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舒国滢 《政法论坛》2022,(1):147-160
法学的实践性实际上是与法学的科学性联系在一起的.在历史上,有学者(比如冯·基尔希曼)认为,法学作为"科学"从理论上说是无价值的,它并非"科学".应当看到,法学是一门以"问题-决定"为中心、以某个特定的在历史上形成的实在法秩序为基础、采取诠释-评价的论证方式来探求法律问题之答案(解决法律问题)的(实践)规范性诠释科学,它...  相似文献   

明知与刑事推定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对于明知,通常应在行为人具有这种认识的情况下,司法上去认定该明知是否存在,而不是在行为人缺乏认识时,司法上推定其存在明知。主观上的认识因素,存在"确知"(肯定知道)和"确实不知"两极。在这两者之间,根据认识程度的由强到弱,还分别存在"实知"(事实上知道)、"或知"(可能知道)、"应知"(应当知道)3种类型。这些认识因素,绝大多数与推定无关。在司法解释中,大量使用"应当知道"一词,但其中多数属于行为人"实知"的范畴,基本不涉及刑事推定问题。今后,在进行司法解释时,可以把"明知"解释为确知或者实知。只有在个别明显属于推定的场合,保留"应当知道"的表述。对明知进行分级,将其内涵进一步细化,充分考虑了刑事证明责任的负担问题,也有助于司法解释的精确化,其意义不可低估。  相似文献   

法学知识的属性与进步   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
法学理论的创新是当下学术界法治论式中的一种普遍诉求 ,但是 ,法学理论研究中的这种创新努力是建立在科学主义的法学本体论和方法论基础上的。自 1 9世纪以来形成的科学主义对人文社会科学的影响不仅在西方 ,而且在中国都是深远、厚重的 ,这种科学主义对我国法学理论和法律实践的负面影响也是广泛深刻的。由于法学理论作为一种人文社会科学知识与科学有着十分广泛且重要的区别 ,因此 ,尽管我们需要在法学理论的研究中坚持科学精神 ,但科学主义却是我们应当警惕的。否则 ,围绕理论创新所进行的各种努力恰恰可能滞碍我们所希望得到的进步  相似文献   

基层法官司法知识的开示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
苏力 《现代法学》2000,22(3):9-13
基于时中国基层司法的调查和研究,本文试图概括地总结中国基层司法中经常运用的一些在现有的法律知识体制中末于以足够重视的知识和技术,并予以初步的理论分析。本文认为,由于中国基层法院法官所处的特定制度空间(初审法院)和时空位置(中国基层社会),他/她们所需要的知识和技巧不仅与理想型法官不同,而且与上诉审法官也不同。在这种余件下,中国基层法院法官实际上经常并非自党地创造和运用一些知识和技术。这种知识和技术有助于实用主义地解决一些实际问题,并且从现代的其他学科知识看来也具有一定的学理上的正当性,但是在有些情况下,也有可能被滥用。这种从司法实践来的知识,尽管来自基层,缺乏实践者的自我反思,但仍然具有实践意义和理论意义,需要当代中国关注现实的法学象的重视和研究。  相似文献   

This research compared 40 adults with mild developmental disabilities (DD) and 40 nondelayed adults (ND) in terms of knowledge of legal terms and court proceedings. For all of the 34 terms studied, with the exception of police officer there were significant differences between the DD and ND groups with respect to degree of conceptual understanding of terms. Results indicate that all but 6 terms assessed (adjourn, allegation, crown attorney, defendant, prosecute, and court reporter) were well-defined by 85% or more of ND participants. In contrast, only 8 of the terms (police officer, lawyer, jail, court, lie, truth, judge, and witness) were reasonably conceptually understood by at least 75% of DD participants. Reported familiarity with terms in DD participants is not a reliable indicator of actual familiarity with terms. Results are discussed with respect to the need for education of DD individuals and legal professionals to support participation and fair treatment of DD individuals in legal situations.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国海商法》第222条第2款是一个对海上保险中被保险人告知义务履行范围的限制。根据该条款,在保险人没有做出询问的情况下,对于保险人知道或者一个谨慎的保险人在通常业务中应当知道的情况,被保险人无需告知。保险人的法定代表人、高级管理人员、承保部门的负责人以及具体做出承保决定的人对有关情况的知情应该归属于公司。公众知晓的情况,保险人通常承保的保险标的之一般属性,或通常承保的贸易之一般实务或贸易限制或通常可能发生的状况等,属于保险人应当知道的情况。  相似文献   

法学界对于社会科学在司法裁判中运用的研究源于对以逻辑演绎方法为核心的科学主义在法学中支配地位的反思和以经验主义为核心的社会科学在法学中的兴起。为了确保进入裁判性事实认定领域的社会科学具有权威性和说服力,社会科学必须借助相应的证据规则。社会科学知识作为证据的准入标准经历了一个从普遍认同标准到科学有效性标准的转变。社会学解释方法和社会框架是社会科学在法律适用过程中加以运用的两种方式。社会学解释方法在法律适用过程中的运用应当以法律存在多种相互冲突的解释或存在"隐藏的漏洞"为前提,找寻法律概念所包含的肯定选项或者中性选项,并遵循比例原则和受到法律规范性质的约束。社会框架的运用必须以尊重本国文化传统和日常基本逻辑为前提,并结合其他因素,以充分发挥社会框架的效力。  相似文献   

This experiment examined whether jury-eligible community members (N = 223) were able to detect internally invalid psychological science presented at trial. Participants read a simulated child sexual abuse case in which the defense expert described a study he had conducted on witness memory and suggestibility. We varied the study’s internal validity (valid, missing control group, confound, and experimenter bias) and publication status (published, unpublished). Expert evidence quality ratings were higher for the valid versus missing control group version only. Publication increased ratings of defendant guilt when the study was missing a control group. Variations in internal validity did not influence perceptions of child victim credibility or police interview quality. Participants’ limited detection of internal validity threats underscores the need to examine the effectiveness of traditional legal safeguards against junk science in court and improve the scientific reasoning ability of lay people and legal professionals.  相似文献   

Canadian criminal suspects have notably limited access to legal counsel upon arrest compared to suspects in the U.S. Additionally, prior research has shown significant misunderstanding of police warnings informing suspects of their rights upon arrest. This paper presents three studies on Canadians’ comprehension of criminal suspects’ rights upon arrest, with a focus on the right to counsel. Study 1 (N=80) and Study 2 (N=377) examined Canadian layperson’s comprehension, knowledge, and perceptions of legal rights upon arrest. In turn, Study 3 (N=78) investigated Canadian legal professionals’ perceptions of laypersons’ knowledge of those rights. Results from these three studies indicated there is substantial confusion about the right to counsel for Canadian criminal suspects. These results also support previous research demonstrating problems with comprehension of Canadian police cautions. Taken together, the findings of the present research pose significant concern for an increased risk of false confessions from Canadian suspects who enter an interrogation with limited knowledge and understanding of their legal right to counsel.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2019,59(5):524-532
What do policing leaders think and know of forensic science? Beyond crime scene investigators or detectives, how do police senior managers perceive the role, utility and limitations of forensic science? Very few empirical studies have addressed the issue. Forensic scientsts should be concerned about the perception that law enforcement senior managers have of their discipline for two reasons. First, strategic and financial decision-makers are obviously key players in the overall administration and provision of forensic science, either as a supervisor, money provider or as a customer. Second, literature has highlighted that other actors involved in forensic science underestimate the scope and possibilities offered by forensic science, hence limiting its exploitation and potential. Following interviews with 18 police senior managers from Quebec (Canada), this study shows that they generally restrict forensic science to a reactive discipline whose role and utility is to identify offenders and support the Court. This understanding of forensic science, like that of many others including a significant share of forensic scientists, differs from the perception of other police activities in modern law enforcement agencies where proactive action is sought. Considering these findings and the growing body of literature which calls for forensic science to connect more tightly with policing and security, we advocate a more extensive education of police leaders regarding the scope of forensic science.  相似文献   

夏锦文 《法学论坛》2005,20(2):18-23
法律职业化与司法现代化的共同理论语境是现代性理论 ,共同实践背景是法制现代化运动。法律职业化意味着一个经过法学理论熏陶和法律知识传授之法律职业家共同体的形成 ,这个职业家共同体共享法律价值并娴熟于法律技能。司法现代化作为法制现代化的一个重要组成部分 ,倡导并通过现代司法制度确认司法独立、程序正义、程序效率等基本价值准则。法律职业化与司法现代化之间的理论关联可以从法律与经济关系、司法独立与程序正义、司法制度资源供给与分享、法律作为科学学科和知识体系、司法效率实现等多种维度进行分析和把握。  相似文献   

Clean development mechanism (CDM) is encountering many uncertainties due to the coming end of the commitment period and critically suggested reformation. As the largest participant in the CDM market, China shoulders the biggest proportion of market risk. Among the studies on CDM in China, few have focused upon the legal aspect of CDM, which is crucial in defending developers’ interests. To fill this research gap in making the transition from policy to law, this paper claims that carbon emission right, which is the basis of trade, should be attributed as a property right in Property Law of People’s Republic of China. The present study will discuss the characteristics of carbon emission, definition, and legal attribution of carbon emission right. The valid object of carbon emission right in the CDM market under Property Law should be certified emissions reductions (CERs). The usufructuary right could be specifically applied in practice to the owners’ property right on CERs in China. Although experience from the CDM is not fully applicable to the development of cap and trading, the success of CDM market provides a reasonable platform to study emission right in the view of legal science. Furthermore, the proposed research acts as the pioneer study that lay the theoretical foundations in legal science on emission right trading for other potential schemes, which in turn addresses international environmental issues.  相似文献   

付新河 《政法学刊》2014,(2):117-120
口头制止是《公安机关人民警察现场制止违法犯罪行为操作规程》规定的处置措施之一。但现阶段公安民警在现场制止违法犯罪时存在不知、不用、不会使用口头制止处置措施等问题。影响到执法的进程和效果。可从转变执法理念、依法使用口头制止、口头制止方式适当、口头制止方法等四个方面探讨公安民警口头制止处置措施规范化使用实现的途径,提升公安民警在实战中运用口头制止手段的能力。避免不必要的执法对抗和产生不良执法效果,以体现规范执法,保障人权,促进社会和谐发展的要求。  相似文献   


With this paper, I suggest a multiperspectivist approach for assessing conceptual legal knowledge with relevance for the translation of legal terms in translation between two or more different legal systems. The basic quest is to present a set of categories and analytical approaches for legal translators to generate (collect) and classify knowledge necessary for their professional conceptual needs. In this paper, I will focus on the translational, juridical, and cognitive basics of such an approach. In order to cope with the broad range of possible translational purposes in different translational situations and choose relevantly between alternative formulations, translators need methods and strategies in order to construct the necessary conceptual knowledge. This presupposes a broad knowledge structured in ways that enable the translator to recognize relevant characteristics of legal systems and relevant differences between different legal systems. Concerning translational theory, the basis is the functional theory of translation as adapted to legal translation, based upon the idea of translation as choice between alternatives and distinguishing between documentary translation, at one end of a scale, and instrumental translation, at the other. This basis and the distinction presuppose relevant knowledge from comparative law. Hence, existing approaches and fundamental tenets concerning comparative law inside and outside of translation are presented. In order for knowledge to be presented in a manageable way with relevance to translators, I work with the approach of concept frames as basic unit of knowledge gathering and categorization. This way of presenting knowledge is embedded more generally in a knowledge communication approach, focusing on knowledge asymmetry. Within this general framework, the multiperspectivist approach combines insights from cultural studies (especially the study of law-as-culture), law as a disciplinary social system, and communicative interaction generating meanings in legal communication, also across national borders.


The expansion of patients' rights and the increasing complexity of the science of medicine raises serious legal and social questions, particularly when they pertain to end-of-life decision-making. Medical science continues to find ways of maintaining or extending life in a body or mind affected by disease or trauma and regular advances in medical technology and practice mean that the natural course of illness or injury will rarely be uninterrupted by some form of medical intervention. This progressive "medicalisation" of death, together with enhanced patient autonomy, means that choices can increasingly be made regarding medical treatment which may ultimately influence both the time and the way in which a person dies. This article examines both legislation and the common law in Australia particularly as it pertains to medical decision-making at end-of-life and the patient's right of self-determination.  相似文献   

在探究商业秘密保护制度的形成及发展进程方面,国外及国内的许多学者与法官曾先后提出了调整商业秘密关系的诸多理论,它们对当代商业秘密保护制度的建立与完善起到了巨大促进作用,然而,在这些众多的理论中,最能准确把握商业秘密特征,对西方国家商业秘密法律制度的形成最具影响力的则当属商业秘密的"财产权理论"和"保密关系理论"。深入考察保密关系学说和财产权论的形成及发展轨迹,将有助于了解目前英美及其他国家商业秘密保护制度。  相似文献   

Exploitation of women in the sex industry is the best known but probably not the most common outcome of trafficking in human beings. Still, trafficking for labour exploitation gets less attention from policy makers, the police and researchers. The legal framework allows dealing with trafficking for labour exploitation, but the prosecution of such cases is still in its infancy. In this contribution we focus on labour exploitation. We first present the legal framework. Then we go into the lack of knowledge in this area, followed by what we do know about risk sectors, victims, and what makes them vulnerable for exploitation. Focussing on the Netherlands, we describe the perpetrators and the difficulties in investigating and prosecuting trafficing cases in general and labour exploitation in particular, rounding off with some general conclusions.  相似文献   

Conclusion Current research on the level of police resources, patrol and investigation strategies, community policing, and the likely impact of changes in the legal framework confirms the simple truth that the police capacity to influence crime has always been vastly overstated. Unfortunately, the preventive police forces that emerged in Anglo-American jurisdictions in the wake of Sir Robert Peel's new police were linked directly and for the first time to the crime rate. While there was little that they could actually do about the crime rate per se, questions of police effectiveness, resource allocation, and the adequacy of police powers have tended to be answered on the basis of such data ever since. The need now is to find different ways of measuring and evaluating police work. It may be that the major contribution of community policing is to highlight precisely this issue by shifting the focus of policing away from the crime rate and by forcing police departments, politicians, and academics to confront the real capabilities of the police and to devise methods of evaluating them and promoting them to an increasingly skeptical world.This is a revised version of a paper given at the third conference of the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia, March 19–23, 1989.LL.M., University of London 1968; LL.B., University of London 1967.  相似文献   

“警察人性化执法”刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伍玉功 《时代法学》2007,5(5):87-94
警察人性化执法,是指警察在执法过程中,在依法保障当事人合法权益的前提下,依照法定的职权和法定的程序,改变执法观念和执法方式,以人为本,实现执法公正的一项专门活动。在警察人性化执法中,严格执法是前提,依法保障当事人的合法权益(包括警察自身的合法权益)是核心内容,人文关怀是方式,实现执法公正是终极目标。而"懦弱执法"、"人情执法"、"不平等执法"和"首次不罚"的执法都不是警察的人性化执法。警察人性化执法实现的途径主要有三:一是完善公安法律制度;二是提高人民警察自身的素质;三是加强监督,从严治警。  相似文献   

袭警罪中“暴力”的法教义学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(十一)》实施以来,全国各地的袭警罪首案频发。司法实务人员对袭警罪中"暴力"的理解泛化以及入罪门槛过低,导致袭警罪大有成为我国继醉驾犯罪之后第二大犯罪的趋势,如何理解袭警罪中的"暴力"因此成为理论和实务中的难题。结合我国司法实务中部分地区发生的袭警罪的典型首案,根据刑法中"暴力"的含义以及袭警罪"暴力袭击"行为的规范内涵,袭警罪中"暴力"的性质仅限于"硬暴力"而不包括"软暴力";暴力的发生仅限于突袭性而不包括缓和及具有预见可能性的非突袭性暴力,暴力突袭性的具体特点包括突发性、瞬时性和意外性;根据袭警罪侵害警察人身安全、妨害公务正常执行从而侵犯公共秩序法益之逻辑关系,以及构成要件符合性与保护法益之间的共通性,应联系暴力袭警行为及其结果,通过法益甄别值得处罚的暴力袭警行为,从而将不具有可罚性的暴力袭警行为排除在刑法的适用范围之外。  相似文献   

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