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With its recently adjusted Middle East policy,the Obama administration is seeking to strengthen its control over Middle Eastern affairs and establish a more balanced and coordinated relationship between its Asian and Middle Eastern strategies.By doing so,the Obama administration is trying to Eastern to prevent its Asian strategy from affecting its strategic interests in the Middle East,while also ensuring that its Middle Eastern strategy will help check its rebalancing towards Asia.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates how the study of knowledge can strengthen the analysis of transnational corporations and globalisation through the case of the Walt Disney Company. Disney is emblematic because its prosperity is founded on both global and intergenerational reception, integration and consumption of its products and its imageries. Its transnational preponderance is observed by taking into account its socio-economically grounded power, its intertwined material and ideational universes and its multilayered knowledge structuring. Based on cultural studies methods, world-economy theories and sociological conceptual tools, we assess the Disney Company's ability to structure collective imagination, to orient behaviour and to favour new practices through its media contents, its entertainment activities and its diversified by-products. Consequently, this makes it possible to consider the material and ideational extent of the power of the company. Finally, the specific aspects of the knowledge structure are stressed, particularly its inherent inertia, its geo-cultural dynamics, its co-evolution with material structures and its polarisation around specific symbols, narratives and objects. By doing so, this research contributes to the intersection between the new field of Cultural Political Economy and International Political Economy in the context of globalisation of ideas and identities.  相似文献   

Alongside its rise, China has intensified its relations with countries on its periphery by adopting a “dual-core” strategy in order to create a “Community of Common Destiny”. In this context, China has upgraded its relationship with Australia from “commercial” to “strategic” levels. China’s “dual-core” strategy and the China–Australia strategic partnership reveal not only China’s desire for intensifying its economic interdependence with countries on its periphery, Australia included, but also China’s strategic intention of creating its own sphere of influence in the form of a “Community of Common Destiny”. China wishes to sustain its economic and social progress by restoring the past glory of “Fuqiang” (wealth and power) as it enhances both its “hard” and “soft” power. The intensified economic interdependence may persuade countries on its periphery to avoid being involved in any attempt by China’s competitors to contain its rise.  相似文献   

夏立平 《和平与发展》2012,(2):9-14,70,77,80
奥巴马政府调整美国亚太战略,将美国全球战略和军事战略的重点转向东亚地区。其主要特点:一是高调宣示"重返亚洲";二是通过加强与盟友关系和建立加入多边组织以强化美国在亚太地区的领导地位;三是加强美国在东亚和西太平洋地区的军事存在;四是争取区域经济合作的主导权;五是在地缘战略上以南海问题形成联盟。奥巴马政府亚太战略将受到经济上力不从心、以军事力量为主要手段支撑其亚太领导地位作用有限等因素的制约。但奥巴马政府调整美国亚太战略将使东亚地区特别是南海地区形势更加复杂化。  相似文献   

菲律宾采矿业期待腾飞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年2月2~4日,在菲律宾首都马尼拉召开的国际矿业大会上,菲律宾政府宣布“菲律宾蕴藏着价值908亿美元的矿产资源,在未来6年内,矿业将吸引外资65亿美元,出口创汇34亿美元,增加额外就业20万人”①,表现出菲政府对未来采矿业发展的勃勃雄心。根据菲律宾国家地质矿业局的数据,以单位面积矿产储量计算,菲律宾金矿储量居世界第三位、铜矿储量居世界第四位、镍矿储量居世界第五位、铬矿储量居世界第六位。仅目前已探明储量的矿藏中,就有13种金属矿和29种非金属矿,而且金、铜、镍等矿的品位都比较高。然而20世纪90年代中期以来,菲律宾采矿业发展…  相似文献   

Russia's recent actions in its neighbourhood have not only upset Western policies but have also reinvigorated arguments that Russia may be promoting autocracy to counteract democracy promotion by the European Union and the United States. They have also underlined a broader problem: that of how illiberal powers may react to democracy promotion, especially when their strategic interests are at stake. This article investigates these issues by studying Russia's interactions with the countries in its neighbourhood and democracy promoters. First, the article argues that even if Russia has contributed to the stagnation of democratization and ineffectiveness of democracy promotion in its neighbourhood, its actions do not constitute autocracy promotion and largely lack ideological underpinnings. Second, Russia's counteraction to democracy promotion stems from its ambitions of restoring its great power status, maintaining its regional influence, and perceiving Western policies as a threat to its interests. Third, when it considers its strategic interests undermined, Russia employs economic and military threats (sometimes incentives) against its neighbourhood countries to make the compliance with Western policies less preferable.  相似文献   

For many years,Egypt sought to become a powerful nation,but failed in its efforts,because its ruling foundation has deviated from the majority of the broad masses,its development path has strayed from its goal of industrialization,and its extemal strategy has gotten away from the line of non-alignment.The lessons of Egypt should be learned by other nations.  相似文献   

试析新加坡宪法的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新加坡是一个非常独特的国家。它是一个多元文化交汇的地方,但却以狭小的面积、贫乏的资源和复杂的人口成分创造了举世瞩目的奇迹,而这奇迹不单单是经济上的,也是整个政治体系上的。新加坡的这些特色无一不反映到其宪法之中,也正是因为新加坡的宪法具备了这些特点,才从根本上保证了新加坡社会的长期繁荣和稳定。一、宪法修改频繁频繁的修宪是新加坡宪法发展过程中的一个显著的特点。新加坡宪法在独立后的33年(截止1998年10月)中总共修改了39次,平均每年1.18次,这在世界上也是极为罕见的①。造成新加坡宪法频繁修改的原因并不是程序上的,如果…  相似文献   

老挝人民淳朴善良 ,生性活泼乐观 ,能歌善舞。在老挝各地广泛流行着“咔”和“喃”两种民歌曲调 ,“咔”和“喃”就包含了“歌”和“舞”的意思。人们形容“咔”和“喃”是一种歌中有舞、舞中有歌的表演艺术 ,歌与舞就像红花与绿叶一样相互映衬 ,相得益彰 ,使人们在动听的歌声和美妙的舞姿中得到艺术的享受。在农闲或节假日 ,老挝人喜欢用“咔”和“喃”这种载歌载舞的形式 ,抒发内心情感 ,表达对自由幸福生活的向往。实际上 ,“咔”和“喃”是说、唱、舞交替进行的一种表演形式 ,根据地区各民族的不同 ,老挝北方地区大多称“咔” ,而南方地…  相似文献   

郭明 《亚非纵横》2011,(1):29-36
自20世纪80年代改革开放以来,中国海洋事业的发展取得了长足的进步。近年中国面临的海上安全挑战加大,迫使中国必须加快考虑并制定自己的海上安全战略,以确保中国的领土主权和海上权益不受侵害,同时最大程度地确保中国面向海洋的可持续性发展。  相似文献   

Agreat controversy is stirring up the world opinion over the future direction of developments in Iraq, a matter affecting overall U.S. foreign policy and even the international power configuration as well. An accurate assessment, however, requires analyzing the relevance of the issue to U.S. vital interests, the results of its current policy over there and its ability to cope with further potential challenges. The author rules out U. S. giving up its cause in Iraq or the likelihood of any drastic modifications in its present policy. He also concedes its ability to achieve partial successful reconstruction in the war-torn country, albeit in a scaled-down version, far short of its original much-vaunted expectations. In sum, Washington will naturally make constant policy adjustments to meet challenges for realization of its dynamic phased goals and maintain its continued military presence there in a certain form so as to ensure its strategic interests in Iraq,the Greater Middle East and even the entire "arc of instability."  相似文献   

朝核六方会谈对韩国的国家利益利害关系重大,韩国的应对策略也最为复杂和微妙。韩国既要顾及短期安全利益与长远民族利益之间的平衡,又要弥合国内政治力量之间的政策分歧,并竭力避免其对北政策与对美政策之间出现零和局面,同时还需兼顾联盟政策及其东北亚地缘战略之间的平衡,因此六方会谈事实上成为韩国实施多重平衡外交的一个重要契机。目前来看,这种复杂的平衡外交方针基本是成功的,然而其最终政策效果尚待进一步观察。  相似文献   

为越南刚刚过去的2003年“命名” ,诚非易事。名之曰新世纪第一个五年计划承前启后的一年、融入国际经济步伐加快和经济恢复高速增长的一年、九届越共中央领导班子任期届半并开始启动越共“十大”筹备工作的一年 ,如此等等 ,显然都不足以涵盖2003年越政治、经济、社会、外交等领域的丰富内涵。命名既不易 ,于是转做以下断想 :断想之一 :社会政治保持稳定一年来 ,越继续贯彻党的“九大”决议 ,围绕“建设和保卫社会主义祖国”两大战略任务 ,着力写好稳定与发展这篇大文章。对内紧紧扣住经济建设的中心任务 ,与此同时 ,大力抓法制建设、抓民族…  相似文献   

安兆祯 《西伯利亚研究》2008,35(2):23-26,89
俄罗斯加入WTO的谈判尽管仍存在困难,但迟早会正式成为WTO成员。俄罗斯加入WTO后必须遵守WTO规则要求,投资环境进一步趋好,扩大市场准入,将为我国提供难得的发展机遇。但俄罗斯加入WTO并不意味着对俄投资风险已完全消除,我国对俄投资仍将面临诸多挑战。特别是在当前俄罗斯开始重塑投资形象的新形势下,我国应合理调控对俄投资规模,优化对俄投资主体,强化对俄投资管理,构建对俄投资风险评估体系,努力实现对俄投资互利共赢。  相似文献   

远东共和国是苏俄政府为了解决国内战争和外国武装干涉问题而建立的临时政权,而它与美国的经济交往则是实现其外交目标的重要手段.远东共和国与美国的经济交往从其建立为始,至它重新归并苏俄为终.通过这种经济关系,苏俄逐步瓦解了外来干涉势力,巩固了自己的政权;而美国也加深了对新生苏维埃政权的了解,影响了其在远东问题上的态度和政策.因此,远东共和国与美国的经济交往,是这一时期国际关系史极为重要的内容,对于美国、苏俄、日本、远东共和国这四个国家都有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

占婆(公元2~17世纪)是东南亚地区最早出现的国家之一。8世纪以前的中国史籍称之为“林邑”。《水经注·温水条》记载 :“林邑建国 ,起自汉末。初平之乱 ,人怀异心 ,象林功曹姓区 ,有子名逵 ,攻其县 ,杀令 ,自号为王。值世乱离 ,林邑遂立。后乃袭代 ,传位子孙。”按其地望 ,位于中南半岛东南沿海 ,即从近日越南北部河静省的横山关 ,向南一直延伸到平顺省藩切。到10世纪时 ,占城的疆域大致是东临南海 ,北接今越南义安省 ,南面与西面同真腊交界。公元10世纪末起 ,占城不断受到越南封建王朝和吴哥王朝的攻打 ,到1693年被控制越南南部的阮氏政权…  相似文献   

于向东 《亚非纵横》2011,(3):13-16,59
近期,美国调整其亚太战略,不断发展与东盟国家的关系,增强在东亚包括东南亚地区的军事存在。越南与美国海军交往的战略意图不容忽视,越南与美国发展海军关系,既迎合了美国对亚太战略进行重大调整、加强与东南亚国家接触的需要,也是其自身推行新的全面海洋战略和南海争端"国际化"战略的需要。越南应该清醒地看到,越美之间战略利益的一致性将会是短暂的、不均衡的。美国的全球战略决定它不会把现在的越南作为长期战略伙伴,不会把越南放在举足轻重的战略位置上。  相似文献   

印度辛格政府继承其前任瓦杰帕伊政府的务实外交。一方面,不遗余力地发展与世界唯一超级大国——美国的关系,通过与美国确立战略伙伴关系,谋求其(核)大国地位;另一方面,维持和俄罗斯之间的传统联系以谋求其重要的军事和能源安全利益;小心谨慎地修好和维持与伊朗的传统联系以维护其长远的能源供应利益以及地缘政治利益;此外,继续促进改善与缅甸的关系以寻求油气供应新来源并制衡中国的影响。  相似文献   

自从欧佩克在1973年大幅度提高了石油价格以来,人们普遍认为欧佩克是卡特尔组织。但通过对欧佩克的价格和产出决定、配额制度、监督制度、惩罚机制、所占市场份额、缓冲存货机制以及自身的局限性进行分析,欧佩克行为与卡特尔模型存在较大的差别,欧佩克不是卡特尔,其职能受到诸多限制,并不具备操纵和控制国际石油价格的能力。  相似文献   

金融危机以来,美国政府奉行的内外政策,既要利用和拓展新兴市场以重振本国经济,又要使新兴市场的发展不至于挑战美国的战略地位。在亚太战略中,尤以如何应对经济崛起的中国以利于美国的经济振兴,成为奥巴马政府最重要的经济考量。本文着重探究美国对亚洲的经济政策考虑和战略意图之间的相互影响。  相似文献   

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