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中德民法中一般人格权制度之比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周晨  张惠虹 《德国研究》2003,18(2):71-75
文中考察并比较了中德两国民法中一般人格权制度 ,认为我国应根据一般人格权本身的特性 ,不仅在民法中规定这一框架性权利 ,更应当在司法实践中通过在个案审判中所累积起来的原则与经验使之具体化 ,德国法院在此方面的经验对于完善我国的一般人格权制度具有借鉴意义  相似文献   

近年来 ,英国宪法司法化趋势日趋明显 ,司法机关在国家权力机关间和国家与个人间的关系中发挥着越来越大的作用。在此过程中 ,欧洲一体化起到了催化作用。随着欧共体法纳入英国法律体系 ,欧共体法至上原则的确立使各行为体认识到议会主权的变革不仅是可能的 ,而且也是可行的 ,同时欧洲法院和英国法院可以借助欧共体 /欧盟的法律制度对议会立法行使事实上的司法审查职能。而《1 998年人权法》 ,进一步加强了这一趋势 ,使英国司法机关可以利用宪法手段对公民权利和自由提供更为积极的保护。因此 ,英国宪法司法化是一个内部和外部力量间相互作用的建构过程 ,它通过沟通、对话和学习实现了制度变迁  相似文献   

韩燕  王坤 《德国研究》2005,20(2):33-36
司法的现代化是一个系统工程,其涉及到司法器物、制度、观念三个层次.而司法主体观念的现代化具有更重要的意义.有鉴于此,笔者考察了一些当前德国司法上的劳动法案例,来透视德国"活"的司法文化,以期通过这样的努力,给我国当前的司法文化建设以深刻启示.  相似文献   

德国外资并购安全审查制度的改革旨在实现政治目的之法律化。《对外经济条例修正案(九)》通过具体化公共秩序与安全标准,强化反滥用和反规避措施,以及严格化外资并购安全审查的程序性规定来加强对我国投资者并购德国企业的控制,同时存在诱发欧盟内连锁效应的制度可能性。德国法中的公共秩序与安全审查标准具有欧盟法属性,构成对设立自由抑或资本流动自由的限制,应受欧洲法院司法审查,符合比例原则的要求。作为法律应对措施,我国投资者应通过充分利用设立自由,实现法律身份本土化。个案中启动欧洲法院对德国审查机关限权措施违反欧盟法的司法审查,而交易方于并购协议中针对性地安排交易结构和约定保障措施则属于必要的预防与减损措施。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了纯粹经济损失的概念和特征,接着从实务的角度列举了五种典型的案例进行德国法上的分析,总结出德国实践中纯粹经济损失的处理方法,最后分析了德国司法实践中处理纯粹经济损失时制度选择的价值基础。  相似文献   

陈雯君 《德国研究》2004,19(1):41-45
本文在对德国民事司法改革情况分析的基础上,从司法改革理念和司法改革实务两个层面对我国的司法改革进行了思索.我国在诉讼制度与诉讼程序上与德国有一定的可比性,因此德国民事司法制度改革对我国具有较强的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

试论美国最高法院与司法审查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任东来 《美国研究》2007,21(2):28-47
美国联邦最高法院是世界上最有权威的法院之一,这一权威很大程度上来源于它对美国宪法的最终解释权。以司法审查这一制度形式体现出来的宪法解释,一方面使得美国古老的宪法得以与时俱进,适应美国不断变化的现实,另一方面也引发了一场关于最高法院是否越权的永无休止的争议。最高法院的历史表明,貌似中立的法院及其大法官依然无法完全摆脱时代潮流的影响和政治势力的干预。无论是对司法自由主义还是司法保守主义,司法能动还是司法克制,人们只有在特定的历史背景中才能理解。同样,司法审查所具有的反民主、反多数的难题,也只有在美国独特的联邦制和选举政治的制度框架内才能得以解释。  相似文献   

国民年金在国家经济中所占的比重,从范围或规模来看都远远超过了其他任何社会保险。韩国作为"发展主义"国家所采取的国民年金制度,对劳动力市场和金融市场均产生了一定的负面影响。正文对上述问题采取同世界其他各国进行比较的方法进行了分析。  相似文献   

杨国栋 《欧洲研究》2020,38(3):62-86
深植于欧洲政治法律传统并经多次更新内涵的团结原则促成了欧洲向民族国家时代的转型和共同体重构,社会民主主义者和基督教民主主义者共同将此概念发展为民族国家的基本价值。《罗马条约》以来,团结原则被纳入欧盟法,既包括总则原则性规定,也包括各领域中的具体条款。欧洲法院将团结原则在不同领域中的规范分别解释为消极或积极的法律义务,并提出了司法审查的尺度。以欧盟为共同体范围的团结和以成员国为共同体范围的团结成为法律争议背后的两大竞争性立法根据。新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,德国医疗物资出口限制令和欧盟纾困措施争议,事实上也隐含着二者的博弈。经由欧洲法院的司法裁判,欧洲共同体的团结逐渐超越成员国的团结,推动着欧洲国家的融合与国民身份的重构。  相似文献   

韩国于1988年正式实施国民年金制度以来,进行过1998年和2007年的两次重大改革。在韩国国民年金制度的确立、实施及改革过程中不仅其内容不断得到完善,而且政策选择模式也不断发生变化,即经过了从政策选择的精英主义模式,到精英主义和多元主义并存的过渡模式,最后到相对完善的多元主义模式的转变过程。  相似文献   

论欧盟法的性质及其对现代国际法的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
包括建立欧盟的国际条约、欧盟自己制定的各项立法以及欧盟各国的相关国内法在内的欧盟法是现代国际法发展的突出表现,这种发展不仅表现在欧盟法扩大了现代国际法的调整范围,还表现在欧盟法在国际法和国内法的转化机制上创设了一种"自动"模式。通过这种自动的转化机制,将欧盟由一个国际组织渐次演变成一个统一的"国家"。欧盟法对现代国际法的贡献必将对国际法发展的历程产生重要影响。  相似文献   

This article traces how the development of regional law is linked to the state of regional integration in Africa. Given the prominent role European Union law plays in the functioning of the European Union, the question is posed whether there is similar scope for the development of ‘African Union law’, a term not established hitherto. Initially devoid from the necessary supranational elements required to adopt law that would automatically bind member states, the African Union is leaning towards a functionalist approach paving the way for transfer of sovereign powers to African Union institutions. It is argued that law-making capacity, be it through the activities of the Pan-African Parliament, the Peace and Security Council or the African court system, is a necessary requirement to accelerate the process of regional integration. African Union law will hold member states accountable to comply with international and continentally agreed standards on, inter alia, democracy, good governance and human rights.  相似文献   

The rule of law is a widely used term in scholarship on Ottoman legal reforms. Nevertheless, the actual meaning of this notion is rarely clarified in the writing on the late Ottoman Empire although theorists of law have discussed the ambiguity of this term. This article aims at examining the value of the rule of law as an analytical category when discussing socio-legal change in the late Ottoman Empire. The article demonstrates that the rule of law can be a meaningful category for historical analysis when conceived through a ‘cultural perspective’ to the law.  相似文献   


The multicultural fabric of contemporary South African society is the result of the interaction between various and differing historical narratives, each with their own knowledge system, which led to the emergence of legal pluralism. The common law and African customary law are the major legal systems. A historical- political construction of the common law indicates that it has been influenced by the dominant political power. From an historical perspective, the contraction and expansion of the common law is due to its continuous deconstruction, whereby new knowledge is introduced into the existing system. Section 173 of the Constitution of 1996 provides that the judiciary is now responsible for developing the common law. However, under the new constitutional dispensation, the reconstruction of African customary law that is now on an equal footing with the common law indicates that it is being remodelled to fit the mould of Western legal values. In order to achieve jurisprudential parity between the two systems, the humanistic values of ubuntu should be adopted to infuse African equity into the common law. The realisation of this objective is possible if an interpretative paradigm is recognised as a means of ameliorating the legalistic consequences of the prevalent positivist paradigm. Within an African Renaissance model, adherence to an interpretative paradigm would advance restorative justice, and curriculum transformation along with research and development that resonate African/South African values. This would instil new vigour into the law and the Constitution that is seemingly becoming stulted due to its adherence to Western values.  相似文献   

虽然美国国内对于大法官在最高法院的司法审查中用自然法和自然权利学说来释宪是否恰当长期存在着争议,但是在美国最高法院的宪法解释和裁决中,自然法作为一种解释方法和论据从未消失过。立国初期,在塑造联邦国家与维护财产权方面,最高法院大量使用了自然法解释;随着19世纪末20世纪初期实体性正当程序的兴起,最高法院利用自然法捍卫自由放任主义和契约自由;20世纪后半叶,随着权利革命的来临及人们对捍卫个人自主性的诉求日益增强,最高法院大法官在涉及个人生活方式的案件中不得不再次使用自然法解释。  相似文献   

反垄断法私人实施是法律实施的具体延伸和专业发展。日本反垄断法私人实施的立法与实践历经了逐步完善的发展过程,其具体内容表征了鲜明的日本国法律特征。日本私人主体实施反垄断法的权责义务进一步明确、竞争政策目标确实得以维护、实施效率逐步得以提升,其对中国反垄断法私人实施制度的完善提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

The Aral Sea disaster is the result of Soviet-era irrigation policy. The collapse of the Soviet Union left the issue under the purview of international law. This essay addresses how this shift has affected attempts to slow or reverse the sea's depletion. Treaties on the non-navigation use of international watercourses and on the prevention of desertification have had little effect. While a number of regional instruments and arrangements have been brought to bear, they have also done little to reverse damage to the sea. Finally, attempts to regulate the issue through domestic law, as evidenced in the case of Kyrgyzstan, have done little as well. While some progress has recently been made under the auspices of the World Bank, it is not a result of international law. The conclusion is that the shift from domestic to international law has little improved the situation, and may have made matters worse.  相似文献   

This article provides an account of the process followed by the legislative assembly of the autonomous region of Sardinia, the regional council, to change its electoral law. More specifically, this article will focus on equal access to the elective office at the regional council that the electoral law should have guaranteed. The introduction of measures of gender equality is part of the broader process of change in the electoral law of Sardinia. It is also part of the wider review process of Sardinian autonomy that finds its roots in the amendment of title V of the Italian Constitution of 2001. Following these reforms, constitutional law 3/2013 states that ‘In order to achieve the balance between men and women in representation’, the new electoral law should ‘promote a new equal opportunity in the access to the office of regional councillor’ (article 16). The introduction of double preference for male and female candidates would have guaranteed equality, instead of reserving a share of seats to the underrepresented sex. It would have involved a new approach to the problem of underrepresentation of women. At the 20 June 2013 meeting, however, double preference was rejected in a secret ballot. Yet only four years later, on 21 November 2017, the electoral law was changed to guarantee equal access for women.  相似文献   

After a debate lasting several years, Estonia enacted a law of non-territorial cultural autonomy for national minorities in 1993, echoing experiences from the country’s previous period of independence. In international discussion, the law was initially cited as a promising way of dealing with minority issues in Central and Eastern Europe. With time, however, its applicability in contemporary Estonia has been questioned; in practice, the law has failed to be implemented. This paper inspects possible reasons for its disuse, and argues that the law could still play a role in Estonia’s minority policies, especially with regard to education. The paper is based on an analysis of legislation, parliamentary records and media.  相似文献   

完善我国的保险法制体系是加入WTO后的一项重要任务。本文分析了世界贸易组织 (简称WTO)的金融服务贸易制度的透明度原则对我国保险法制体系的影响 ,并对我国保险法律、法规、规章以及其他规范性文件进行了系统的整理和分析 ,最后提出了完善我国保险法制体系的措施。  相似文献   

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