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郝赤勇 《中国司法》2014,(12):11-13
正党的十八届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》(以下简称《决定》)提出"优化司法职权配置。健全公安机关、检察机关、审判机关、司法行政机关各司其职,侦查权、检察权、审判权、执行权相互配合、相互制约的体制机制",明确了优化司法职权配置的目标和任务,抓住了进一步深化司法体制改革、健全司法权力运行机制的关键,突出了保障公正司法的重点。司法职权配置是司法体制的核心,司法行政机关担负重要  相似文献   

中共中央政治局报告提出深化司法体制改革、优化司法职权配置的司法体制改革目标,其根本手段在于司法职权配置的改革。针对司法权独立、司法权的内部分配以及与司法行政权混同等问题,应当明确司法权的界限,确立司法权行使主体范围,并通过完善权力制衡机制,加强司法机关独立地位的方式来逐步解决这些问题。  相似文献   

十八届四中全会通过的《中共中央关於全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》(以下简称《决定》)提出「优化司法职权配置。健全公安机关、检察机关、审判机关、司法行政机关各司其职,侦查权、检察权、审判权、执行权相互配合、相互制约的体制机制」,明确了优化司法职权配置的目标和任务,抓住了进一步深化司法体制改革、健全司法权力运行机制的关键,突出了保障公正司法的重点。  相似文献   

本文所称优化法院内职权配置,是指在现有司法体制条件下,调整法院内部机构的职能分配,从而达到更好地实现司法功能的目的。〔1〕相对于实现司法功能的目的,法院内部职权配置不可能作为一个独立因素发挥作用,因为它取决于法院体制、法官制度、法律体系、诉讼程序等更深层次的因素。讨论优化法院内部职权配置应当将这些更深层次因素的现状作为前提,否则就会偏离讨论主题,这也决定了优化法院内  相似文献   

民生司法的健全,需要深化司法体制改革,优化司法职权配置,规范司法行为,建设公正高效权威的社会主义司法制度。本文指出公平正义是和谐社会的基本特征,坚持以人为本,走民生司法之路,是贯彻科学发展观、落实依法治国的必然要求,是构建和谐社会的有力保障。  相似文献   

党的十七大报告强调,要“深化司法体制改革,优化司法职权配置,规范司法行为,建设公正高效权威的社会主义司法制度,保证审判机关、检察机关依法独立公正地行使审判权、检察权。”其中,“规范司法行为”对于预防和遏制司法领域的腐败行为具有重要的现实意义,健全司法工作规范和违法司法行为责任追究制度,是规范司法行为的题中应有之义。  相似文献   

胡锦涛总书记在十七大报告中为今后深化司法体制改革指明了方向、提出了目标和要求。要深入推进司法体制改革,优化司法职权配置,建设公正、高效、权威的社会主义司法制度,必须科学合理地配置检察权。  相似文献   

胡锦涛同志在党的十七大报告中强调指出,全面落实依法治国基本方略,加快建设社会主义法治国家,必须深化司法体制改革,优化司法职权配置,规范司法行为,建设公正高效权威的社会主义司法制度,保证审判机关、检察机关依法独立公正地行使审判权、检察权。我们要高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和三个代  相似文献   

要深入推进司法体制和工作机制改革,为政法事业科学发展提供体制机制保障。要致力于强化监督制约,进一步优化司法职权配置,确保司法公正。要致力于提高打击能力,更加有效地打击  相似文献   

笔者主要评述司法职权的配置、司法行为的规范化以及多元化纠纷解决机制等三个主题。第一个主题,需要界定司法职权的概念。司法职权是一个有效的司法资源,这个司法资源怎么合理配置,是我国司法改革的主旋律之一。司法改革主要涉及司法职权的配置,司法职权之间的机制问题,还有司法职权行使的程序问题,通常简称为体制改革、机制改革和程序改革。司法职权配置属于司法体制改革的范畴。  相似文献   

Ethical criteria for procuring and distributing organs for transplantation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article provides an ethical analysis and assessment of various actual and proposed policies of organ procurement and distribution in light of moral principles already embedded in U.S. institutions, laws, policies, and practices. Evaluating different methods of acquisition of human body parts--donation (express and presumed), sales, abandonment, and expropriation--the author argues for laws and policies, including required request, to maintain and facilitate express donation of organs by individuals and their families. Such laws and policies need adequate time for a determination of their effectiveness before society moves to other major alternatives, such as a market. In organ allocation and distribution, which have close moral connections with organ procurement, the author defends the judgment of the federal Task Force on Organ Transplantation that the community should have dispositional authority over donated organs, that professionals should be viewed as trustees and stewards of donated organs, and that the public should be heavily involved in the formation of policies of allocation and distribution. Concentrating on policies being developed in the United Network for Organ Sharing, the author examines the point system for cadaveric kidneys, the access of foreign nationals to organs donated in the U.S., and the multiple listings of patients seeking transplants. He concludes by identifying two major problems of equitable access to donated organs that will have to be addressed by social institutions other than UNOS: access to the waiting list for donated organs and the role of ability to pay in extrarenal transplants.  相似文献   

The judgment of the Federal Court of Australia (‘the Court’)in Universal Music is the first judicial pronouncement in Australiaon the legality of website operators who provide hyperlinksto remote websites to allow ‘internauts’ (web users)to download MP3 music files and the liability of internet serviceproviders (ISPs) and their employees for authorizing that infringementunder Australian copyright law.  相似文献   

This paper examines the compensation systems for industrial accidents in Belgium, Germany and Great Britain, thereby taking into account some recent empirical data on industrial accident rates and (although hardly available) amounts of compensation paid out to employee victims. The key question of this paper, derived from past research in law and economics, is whether these particular compensation systems include elements that may contribute to the prevention of industrial accidents. While the three countries examined here all have at least some incentive-based elements, notably in the way those systems are financed, there appears to be room for improvement both in Belgium and Great Britain. The German case study leads to the proposition that giving an organisation the responsibility for both compensation and prevention may have a beneficial effect on the accident rate.  相似文献   

Purpose. The main aim of the study was to examine the relationship between motivation for offending and personality. Method. A specially constructed Offending Motivation Questionnaire (OMQ) was developed along the lines of Farrington's (1986, 1993) theoretical framework. The OMQ, the Mak Self‐Reported Delinquency Scale, the Gudjonsson Compliance Scale (GCS), the Gough Socialisation Scale, the Rosenberg Self‐Esteem Scale, and the Gudjonsson Blame Attribution Inventory (BAI‐R) were administered to two groups of students: college students and university students. Results. Factor analysis of the OMQ revealed four motivational factors for offending (Compliance, Provocation, Financial, Excitement) and one further factor associated with the failure to appreciate the consequences of the criminal act. As predicted, the GCS correlated significantly with a compliance motive (i.e. being coerced, manipulated, or tricked into crime by a peer, or eagerness to please a peer), whereas the remaining four factors were associated with a low score on the Gough Socialisation Scale. External and Mental Element attributions were mainly found to be associated with provocation and consequences factors. Conclusions. The findings support the view that there is a relationship between the motivation for offending, failure to appreciate the consequences of one's actions and personality. Further research should focus on studying this relationship among criminal populations.  相似文献   

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