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法学与语言学的日趋融合,法律语言学成为人们研究的热点,语言学家的价值也日益凸现在立法和司法活动中。从立法层面观之,法律语言学家的介入将使法律文本更能体现其应有的文体特征,有助于改变世界各国普遍存在的立法失范化状况;从司法实践层面而言,语言学家的介入,将有助于解决因法规、合同等法律文本的不同诠释而产生的争议,使司法活动更合乎正义性要求。建议我国法学界给予语言学家施展其专业才能的空间,以此肯定语言学家的地位和价值,这将有助于完善我国现有的专家证人制度,从而实现法学界和语言学界的“双赢”。  相似文献   

一、国际语言法学研究会的宗旨与活动国际语言法学研究会(International Academy of Linguistic Law)(简称IALL)成立于1984年9月。这是一个国际性的交叉学科学术研究组织。研究会的会员由多个学科的专家学者组成,既有法学家、语言学家和社会科学家,还有许多对法律语言问题感兴趣的普通成员。IALL侧重于从学术或职业的角度关注法律与语言的关系问题,或者对法律语言问题进行比较研究。“比较语言法学”比较的是不同的法律规范、语言规范、法律语言和作为基本权利的语言权利。IALL每两年单独或与其他组织合作举办一次大型的国际法律与语…  相似文献   

一直以来,不同的语言学家对"语言"的定义都有各自的理解,徐通锵先生在《语言学是什么》一书中,根据对语言性质的认识,提出"语言是现实的编码体系",笔者通过回顾部分具有代表性的"语言"定义,认为把语言看成编码体系很好地解释了语言符号的音义关系及相关问题。  相似文献   

应当建立法律语言学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 法律语言学,是把语言学的原理和知识同法学上的语言运用结合起来,解决法学对语言的应用的特殊需要及运用方法问题的学科。建立法律语言学是法学研究和法律工作的迫切需要。法律是统治阶级意志的表现和人们行为的准则,因此,体现法律规范的法律条文就必须鲜明准确。这就要求在制定法律条文时特别注意对语言文学的推敲。特别是法律术语结构上的融合性和语义上的单义性与其他书面语  相似文献   

语用学和法学——合作原则在立法交际中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、绪论当今,无论是在国外还是在国内,无论是在语言学界还是在法学界,〔1〕越来越多的学者已经意识到语言与法律的密切关系,特别是语言对法律的重要性,以及法律语言研究的重要性。无论是语言学界,还是法学界,都有越来越多的人研究法律语言。国际两大法律语言学组织〔2〕的大会越来越频繁,吸引如会的人越来越多,影响越来越大。国际上除了法律语言学的专门期刊“The International Journal of Speech,Language and the Law”之外,一些其他的刊物也开始关注法律的语言问题,出法律语言学的专号。〔3〕国内最近一些有影响的刊物连续出了法律…  相似文献   

黄闽 《中国司法》2010,(4):100-101
法律语言的研究和运用的重要性不言而喻,但法律语言研究和运用中存在的问题令人忧虑。有机会多次参加法律语言的研讨会,受到专家学者的启发,想谈一些关于自己对法律语言的理解。需要说明两点:一是自己既不是法律职业人,也不是语言学者,只是一个法律出版工作者,试图脱离法律语言学的专著、教科书或文论的学说体系,以某种原始直觉说出一些想法,供专家学者参考和批评;  相似文献   

由于法律语言归根结底是语言的一种,因此对法律语言的解释首先要遵循语言学规则。本文从语言学的角度,对一些法律上具有争议的词语,比如:"户"、"冒充"、"毁坏"做了重新解释,最终得出的结论是法律解释必须要遵循语言学的解释规则。  相似文献   

从逻辑学和语言学角度分析 ,法律规范和法律事实、法律关系之间存在着某种对应关系。法律在规范层面呈现出“前件 /后件”结构 ,在事实层面上呈现出“法律事实 /法律关系”结构 ,在规范前件和法律事实之间 ,在规范后件和法律关系之间 ,分别存在着对应性关系 ;同时 ,在前件词项和法律事实构成要件之间 ,在后件词项和法律关系构成要素之间 ,都分别存在着对应关系 ;而且 ,就连前件、后件之间的和法律事实、法律关系之间的横向的逻辑必然联系之间 ,也存在着对应关系。这种对应关系 ,取决于规范本身的设定性或规定性特质 ,规范具有设定性或规定性 ,法律才能同其它异质因素区别开来 ,才能够把现实生活中极可能是毫不相关的两个事实强制性地扭结在一起。  相似文献   

龙涛 《法制与社会》2012,(24):218-219
中国入世后,“英语+法律”的复合型法律人才奇缺,“法律英语”课程又受制于师资的匮乏.就“法律英语”课而言,学生的复合首先要求教师的复合,如何培养具备法学与语言学复合型的师资是当前教学环境中的一个突出问题,本文旨在探讨如何解决这一突出问题.  相似文献   

2008北京奥林匹克运动会即将举行,这一全球体育盛事涉及诸多法律问题。这些法律问题可能原属于不同法律部门或学科,分别涉及不同类型的法律关系,如国际法律关系与国内法律关系、纵向的管理法律关系与横向的竞赛法律关系、场内竞技法律关系与场外体育商业法律关系等。这些不同类型的法律关系通过国际体育盛会集中表现出来,表明体育法学正在成为一门独立的法学学科,有必要对体育法律问题进行专门研究。本刊邀请部分正在深入研究体育法律问题的学者就奥运会法律热点问题进行笔谈,以期引起法学同行的研究兴趣、为我国体育法的发展建言献策。  相似文献   

Zoosemiotics 2.0     
This paper discusses how major changes in methodology, ideology and the points of view of researchers have given linguistics a new opportunity to study animal semiotics and return to the “animal language” question. The article presents new linguistic perspectives from language theory but also from sociolinguistics, language development studies or the study of sign language. This paper shows how these perspective changes have scientifically modified the way linguists approach animal communication and cleared a path for new study fields such as biosemiotics and zoosemiotics. The second part of this article introduces other significant evolutions in various scientific fields, such as biology, neuroscience or ethology, but also philosophy, and how these changes are going in the same directions as linguistics’. It demonstrates how animal linguistics is without doubt a completely interdisciplinary subject where efficient research is only possible by paradigm changes in all related fields. The last part of the paper introduces some of these possible new study prospects.  相似文献   


Corpus linguistics is becoming a respected method of statutory and constitutional interpretation in the United States over the past decade, yet it has also generated a backlash from a group of scholars that engage in empirical work. This essay attempts to demonstrate both the contributions and the risks of using linguistic corpora as a primary tool in legal interpretation. Its legitimacy stems from the fact that courts routinely state that statutory terms, when not defined as a matter of law, are to be given their ordinary meaning. Judges have responded to this challenge, with the assistance of the linguistics community, by using corpora to determine which meanings are ordinary. However, legal analysts have not determined exactly what makes one meaning ordinary and another not ordinary. This gap has led to a level of disagreement in the field. Moreover, while linguists who engage in corpus linguistic analysis typically emphasize the importance of context, the legal application is peculiarly context-free, in keeping with legal philosophies that eschew reliance on reference to a law’s purpose and the intent of the legislature that enacted it. This move adds a political dimension to corpus analysis as a means of legal interpretation. Yet, the article concludes that by relying on a blend of general and specialized corpora, the legal system can substantially reduce the problem of contextualization, as some linguists and practitioners have already recognized.


本文着重综述并探讨了文件检验技术的重要组成部分——言语识别技术的学科发展历程、近30年学术成果现状、存在问题以及未来的发展思考.  相似文献   

Through this article, I explore the issue of tolerance in the Western thought from a rhetorical perspective. I assume that the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights reflects the framework in which Europeans democracies argue and think today. Consequently, I analyze the Universal Declaration with the help of Toulmin’s model in order to put its backing into light, and compare it to the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man. This backing, I argue, echoes the contemporary vision of tolerance in Western democracies. Afterwards, I therefore analyze the concept of tolerance in a multicultural world. This reflection comes within the scope of the current researches in rhetoric as they were launched by Perelman’s Treatise on Argumentation first published in 1958. Having inherited from the 19th-century renewed interests in linguistics and semiotics, the contemporary researches assume an evolutionary and anthropological perspective on rhetoric and argumentation, seen as natural activities of human beings. This discipline, notably developing in the school of Brussels in argumentation [See Danblon, Emmanuelle, La Fonction Persuasive, Paris: Armand Colin, 2002], inspires itself both from Aristotle’s works and from the cognitive movement in contemporary linguistics. It seeks to establish a link between the emergence of rationality and rhetoric and takes its grounds in cognitive sciences as well as anthropological studies, philosophy, logics and theories of emotions. At present, it addresses several issues such as the status of rationality, persuasion and the place of rhetoric and argumentation in contemporary societies. Additional support was provided by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

人类的言语活动是要遵循一定的原则的 ,不同时期的语言学家对这些原则进行了总结 ,提出了诸如合作原则、礼貌原则、言语配置的经济原则等等。本文从人类交际活动中的言语配置进行分析 ,并结合语言教学的实际 ,提出语言教学中言语合理配置对教学目标的实现有着重要意义 ,并对教师言语的配置策略进行归纳 ,以为语言教学的实际服务。  相似文献   

本文比较了基于计算机隐喻的传统认知处理模型的内容与特点和新兴起的连接论的内容与特点,认为,连接论将取代传统的基于计算机隐喻的认知处理模型成为今后指导人类认知研究的主流思想;语言学等学科要取得突破必须抛弃计算机隐喻的影响。  相似文献   

很多经济学家和语言学家都主张在制度经济学框架内研究语言问题,这仅揭示了语言所具备的制度属性,并没有回答如何用制度经济学的理论和方法来研究语言的具体问题。本文基于对制度经济学中制度本质的考察和对既有相关研究成果的梳理,提出从制度经济学视角来研究语言问题的可行性路径,以弥补语言问题研究在制度维度的缺憾。  相似文献   

Juvenile competency to stand trial has historically involved the intrinsic abilities of a juvenile to understand and appreciate the nature of the proceeding against the juvenile and the juvenile’s ability to assist in his/her defense and communicate effectively with defense counsel. The literature has not addressed the recursive systemic competency process between the juvenile, defense counsel, and hearing officer. This article discusses the communication skills of defense counsel and hearing officers as part of the systemic equation in a juvenile’s competency to stand trial. A case example is used to demonstrate the importance of reasonable accommodations as part of the systemic, recursive interactions between a juvenile and court personnel. The authors conclude with recommendations for training in the areas of linguistics and the psychosocial development of juveniles in the socio-cultural context in which they live.  相似文献   

The last thirty years in anthropology, as well as in linguistics and in many of the other social sciences, have been characterized by a shift in theoretical focus from structure to practice. In The Language of Law School: Learning to “Think Like a Lawyer” (2007), linguistic anthropologist and law professor Elizabeth Mertz has brought this practice perspective to bear on the extraordinary linguistic and cultural venue that is the first‐year law school classroom. In revealing the linguistic realities of teaching new students to “think like a lawyer,” she raises fascinating questions about the relationship between language and thought, the subtle effects of legal education, and the nature of law itself.  相似文献   

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