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借助社会性别的分析路径,可以深入揭示特定时期女工的经济地位状态。近代工业化的发展使女工人数剧增,女工成为近代从业女性中人数最多的职业群体。女性外出就业迈出了自身解放的决定性一步,是其地位提升的关键,但与男工相比,女工普遍处于弱势的经济地位:女工能够进入工业企业"权力"阶层的为数甚少,而且多集中于低技术部门,导致其职业收入的整体低下。女工经济地位的低下是历史和现实多种因素的结果,显示出时间、空间和性别在近代社会的交错和复杂。  相似文献   

建国50年来 ,随着高等教育的快速发展 ,高校女教师的人数不断增多 ,素质不断提高 ,女教师人数从1950年的1900人发展到1997年的14200人 ,同期占教师比例从11 %发展到35 1 %。特别是1992年后 ,女教师的比例每年增长近一个百分点。这些数据说明在高校这个男性占优势的高知识群体中 ,知识女性已占据重要地位。与其他社会行业群体相比较 ,高校女性教师在政治素质、文化素质、思想素质和人格素质上都优于社会整体女性。她们对“男性中心文化”的价值判断最为反感 ,最易接受男女平权的思想 ,女性主体意识强烈。由此推…  相似文献   

现有针对女性高级知识分子、高校女教师群体的研究多采取问题取向与割裂的视角,使女性经验隐没于男性声音中,因此突出了女教师在生涯发展中的负面形象,对其日常生活中的能动性和策略往往缺乏观照。文章基于高校女教师的研究反思现行女性研究的理论取径,认为关注个人经验的日常生活为我们提供了一个有力的理论转向。女性主义关照下的日常生活研究思想方法和理论框架能帮助我们更好地从理论和经验上理解女性生活,成为未来妇女和性别研究的新方向。  相似文献   

文章依据第三期中国妇女社会地位调查数据,对老年女性的社会支持现状、需求及两者之间的关系进行了描述和分析。研究表明:老年女性的社会支持状况尤其是经济供给现状处于劣势,其社会支持需求与现状并非完全契合。原因在于老年女性所参与的非正式社会支持交换隐匿于父权社会所建构的性别分工之下,难以获得社会价值的认同,从而使其客观诉求沦为"沉默的需求"。  相似文献   

本文基于2004年“全国中小学教师队伍基础调研”课题组对广西、福建、湖北、江苏、吉林、甘肃六省(区)的问卷调查数据,对农村女教师状况进行了系统分析。结论认为,农村女教师已成为农村基础教育中最具活力、有巨大发展潜力的群体。但是,鉴于女教师发展存在的问题,建议继续重视为农村学校配备女教师的工作,特别是在边远贫困、女性专业人才缺乏的地区,可通过政策倾斜、专项经费支持等措施增加女教师的数量和比例;继续加强对农村女教师的在职培训,重视对达到任职标准的农村女教师的提职晋升工作,特别是要增加拥有高级职称的女教师比例;注重对女校长的培养与任命。  相似文献   

老年妇女的社会地位,既是女性个体在其整个生命历程中不断选择和累积的结果,同时也是妇女一生成长发展所处社会经济、文化环境等所塑造和影响的结果。对处于生命历程晚期老年妇女社会地位的考察,是全面认识妇女社会地位不可缺失的重要内容。  相似文献   

浙江大学童芍素在"推进女性进入学校领导职位的进程"中认为,女性平等地参与教育领导与管理,对妇女教育的实际进程起到关键作用,也是妇女参政的一个重要方面.她指出,95年以来中国女性在教育领导中的地位稳步提高,其原因为:作为女领导基础的女教师比例逐年增加;教育界女性的平等权利意识、参政意识明显增强;干部部门培养使用校级女领导的观念在转变;干部部门关键岗位配备的女性管理者,为校级女领导的选拔、使用和培养做了大量富有实效的工作;校级女领导注重积累领导管理经验,提高工作水平,发挥女性领导者的优势.  相似文献   

信息窗海府地区妇女问题英语演讲比赛揭晓。由省妇联主办的这次比赛在省妇女儿童培训中心举行,来自各条战线的女干部、女教师、企业管理人员和女科技工作者29人参加这场角逐。参赛者就女性的地位、权益、价值及婚姻家庭、妇女进步与社会文明等妇女问题发表了振奋人心的...  相似文献   

中国老年人健康状况的性别差异及其影响因素   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文利用中国2002年老人健康状况调查资料,在控制其它相关因素的情况下,对中国老年人健康状况的性别差异进行统计验证和原因分析。分析结果表明,中国女性老年人口的健康水平明显低于男性老年人口,不利的后天社会环境是其主要原因,其中低下的女性社会经济地位的影响最显著。本文还在原因分析的基础上提出改善中国女性老年人健康状况的对策。  相似文献   

<正>"我希望有关部门建立‘临聘教师人才储备库’,应对国家二胎政策放宽后,我省中小学女教师比例较大,由于‘产假式’缺岗造成的临时性教师短缺的问题。"18日,省人大代表、东北师大附小校长于伟告诉记者。数据:师大附小女教师占教师总人数的81%,其中58%的女教师为35周岁以下的育龄教师"我跟不少校长沟通过这个问题,这个情况很普遍,大家预测,今年下半年开始女教师‘产假式’缺员状况将递增式发展。"于伟希望引起相关部门的重视,就  相似文献   

少数民族贫困山区乡村中学教师心理健康状况调查与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文旨在探讨少数民族贫困山区乡村中学教师心理健康状况。采用SCL-90量表对黔东南苗族侗族自治州的218名苗族、侗族青年教师进行调查。发现少数民族贫困山区乡村中学教师SCL-90的各因子得分高于常模,侗族教师整体阳性检出率高于苗族教师;侗族男女教师在人际关系,偏执因子上差异显著;苗族男女教师在人际关系因子上差异显著。说明少数民族贫困山区中学教师心理健康状况低于全国平均水平,同时应重视男教师在偏执和人际关系方面的问题。  相似文献   

Although homeless youth face a higher risk of victimization and mental health problems, little is known about school victimization and mental health outcomes for school-attending homeless youth. This study examined the relationship between school climate and school-related victimization and mental health problems among homeless youth. Multivariate analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between school climate factors and school victimization, suicidal ideation, and depression tendency in a representative sample of 1,169 school-attending homeless youth in 9th and 11th grades in California. Findings show that school-attending homeless youth are at high risk of being victimized at school and have high rates of depression tendency and suicidal ideation. Positive school climate, especially perceived high expectations from teachers and safety in school, was associated with lower rates of school victimization and mental health problems. The role of supportive school climate in the lives of school-attending homeless youth is discussed and future implications are suggested.  相似文献   


Pre-service teachers who had completed their practicum or student teaching and in-service teachers in their first 3 years of teaching (n = 218) completed open-ended surveys about their beliefs and fears of school violence and rated their fears for such acts as use of weapons and the likelihood of those acts about their fears about schools and school violence. There were significant differences between pre-service and in-service teachers in their rankings of fearful events and the perceived likelihood of these events using t-tests to compare the groups. The informants reported being most afraid of guns or other weapons or other forms of dangerous violence (hostage taking, an outside stranger coming in and threatening their students, and so on). These fears were significantly correlated with their beliefs in the likelihood that these events would happen. Open-ended questions revealed that pre-service teachers tended to be more afraid for their personal safety and personal failure in a crisis situation and in-service classroom teachers tended to be more afraid for their students' safety. The implications for teacher education and preparing teachers to address school violence are discussed.  相似文献   

The inclusion of students with disabilities is a process that requires collaboration among multiple individuals, with teachers, aides, parents, students, and school systems playing important roles in resolving student problems. In the current study, we examined data from 75 teachers concerning 126 students about problems that students with disabilities had following a transition from a school primarily serving students with disabilities to more inclusive schools. Reported problems were reviewed and five major themes emerged: academic, behavioral, mobility/accessibility, social, and transportation issues. Teachers typically resolved academic problems by working directly with the student or collaborating with school staff. Social problems were resolved through student and teacher initiatives. Behavioral, transportation, and mobility/accessibility problems were resolved through collaboration among many key school figures and family members. Implications for theory, research, and inclusive school practices related to academic curricula, resources, services, and architectural accommodations for students with disabilities are discussed.  相似文献   

Bullying prevention programs in the United States are being implemented in schools from kindergarten through high school to reduce rates of bullying behaviors. The bully prevention in positive behavior support (PBIS) model is an evidence-based, whole school intervention program. The PBIS model trains teachers, school staff, and administrators to model and provide positive reinforcement for children to decrease bullying amongst peers. This article addresses gaps in the current bullying prevention research by exploring challenges and potential modifications to the PBIS model based on staff perspectives of specific student needs. Utilizing focus group methodology, administrators, teachers, and support staff in a northeastern urban elementary school identified challenges experienced by students who were English language learners, impulsive, shy or sensitive, and female. The findings highlight the critical nature of school–parent relationships in addressing student, family, and cultural factors that influence the successful implementation of bullying prevention programs.  相似文献   


Limited empirical findings suggest that teacher victimization at school is highly prevalent, with detrimental negative impacts on victimized teachers. Given the scarce body of literature on teacher victimization, further research is necessary to investigate its extent, predictors, and negative consequences. The present research, using a representative sample of 1,628 teachers in the southwest region of the United States, indicates a high prevalence of violence and aggression directed against teachers. Also, the research found that teachers’ uncertain and helping/friendly behaviors toward students were significantly related to various types of teacher victimization. Experiences involving the five victimization types (theft/property damage, physical assault, verbal abuse, sexual harassment, and noncontact aggression) are correlated with teachers’ self-reported job performance, student trust, safety at school, and thoughts about quitting. Directions for future research and policy implications are considered in the context of these findings.  相似文献   

School Violence     

While politicians and the media have devoted a great deal of attention to the “problem” of school violence, classrooms teachers remain an underutilized source of information and inspiration about the frequency of school violence, its causes, its consequences, and appropriate interventions. In essence, teachers have been given little, if any, voice. This article is a reflective piece that integrates the author's own experiences as a teacher, focus group data with high school teachers, and the extant literature regarding the importance of teacher voice. Research and theory regarding the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized serve as background. Also explored are the ways that teachers' voices are stifled, as well as suggestions for empowering teachers.  相似文献   

Complex issues such as bullying have brought to light the importance of expanding school prevention efforts to include interventions focused on multiple levels of practice. Utilizing data gathered from middle-school teachers across the state of Michigan, this study examines how both individual and organizational characteristics influence teacher interventions in bullying situations. The study found that teachers’ beliefs about the perceived seriousness of the bullying situation, teachers’ level of sympathy/empathy toward the students being bullied, and teachers’ ages consistently contributed to their reported likelihood of interventions in bullying situations. Surprisingly, the majority of organizational-level characteristics were not significant predictors of teachers’ reported likelihood of intervention. The findings align with many of the seminal theories of bystander intervention and suggest that school professionals should focus on programs and policies that educate teachers on both the serious consequences of bullying and on factors that promote empathy toward bullied students.  相似文献   


Objective: This study was designed to describe the level of violence in three high schools and to test the effects of universal and targeted strategies to reduce this violence.

Design:A repeated measures design with two baseline scores and two intervention scores was used during a two year period. Two rural high schools served as control schools with a single intervention high school.

Participants: All freshmen at the three high schools completed a self-report measure of school violence; 420 completed the study at the end of their sophomore year.

Method: Multiple universal and targeted interventions to prevent school violence were used for slightly more than one year. Scores on student Victimization and Perpetration, gathered one year apart, were compared using a pre-test post-test model.

Findings: Student reports of perpetration at the intervention school were significantly lower than the combined scores at the control school. Students, teachers, and administrators reported improved awareness, knowledge, and skills to implement violence prevention programs.

Conclusions: A comprehensive program that includes university and high school partnerships has the capability to reduce school violence during a short period. Despite limitations to the study, continued use of research partnerships to decrease school violence is war-ranted.  相似文献   

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