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自杀案件在现场勘查中比较常见,而采用多种手段自杀(即特殊自杀)的案件比较少见,由于此类案件在现场环境、死亡方式、尸体现象都具有一定的特殊性,往往被误认为他杀。笔者在多年的现场勘查中遇到3例特殊自杀案件,报道如下。  相似文献   

目的分析97例杀人后自杀案件特点,为同类案件的法医现场勘验及法医学鉴定提供参考和借鉴。方法收集上海市公安局物证鉴定中心参与鉴定的97例杀人后自杀案件,共死亡207人,其中加害人98名,被害人109名。对加害人、被害人双方的性别、年龄、关系及案发场所、死亡方式等方面的资料进行分析。结果上海地区杀人后自杀案件涉及的死者多为18~59岁青壮年,相互之间多熟识,起因多为家庭矛盾及感情纠纷;被害人女性为主,加害人男性居多;案发场所多为同一室内环境或相邻室内外;杀人多选择机械性暴力手段,而自杀则多采用自缢和高坠。结论上述关于此类案件的特点有助于法医在鉴定过程中对杀人后自杀案件做出快速、准确地判断。  相似文献   

目的对广州某区24例烧炭自杀案例的特点进行分析。方法收集本地区24例烧炭自杀案例资料,对一般情况、现场勘查特点、尸体检验及自杀原因进行统计分析。结果本文24例烧炭自杀案例中男性略多于女性(2.43∶1),自杀实施者以青年男性居多(P0.01);自杀案例的发生无明显季节倾向,现场密封行为及辅助手段的实施与性别之间无明显关系(P0.05);自杀原因以感情问题居多。结论烧炭自杀案例在本地区发生具有明显年龄及性别趋向,且自杀现场具有明显的共同性,在实际现场勘查和鉴定工作中可根据现场勘查特点及年龄性别特征加以重点考虑。因不同地区自然地理环境及社会环境的不同可能导致案件特点的不同,本文仅对此类案件的法医学鉴定提供参考。  相似文献   

笔者收集了铁路交通事故中自杀案件32例,从自杀者的个体特征、自杀方式、现场特点等方面对此类现场进行阐述,以期对此类现场的鉴别提供参考。  相似文献   

314例自杀分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周良鹏  王波 《法医学杂志》1996,12(2):84-86,89
本文分析了黑龙江省鸡西市自杀死亡案件314例,对死者基本状况、自杀原因、方式及尸体检验等问题进行了分析与讨探。  相似文献   

目的对本地区74例自杀案例的特点进行分析。方法收集本地区74例自杀案例资料,对一般资料、自杀方式进行统计,对40岁以上和以下年龄组、性别组进行比较分析。结果本文74例案例中自杀的女性略多于男性(1.1:1),在自杀方式的选择上相对集中,农药中毒占大多数(71.62%)。从年龄和性别分组比较结果证实,在选择自缢的自杀方式上以40岁以下的青年男性为著,以口服农药达到自杀目的的则以女性居多。结论本文结果提示不同地区和不同的生产方式可导致不同的案件特点,相关部门应注意建立本地区的数据库,为办案提供参考。  相似文献   

据世界卫生组织最新统计,2000年全世界死于自杀的人数超过815000人,自杀已成为世界第13位死因。本文对郑州市188例确定为自杀案件中死者的性别、年龄、自杀方式、自杀原因等进行分析,以供参考。  相似文献   

目的分析国内5个城市地区采取不同自杀方式人群的性别和年龄特征。方法收集上海、金华、武汉、娄底、都匀城市地区警方处理的548例自杀案例,根据自杀方法将案件进行分类,研究各种自杀方法的人群年龄和性别特征,结果在各种自杀方式的年龄分析中,高坠和自缢的自杀者平均年龄最大(约55岁),溺水、自缢次之(约49岁)、口服毒物较为年轻(约45岁),而CO中毒自杀者平均年龄最小(约37岁)。在自杀方式的性别差异中,男性更多地出现了锐器自杀(52:24),自缢(67:33)和高坠(55:45),女性则在溺水自杀中占据多数(58:42)。结论每种自杀方式涉及到的人群的性别和年龄特征差异明显,CO中毒自杀的自杀者最为年轻;男性更倾向于用机械性损伤的方式来自杀。  相似文献   

目的探讨高坠案件中局部机械性损伤行为心理分析与死亡性质的关系,为此类案件的定性提供参考。方法收集2008—2013年高坠死亡案件311例,其中存在高坠难以形成的局部机械性损伤案例205例。对损伤形成特点、现场痕迹、高坠致命伤、文字信息等进行分析。结果 205例中,根据初步现场痕迹、高坠致命伤、文字信息等分析后,明确自杀86例,意外24例,性质不明95例。95例性质不明案例经对局部机械性损伤进行行为心理分析后,认定自杀80例,意外11例,他杀4例。结论高坠难以形成的局部机械性损伤与死亡性质具有关联性,根据局部机械性损伤行为心理分析推断高坠死亡性质基本准确。  相似文献   

168例自杀案浅析赵成军湖北省丹江口市人民检察院(441900)本文通过对丹江口市1984年~1993年自杀死亡案件168例的收集整理,并对自杀的方式、原因及自杀者本人的基本情况、自杀的认定等问题进行了分析与探讨。资料分析1、性别:男性72例(42....  相似文献   

A forensiometric model to discriminate between homicidal and suicidal firearm-fatalities is presented. It is based on a survey of all 45 homicidal and 251 suicidal firearm-fatalities that were examined at the Department of Forensic Medicine in Stockholm, Sweden during the period 1983-92. The model used 15 variables to describe 19.8% of the variation in the data and its goodness of prediction, Q2, was 0.742. The variables ranked in falling order of covariation with homicide (i.e. correlation with or importance in the prediction of homicide) were: presence of other injuries than firearm-wounds, entrance wound in the front part of the chest except precordium, bullet path through clothes, entrance wound in upper extremity, female victim, entrance wound in abdomen, entrance wound in head except temples, central forehead and mouth, and entrance wound in back. The variables most correlated to suicide were: used firearm found close to victim's body, reported suicidal ideation, victim's age, presence of contact wound(s), male victim, presence of farewell letter and entrance wound in mouth. The model was thereafter validated on a test-set of 18 homicides and 84 suicides during 1993-95. All suicides and 16 homicides were classified by the model in agreement with the previous police and forensic medical examinations. Thus, the model's sensitivity to classify homicides is estimated to be 89% and its specificity 100%.  相似文献   

Zip guns and the atypical gunshot wounds they produce are rare in forensic pathology. Because of this, investigators and forensic pathologists may be unfamiliar with their construction, appearance, and the wounds associated with them. A 43-year-old mechanic, with a history of depression was found dead in a washroom stall at work with an atypical gunshot wound of the head. Upon initial investigation, no weapon was found at the scene. Due to the nature of the scene, and the unusual characteristics of the wound, the manner of death was at first thought to be a homicide. Subsequently, a simple zip gun, which had been overlooked during the scene investigation, was discovered by a co-worker while he was cleaning the stall. Examination of the wound revealed evidence of contact range firing. A markedly deformed bullet was recovered from the head, consistent with the use of the home-made gun. These findings, along with further police investigation and review of the past medical history, indicated that the manner of death was a suicide.  相似文献   

The notion of planned and unplanned complex suicides first appeared in 1974 by Marcinkowski and, since then, no systematic study of complex suicides has been published in the English forensic literature. Here, the authors present a 5-year retrospective study of complex suicides. Nineteen complex suicides were reviewed: five unplanned and 14 planned, including the first case of an unplanned complex suicide in a woman. All cases were analyzed in terms of gender, age, methods of suicide, the presence of a suicide note, and past suicide attempts, and statistically compared with a 50-case sample of simple suicides. A further comparison was established with compiled data from the literature. Similarities were revealed regarding incidence of complex suicides, male gender predominance, and types of methods used. In contrast, results showed a higher average age for planned complex suicide victims. Finally, the authors discuss the application of the complex suicide definition.  相似文献   

This study reports on the relationships between the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and the cause of death - which is of course common knowledge for forensic scientists! Our special aim was to gain unselected data for generalizing conclusions. The blood of 2465 consecutive cases (86% of all 2852 sudden unexpected and unnatural fatalities investigated at the Institute for Legal Medicine in Hamburg during the year 1989) was analysed. The BAC was evaluated according to sex, age, cause of death and place of death. In natural causes of death there were 80% cases under 0.05% BAC. Endocrine and digestive system diseases in particular were associated with positive BAC values. In unnatural death cases the BAC under 0.05% was found in 64% of the suicides, 62% of the accidents, 54% of the homicides and 51% of the drug intoxications. The drowning cases showed higher BAC's than traffic accidents. In suicides middle aged males had high BAC's.  相似文献   

Abstract: A vast majority of firearms‐related suicides involve the conventional use of a properly functioning, intact firearm. Occasionally, forensic investigators encounter a case wherein the firearm suicide victim employs some form of unconventional use of a weapon, or utilizes an unusual weapon type. In this case report, the authors present an unusual case in which a man committed suicide by using a shotgun shell, a shotgun barrel (separate from the rest of the gun), and a BB. Some confusion as to the cause and manner of death was present during the initial scene investigation. Examination at autopsy revealed the cause of death to be a shotgun wound of the chest and prompted further scene investigation. Therefore, this case serves as another example of the importance of cooperation between scene investigators and forensic pathologists when investigating a death. A review of suicidal firearm cases using unconventional means and/or firearms is presented.  相似文献   

Abstract: Of the 800,000 suicides worldwide every year, a small number fall under Emile Durkheim’s term of altruistic suicides. Study on martyrdom has been limited. There has to date, for example, been no systematic empirical study of martyr letters. We examined 33 letters of Korean self‐immolators, compared with 33 suicide notes of a matched sample of more common suicides. An analysis of intrapsychic factors (suicide as unbearable pain, psychopathology) and interpersonal factors (suicide as murderous impulses and need to escape) revealed that, although one can use the same psychological characteristics or dynamics to understand the deaths, the state of mind of martyrs is more extreme, such that the pain is reported to be even more unbearable. Yet, there are differences, such as there was no ambivalence in the altruistic notes. It is concluded that intrapsychic and interpersonal characteristics are central in understanding martyrs, probably equal to community or societal factors. More forensic study is, however, warranted.  相似文献   

Shotguns are used in a considerable number of homicides and suicides, and while gunshot wounds are extensively reported in the literature, there is a paucity of shotgun deaths. To specifically study deaths by shotguns, all deaths due to shotguns examined at the Bexar County Medical Examiner's Office between 1988 and 2005 were reviewed. The cases were evaluated by age and sex of the victim, wound location, wound range, and manner of death. Three hundred eighty-seven cases were evaluated, composed of 343 males and 44 females, with 180 homicides, 203 suicides, 3 accidents, and 1 undetermined manner of death. Contact wounds were the most common range in suicides and the head was the most common location. For homicides, the most common range of fire was distant, and the most prevalent distributions of wounds were head, chest, and multiple wound locations. Statistical analysis showed significant differences between homicide and suicide wound locations and ranges, and then odds ratios were generated. Knowledge of the statistical distribution of shotgun wounds in a large series with respect to range of fire and wound location may be of assistance to the medical examiner in evaluating the circumstances of an individual case to arrive at a manner-of-death opinion.  相似文献   

目的探讨鼻部复合性骨折的认定、分型和损伤程度的法医学鉴定。方法对86例鼻部复合性骨折鼻骨CT片(轴扫 冠扫)和有关病历资料进行观察分析。结果将86例伤者按骨折种类分成鼻骨并发鼻部非鼻骨骨折(81例)和鼻部非鼻骨复合性骨折(5例)两类,然后再进一步细分。结论86例伤者中轻伤80例(93%),轻微伤6例(7%)。鼻部复合性骨折的损伤程度评定关键在于应按照《人体轻微伤的鉴定》(GA/T146-1996)和《人体轻伤的鉴定(试行)》的有关规定或标准认定和分型,这样鉴定结论才会准确可靠。  相似文献   

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