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蔡晓东 《政法学刊》2011,28(5):34-39
在WTO时代,正确地认识到知识产权保护发展的两个方面很重要,即:当多边知识产权保护协议的谈判陷入僵局时,就将知识产权问题与双边贸易协议挂钩,双边自由贸易协定(即FTAs)的大量出现就是例证;当多边贸易协议的谈判陷入僵局时就将知识产权问题的与贸易协议脱钩,签订了最新的反假冒贸易协议(即ACTA)。  相似文献   

自从多哈回合谈判陷入僵局之后,各国开始积极谈判自由贸易协议,其中包含的国际经济贸易规则与WTO体系中的国际经济贸易规则有所不同,有学者将这种情形描述为"国际经济贸易规则重构"。知识产权规则作为国际经济贸易规则中的重要部分,各国在此领域的利益各不相同,体现于这些自由贸易协议中的具体规则也各有侧重。其中,网络技术发展作为对知识产权规则的发展变化有所影响的因素,也是各国在签订自由贸易协议时不可忽视的因素之一。在分析几个具有代表性的自由贸易协议中的数字知识产权规则的基础上,可以观察其中数字知识产权保护标准,结合实际情况讨论我国应当作何应对,从而更好地构建我国主导FTA法律框架中相应的知识产权规则。  相似文献   

陈咏梅 《现代法学》2012,(5):145-154
FTA是美国在多边谈判无果后的次优选择。目前,美国已把实施FTA视为其战略工具,试图将多边无果的谈判转而在区域、双边层面进行,然后逐一推进至多边领域。美国主导的NAFTA范式和具有"超WTO"范式特性的FTA,既是美式FTA发展的产物,也预示着对未来多边谈判的重大影响,迫使发展中国家在多边谈判和与美国的FTA谈判中陷入不得不面对的艰难困境。美式FTA带给未来多边谈判和发展中国家参与全球化战略的不利影响以及发展中国家需要付出的实施代价应引起我们高度重视,以便最大程度地维护国家的经济利益和经济安全。  相似文献   

刘会春 《政法学刊》2008,25(2):66-70
与传统的区域贸易协定相比,WTO时期新区域主义理念主导下的区域贸易协定在广度和深度方面的发展均达到了空前的程度。进入WTO多哈回合后,区域贸易协定因其与多边贸易谈判矛盾凸显而更受关注。区域贸易协定经历了一个法律规范的漏洞与缺失、制度审查的软弱与低效、司法审查的受困与突破的法律进路,在区域主义与多边主义并行推进的背景下,中国应该积极、谨慎地参与区域贸易合作,以免在全球经济一体化的过程中被边缘化。  相似文献   

Abstract:  This article intends to reflect a new tendency of China's new trade policy to utilise more effectively the World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules with the support of emerging public–private networks, at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels. Based on legal pluralism and network theory, this article argues that although still far from an active user of the dispute-settlement mechanism, China is gradually building up its legal capacity for challenging foreign trade barriers, by actively engaging the private sector and mobilising resources of domestic industries. It particularly focuses on how this new trend has been reflected on three recent high-profile disputes: textile, footwear and car parts, and concludes that the pattern of China's trade policy indicates that both China and its trading partners have realised that their trade relations are developing under the shadow of WTO law.  相似文献   

WTO框架下竞争政策与多边贸易体制的协调问题述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尹竹 《中国法学》2004,(3):170-180
由于私方反竞争行为日益成为国际贸易自由化的障碍,国际社会正在积极努力以协调竞争政策与多边贸易体制之间的关系。然而,由于竞争问题的复杂性,对于应由什么机构、采用什么方法协调两者之问的关系,国际社会还存在激烈的论争。考虑到WTO能力的有限性和各国竞争政策、经济发展水平以及利益需求的差异性等因素,将竞争政策问题全面纳入WTO调整范畴尚为时过早。竞争政策的国际协调与立法工作可通过两个途径同时展开:逐步将那些与贸易有密切关联关系的竞争政策纳入WTO调整范围;竞争政策的其它问题可在WTO之外进行讨论与协调。  相似文献   

The recent proliferation of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) in the last two decades raises questions about the paradigm shift from the multilateral trading system of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to bilateral and regional preferential trade arrangements. Even more questionable is the fact that the United States of America (USA) and the European Union (EU), among the other trading powers of the world, are leading the use of RTAs to the detriment and neglect of non-discriminatory trade liberalisation. It has been suggested that neo-colonialism may be the motivation for the use of RTAs by the USA and the EU as their international trade policy of choice within a broader competitive process for imperial domination of their preferential trading partners. This article reviews this suggestion in order to propose an alternative explanation for the RTA practice of the USA and the EU.  相似文献   

WTO新的多边贸易谈判的矛盾及前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济全球化及多边贸易体系的推动下,全球贸易自由化趋势不断加强,WTO新的多边贸易谈判已经启动,但是谈判面临许多难题,各方在许多议题上还存在较大的分歧,这些分歧反映了经济全球化与各国国家主权及民族利益的冲突以及由此导致的各种矛盾,展望谈判前景,虽然会有许多曲折和困难,但其意义是十分深远的,我国作为WTO的正式成员,将积极参与和推动新的多边贸易谈判,努力维护我国和整个发展中国家的利益。  相似文献   

自由化既是应然国际航空法的一种理念和价值取向,又越来越多地体现在实在国际航空法之中。具体而言,1944年《芝加哥公约》建立的双边法律体制实质上是一种贸易保护主义,从美英《百慕大协定》到美国自由式协定都增进了自由化内容,2007年美欧协议和中美协议体现了全面的自由化;从区域层面来看,欧盟与亚太地区航空法都展示了自由化势头;国际多边自由化仅在有限范围内得到发展,但航空联盟在实践中发展了多边自由化,ICAO也对多边自由化做出了重要贡献;WTO多边法律体制也开始调整航空运输,虽然目前的调整范围十分狭窄,但贸易评审机制保障了WTO航空立法自由化的向前发展。  相似文献   

艾素君 《北方法学》2009,3(6):116-123
鉴于补贴对服务贸易可能产生的扭曲作用,建立和完善服务贸易补贴的多边规则无疑是十分重要的。GATS有关服务贸易补贴的现行规定主要体现为第15条,另外,GATS第2条、第17条等也对其有间接规范作用。这些规定均存在缺陷与不足,所以,服务贸易的多边谈判仍将服务贸易补贴作为其项下一个重要议题。但是,截至目前为止,谈判还未取得重要进展。我国应积极关注和参与谈判,并以适当的方式设置我国的服务贸易补贴。  相似文献   

TRIPS协议建立了全球统一的知识产权基准之后,世界知识产权组织(WIPO)接着制定了两个因特网版权条约。国际知识产权法和政策多以双边、多边、地区性的形式出现。从上个世纪90年代中期开始,国际上达成更高知识产权保护标准协议的场合也从WIPO和WTO转向了自由贸易协议(FTAs),并且与知识产权条款的关系呈现出新的特点。  相似文献   

International rivers create complex relationships between their riparian states, which can contribute to economic, political, and social losses. Treaties provide a means for states to coordinate their actions in managing international river disputes to minimize these losses. However, there is little knowledge about treaty content and the factors influencing treaty design. We test whether a relationship exists between the challenges of negotiating, complying, and distributing the gains in bilateral, multilateral, and basin-wide negotiation contexts and the depth of cooperation along with the degree of institutionalization. While the great challenges confronting multilateral or basin-wide negotiations can produce treaties that focus on joint gains and shallow cooperation to secure the signature of riparians, we find that they can also provide opportunities for deeper, more behavior-altering, cooperation. To manage the difficulties of maintaining multilateral cooperation, we find a higher degree of institutionalization. We also find that bilateral negotiations provide states with opportunities for deeper cooperation, but a lower degree of institutionalization.  相似文献   


United States media and computer software industries long have alleged they lose billions of dollars to copyright piracy in China. Negotiations between the countries have had little effect. This article uses two‐level games theory to explore why the United States is reluctant to impose sanctions, and why China is unwilling to take action against the pirates even at the risk of trade sanctions. Negotiations are examined at the usaional level and at the domestic level in both countries. At the usaional level, a two‐player sequential model of the game is presented. At the domestic level, the heterogeneity of interest groups in the United States, and the different agendas of central and provincial authorities in China are discussed. Based on this analysis, the article proposes, (1) a more flexible time‐frame for negotiations with foreign trading partners, (2) greater reliance on multilateral frameworks than on bilateral trade sanctions and (3) American efforts to distribute the gains from better copyright protection to local enterprises in foreign countries to create domestic pressure groups favoring stronger copyright regimes.  相似文献   

International relations scholars have traditionally focused on state-centered accounts of international legal norm development between nations while sociolegal scholars have focused on Weberian notions of occupational authority. This study advances a constructivist sociolegal approach emphasizing activist action as playing a unique role in shaping international norms. Specifically, this study investigates labor activists' intervention in U.S. bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) to examine why labor activists chose to initiate FTA disputes as a social movement tactic and how strategic interaction with international legal systems has helped them institutionalize and proliferate the International Labor Organizations' core labor standards. Through semi-structured interviews with legal, union, and government officials, alongside a content analysis of cases filed under the U.S. FTA system, this study shows the role activists played in advancing “globalized” standards in international law. This study finds that activists spread norms through a gradual mechanism of accretion, which focuses on the creation of standards and international legal standing over the individual outcomes of any given case.  相似文献   

WTO多边贸易体制与国家经济安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李文涛 《政法学刊》2004,21(1):22-25
WTO多边贸易体制的建立,标志着以规则和制度为基础、以经济实力作为支撑力量的新型国际安全格局的确立。在这种国际安全格局中,国家经济安全在维护国家利益和国家安全中发挥基础性作用。WTO多边贸易体制对国家经济安全造成宏观和微观方面的影响,放大了国家经济安全原有的风险因素,并增加了新的风险因素。在WTO多边贸易体制下,国家经济安全的最大风险来自于因制度冲突而产生的制度风险。能够在多种程度上减少乃至避免这种制度冲突和制度风险,决定了主权国家、尤其是发展中国家和经济转型国家能够从WTO多边贸易体制中得到效益的程度,进而决定了其在维护本国国家经济安全中的能力。  相似文献   

The crucible in this scenario for the international climate regime is the emergence of an effective and liquid international carbon market with participation of private entities. In order to make the carbon market effective a bilateral negotiation track will develop, operating in parallel with the multilateral track under the UNFCCC. The purpose of the bilateral track is to integrate the various emissions trading schemes involving private actors. This bilateral track feeds into the UNFCCC negotiations, which still represents the main arena for the international climate negotiations. Through the bilateral, bottom-up negotiations, a multistage system develops, with differentiated rights and duties, complemented by a package of coordinated support mechanisms. The advantages of such a bottom-up approach prove to be, inter alia, fewer negotiating parties, new negotiation arenas, and a new set of selective incentives. The result is a continuously evolving agreement with the potential to gradually broaden participation and deepen the reduction commitments of the international climate regime. Moreover, the bilateral agreements for linking schemes with private actors also represent a fallback in the event of a collapse in the multilateral negotiations.The article has been written by funding from the Central Research Institute for the Electric Power Industry in Tokyo and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It also represents an output of research financed by the Research Council of Norway, project no. 144768/520. The authors thank all three institutions for the funding, as well as the many participants at the workshops where the ideas in the paper have been presented. Their criticism and suggestions have been very stimulating, indeed.  相似文献   

白艳 《时代法学》2003,1(1):64-70
世界贸易组织(WTO)与国际金融组织(IMF和世界银行)之间在重叠的权限方面的协调与合作是维护世界经济健康平稳发展的基本要求。由于国内政策能够对贸易产生巨大和快速的影响,全球性的政策管理变得越来越重要,这要求WTO这个管理多边贸易体制的机构必须加强与国际金融机构的合作,共同维护国际经济秩序的稳定发展。为此,本文探讨了WTO与国际金融组织关系的协调与发展问题。  相似文献   

论多边贸易体制中的环境保护问题及其发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李寿平 《时代法学》2004,2(3):25-30
在多边贸易体制中如何实现环境保护与贸易自由的协调发展 ,这是一个“国际贸易新问题” ,GATT规则及其争端解决实践对此问题基本上持回避、谨慎的态度。随着WTO的建立 ,多边贸易体制对环境保护问题的关注度则明显加强 ,特别是WTO上诉机构的争端解决实践 ,表明WTO的价值天平向环境保护倾斜的趋势似乎在逐步明显。多哈会谈及坎昆部长会议则再次显示多边贸易体制对环境问题的妥协。环境问题在多边贸易体制中的这种发展趋势将会对发展中国家的贸易安全提出严峻挑战。  相似文献   

曹飞  刘正 《行政与法》2013,(8):116-119
随着生产力的发展和全球信息化、网络化的发展,世界经济中心已向服务业倾斜,服务贸易的发展水平已经成为一个国家综合国力和影响力的体现.服务贸易将成为WTO新一轮谈判以及区域性经济合作谈判的主要议题,鉴于此,我们有必要探究国际服务贸易的法律渊源、内涵及对我国的利与弊.只有全面了解国际服务贸易的属性,才能逐步完善我国的服务贸易立法,才能在未来世界经济中打适中国服务品牌,传播中国文化,发展对外经济,充分迎接TPP的挑战.  相似文献   

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