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南非加入“金砖国家”合作机制探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南非申请加入金砖国家合作机制,是南非与其他金砖国家的历史联系,及经济与战略合作关系的持续深入等综合因素影响的结果,符合南非推动国内经济发展、注重对非其他国家间关系与参与全球治理等利益诉求。作为非洲大国与世界主要新兴经济体之一,其他金砖国家看好与南非在增强相互关系的经济社会基础、促进世界经济发展的均衡与完善全球治理机制等方面的合作潜力。作为金砖国家合作机制的新成员,南非将在推动金砖国家间的经济合作、倡导非洲议程与深化金砖国家合作机制等方面扮演积极角色。  相似文献   

2009年6月,中、俄、印、巴四国正式组成“金砖四国”对话机制,继2011年4月南非加入,“金砖国家”合作机制成立。几年来,“金砖国家”各级别合作机制初步形成,在国际事务中相互配合、重大利益相互支持、务实合作深入开展等方面凸显了这一组织的空前活力,同时也存在着政治互信不足、各方利益不能完全吻合、投资环境多被西方质疑、面临新兴经济体的挑战等问题。由于“金砖国家”自身发展潜力巨大.并被国际投资商看好,联合自强已成为金砖国家共同的战略选择,成员国都有化解分歧的诚意,机制的包容性更增添新的活力,因此,未来金砖国家的合作前景机遇大于挑战。  相似文献   

安全议题是金砖国家合作的一部分,但目前为止进展仍然缓慢。其根源在于,尽管金砖国家之间存在着一定的安全利益关联,但这尚未构成整个金砖国家的共同利益基础。金砖国家中包含着两组三边合作关系,即中俄印战略三角及印度巴西南非对话论坛(IBSA),它们分别形成了一定的地缘战略安排及安全合作成果。但在金砖国家安全议程中,这两组关系难以融合,加上各自内部存在的矛盾,导致了金砖国家共同安全利益基础的缺失。印度是积极推进金砖国家安全合作的重要力量,作为这两组三边关系的唯一交汇点,印度较其他国家更具有融合两组地缘战略安排的潜力。但现实情况是,无论是其在金砖合作框架下倡导的反恐、安理会改革、核不扩散等议题,还是在印度巴西南非对话论坛中予以推进而在金砖合作中尚未得到重视的海洋安全议题,都更为鲜明地汇聚了金砖国家间的安全利益矛盾。由此,金砖国家未来开展安全合作的关键在于构建共同的安全利益。  相似文献   

在中印多边外交的发展和实践过程中,两国逐渐在金砖国家合作机制内找到了利益交汇点。因此,中印两国都在积极参与金砖国家合作机制。中国希望通过金砖国家合作机制加强与其他发展中国家之间的联系、推动人民币国际化进程以及提升与其他金砖国家之间的双边关系;印度希望通过金砖国家合作机制促进本国经济发展、为印度争取成为安理会常任理事国创造新的条件,并推动世界多极化进程。  相似文献   

自2009年金砖国家领导人首次峰会在俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡举行以来,"金砖国家"逐渐由一个学术概念演化为一个实实在在的合作机制,并已成为国际政治舞台上一股不可忽视的力量。2013年3月26—27日,金砖国家领导人第五次峰会于南非城市德班举行,取得了不少成果。作为创建金砖国家机制的倡议者和机制发展的积极参与者,俄罗斯对"金砖国家"有着自己的战略思考与发展规划,这反映在俄罗斯领导人、官员和智库的系列讲话、文件  相似文献   

自2009年成立以来,金砖国家合作机制整体发展顺利,在和衷共济维护世界和平与安宁、以合作发展共同应对风险和挑战、以开拓创新激发合作潜能和活力等方面作用显著。其中,印度既是金砖机制创始成员国,又积极参加美日印澳“四边安全对话”机制,其对于金砖机制的政策取向事关金砖国家合作未来。从整体上看,印度政府对于金砖机制态度积极,重视程度持续提升,故而努力参与引领和塑造金砖机制合作议程,同意金砖机制扩员,推动从金砖五国升级为金砖十一国。印度上述政策源于多重利益诉求:推动国际秩序多极化,提升印度的全球话语权;维持大国战略平衡,确保印度始终能够多方得利;确保印度的能源资源供应安全等。但也要看到,金砖国家未来深入开展合作始终面临印度方面的制约与掣肘,若处理不好将对该机制未来发展产生较严重负面影响。例如,印度坚持狭隘的国家安全观、担心影响对美关系等始终制约着金砖国家合作。因此,印度未来对金砖机制的态度存在变数。  相似文献   

近年来,作为新兴工业化国家代表的金砖国家(包括中国、巴西、印度、俄罗斯和南非)的经济发展引人瞩目,在世界经济发展中的地位越来越重要。金砖国家合作机制对金砖各国对外经济贸易的发展意义重大。本文从货物贸易和服务贸易两个方面,对中国与金砖国家之间的贸易互补性进行了分析。结果表明,中国与金砖国家货物贸易互补性较强,在资本密集型产业和人力资本密集型产业上具有竞争优势;中国与金砖国家的服务贸易互补性也较强,但是和货物贸易相比较弱。基于此,中国应积极倡导成立金砖国家自由贸易区,促进相互贸易的发展。  相似文献   

2013年3月26—27日,金砖国家第五届峰会在南非海滨城市德班召开,峰会主题为"金砖国家与非洲:致力于发展、一体化和工业化的伙伴关系"。与以往峰会相比,本次峰会突出务实合作和外向合作,或成为金砖国家机制化建设的分水岭。一、会议背景与以往金砖峰会相比,德班峰会召开的国际经济背景较为特殊:一方面,世界经济复苏势头脆弱,金砖国家增速也出现不同程度下滑;另一方面,国际金融改革步伐明显减慢,发达经济体与新兴经济  相似文献   

金砖国家是发展经贸合作的伙伴,其合作主要集中在经贸和金融领域。金砖国家虽国情各异,却共同面临着保增长、保稳定、保民生的艰巨任务。在经济发展过程中,它们各具优势,经济互补性很强,既有开展广泛合作的坚实基础,也有促进共同发展的现实和战略需求。随着金砖国家合作机制逐渐形成,作为全球新兴经济体代表的金砖国家的国际影响力也日益增强。俄罗斯与其他四国的关系日益密切,这对于俄罗斯来说具有重要的战略意义及现实意义。  相似文献   

<正>2015年5月6-7日,由澳门科技大学社会和文化研究所主办、澳门亚太拉美交流促进会协办的"金砖国家组织机制化与澳门平台角色研究"国际研讨会在澳门举行。来自巴西、俄罗斯、印度、南非、美国、英国、葡萄牙、中国内地和澳门的近30位专家、学者与会,就"金砖组织机制化研究"、"金砖组织机制化与合作"、"国家视角下的金砖组织机制化合作"、"澳门在金砖组织机制化中发挥的角色与作用"等议题进行了深入研讨。现将会议主要观点综述如下。  相似文献   

As the largest African economy and the leading African aid-provider, with plans to establish an aid agency, South Africa is often ranked among the developing world's ‘emerging donors’. However, the country's development cooperation commitments are smaller in scope, scale and ambition than the aid regimes of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) or Gulf state donors. Given its limited resources and domestic socioeconomic challenges, South Africa prefers the role of ‘development partner’. In this role, South Africa's development cooperation in Africa has ranged from peacekeeping, electoral reform and post-conflict reconstruction to support for strengthening regional and continental institutions, implementing the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and improving bilateral political and economic relations through dialogue and cooperation. This article seeks to determine whether Pretoria's development cooperation offers an alternative perspective to the aid policies and practices of the traditional and large rising donors. We conclude that South Africa does not fit neatly the ‘donor’ category of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's (OECD's) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and neither is Pretoria's aid-spending typically ‘ODA’ (official development assistance). Instead, with its new aid agency, South Africa occupies a unique space in Africa's development cooperation landscape. With fewer aid resources, but a ‘comparative advantage’ in understanding Africa's security/governance/development nexus, South Africa can play an instrumental role in facilitating trilateral partnerships, especially in Southern Africa.  相似文献   

Development cooperation is a foreign policy tool marked by deep-seated conflicts of interest and dilemmas of particular relevance to second-tier and non-nuclear countries that aim to change their international status and role. Building on the concept of ‘graduation dilemma’, this article compares specific dilemmas that Brazil and South Africa face in their foreign policies concerning the development cooperation agenda at three levels: the domestic, the regional and the global level. The research question guiding this analysis is: how does the graduation dilemma manifest in relation to Brazil and South Africa’s role in development cooperation?  相似文献   

面临着冷战后国际形势的变革,印度的外交观念、外交方式也发生了相应的调整。印度在制定对外政策时愈加重视软实力的作用,这在对非洲关系中得到了明确体现。印度通过实施经济援助、加强教育文化交流、促进与非洲国家的军事合作以及支持非洲在国际体系中的合法权益等方式极大促进了双边关系发展。非洲在中国对外战略中具有重要地位,我国应积极借鉴印度对非洲软实力外交经验以促进中非关系发展。  相似文献   

This article analyses Brazil's growing role in external development assistance. During Lula da Silva's presidency, cooperation with developing countries grew dramatically. While the official position is that Brazilian development assistance is moved not by national economic or political interests, but by international ‘solidarity’, and does not reproduce the North–South traditional aid relations, we suggest that it is not completely divorced from national, sub-national or sectoral interests and cannot be viewed apart from Brazil's broader foreign policy objectives. Brazil does pursue political, economic and commercial interests and, concomitantly, has made a positive difference in the recipient countries. However, more empirical research and field investigation are needed to better gauge the impact of Brazil's assistance initiatives and their contributions to South–South cooperation more broadly. During Lula's terms (2003–2010), Brazil could be classified as a ‘Southern donor’, which expresses the country's own novelties, and tensions, of simultaneously being a donor and a developing country.  相似文献   

The field of international development has undergone major shifts as South–South cooperation expands. New questions are being raised about the political implications of this cooperation, including with respect to democracy and human rights. In this paper, we analyse the role of Brazil, a democratic provider of South–South cooperation, in fomenting these principles in Africa. We find that explicit democracy promotion makes up a minority of Brazil’s cooperation with Africa. However, Brazil also engages in social policy initiatives which, despite not being labelled as democracy and human rights promotion, are inspired by Brazil’s own experiences with re-democratization—what we refer to as “democratization by association”. We argue that these initiatives—mostly geared towards institution-building in areas where Brazil seeks to promote itself as a hotbed of policy innovation—are disembedded from the political context in which they arose in Brazil. While this disembeddedness allows the Brazilian state to maintain its official discourse of non-interference, it also makes the political impact of Brazilian cooperation in Africa highly uncertain.  相似文献   

南非曾经是种族矛盾和冲突最为严重的国家,300多年欧洲殖民者的征服和统治,造成了南非种族间政治、经济、社会的割裂与对抗。1994年南非废除种族隔离,建立了种族平等的民主制度。新南非政治社会变革和转型的进程,避免了很多人担忧的种族仇杀和动乱,关键在于坚持了包容性理念和政策,构建了以宪法为核心的一整套法律体系,以保障国家统一和公民基本权利为基本宗旨,在多元一体国家的建设中,取得了举世公认的社会进步。研究南非在新制度下的包容性发展之路,具有重要的现实意义和理论意义。  相似文献   

South Atlantic relations, under the leadership of Brazil and South Africa, have recently received a fresh breath of life. This article provides a general overview of developments and assesses aspects such as preferential trade agreements, multilateral coalition building and security cooperation in the context of South–South relations. The renewed impetus has resulted in improved influence and leverage from less developed Southern countries over the global political and economic agenda. New initiatives that have helped place the leaders of the South at the centre of the decision‐making process have emerged and are widely regarded as viable options for future progress in the developing world. These initiatives, which are driven by the growing strength of South Atlantic relations, are looked at in the broader context, from a practical perspective where tangible results are required over and above the ideals of solidarity to ensure sustainable socioeconomic development.  相似文献   

The article examines China's emergence over the past decade as a net donor, and the implications of this status in global development. The analysis begins by outlining China's rise as a net donor, drawing comparisons in two-way aid flows with the other rising states, specifically Brazil, South Africa and India, and then turns to the implications of China's rise as an aid sender. The central argument is that conceptualizing China's rise as a ‘net donor’ is crucial for understanding the hybrid position that China has come to occupy in the global aid system, and the consequences of this positioning. Although China has achieved remarkable success with its own development, rather than join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's Development Assistance Committee (DAC) regime of traditional donors, the Chinese Communist Party and government leadership has chosen instead to continue to self-identify with the countries of the South, and to construct ties of South–South cooperation outside of DAC arrangements. The Chinese leadership is trying to stake out an unprecedented position in the global aid system, traversing the North–South divide, despite the fact that China has already joined the ranks of world economic powers.  相似文献   

韩国与东盟国家防务安全合作源远流长,近年来双方的防务安全合作更加活跃和全面,合作层次和水平不断攀升与提高。“新亚洲构想”与韩国东盟战略的转向、东盟国家“不均衡”的防务安全诉求,以及美国“战略东移”的强力刺激与影响,这些是促动韩国与东盟不断推进和加强防务安全合作的重要背景及动因。在短期内,韩国与东盟防务安全合作关系会继续发展和有所提升,但是难有实质性的突破。不过,韩国与东盟不断致力于推进和深化防务安全合作,尤其是暗合美国的新亚太战略、不断施展大国平衡战略的做法,势必会进一步加剧东亚地区军备竞赛风险,增添了新的不确定性、不稳定性和不安定性,不利于该地区的长期稳定和持久和平。  相似文献   

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