俄国商队是那时中俄商品交流的主要媒介。1728年中俄《恰克图条约》签订后,中俄贸易形成了商队贸易和边境贸易两种形式并存的格局。从1756年起,俄国政府不再派商队来北京。到1762年在北京的商队贸易完全停止。边境贸易则成了中俄贸易的主要形式。“恰克图互市”则是根据《恰  相似文献   

加强中俄文化交流具有重要现实意义 ,中俄文化交流有助于克服跨国经营的障碍 ,有助于推进中俄经贸合作、特别是边境贸易的健康发展 ,有利于促进两国文化产业的发展 ,有利于促进中俄关系全面发展 ,有利于坚持发展有中国特色的社会主义文化。开展中俄文化交流要有一个开放的、容纳百川的、自信的文化心态 ,要注重多领域、多方面、深层次的文化交流。黑龙江省应该探索文化交流的新途径 ,保持和发展黑龙江的历史文化优势和俄语人才比较优势 ,要充分利用互市贸易区的方便条件 ,形成“文化特区” ,开展丰富多彩的文化交流活动  相似文献   

国家统计数据有助于评估中俄边境贸易关系现状,以及预测其未来发展趋势。由于两国发展边境关系的方法、措施和主要方向存在差别,导致大量实际边境往来没能成为统计的对象,限制了相关决策的信息保障水平。  相似文献   

中俄边境贸易开始升温,双边经贸合作逐步走向成熟,牡丹江市对俄经贸合作既面临新的发展机遇,也存在一些不利因素。牡丹江市应审时度势,利用优势,争取批准牡丹江市为边境开放城市,开通绥芬河、东宁边民互市贸易区,授予部分边境贸易管理权,加速转变贸易方式,调整进出口贸易结构,扩大经济技术合作的领域,扩大劳务输出,建立边贸法律仲裁机构,开通对俄直接通话,加速培养外向型人才  相似文献   

1920—1930年,苏俄远东与中国东北地区的经贸关系迅速发展,在进出口方面中方一直出超。在当时的政治经济条件下,两国政府间的往来、两国居民的相互联系、边境贸易合作都是必要的。中俄两国边境地区居民交往密切,对双方都是有利的。  相似文献   

世贸组织存在的问题及其发展前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 999年 1 2月 3日 ,举世瞩目的 WTO第三届部长级会议在美国西雅图无果而终 ,WTO因此遭到了成立 5年以来的最大挫折。“千年回合”受阻的直接原因是成员方在农业、反倾销、劳工标准和环保政策等议题上的巨大分歧 ,而分歧背后所反映出的问题更是发人深思。目前 ,WTO正面临着如何协调成员国之间利益关系的挑战 ,其宗旨的实现也有待于成员国各方的努力与呵护。  相似文献   

This article examines the development of a new normative principle of international order, sovereignty as responsibility; its communitarian implications; and the ways in which the newly conceived responsibility of the “international community” to protect the people of states failing to live up to their responsibilities as defined by international norms can come to terms with the notion of democratic self-government.  相似文献   

In the years since 9/11, there is no doubt that the emphasis of U.S. global strategy has been on counter-terrorism and the war in Iraq. During this period of time, the U.S. investment in strategic, political and military resources in the Middle East, Iraq, and the war on terror, which are the top priorities on the list of Bush's foreign policy, has been far greater than in any other fields. However, there are some in the U.S. who believe that China's rise has been much ignored by the U.S., due to the global war on terror (GWOT), and that America should, in fact, be focusing more on China, not the Middle East. However, as we see it, China has by no means been ignored by the U.S., neither has China's rise been the result of U.S. ignorance.  相似文献   

How organisations and associations can work together over time to develop new norms and practices which enhance the sustainability of development initiatives is an on-going problem. This article looks at how processes of negotiating shared agendas over the meanings of sustainability, exploring assumptions behind proposed actions, establishing means of accountability, and setting up mechanisms for investigating cause and effect in the processes and outcomes of development programmes can be a source of action-learning. It is argued that such processes of action-learning can help lead to institutional sustainability.  相似文献   

Face issues under the surface can make mediation akin to negotiating a minefield. This article proposes to help mediators map the terrain, uncovering critical face issues that can stymie the negotiation. The author demonstrates how, by using face-giving techniques to diffuse uncovered face issues, mediators can help move the parties through sensitive conflicts to sustainable resolution—with egos and relationships intact.  相似文献   

This essay reflects on the notion of politics and political communication as a form of cultural practice. This requires locating political practice in both space and time and paying close attention to empirical details--"drawing what you see." These precepts are illustrated in a discussion of different practices of voting in American history. The author argues that the study of political communication should include finding and observing people doing, and not just expressing or thinking about, politics.  相似文献   

Despite its widespread usage, the meaning of the term ‘development’ remains vague, tending to refer to a set of beliefs and assumptions about the nature of social progress rather than to anything more precise. After presenting a brief history of the term, the author argues that not only will development fail to address poverty or to narrow the gap between rich and poor, but in fact it both widens and deepens this division and ultimately creates poverty, as natural resources and human beings alike are increasingly harnessed to the pursuit of consumption and profit. The survival of the planet will depend upon abandoning the deep-rooted belief that economic growth can deliver social justice, the rational use of environment, or human well-being, and embracing the notion that there would be a better life for all if we moved beyond ‘development’.  相似文献   

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