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中日现代税制结构比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中日现行税制的起点都比较特殊,中国是改革开放,日本是二战失败后美国主导的改革。在此基础上,两国走出了各自独特的税制演进之路。当前,日本税制是以个人所得税为核心的直接税为主的税制结构,分中央税、都道府县税、市町村税3个层次,中央税居于主导地位。中国税制是以增值税、营业税为核心的间接税为主的税制结构,体现了中国是发展中国家这一经济现实。中国的中央税和地方税的划分标准不明晰,省以下没有独立的地方税体系,直接导致共享税过多,已成为下一步税制改革的阻碍。  相似文献   

韩国政府于9月1日公布了近10年来规模最大的税制修正案。为应对世界高油价以及为了支持与刺激本国企业投资,鼓励与创造就业岗位,韩国此次减税的规模空前,超过26万亿韩元,其内容涵盖所得税、法人税、转让税、综合房地产税以及对研究开发项目扩大赋税减免等各个方面。  相似文献   

受急于摆脱通缩泥潭、重塑强势的日本经济目标以及美国特朗普政权下新一轮税制改革的全球示范效应影响,日本安倍内阁掀起新一轮以降低法人税率和调整扩大税基为主要内容的法人税改革。文章在对二战后日本法人税改革的历程作系统梳理的基础上,重点分析当前安倍内阁法人税改革的政策取向与经济效应,并力求结合日本长期面临的一系列经济问题,对税改的预期效果做出客观分析与评价,最后立足中国国情,对中国企业所得税改革提出有关政策建议。  相似文献   

在俄国市场进行贸易和投资活动,首先遇到的一个挑战,就是俄国的税制。虽然俄国考虑到以贸易和投资来刺激和推动经济增长,在减少企业税务负担及鼓励外国投资者方面做了巨大努力,但对于外国公司而言,俄国税制仍显得比较混乱,而且变化很快。 俄国的税制由联邦政府,88个地区政府及成百个地方政府的税组成,充分反映了其复杂的联邦性质的体系。其中,与外国贸易与投资者相关的税,主要是联邦政府的征税,具体由财政部主管。但是,俄国税  相似文献   

"数字经济"应否征税以及如何征税成为世界各国探讨的问题。从兴起背景来看,欧盟"数字税"的制度初衷在于,作为临时措施以填补长期方案落实的"空窗期"。其在一定程度上可以缓解数字型企业与传统企业的税负不均问题,但这并不能作为各国通过单边措施推进"数字税"的依据。从法国"数字税"实践观之,相关课税要素的设计存在明显的歧视性。无论被定性为直接税还是间接税,"数字税"只能作为一项临时措施。从国际税制角度来看,单边"数字税"只会表现出"贸易保护主义"倾向,加剧国际税收竞争。短期来看,中国既要及时更新税法规则回应数字经济,也要防备"数字税"外衣下的"非关税壁垒";长期来看,良好的税制设计才是税收全球治理话语权的基础,回到问题本身才是解决问题的根本之道。  相似文献   

中国个人所得税改革设定了综合与分类相结合的基本目标。该采取何种策略,适时推进,实现税制改革目标值得进一步探索并借鉴。2006年之后,法国个人所得税就呈现了综合与分类相结合的典型特征。本文对这一最新变化进行了评述与整理。研究重点就综合与分类所得划分、费用扣除与减免变化、税率结构动态调整、世界范围内个人所得税改革比较等内容进行了原因分析和趋势追踪。这有助于更新对法国个人所得税现行税制及演化趋势的认知,同时为我国尚未建成的综合与分类相结合的个人所得税税制安排,提供相应的思路及策略。  相似文献   

近两年,英德法为首的欧洲主要发达国家针对经济和财政运行中出现的新问题,纷纷制定了符合本国国情的税制改革方案,希望通过调整税收制度来改善社会经济的运行环境。本文就2005年特别是2006年英国、德国、法国税制的改革方案以及相关税收政策做了较为全面、细致的介绍。准确把握和客观认识这些新动向与新趋势,对于我国制定新一轮税制改革方略,适时进行税收政策的调整,无疑具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

租税是国家财政的主要来源,是保证国家机能运转的物质基础,同时也是国家对国民收入进行再分配、调整经济、促进经济稳定发展的重要手段之一。研究和探讨日本税制对目前我国税制的改革具有一定的借鉴意义。 一、租税种类 日本的租税如按征税主体来划分,则分为国税和地方税两大部分。即中央政府要以国税的名义征收,地方政府则以地方税的名义征收。征税的原则,国税按能力大小为中心征收,而地方税则按受益多寡征税的原则为主。  相似文献   

(一)由来。俄罗斯新税制产生于1991年12月27日的“俄罗斯联邦法”,基于“俄罗斯联邦税制纲要”,其中阐明了在联邦、共和国、地方之间的分税制,列举了主要税种(增值税、利润税、公司税、所得税、货物税、关税以及其他税种)。该法律中以后又加入了一系列其他税收特别法以及大量的修正和补充规定。1993年7月6日联邦税收当局有了自己的税警。  相似文献   

财政是国家治理的基础和重要支柱,担负着为民理财的责任和使命。近年来,在省委、省政府的坚强领导和省人大及其常委会的监督支持下.我省财税改革工作取得了重大进展.税制改革、预算公开、专项资金整合、盘活存量资金资产、预算绩效管理、财政事权和支出责任划分、省以下法院、检察院财物省级统管等改革工作走在全国前列,省委书记、省人大常委会主任杜家毫肯定我省财税改革迈入全国“第一方阵”。  相似文献   

Although many EU‐countries have reduced corporate taxes in the recent years, there is still a substantial variance between the 12 oldest EU‐member states. This contribution revisits this variation and analyses the determinants of corporate tax reforms and their magnitude from a perspective which is new in two respects: First, we combine logistic panel regression and fsQCA analysis allowing for an integration of qualitative assessments of tax reforms in the QCA analysis. This adds to the existing studies on tax reform which almost exclusively rely on regression techniques. Second, we focus on the time period 1998‐2011 where we expect tax competition to be especially intense. The results of our analyses confirm the major impact of tax competition on national corporate tax policies. This relationship dominates the regression analyses as well as the fsQCA. Furthermore, our findings allow nuancing the existing results on the influence of institutional constraints and partisan politics.  相似文献   


This article examines the depoliticisation of Greece’s tax administration under the post-2010 bailout agreements in light of three alternative models of domestic change. It shows that one model (external incentives model that is based on power asymmetry) accounts for the direction of the reform but not how far the reform ended up going. There is little evidence in support of the second model (social learning) because of the absence of genuine programme ownership and evidence in support of the third model (lesson-drawing) is limited to the diagnosis of the problem. The final outcome was unintentionally shaped by key choices made by Greek governments in line with the literature on conditionality.  相似文献   

In the present article, we empirically analyse a series of competing hypothesis that try to account for the considerable disparity in the tax burden between Swiss cantons. Three hypotheses focus on differences in spending levels: The first explains differences in the tax burden with differences in citizens' demand for government services. The second emphasizes the differences in efficiency between cantonal administrations, whereas the third insists on the more or less easy access to cantonal instruments of direct democracy. However, when confronted to the data, none of these three expenditure‐based hypotheses are confirmed by our cross‐sectional estimations. On the contrary, our regressions lend support to the hypotheses which highlights the differences in tax revenues between cantons. These results suggest that it is not differences in government spending which account for the disparity in cantonal tax levels, but differences in the cantonal endowment with resources. This indicates that some financial equalization on the cantonal level might strengthen the equity of Switzerland's tax system.  相似文献   

This article examines efforts to increase taxation of highly concentrated, undertapped income and profits in Latin America in the aftermath of structural adjustment. Argentina has advanced further than Chile in two policy areas: corporate taxation, which taps firm‐level profits; and tax agency access to bank information, which helps reduce income tax evasion. These outcomes are explained by drawing on the classic concepts of business instrumental power, which entails political actions, and structural power, which arises from investment decisions. In Chile, strong instrumental power removed reforms in both areas from the policy agenda. In Argentina, much weaker instrumental power at the cross‐sectoral level facilitated corporate tax increases. Bank information access was expanded after Argentina's 2001 crisis weakened the financial sector's instrumental power and reduced structural power.  相似文献   

日本人口出生率的不断下降和老年人口的不断增加,使公共年金制度的可持续发展遇到巨大挑战。为此,日本政府想通过提高消费税来增加公共年金收入,维持其收支平衡。本文从公共年金的需求弹性特点出发,研究了日本提高消费税的必要性和可行性等,并得出了启示。  相似文献   

Given poor tax collection in Mexico –which has registered an average of 10 to 11 percent of the GDP over the last 10 years, while spending has remained around 20 percent–, fiscal reform has been a recurring issue in public debates. In this context, the vat generalization appears as a major option for the country. Nonetheless, its viability has been caught in a discussion tinged with dogmatic hues. This paper presents some important elements that should be taken into account in the debate regarding a generalization of the vat. If the argument for not generalizing this tax is based on the tax’s regressive turn, it should then be stressed that current tax structure has created a situation of greater inequality in terms of the recipients of the support.  相似文献   

明治中期开始,日本政府为实现其富国强兵政策,采取了一系列增强财政收入的措施,当时的大藏省在相继进行地税改革以及试图恢复关税自主权之后,仍然没有扭转财政入不敷出的状况。在此情况下,以松方正义等为首的大藏省官员效仿欧美国家,开始将新的税制引入日本。通过对当时欧美各国税制进行反复研究,决定引进当时只在英国等极少数国家实行的所得税制。近代日本为何引进所得税?又是如何完成对所得税法的立法程序?在此过程中如何处理外来制度与本国传统及实际的矛盾?文章试图解答这些问题。  相似文献   

The issue of the impact of tax competition between the cantons has been quite present in the public discussion, especially in relation with the reform of the Swiss system of financial equalization. The connection between the degree of direct democratic rights and the intensity of tax competition ana‐lysed by Feld (1997) seems to be particularly interesting for political science. Differently to the approach of Feld (1997) this research note examines it with regard to the tax policies in the cantons. In addition, a less criticized way to measure the institutions of direct democracy is used and the research period is extended. The analysis shows that there is a trade‐off between the exit‐ and the voice‐option. In other words: those cantons that have well developed direct democratic institutions, are less affected by the pressure of tax competition. As a consequence of the perceived influence, their citizens do less probably move to an other canton as a reaction to a heavy tax burden.  相似文献   

论中国—东盟自由贸易区税收协调   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,中国参与国际区域经济合作的步伐不断加快,合作领域日益拓宽.中国-东盟自由贸易区建设标志着我国在参与国际区域经济一体化方面迈出了实质性步伐.本文在比较中国与东盟各国税收制度的基础上,借鉴欧盟税收协调的经验,提出中国-东盟自由贸易区税收协调的步骤和主要内容,并重点分析了税收协调的效应,最后据此提出相关政策建议.  相似文献   

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