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直觉从流动性上看确是一种“从心理到生理的全盘轰鸣”的过程 ,从状态的短暂的恒定看 ,是一种精神自由释放的契合境况 ;而从创作者倍加呵护的直觉能力看 ,至少不是与形象思维并列的一种思维能力。直觉是悟出来的 ,但直觉绝不等于顿悟 ;直觉是想出来的 ,但艺术直觉这种活跃的精灵不是反理性的 ,它活跃的方式是与理性相距甚远的非理性的 ;直觉是等出来的 ,是长期磨练后的从容引发 ,它必然包含着主体情感的高效投射  相似文献   

谢冬冰 《金陵法律评论》2004,(2):102-106,118
一般认为,抽象和直觉是对立的。卡西尔认为,艺术抽象和科学抽象是互逆的:前者是一个不断具体化的夸张的过程,后者是一个不断凝缩的过程。在卡西尔学说的基础上,朗格把抽象和直觉统一起来,从艺术发生学的角度进一步研究后认为,直觉中蕴涵着逻辑经验,直觉是一切抽象的开始。艺术中的抽象是直觉抽象。尽管艺术离不开这种抽象,但抽象在艺术中仍居次要地位。  相似文献   

刘汉民 《政法学刊》2011,28(4):10-13
直觉思维是一种突破传统逻辑思维的束缚,直接认识和把握事物的本质,并在极短时间内做出判断的思维形式。直觉思维在公安情报信息研判中有着重要的功能。运用直觉思维研判情报信息,直接做出决策;运用直觉思维研判情报信息反映事物现象的性质;运用直觉思维研判案件犯罪嫌疑人的范围;运用直觉思维分析犯罪嫌疑人藏匿的地点;运用直觉思维研判情报信息,发现案件线索。  相似文献   

汪曾祺秉末了故土吉的民族心理和着恋乡土的变化传统,其艺术感觉的特征是,囝盈、宁青、印象主义式的,这与作所持的童年视角有关,这一视角一方面使作品缺少理性爱力,另一方面却增添了作品温柔蕴藉的诗意。  相似文献   

在查办案件中充分运用直觉、联想等思维,对于解决查案难问题,提高办案工作水平,具有十分重要的意义。运用直觉抓住违纪问题直觉有利于人们从一些偶然的事件中迅速猜测、预感或察觉隐藏在现象背后的事物的本质属性或联系。运用直觉办案,特别是查办经济案件,往往能从一些偶然事件  相似文献   

直觉思维是中国古代立法特有的思维定势,注重法律与天道、人情的贯通是中国古代立法直觉思维方式的典型表征.中国古代立法将法与阴阳之道、五行之道、仁道相贯通,并在具体法律制度的设置上将亲情、情理法律化,使法律人性化.从对法与天理、人情的整体全面把握中分析寻求法律之"道".  相似文献   

梁增然 《法制与社会》2012,(34):190-191
"法律必须根据事实而不是不可靠的直觉"。在应对安全、健康和环境方面的风险过程中,孙斯坦告诉我们应当依靠理性,而非普通人的直觉——直觉往往会导致事与愿违。  相似文献   

研究采用刻板印象内容模型中文版问卷和词语自由联想测试两种方法,对患者被试与医生被试对"医生"这一职业群体的刻板印象内容及其群体间差异进行了探讨。患者被试倾向于将医生划归为高能力、低热情的群体,医生被试在道德维度上存在明显的内群体偏好。同时,患者被试有更多对医生群体积极词汇联想结果,医生被试则是消极词汇与积极词汇的各占一半;患者群被试更倾向于认为医生是能力强、收入高的群体,对医生有更高的要求;而医生被试则倾向于认为自身属于收入低、职业压力大、付出大于收获的群体。两者之间的刻板印象差别是造成医患冲突的潜在根源,后续研究可进一步研究此类刻板印象的形成机制与印象管理措施。  相似文献   

印象整饰是社会心理学中的概念,指人们在社会互动过程中总是用一定的言语、行动控制对方对自己的印象,以达到符合自己的特定目的的过程。运用印象整饰,纪检监察干部可以塑造公众认可的“可亲、可信、可敬”的形象,融洽与干部、群众的关系,提高自身素质。  相似文献   

逻辑涵摄形式上满足了法官服从法律的法治要求,但是无法保证大、小前提的真、假以及推理结论的确定性。直觉论为变革普通法以适应社会转型期的需要提供了理论依据,同时也揭示出法官添加新知识的事实。然而,夸大直觉则威胁到法治。当代社会充满着各种对立、日益脆弱,需要一种能灵活处理纷争的综合性的法律发现模式:即一个直觉和涵摄并重的,一种类推、演绎、归纳和设证思维协同发挥作用的思维模式。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(6):512-521
Footwear marks are one of the most frequently encountered evidence types recovered from a crime scene and can provide valuable scene intelligence regarding potential suspects. It has been acknowledged that impressions of footwear and tools can be recovered from graves, but previous studies have only focused on tool mark recovery. This has led to a lack of published information regarding footwear mark recovery from graves. It is therefore important to demonstrate whether the recovery of footwear marks is feasible and, if so, under what conditions this can be achieved. To address recovery, this study, placed 60 three dimensional (3D) impressions of footwear marks within 60 simulated graves. This was done to assess time (1, 2, 4 months) and at known depths (20, 30, 40 cm). The footwear marks within the graves were covered with clothing or left uncovered. The shoe’s design patterns were grouped and counted in a photographic comparison between the 3D footwear impressions, placed within the test-pits, and any recovered impressions. A grading system was adapted by the authors to score the quality of footwear impressions observed during recovery. The results demonstrate that the preservation and recovery of footwear impressions from graves is feasible. The simulated graves covered with clothing showed better preservation of footwear impressions, but there was no clear evidence that time or depth had an effect. The authors note that careful consideration and vigilant excavation skills are needed when excavating graves which may bear potential footwear marks, as their recovery will lead to an increased amount of intelligence that can link suspects to homicide scenes.  相似文献   

A method for lifting bloody footwear impressions using alginate casts and enhancing the lifted impressions with amido black is presented. On rough or dark substrates, background interferences may conceal significant details of footwear impressions. Illumination with alternative light sources and chemically enhancing the bloody footwear impressions may reveal additional details, but sometimes, lifting footwear impressions prior to enhancing is the only way to expose hidden details (by using blood reagents not adequate on the original). Several cast formulations were tested for lifting the footwear impressions. The best results were achieved using Aroma fine®. Enhancement of the footwear impressions was attempted with several reagents prior to lifting, during the casting process, and on the lifted footwear impressions. Applying amido black to footwear impressions lifted with alginate produced the sharpest and most detailed footwear impressions. Alginate castings followed by chemical enhancement with amido black may produce high‐quality footwear impressions for comparison.  相似文献   

Research projects aimed at proposing fingerprint statistical models based on the likelihood ratio framework have shown that low quality finger impressions left on crime scenes may have significant evidential value. These impressions are currently either not recovered, considered to be of no value when first analyzed by fingerprint examiners, or lead to inconclusive results when compared to control prints. There are growing concerns within the fingerprint community that recovering and examining these low quality impressions will result in a significant increase of the workload of fingerprint units and ultimately of the number of backlogged cases. This study was designed to measure the number of impressions currently not recovered or not considered for examination, and to assess the usefulness of these impressions in terms of the number of additional detections that would result from their examination.  相似文献   

Experiments have been performed which show conclusively that, under certain conditions, ‘impressions’ of writing can be detected by ESDA (ElectroStatic Detection Apparatus) on paper which has been placed in contact with the reverse of paper bearing writing which has significantly embossed the back. Such indirect ‘secondary’ impressions are caused by some degree of lateral relative motion of the two sheets of paper. Secondary impressions can usually be distinguished from normal primary impressions (caused by the ‘act’ of writing) by several characteristics, in particular, by the indistinct, incomplete and, sometimes, diffuse nature of the secondary impression images.  相似文献   

The questioned document laboratory is often called upon to decipher writing that has been erased, obliterated, or that has faded. In cases like these, the original writing is no longer legible to the naked eye, but may be enhanced using various light sources. Certain remnants of the ink's components absorb into the substrate's fibers and can be visualized, usually as luminescence or absorbance. A case is described here that involved the theft of a credit card. An empty plastic credit card holder was found in the possession of a suspect, and as submitted for examination. Indented impressions could be discerned on its clear plastic window and presumably originated from the credit card that had been held in the envelope. These indented impressions were deciphered in the hope that they would reveal enough details from the credit card to establish a connection between the plastic envelope and the stolen credit card. With methods generally utilized in the toolmarks and materials laboratory and the photography laboratory of the Israel Police, most of the indented impressions on the plastic were deciphered and a connection between the plastic envelope and the stolen credit card was demonstrated.  相似文献   

In order to study the uniqueness of barefoot impressions, a computer database has been constructed using inked barefoot prints from volunteers. The data consists of 19 different measurements and a tracing of the impression of each foot. Searches through the present database of 4000 impressions produce an apparent match only if the margin of measurement error is set at an extremely large value. In these few cases, however, a visual examination of the ‘matched’ prints is sufficient to show that they are not the same.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis of barefoot impressions   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Comparison of the shapes of barefoot impressions from an individual with footprints or shoes linked to a crime may be useful as a means of including or excluding that individual as possibly being at the scene of a crime. The question of the distinguishability of a person's barefoot print arises frequently. This study indicates that measurements taken from the outlines of inked footprint impressions show a great degree of variability between donors and a great degree of similarity for multiple impressions taken from the same donor. The normality of the set of measurements on footprint outlines that we have selected for this study is confirmed. A statistical justification for the use of the product rule on individual statistical precisions is developed.  相似文献   

当前,与印文鉴定相关的并在鉴定实践中经常遇到的新问题和难点问题有高仿真印文的鉴定、变造印章问题、利用真实印文变造文件、同版印章印文、朱墨时序等,本文就高仿真印文的鉴定进行了系统阐述,介绍了各种高仿真印文,包括各种高仿真印章的盖印印文、复制印文、转印印文的伪造手段及其特点,并提出了高仿真印文的鉴定思路和要点。  相似文献   

网络文学首先是文学,网络是记录作品的手段和传播作品的渠道。作者在努力创造新语汇和突破语法约束的同时,也制约甚至扼杀其发展。网络文学以即兴创作为主,故其贴近“网民”生活且颇有灵气,却失之浅泛和粗糙:开放互动的特征激发写手的创作激情和读者的参与热情,却干扰了写手创作的独立和思维的、表达的连贯性:Inter-net 改变了传受者的地位,削弱了把关功能,写手享有更充分的自由时,也易涉及官司;它产生精神产品的同时,也产生精神毒品。对网络文学应多些包容、关注和支持,促其健康发展。  相似文献   

Fingers wedged between loop and neck produce a characteristic modification of the morphological pattern: in the area where the ligature mark is interrupted there are vertical or oblique impressions, of the width of a finger, that tend to brown-dry only to a slight degree. Between these impressions are ridged strips with ecchymoses and/or blisters filled with serous fluid. The interposed fingers themselves may show vesiculose raised epidermis distally from the ligature groove. The paper demonstrates the macround microscopical findings in 5 cases. In 3 of the 5 cases there was a high degree of intoxication, so that it cannot be ruled out that these suicides, because of staggering, fell into the noose when still engaged in preparing the suspension.  相似文献   

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