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视频公开课的建设工作是"十二五"高校本科教学质量与教学改革工程的重要内容。基于《管理学原理》视频课程长期的教学实践,以该课程为例探讨了当前视频公开课建设的现状,针对其存在的问题提出一系列改善建议:拓宽视频公开课的宣传渠道、丰富《管理学原理》课程相关资源、强化视频公开课程的交流与反馈机制、提升《管理学原理》授课方式的趣味性、探索《管理学原理》课程共享和知识产权保护的平衡点。  相似文献   

有关科学学和管理学方面的书籍,国内外都出版了不少,但是最近由学术期刊出版社出版的《科学学与管理学原理》一书(胡世禄编著)仍能给人一种新鲜感。  相似文献   

管理科学研究的一部力作──《现代管理学》评介刘险峰正当我国改革开放呼唤现代管理理论的创新与发展的时候,中共黑龙江省委党校管理科学教研室孙占奎、崔玉斌同志主编的《现代管理学》一书由中共中央党校出版社隆重推出,与广大读者见面了。纵观全书,《现代管理学》有...  相似文献   

(一) 管理的实践活动由来已久,约在两千多年前,一些思想家就提出了许多有关管理方面的问题。但把管理活动作为特定的研究对象,并形成管理的系统理论,则是近代在研究经济理论过程中,独立出来的一门科学。第一本管理学专著是由美国管理学创始人泰罗于一九一一年出版的《科学管理原理》。此后,特别是美国,研究管理的人多了,出版的书籍也多了,并逐渐形成了许多管理理论学派。第二次世界大战之后,管理学派如雨后春笋,发展很  相似文献   

最近,笔者在翻阅国民经济管理有关教材时,发现有些书中介绍的社会劳动生产率指标计算公式的表示是错误的,这些书籍所列的公式为: 社会劳动生产率=社会总产值或国民收入/社会劳动或物质生产劳动者年平均人数×100% (见山东人民出版社1987年再版的《国民经济管理学》第475页;鹭江出版社1986年出版的《社会主义经济管理原理与案例》第59;页辽宁大学出版社1985年出版的《社会主义经济管理原理》第271页。)  相似文献   

国有大中型企业是我国社会主义公有制经济的主体,在改革开放过程中,欲巩固其政治经济地位,发挥其骨干作用,要有一大批优秀管理人才。为此,必须研究如何应用马克思主义的世界观和方法论,去指导现代管理,进而加强和改善企业干部素质。一、考评是科学把握干部素质的实践和管理方法考评即考核、考察、评价、评议等。《管理学原理》指出:对管理者考核和评价,“关系到组织目标的实现,关系到组织的生死存亡”。《行政管理学》认为:实行考评“有利于知人善任”、“有利于提高干部素质”、“是提高于部队伍质量的重要措施”。《现代管理学…  相似文献   

什么叫管理?综合近几年国内公开出版的辞典和管理学著作,主要有以下三种观点: 一种是《国民经济管理学》一书主张的“职能论”。认为,管理“是指生产资料的所有者或他们的代理人、代理机构,为了一定的经济目的,在所管辖的范围内,对社会经济生活或生产经营活动所进行的计划、组织、指挥、调节和监督等一系列的组织和实施活动。”(《国民经济管理学》山东人民出版1985年6月版,第10页)这与现在《辞海》的表述属同类。它强调了管理职能,把管理看做是管理者所进行的各种职能活动的总和。多年来,这种观点在我国管理学界最为流行。  相似文献   

王枫云 《行政论坛》2011,18(4):37-41
公共管理学研究中的理论假说是对公共管理活动、公共管理现象及其本质规律的一种假定性或推测性表述,其具有如下特征:假定性、客观性与科学性。公共管理学研究中理论假说的生成步骤有三:一是寻找已有公共管理学理论与现有公共管理活动、公共管理现象之间的"冲突地带";二是提出推测性构想;三是做出各种预见。公共管理学研究中理论假说的提出方法,包括逻辑方法、数理方法与直觉方法。验证公共管理学理论假说一般有两种路径:直接验证路径与间接验证路径。  相似文献   

《马克思主义基本原理概论》(以下简称《原理》)课程在我国思想政治理论教学中占有极其重要的地位。《原理》课的教学包括理论教学与实践教学两个环节。自《原理》课实施实践教学以来,取得了不少成效,但也存在着许多问题。针对问题,我们必须多方着手,转变教育理念、创新教学方法、完善评价考核方式、提高教师素质等,才能使《原理》课的实践教学效果跃上新台阶。  相似文献   

周早弘 《各界》2007,(6):4,6
根据马克思主义哲学原理和管理学原理,我们从时间维、主体维和价值维三个维度构建了民族精神系统的Hall模型,并分析了民族精神的特性。  相似文献   

Short placements can provide an important and meaningful experience of politics in action for students who are unable to benefit from the generally lengthy placements currently on offer. This article is based on the findings of the three-year HEFCE-funded project The Scholarship of Engagement for Politics and explores the potential of short, local, research-based placements, which are embedded in modules, supported by online journaling and effectively assessed, to enrich students' understanding of politics and enhance their employability.  相似文献   

This paper explores the gendered relationships among reforms to social assistance policy, concurrent transformations in citizenship rights to benefits, and low-income parents' experiences of these changes in the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. Policy discourse in all three provinces increasingly constructs mothers and fathers as ‘responsible risk takers’ who are entitled to income support conditional on their employability efforts (for example, attendance in welfare-to-work programmes) or market citizenship. Qualitative interviews with 41 mothers and five fathers illustrate how this ‘gender-neutral worker-citizen’ model can be gendered in application and is contradicted by parents' gendered identities and everyday realities when living on social assistance. Using the theoretical perspective of gender as a social structure, the paper draws upon these findings to provide empirical support for a dominant theoretical argument in feminist scholarship – that gender-neutral policy is gendered and has deeply gendered consequences.  相似文献   

The general problem of interdisciplinary relations and transdisciplinary integration has its counterpart in the field of education in the problem of producing generalists rather than specialists, and at the undergraduate college level, in the problem of devising a rational core curriculum. At present, neither the student nor the faculty knows why one mixture of courses is better or worse than another.This paper advocates a solution to this problem based on the development of a computerized model of the core curriculum in which the interrelated mutually relevant concepts of various disciplines would be associated with teaching time allocations proportional to their degree of conceptual relevance. The foundation for such a development is laid by a discussion of conceptualvs. personal relevance, of acculturationvs. exculturation, of educationvs. instruction, and of immediatevs. delayed motivation.An algorithmic procedure is then outlined which would result in a dynamic model allowing the determination of educational bottlenecks or critical paths in the communication network transforming inputs into outputs. The general concepts of dynamic programming, program evaluation and review techniques, system and decision theory are used in developing the algorithm. The existence of such a model would allow a rational optimization of the curriculum and would make the present perennial trial-and-error experimentation in curriculum design unnecessary, since the computer could test various alternatives quickly and efficiently.  相似文献   

由于培养目标的不同,公安本科高校大学生的教育管理工作与普通高校相比有着极大的不同,社会的发展对人才培养又提出了新的要求。公安院校的学生管理工作要体现鲜明的特点:注重增强学员的自主管理意识,做到严格管理与以人为本相结合;正确处理自由与秩序的关系,推进和谐管理;注重人文关怀和心理疏导,推动文化育警,培养出合格、忠诚的预备警官。  相似文献   

Children of teen mothers have worse academic, labor market, and behavioral outcomes in the United States, but it is not clear whether these poor outcomes are caused by having a young mother or driven by selection into teen motherhood. Understanding the reasoning behind poor child outcomes is important for designing effective policies to improve child trajectories. Simple correlations using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79) and the NLSY79 Children and Young Adults (NLSY79CY) confirm that outcomes for children of teenage mothers are worse relative to children of older mothers. These negative relationships persist after controlling for background variables or including family fixed effects, though the magnitudes are attenuated. However, these approaches fail to fully account for selection into teen motherhood. To overcome selection, I employ an empirical strategy that relies on miscarriages to put bounds on the causal effects of teen childbearing. These bounds show that teen childbearing among mothers who choose to give birth does not cause adverse outcomes for children.  相似文献   

李自维  张维贵 《学理论》2009,(8):160-161
青年大学生具有满腔的爱国主义热情,真正的爱国主义热情需要有理性的表达方式,我们应积极引导大学生在社会实践和人生道路上树立科学理性的爱国主义精神。  相似文献   

There is a growing movement in academia that focuses on increased efforts at undergraduate research. Historically, this movement has been driven by faculty in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields and has only recently become a focus for social sciences in general and political science in particular. For students to be successful at conducting undergraduate research, they should be exposed to it as soon as they are ready. This requires exposing students to undergraduate research in the freshmen and sophomore years. There is no reason this exposure should be limited to four-year institutions. To that end, a new journal has been created for students in political science and other social science courses at two-year colleges so they can be recognized for their undergraduate research. The Social Science Text and Academic Research (STAR) Journal is a peer/faculty-reviewed journal limited to students at two-year colleges.  相似文献   

Voters who perceive the economy to be weak are generally less likely to support the incumbent government. Yet there is a debate over whether all people respond equally to economic shifts or if the state of the economy is more salient for those who feel economically vulnerable. This article examines whether insecure employment situations and employability concerns strengthen responses to the government's economic record. Data from Latin America and Eastern Europe confirm that workers who feel anxious about being fired or who believe it would be difficult to find a new job place significantly greater weight on sociotropic evaluations than do those with more secure employment situations. Thus incumbents who create risks for vulnerable workers are sanctioned, while those who create opportunities are rewarded most.  相似文献   

Policymakers have long recognized child care as a key ingredient in low‐income parents' employability. We examine the effects of expansions in child care policies that were bundled with a mix of employment‐related policies and implemented as part of several random assignment studies on families' child care access and cost. Almost all of these welfare and employment programs increased employment and led to concomitant increases in the use of child care, especially paid child care. Only the programs that also expanded access or affordability of child care consistently increased the use of child care subsidies and reduced out‐of‐pocket costs to parents, allowing parents to purchase center‐based care. With one exception, such programs had small effects on employment‐related child care problems, suggesting that broader and more generous targeting of child care assistance may be important for achieving the goal of enhancing the stability of employment among low‐income families. © 2004 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

何轩 《学理论》2010,(11):261-262
从高中进入大学,对于学生的学习来说,最根本也是最重要的改变是课程学习中方法论的改变。对于具体科学方法论的基本内容,必须在大学一年级就进行相关的培训。涉及方法论的课程都会比较枯燥和难懂,这就要求教师能够深入浅出,将比较艰涩难懂的内容通过同学们能够了解的语言和形式表达出来。如何能够带领学生尽快了解和掌握其所学专业的方法论,是每个大学教师所必需重视的工作。文章以经济类专业为例,对方法论课程在本科教育中的重要性做一次尝试性的讨论,希望能够为同仁提供一些启发性的思考。  相似文献   

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