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我国基金业的市场结构正由寡占型向竞争型转变,这对规范和完善我国基金业的市场行为起到了一定的积极作用.但是,现有的基金业制度在给我国基金公司带来高额利润的同时,并没有给投资者带来相应的投资回报;传统的有效结构假说和共谋假说对我国的基金业均不成立,而修正的有效结构假说能较好地反映我国基金业的市场绩效与市场结构之间的关系.为更好地发展我国基金业,政府应逐步放宽基金市场准入,并改革现有费率制度和基金发行制度;基金公司应提高自身的内部经营效率和投资组合的风险管理水平,从而提高基金业的市场绩效.  相似文献   

谢冠斌  金毅  焦姗 《科技与法律》2014,(6):1118-1133
自2008年《反垄断法》生效以来,"奇虎诉腾讯滥用市场支配地位一案"是最高人民法院依据《反垄断法》审理的第一起案件,该案的审理过程和判决结果都引发了理论界和实务界的广泛探讨。以二审判决书为主要分析对象,并结合《反垄断法》的规定和反垄断案件分析的一般思路,研究了最高人民法院对《反垄断法》具体条文的理解和适用的基本立场,为解决将来反垄断执法和私人诉讼中的一些原则性问题提供了参考。最高院在判决中对免费市场运用假定垄断者测试、确定相关地域市场等问题上有精彩论证,同时也留下了一些值得探讨的问题,例如,在市场份额对判定市场支配地位的作用、相关市场的界定是否属于反垄断案件的基本事实等重要问题上,法院存在模棱两可甚至自相矛盾的结论。  相似文献   

在营销活动中,如何对市场进行有效的细分始终是值得我们重点研究的课题。本文针对企业市场细分过程中存在的两极分化现象,提出了企业在细分市场时要配合运用市场泛化的策略,以达到有效细分市场的目的。  相似文献   

反垄断案件和知识产权案件都需要在很多场合界定市场.但两个法律领域中的市场界定既有联系又有区别.市场结构因素在反垄断分析中具有基础地位,在知识产权案件中基本不具有相关性.知识产权法界定市场是为了确定企业间的对抗范围,反垄断法界定市场则是为了确定企业的市场势力.有些知识产权问题涉及竞争政策,但未必需要界定相关市场.还有一些涉及知识产权的案件,因损害竞争在实质上属于反垄断案件,需要按照反垄断法的分析方法处理,包括界定相关市场.在后一类案件中,知识产权因素导致市场界定需要做一些特殊考虑,但并不改变基本分析方法,尤其是知识产权的边界型排斥并不自动等同于垄断的市场型排斥;知识产权带来的产品差异化也不等同于垄断力量.  相似文献   

在经济转轨时期形成的中国建设用地市场,因起所处的历史背景的不成熟性,导致了它的不完善性,主要是行政性过强,在分析其利弊之后,考虑到种种社会因素,提出了健全建设用地市场的意见。  相似文献   

专业市场、民用市场齐驱动,监控市场近年增长迅速,但相对来说专业市场要远大于民用市场。经过几年的推动,消费监控市场仍未有效启动。目前在经济发达地区,宽带的普及率不断提高,为消费监控的拉动奠定了基础。从总体趋势来看,其市场容量将是巨大的。随着这一细分市场的日益成熟,将会为安防企业带来数百亿的市场空间。[编者按]  相似文献   

恩智浦半导体对2008年全球半导体市场尤其是中国市场发展变化做了预测。  相似文献   

论反垄断法实施中的相关市场界定   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王先林 《法律科学》2008,(1):123-129
相关市场的界定是建立反垄断法各主要制度的基础,是反垄断法实施中的一个关键问题,往往可以体现反垄断执法的宽严。在界定相关商品市场时主要应考虑商品的物理性能和使用目的、商品的价格、消费者的偏好以及供给的替代可能性等因素;在界定相关地域市场时应当考虑的主要因素则是运输成本和商品特性、商品价格、消费者偏好以及市场进入的障碍等。在我国《反垄断法》即将实施之际,反垄断执法机构应制定相关市场界定的具体规则。  相似文献   

从苏富比拍卖行进入香港市场算起,已有30多年的历史了。30多年来,中国艺术品市场形成过三次大规模的浪潮。今天看来,每一波浪潮都不是偶然。  相似文献   

入世与中国反垄断法的制定   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
王晓晔 《法学研究》2003,(2):122-134
入世后 ,中国政府越来越注重竞争政策和竞争法问题 ,以应对越来越激烈的国内市场竞争和国际市场竞争。中国现行反垄断法规范尚未形成一个系统和完整的反垄断体系 ,对滥用行政权力限制竞争的行为制裁不力 ,缺乏独立的和权威的反垄断执法机关。 2 0 0 2年 2月的反垄断法草案在滥用市场支配地位、企业合并、行政垄断和反垄断执法机关和程序的规定方面存在缺陷。虽然中国制定反垄断法存在压力 ,但是制定反垄断法有利于提高中国企业的竞争力 ,遏制跨国公司的垄断势力和改善国家的财政和宏观调控。  相似文献   

The Regulations on Marriage Registration promulgated in 2003 advocates the ideas for autonomy of private law, such as “autonomy of individual will”, “self responsibility” and “self-determination right”, ushering a new era of Chinese divorce registration system from supervision by employed institution to self responsibility, however, such issues also result in excessive freedom and insufficient restriction. In setting up the divorce registration system, therefore, it shall also be considered for the protection of disadvantaged parties and minor children so as to ensure the fairness and justice of law and the harmony and stability of society. Xia Yinlan, LL.D, is a professor and doctoral tutor and the dean of the School of International Studies in China University of Political Science and Law. She is also the vice chairman of Beijing Women’s Federation, the member of the executive committee of China Women’s Federation, the director of Marriage and Family Legal Research Institution under the supervision of China Law Society, the vice director of China Association of Marriage and Family Studies, the standing director of the International Family Law Society, the vice director of Beijing Women’s Law Research Institution. Her major academic interest covers women’s human rights, heritage law and family law. She was once a Fulbright visiting scholar in the United States and a legal expert in Macau Legal Affair Bureau. She’s one of the experts in drafting the P.R.C. Law on the Protection Of Women’s Rights (revised), the Marriage Law of P.R.C. (revised) and the Regulation of Marriage Registration of P.R.C., and she is still active in participating in the legislation activities of China. Prof. Xia wrote or co-wrote more than 20 monographs and textbooks, including American Modern Family and Marriage System, the Freedom and Restriction of Divorce, the Basic Framework Research on Domestic Violence Law, etc. In Chinese and foreign academic journals, more than 60 articles have been released, such as the study on property segmentation in divorce in China, the study on family violence under the framework of women’s rights, the comparison on the factual marriage in Macau and the Mainland of China.  相似文献   

Defective product recalling system is a new regime in modern civil law, characterized by its special functions to prevent and eliminate the harms concerning consumers’ body and property due to potential defects of products. In legal nature, it is necessary to define “recalling defective products” as the obligation rather than the liability of manufacturers or sellers, so as to encourage both manufacturers and sellers to take effective remedies immediately upon defective products. Product recalling is of two categories, i.e., active recalling and compulsory recalling, and the breach of such recalling obligation will lead to a series of legal liabilities. Considering the importance of the recalling system and the economic development of China, it is strongly proposed that China shall formulate the Law of Defective Product Recalling. Wang Liming, Ph.D of Law, is currently a vice president of Renmin University of China and dean of the Law School. Prof. WANG is also a member of the Law Committee of 10th and 11th National People’s Congress, vice president of China Law Society. Prof. WANG is a leading expert in the drafting and formulating important civil laws in China, such as the Law of Real Rights of PRC. His main research area is civil and commercial law. Quite a number of his monographs won national academic achievements award, including but not limited to Study on Civil Law Regime (Renmin University of China Press, 2008), Study on General Principles of Civil Law (Renmin University of China Press, 2003), Draft of Law of Real Rights and its Interpretation (China Legality Press, 2001), etc. He also has 100 or so articles published in law journals home and abroad.  相似文献   

The Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China has provided to prohibit monopoly agreements and abuse of dominant market position, control concentration of business operators and fight against administrative monopoly. The transformation of China’s economic system is incomplete, and the Anti-Monopoly Law has many flaws. At the initial stage of enforcing the Anti-Monopoly Law, severe challenges will occur in legislative purposes, enforcement authorities, fighting against administrative monopoly and handling of the relationship between anti-monopoly enforcement and industry supervision. Thus, the promulgation of the Anti-Monopoly Law is only the first step in the legislation on anti-monopoly. Wang Xiaoye held a bachelor’s degree of philosophy from Inner Mongolian Normal University (1981), LL.M. from Renmin University of China (1984) and Doctor Juris magna cum laude from the University Hamburg (1993). Since 1984, she works at the Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). From 1988 to 1993, she studied in Germany based on Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Private Law. As visiting scholar she spent a year at Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Intellectual Property and Competition Law, and a year at Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Social Law in Munich. In 2004, she was invited to the US by the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice. In 2005, she was invited to the European Union Visitors Program, and awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to spend a year at the Chicago-Kent College of Law. Prof. Wang works in the areas of economic law, international economic law, and focuses on competition law. Her publications include: Monopoly and Competition in the Chinese Economy — A conception for merger control in China in view of the American and German practices (J C B Mohr, 1993); Monopoly Problem in the Merger of Enterprises (Law Press, 1996); On Competition Law (China’s Legal Publishing House, 1999); Competition Law of European Community (China’s Legal Publishing House, 2001); Economic Law (Social Sciences Academic Press, 2005); Competition Law (Social Sciences Academic Press, 2007). She also has over 200 papers published in Chinese, German and English languages. Prof. Wang has served as vice president of National Association for Economic Law of China, the head of the Consultant Committee for WTO Trade and Competition Policy of the Ministry of Commerce, and member of the Expert Advisory Board for Anti-Monopoly Legislation of the State Council and the National People’s Congress. In her honor, she once lectured on competition law for the Standing Committee of the Ninth and Tenth People’s Congress. In international academic activities, she is a founding member of Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA) and of the Asian Competition Forum, and member of International Advisory Board of the CUTS C-CIER. She lectured on Chinese law at ABA, IBA, IPBA, ACF, Harvard University, Columbia University, Washington University (St. Louis), New York University, KFTC, Chatham House, LIDC, IDRC and other institutions.  相似文献   

李浩成 《政法论丛》2013,(3):98-104
知识产权滥用源于在现有法律框架下权利人对其知识产权的不恰当行使。总体来说,规制知识产权滥用的反垄断法律制度在我国还处于萌芽状态,从严格、完整意义上来说,甚至还近于空白。为了规制知识产权滥用行为,应着力完善我国的知识产权制度体系;改变《反垄断法》多头执法局面,设立有执行力的执法机构;完善诉讼程序,增强《反垄断法》的可实施性;尽快出台《反垄断法》实施细则和《知识产权滥用的反垄断规制指南》。  相似文献   

Due to lack of effective, and adequate communication on the standpoint of the government and the attitudes of civil society in legislative process, this has led to tension between the government and the general public. Within the context of law enforcement, the government sticks to “problem-based strategies” and “campaign-based enforcement”, who believe in the power of coercive force. As a way out of the dilemma in law enforcement, it is required that in the process of rule-making, the government should communicate effectively with the civil society in the institutionalized system, focusing on learning, reflection, and strategic adjustment. Wang Xixin, Professor at Law School of Peking University. Since 1999, Prof. Wang is a working member of China Administrative Legislative Research Group an academic team advising China’s Legal Affairs Working Commission on administrative law reforms. Since 2001, he is a major drafter for China’s Administrative Procedure Act. Since 2002, he is a research consultant for the NPC Standing Committee General Office. Since 2003, he is a research fellow of the China Law Center of Yale Law School. Since 2005, he is a Vice-chairman of Beijing Administrative Law Society. In academia, Prof. Wang is focused on administrative procedure, public participation, rulemaking and comparative administrative studies, whose publications include books, such as “Administrative Procedure: A Theoretic and Institutional Inquiry” (Beijing, 2007) and “Public Participation and Administrative Process” (Beijing, 2007) and some 30 articles for journals published in China and America. Moreover, Prof. Wang often submits papers and gives lectures in academic forums, including Columbia Law School, Yale Law School, the Woodrow Wilson Center for Int’l Scholarship, and Carnige Endowment for Int’l Peace.  相似文献   

知识产权法官造法批判   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
崔国斌 《中国法学》2006,1(1):144-164
中国部分法院在知识产权领域利用民法或其它法律的原则条款扩充知识产权的保护范围,破坏了知识产权法的利益平衡机制。本文对此类司法活动进行批评,希望重新确立知识产权法定原则在中国司法活动中的统治地位。法院在司法活动中应该放弃个人本位的自然权学说,坚持社会本位的功利主义思想,坚持知识产权法的独占适用,保证立法政策得到贯彻。  相似文献   

中国限制外国企业对知识产权滥用的立法思考   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
乔生 《法律科学》2004,22(1):107-115
中国加入世界贸易组织 ,外国企业和跨国公司利用专利许可 ,对中国企业产品和技术连续发起狙击 ,引发国民对知识产权滥用的关注。中国应从国际贸易规则的原则与方法出发提高对限制知识产权滥用的认识 ,建立制裁国外、国内市场知识产权滥用的系统完整的法律体系。尽管各国反击知识产权滥用的立法层次与力度不同 ,但中国已有能力根据不断变化的形势、特点及自身要求 ,制定具创新意义的限制知识产权滥用的法律 ,设立独立的权威的反垄断执法审查机关。  相似文献   

构建我国反垄断行政执法体制的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一部法律的执行体制是否健全、合理,是否能发挥其相应的作用,是判定该部法律能否成为真正有效的法律的依据.我国反垄断法对行政执法体制及相关内容的规定并不十分明确.为了构建科学合理的反垄断行政执法体制,应该考虑一些重要因素和应遵循的基本原则,着重处理好各执法机关之间的关系、执法机关与行业监管机构的关系,同时还要进行合理的权力配置.  相似文献   

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