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政务诚信在“政务诚信”、“商务诚信”、“社会诚信”中居于核心地位.我国加强政务诚信,应采用“体系化”的思维方法,加强顶层设计,加快制度建设,措施包括:完善政务公开立法,奠定政务诚信基础;健全行政职权立法,明确政务诚信边界;加强行政程序立法,规范政务诚信流程;健全失信责任立法,夯实政务诚信保障;加强行政伦理立法,筑牢政务诚信道德防线.实现以法治助推政务诚信建设.  相似文献   

诚信原则与中华伦理背景   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文运用法律文化比较的方法,对当代各国民商法领域普遍接受和适用的指导性原则——“诚信”在中国适用的伦理基础加以考察。作者指出,尽管传统伦理学说中“诚”、“信”为引入“诚信原则”奠定了价值取向的基础,但二者也有严重不相适应的一面。由于理论和实践方面的缺欠,中国社会的诚信水平远未达到理想标准,必须结合我国国情对传统伦理观念加以适当调整,树立政府行为的诚信,方能使该原则起到维护法制、促进市场经济建设的作用  相似文献   

试论我国行政法援引诚信原则之意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诚信原则,向为私法之原则,然也有学者认为此原则不独私法,对于公法、宪法亦可适用。①但是,如何将其引入公法范围且意义如何?法学界鲜有专篇论述。笔者不揣浅陋,试作此文,权当引玉之砖。诚信原则,即是要求法律关系当事人间权利行使义务履行之善意,以调整其间之利益,乃系在自由主义之基调上,由内部加以修补的一种法律原则。②释言之,该定义有以下几层含义:1.诚信原则为法律原则。与追求自律的道德律不同,诚信原则是他律的,是以社会伦理观念为其基础,肯认法律与道德之相互作用。换言之,该原则乃是道德之法律技术化的产物。2.诚信原则系发  相似文献   

现代行政法治的宗旨是通过对行政立法、执法和司法三类行为的法律规制,使行政法律关系尽量处于平衡状态,因而在行政法体系的"三分"格局中确立诚信原则,成为构建我国现代行政法治的必然。西方发达国家诚信原则"私法公法化"的过渡轨迹显示,在我国行政法体系中确立诚信原则具有法制基础、政府建设、社会追求等方面提供的可能。我国诚信原则在行政法中的确立,可从行政立法、执法、司法三个方面,采用立法规定和制度完善两种方式渐进完成。  相似文献   

诚信原则与道德的法律化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
诚信原则既是道德规则,又是法律原则。以前的研究注重诚信原则作为法律原则的一面,指出诚信原则在法律体系中具有基本原则的地位。①其实,诚信原则与法律的关系不仅仅是基本原则和具体规则的关系,而应从道德与法律的关系上来进行考察。作为道德的诚信原则和作为法律的诚信原则对法律的影响是不同的,应区别看待。对诚信原则的研究有利于我们明晰道德与法律的关系,以及道德是如何影响法律的。这对我国的法制建设具有很强的现实意义,我国具有很强的德治传统,强调以理、情服人,道德的强大力量使法律不具有独立性。法律实证主义在我国传…  相似文献   

诚信是社会秩序、和谐、稳定的核心要素。它不仅是一个道德理念,也属于一个法律范畴。充分认识诚信的道德规范作用和法律价值体现,是评估重构诚信社会价值的关键。党的十七届六中全会《中共中央关于深化文化体制改革推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣若干重大问题的决定》明确提出,"把诚信建设摆在突出位置,大力推进政务诚信、商务诚信、社会诚信和司法公信建设,抓紧建立健全覆盖全社会的征信系统,加大对  相似文献   

本文主要根据《乡土中国》分析了当前我国政务诚信缺失的主要原因,并提出从加强对政务人员诚信道德的教育;完善政务公开制度;建立政务互动平台,打破"陌生人"关系;严厉惩罚政务失信行为,健全政务失信的救济制度几个方面入手加强我国政务诚信的建议。  相似文献   

诚实信用,被人们约定简化为"诚信"。法律文本抑或法治发展无不充满着诚信的空间。制定或认可诚信法律规范的普遍性,体现了法治的道德性。在此基础上,诚实信用原则逐渐发展成为重要的公法原则,约束重要社会活动主体的行政机关及其工作人员。在法律适用阶段,要借鉴其他法域文化中的法官诚信机制,逐渐探索诉讼诚信体系,实现诚信的法治和社会的和谐。  相似文献   

诚信是近德向善之人性追求。诚信是人类社会"底线伦理"之要求,也是近德向善的基础。当代著名义务论代表人士罗斯所列出六种"显见义务"中,将人们必须无条件遵守的诚信原则作为"第一要务"。诚信为履行道德义务稳定的个人秉性,将诚信道德规范内化为人的秉性和气质,这种"坚定不移"的个性具有无限永恒之力量。诚信是建立于良心之上的人性要求。由于诚信首先表现为"自爱",  相似文献   

论社会救助立法的伦理基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国正在努力建构一个具有中国特色的社会救助法律体系,这就需要我们为其寻找深厚的道德根基.国家伦理是一个国家作为主体所具有的道德性,具有对内和对外两个维度.国家伦理为社会救助立法提供了正当性的支持,是社会救助法律制度的道德基础;而社会救助立法又是国家伦理的现实转化途径,体现了国家伦理中的国家之爱.我们应当以国家伦理为道德支撑,确立社会救助立法的基本原则,即以国家之爱为核心,体现平等尊重和人道关怀的救助原则.  相似文献   

One of the theoretical developments associated with the law of the European Union has been the flourishing of legal and constitutional theories that extol the virtues of pluralism. Pluralism in constitutional theory is offered in particular as a novel argument for the denial of unity within a framework of constitutional government. This paper argues that pluralism fails to respect the value of integrity. It also shows that at least one pluralist theory seeks to overcome the incoherence of pluralism by implicitly endorsing monism. The integrity and coherence of European law is best preserved by considering that both the national legal order and the international or European legal orders adopt sophisticated views of their own limits.  相似文献   

健康心灵和良好德性是互促互进的,对个体健康成长来说,二者缺一不可.关注心灵健康与德性成长,是教育的题中应有之义,也是其最为重要的任务和使命.处于社会转型期的我国,儿童的心理与道德问题日益增多和日趋严重,与我们对其心灵健康与德性成长关注不够有关.作为教育工作者,不仅要坚信在培养健康心灵和塑造良好德性方面,教育是可以大有作为的,而且要以改革的精神、开放的心态去引导学生寻求生命的意义,确立人生的目标,过有意义的生活.  相似文献   

司法不廉的基本形式是司法权力与金钱或其他利益的交易。〔1〕法官执掌国家审判执行权,是易滋生腐败的高危群体,司法不廉对司法公信具有毁灭性破坏。以制度创新保障司法廉洁是司法体制与工作机制改革的重要内容,各地围绕司法廉洁的改革创新层出不穷,但司法  相似文献   

The Velvet Revolution of 1989 ended the socialist period in former Czechoslovakia. Sixteen years after the transition toward democratic policing, we explore the integrity contours of the Czech police. In the summer of 2005, we surveyed more than 600 police officers from East Bohemia regarding their perceptions about the seriousness of police corruption, the appropriate punishment such misconduct deserves and would receive, and their willingness to report misconduct. The results indicate that the majority of the respondents correctly labeled behaviors described in our questionnaire as rule‐violating. Furthermore, with the exception of the least serious forms of corruption, they supported and expected the two most serious forms of discipline: a cut in salary and dismissal. Finally, the majority of the respondents said that they would not be willing to tolerate the most serious forms of corruption in silence.  相似文献   

Section 1936 of the Social Security Act (the Act) (as added by section 6034 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) established the Medicaid Integrity Program to promote the integrity of the Medicaid program by requiring CMS to enter into contracts with eligible entities to: (1) Review the actions of individuals or entities furnishing items or services (whether on a fee-for-service, risk, or other basis) for which payment may be made under an approved State plan and/or any waiver of such plan approved under section 1115 of the Act; (2) audit claims for payment of items or services furnished, or administrative services rendered, under a State plan; (3) identify overpayments to individuals or entities receiving Federal funds; and (4) educate providers of services, managed care entities, beneficiaries, and other individuals with respect to payment integrity and quality of care. This final rule will provide requirements for an eligible entity to enter into a contract under the Medicaid integrity audit program. The final rule will also establish the contracting requirements for eligible entities. The requirements will include procedures for identifying, evaluating, and resolving organizational conflicts of interest that are generally applicable to Federal acquisition and procurement; competitive procedures to be used; and procedures under which a contract may be renewed.  相似文献   

司法会计鉴定资料的主要部分是会计资料,认识和判断其真实性和完整性的途径和方法明显有别于其他类别鉴定,需紧密结合会计资料的固有特点进行。本文结合司法会计鉴定和会计资料的特点,探讨认识和判断司法会计鉴定资料真实性和完整性的途径和方法。  相似文献   

This paper reviews some of the threats to scientific independence in the Netherlands that have recently alerted the scientific community. The problems are not only apparent in research requested by the government or local authorities; they are also found in a variety of research fields. They are essentially related to the increasing dearth of research funding in the universities. In Europe in general, and the Netherlands in particular, there are no large, independent research foundations which exist elsewhere, so research funding generally depends on funding by government, local authorities or industry. The problem has long been underappreciated and no effective action has been taken. However, more recently and as a consequence of media reports, a number of drastic measures are being taken. This paper deals first with the nature of the threats to the integrity of scientific research, and then reviews the type of actions that have been, and could be taken.  相似文献   

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