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如今当红的“人肉搜索”风潮虽在一定程度上体现了民众追求社会公平公正的意识,满足了公民对信息批露公开公正的要求,但在“人肉搜索”中公开的个人信息,属于隐私权的范畴,“人肉搜索”过程中的不适当的行为很容易侵犯到他人的隐私权.本文通过对“人肉搜索”现象及隐私权界定的分析,探讨了“人肉搜索”侵权案件的法律适用依据以及司法救济途径,简析如何把“人肉搜索”这把双刃剑收为己用,真正做到对隐私权的保护.  相似文献   

郑智军 《法制与社会》2011,(12):288-289
"人肉搜索"作为近两年新兴的一种网络搜索方式,在其发展过程中引发了很多问题,特别是侵犯公民人格权问题等,现实呼唤法律的规制。随着中国网民自发制订"人肉搜索公约"的出现,"人肉搜索"问题似乎开始趋于理性和反思。"人肉搜索"问题归根结底反映了网络视野下道德与法律的生存状态问题,本文试图从这一角度进行分析和阐述。  相似文献   

随着人肉搜索在互联网上的日益盛行,社会各方关于人肉搜索的讨论也渐趋白热化.本文从自然法的角度探讨了"以暴制暴"式人肉搜索的不合理性以及对其的规制方法.  相似文献   

"人肉搜索"起源于"猫扑网",它作为一种新的信息检索方式,是公民行使言论自由和信息自由的重要表现。但其不恰当的使用也会导致公民的隐私权、肖像权、名誉权等受到侵犯,由此引起了一系列的法律问题,但是我国现存法律并未直接涉及到"人肉搜索"侵权保护的问题上。本文从"人肉搜索"的起源与发展以及人肉搜索造成的危害,折射出的法律问题等进行分析整合,对如何规制"人肉搜索"提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

余云 《法制与社会》2012,(33):14-15
"人肉搜索"是随着信息时代的发展而出现的新型网络现象,其存在的合法性基础尤其是与公民隐私权保护间的关系备受争议。本文主要从"人肉搜索"的合理性、合法性基础上探讨其与隐私权的冲突问题,认为应对"人肉搜索"进行法律规制,从而实现权利之间的平衡。  相似文献   

人肉搜索作为网络信息时代的产物,它在宣扬惩善扬恶的社会正义的同时,也屡屡出现对公民私权利的恶意侵犯。本文以人肉搜索是否应纳入刑法的规制范围为视角,探讨刑法的谦抑性思想问题。人肉搜索由于不具有严重的社会危害性;对人肉搜索行为进行刑罚处罚,会导致禁止对社会有利的行为;在具体司法实践中也会遭遇现实的操作障碍,因此,将人肉搜索入罪违背了刑法的谦抑性原则,而采取刑罚之外的手段进行处理则更为恰当。诸如人肉搜索之类的许多社会问题,若诉诸于道德、信仰以及民法、行政法等其他法律手段可以充分解决的话,就不需要动用刑罚这种最为严厉的惩罚措施。  相似文献   

人肉搜索作为一种网上流行的搜索方式,其作为一种技术存在本身并不违法,只有当人肉搜索超过一定限度侵犯了他人隐私权后,才属于违法行为。由于我国相关法律未对人肉搜索造成的侵权行为进行详细规定,本文通过界定人肉搜索概念并探讨人肉搜索体现的权利和侵犯的权利,从而提出如何完善规制人肉搜索侵权行为的建议。  相似文献   

论"人肉搜索"中言论自由与隐私权的冲突   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术的发展,"人肉搜索"逐渐兴起并由于其中包含着各种权利的冲突而不断引起争议。本文从"人肉搜索"的含义谈起,重点分析了"人肉搜索"中言论自由与隐私权的冲突,并对这种权利冲突的协调机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

“人肉搜索”作为一种新型的网络监督机制,在我国有不可替代的作用,作为一种新型的网络搜索方式,其在发展的过程中往往可能侵害被搜索人的隐私权。本文在“人肉搜索”与隐私权的冲突分析的基础上,提出平衡“人肉搜索”发展与隐私权保护的几点立法建议,以期促进“人肉搜索”形式的良性发展。  相似文献   

近来,人肉搜索引起了极大的争议,对于它所带来的不利后果,本文首先从其法律属性进行剖析,论证了其构成侵权的各种情形,进而提出了针对人肉搜索进行法律救济的两种方式:一为提起侵权之诉,二为借鉴英美法系中的禁令制度并同时允许提起损害赔偿之诉,从而将人肉搜索置于法律的制约之下。  相似文献   

The Internet is notoriously known to be the “human flesh search engine” in China when it is used against private individuals for the purpose of social shaming, monitoring and revenge. In such case of cyber witch hunting, personal information of the targeted individuals is often ruthlessly exposed and their lives are mercilessly disrupted. In the face of the growing resort to the human flesh search engine, the Beijing Court delivered the first ruling condemning this practice and affirming privacy rights for Chinese citizens at the end of 2008. This article discusses the trend of cyber-manhunt in China, with specific focus on the judgment of the Beijing Court. It points out the inadequacy in the ruling and argues that legislative enactment to protect personal information at the national level is essential in China.  相似文献   

人肉搜索问题与刑法规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨曙光 《行政与法》2010,(3):102-105
学界关于隐私权的内涵、隐私的利用以及与其他权利的冲突如何界定并没有完全达成一致,我国对隐私侵权的构成要件也未有实体法的规定。姓名、电话号码等个人信息的本质属性是社会交往中的个体识别标志,而非单纯的个人隐私。人肉搜索可以细分为不同的阶段,前期单纯的搜索他人姓名、电话等个人信息的行为,与其后参与搜索者实施的侮辱行为应区别对待,不能笼统的认为人肉搜索行为是侵犯隐私权的行为。作为一种新兴的信息获取手段,其存在有许多积极的社会意义,不能因噎废食一概加以否定。在民法未对隐私的内涵做出明示的规定,行政法未满足公民应有的知情权之前,不宜运用刑法手段调整人肉搜索问题。  相似文献   

Bite marks have been reported in flesh, foodstuffs and inanimate objects. Those in foodstuffs occur widely in cases of larceny but also occur in serious crimes such as murder.Evaluation of distinctive characteristics in food bites differs from the corresponding assessment of flesh bite marks in that the assessment is made on the impression made by the labial aspect of the teeth and not on the biting edge, because the teeth penetrate the bitten foods to different depths.The terminology used to describe food bite marks is very varied and a classification of food bites has been formulated in an effort to bring a degree of uniformity to the analysis of such marks.  相似文献   

朱娟 《法律科学》2009,27(1):47-55
根据哈耶克之二元社会秩序观,社会秩序可类分为自发的和建构的;根据其二元社会秩序规则观,社会秩序规则可类分为内部规则与外部规则。其中,自发秩序由内部规则调整,建构的秩序则由外部规则调整。“人肉搜索”作为一种自发形成的信息供给渠道、非主流的社会控制方式和后现代的权利救济机制,其生成具有深远的法社会学根源,属于哈耶克所谓之自发秩序,应以诸内部规则加以调整,但排除刑事规则,尽管哈耶克认为刑法属于内部规则。  相似文献   

A Mark for Peter     

This paper objects to certain forms of punishments, such as supermax confinement, on grounds that they are inappropriately contemptuous. Building on discussions in Kant and elsewhere, I flesh out what I take to be salient features of contempt, features that make contempt especially troubling as a form of moral regard and treatment. As problematic as contempt may be in the interpersonal context, I contend that it is especially troubling when a person is treated contemptuously by her political community's institutions—such as by certain forms of punishment. Punishment is contemptuous if it fails to respect offenders as moral persons, who as such are always capable of moral reform. Respect for offenders therefore requires, at least, that punishment not tend to undermine the prospect of offenders’ reform. I flesh out this constraint by considering various ways in which punishments may tend to undermine offenders’ reform. In particular, I discuss ways in which supermax confinement tends to violate the reform-based constraint. Finally, I address several potential objections to my account.  相似文献   

The possibility of using readily available media such as salt and alcohol to preserve tissue samples in non-tropical climates has been previously reported. This present study is a proof of concept trial to investigate the efficacy of salt, alcohol and FTA card for the preservation of soft tissue samples in a tropical hot and humid environment. Using bovine flesh as proxy, salt and commercial liquors such as whiskey and vodka were found to be effective in preserving the tissue samples at ambient temperatures over a 3 month period.  相似文献   

Experiments in the month of September 2005 were performed to study nocturnal larviposition by the flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae). Two species namely Sarcophaga albiceps Meigen and Sarcophaga hirtipes Wiedemann were observed to deposit their larvae during night time as well. Therefore, possibility of night larviposition by flesh flies should always be taken into consideration while determining age of maggots.  相似文献   

Carrion‐breeding insects, such as flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae), can be used as evidence in forensic investigations. Despite their considerable forensic potential, their use has been limited because morphological species identification, at any life stage, is very challenging. This study investigated whether DNA could be extracted and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) barcode sequences obtained for molecular identification of each immature life stage of the forensically important Australian flesh fly, Sarcophaga (Sarcorohdendorfia) impatiens (Walker). Genomic DNA extracts were prepared from all larval instars and puparia. Amplification of the barcoding region was successful from all extracts, but puparia amplicons were weak. All sequences were identified as S. impatiens with 99.95% confidence using the Barcoding of Life Database (BOLD). Importantly, crop removal was necessary to eliminate PCR inhibition for specimens from late second and early third instars. Similar results are expected for immatures of other carrion‐breeding species, enhancing the use of evidence from immature flies in forensic investigations.  相似文献   

莫华善 《行政与法》2007,(12):92-93
在我国高等教育大众化进程中,出现高校办学规模扩大、投资渠道和资金来源多元化、基建项目增多、物资采购种类和数量增大、办学收费途径趋向灵活等现象,这些变化为高等学校的发展注入了新的活力,同时,也带来了许多新的问题,高等学校职务犯罪呈现明显的多发趋势。加强职务犯罪预防工作已成为高等教育健康发展的重要任务。  相似文献   

社会危害性与刑事违法性关系新论   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
齐文远  周详 《中国法学》2003,(1):122-129
社会危害性与刑事违法性是一种对立统一的矛盾关系。在理想的、应然的层面 ,社会危害性与刑事违法性是统一的。但是在现实层面 ,社会危害性与刑事违法性二者之间由于立法技术、语言的特性、人的认识能力、社会生活的复杂多变等因素的影响而并非绝对一致 ,在现实的立法与司法中 ,或多或少会呈现出社会危害性与刑事违法性的对立状态和冲突。笔者在坚持通说基本观点的基础上 ,提出应通过在立法与司法两个过程运用“应罚”与“可罚”之社会危害性观念 ,在承认实然的社会危害性与刑事违法性对立与冲突关系的前提下 ,努力追求二者的相互统一的理想状态。  相似文献   

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