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lstibdal is a topic in the field of Islamic endowment (waqf) which means exchanging something with something else. The issue of istibdal and its administrative cases raised as an attractive discussion among Muslim scholars since the permission for exchanging (istibdal) is against the principle of Islamic endowment itself, which functions under the concept of perpetuity and everlasting. The action of altering or exchanging of the waqf property is contrary to the concept of waqf, which should exist forever, perpetual and cannot be changed or amended. In fact, a waqfproperty was no longer owned by man as the owner, but the ownership was transferred to the God. However, most of the Muslim scholars permit istibdal for a specific reason so as to ensure that the waqf property is functioning as intended, to maintain the intention of the waqif (donor) in a new form of asset and to ensure its benefit for the interest of all Muslims. In the Malaysian context, the issue in administrating istibdal arose as the country was dominated by the Shafi'i sect which was more to not allow the istibdal. Therefore, this study aimed to examine this issue in the context of administrative law ofwaqfin Malaysia under the topic of istibdal. The data will be collected from the results of fatwa committee (Islamic ruling decision) from States and the Federal, also will look into some cases ofistibdal and the provisions in the Enactment of Waqfin certain states in Malaysia.  相似文献   

Through this paper, the author seeks to determine the and financial performance of Islamic banks, where we relationship between the variables of corporate governance dealt the corporate governance in the banking sector, where increasing the importance of corporate governance, due to their special nature, as the bankruptcy of banks not only affects the relevant parties from customers, depositors, and lenders, but also affects financial stability and then the economy as a whole. We dealt with the specificity of governance in Islamic banks, which face double governance: Anglo-Saxon Governance System and Islamic Governance System. The author measures the impact of corporate governance variables on financial performance through an empirical study on a sample of Islamic banks during the period of 2005-2012 in the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) region. The study has found that there is a very strong relationship between the variables of governance and financial performance of Islamic banks, where there is a positive relationship between return on assets (ROA) and the composition of the board of directors, the size of the board of directors, the number of committees in the council, as well as the number of members of the Shariah Supervisory Board (SSB), while it is clear that there is a negative relationship between ROA and concentration ownership variable.  相似文献   

This study explores the practices of stakeholder engagement (SE) in Malaysian Islamic banks. In 2017, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) introduced the Value-Based Intermediation (VBI) framework, with the aim of promoting a more sustainable and responsible banking system in the country. Among others, the VBI framework requires Islamic banks to adopt a stakeholder-driven approach to their business operations, which involves understanding and responding to the needs and expectations of their stakeholders. Within this context, we apply a content analysis of the annual and sustainability reports of all stand-alone Islamic banks in Malaysia to document the changes in the banks' quality of SE after the introduction of the VBI. The content analysis is guided by a new index that we construct, termed as the Stakeholder Engagement Quality Index (SEQI), which covers four dimensions of SE process: the purpose, stakeholder mapping, scope and approach to the engagement. Our results indicate that the SE quality significantly increases overall and for the third (i.e., scope of SE) and fourth (i.e., SE approach) dimensions subsequent to the VBI. Additionally, in terms of bank types, we find that the SEQI score is higher for commercial Islamic banks than development Islamic banks in the post-VBI period. Despite such improvements, our study alerts policymakers that there are areas that need further attention. Among others, these include integrating SE into the banks' internal managerial functions and encouraging active stakeholder participation in the design and implementation of the engagement itself.  相似文献   

In response to the limited engagement with critical social science concerning the governance of Islamic banking and finance (IBF), this paper compares and conceptualizes the development and governance of IBF in Malaysia and Singapore. We argue that IBF governance in Malaysia and Singapore can be distinguished on the basis of ethnic politics, moral suasion, product demand, product innovation, and the character of state practices. Concerning the latter, we contend that the political economy of both countries can be characterized as broadly involving a ‘neoliberal-developmentalism’, but we nuance this by positing a transition in Malaysia from a ‘semi-developmentalism’ in the 1980s to what we call an ‘Islamic and internationalising ordoliberalism’ beginning in the 2000s. In turn, the governance of IBF in Singapore involves a combination of neoliberal developmentalism, which nonetheless also entails some form of Islamic ordoliberalism.  相似文献   


This article examines the practices of rape, sexual enslavement, and forced marriage used by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Most research see wartime sexual violence as solutions to battlefields challenges. Studies of civil war and competitive state building during civil wars have largely overlooked the implications of such violence for rebel governance. This article explores how efforts to regulate sexuality figure within processes of violent state formation. ISIS’s practices of sexual violence mirror previous efforts by the Iraqi and Syrian state to substantiate ethno-sectarian domination through violence. But ISIS creates new gendered and ethno-sectarian hierarchies. Repertoires of sexual and gender-based violence can help to sustain and create structures of state control and are thus integral to competitive state building.  相似文献   

The discourse of contemporary Islamic radicalism derives its inspiration from the writings of three Muslim thinkers and activists: Abu al-Acla al-Mawdudi (died 1979), Sayyid Qutb(died 1966), and Ayatollah Khumayni (died 1989). This article is devoted to an initial exposition of the main themes of their texts as the unique founders of this particular 'discursivity'.  相似文献   

《Strategic Comments》2016,22(9):vii-viii
Up to a thousand Southeast Asians have travelled to the Middle East to fight for the Islamic State. While some may return to Southeast Asia and engage in terrorist operations, the greater threat is that the Islamic State's rise in international prominence will foment homegrown extremism and terrorist activity.  相似文献   

The hijab , an Arabic word that is related to Islamic proper dressing, has become a buzzword in contemporary French popular discourse. In the Islamic tradition, both men and women are required to dress modestly. Women traditionally cover their hair, a practice called hijab. This hijab (Islamic scarf) seems to have created a controversy in France in recent years, and the French media have exploited the matter even further. Even scholars seem to have abstracted the cultural/ religious symbol from its proper context. The controversy of the hijab in France therefore has actually revealed more about the character of the French society/ mentality than about the Muslim community. I intend to use the controversy over the hijab to question and challenge the conventional reading of the integration of the Muslim Maghrebin people into secular French society. I will explore the concept of integration and the way this integration functioned as a source of privilege as well as a source of discrimination. I will use the debate over the hijab to further investigate the interplay of religion, immigration and citizenship in France.  相似文献   

As the only Sunni Islamic Republic in the world, Sudan's middle‐class, modernist Islamist revolution can be seen as a model for the mobilization of public consciousness about citizenship in an Islamic state. That this citizenship is consciously and conspicuously gendered is the main theme of this paper. In the north, where mobilization has been most successful, Sudanese women have both been constructed and have constructed themselves as the woman citizen— mother, Muslim, and soldier. A brief historical background reveals complicated shifts in national, local, and gender identities, from the colonial state to the present. The crux of the paper is an exploration of state hegemonic strategies, including the manipulation of gender and other identities, especially as these are manifested in the fashioning of the ‘new Muslim woman’. Women's complicity in and resistance to these constructions are among the dynamics of contemporary northern Sudan. The paper also explores the waning of ‘Arab’ identity claims in the face of state emphasis on Islamic identity and the relevance to Islamist women. Interview statements by Islamist women attest to both their complicity in and resistance to their construction as members of the Islamic nation/community.  相似文献   

Wilson's article examines how apocalyptic thinking converges with the use of conspiracy theory in white nationalist world-views at a time of crisis. Apocalyptic thinking is, typically, a religious response to secular threats to the faith community that prophesize, or are attendant on, the End. These millenarian outlooks provide communities in crisis a promise of confirmation of the object of their faith, the vanquishing of enemies and, crucially, continuity for the community in a better world to come. In the latter half of the twentieth century and the early years of the twenty-first, apocalypticism and conspiracy theory have tended to coincide. The tendency towards a binary distinction between terms of absolute good and absolute evil, and the revelation of secrets relating to human destiny through prophesy or ‘truth-seeking’ provide a broad transposability between the two interpretative strategies. An increasing amalgamation of political paranoia and eschatology have given rise to what has been termed ‘conspirituality’. Much recent white nationalist rhetoric can be understood as emerging from this discursive position, and Wilson's analysis will demonstrate how one white nationalist community drew on conspiratorial apocalypticism in its response to the multiple attacks by Islamic State in Paris on 13–14 November 2015.  相似文献   

The article analyses the political situation in the Near East in trial to find the formula of peace. It would guarantee a peaceful coexistence for Palestinians and Israelites. The conflict of Israel and Palestine lasts for already over 100 years and becomes a global conflict among Islam believers and Jewish-Christians. Trying to have peace Israel left the occupied Sinai Peninsula of Egypt and made considerable concessions for Palestinians as well: It agreed on Palestine self-governing rights or autonomy in 1994. The problem is that Arabs cannot accept the fact of Israel state in their psychology. Nobody can guarantee their national security when Jews retracted to the borders which existed till 1967, the Sixth Day War. What does the total retraction from Gaza Strip from where the rockets are constantly sent to the territory of Israel on the heads of civil people? Would the most real and secure way of all the solutions be a Federation of Palestinian Territories or Confederation with the Kingdom of Jordan (or with the state of Egypt)? The peace problem of Near East is global and even connected with the intentions of Iran to make an atomic bomb. International community should be more sensitive not only to the tired nation of Palestine but also the Kurds who try to establish their state in Kurdistan. People of Azerbaijan should be helped in uniting into one state in the frames of Azerbaijan. The author tried to prove the article by the facts and the regulations of international law as much as possible.  相似文献   

The United States 2013 budget sequestration dramatically reduced the operating budgets of most federal agencies, including that of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Facing a staggering budget reduction in the amount of S627 million from itsS16 billion annual budget, the FAA was forced to furlough most of its 47,000 employees, including its air traffic controllers. This case study utilizes Kingdon's Multiple Streams perspective to examine the implementation of the 2013 budget sequestration on the FAA and the resulting impact on the operations of the federal agency charged with ensuring the safe and efficient use of U.S. airspace. With work furloughs threatening its employees and the potential for significant air traffic delays, the United States Congress approved a bill which eliminated the threat of further work furloughs for FAA employees and the resulting flight delays. Analyzing these events within the context of the Multiple Streams perspective provides a unique opportunity for insights into democratic governance within the federal government.  相似文献   

The term “national security” evolved from a nation possessing military might to predominantly having a secure national economy. Beteen those two aspects lie other factors that contribute to a nation's security. Minerals have been part of national se, curity strategy since the need for security was felt by nations. Especially military, economic, and environmental security has been factors that have driven mineral demand. On the other hand, mining and minerals have often been the cause of national security alerts. This paper would represent economic security as being reliant on minerals and will highlight economic security as the key driver that activates other security issues today. It will go on to discuss how minerals have also been affected by national security problems, such as the recent financial crisis. Furthermore, minerals have also been the cause for national security problems.  相似文献   

The science of hadith authentication and classification (ulum al-hadith) has been developed by Muslim scholars mostly based on critical analysis of the texts and chains of the reports (ahadith) that are attributed to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). Though this science is basically designed to identify the authentic reports which are truly the words, actions or tacit approvals of the Prophet (s.a.w.), however, it has left its implications onfiqh (legal) opinions among the Muslim jurists (fuqaha), who left contrasting legal opinions on certain issues offiqh, some of which are as a result of their differences on hadith classification, particularly classifications of hadith into solitary and recurrent reports. This paper uses analytical method, and intends to address the implications of hadith authentication and classification methods on the legislative power of the sunnah, with particular emphasis on the solitary sunnah and its legislative value among the Muslim jurists.  相似文献   

The global standardization ecosystem consisting of standards, stakeholders of standardization, and environment interacting with it reflects the increasingly frequent international standardization activities and increasingly close relationship between standardization organizations. Global standardization ecosystem is an open symbiotic system with multi-level structure, dynamic competition, and co-evolution. Governance, coupling, and risk management are the key activities of the global standardization system. The concept of global standardization ecosystem reflects the application of strategic thinking and systematic thinking in the field of international standardization.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how Caribbean-American poet and activist Audre Lorde textualizes the experience of breast cancer in her journals. Lorde confronts the narrative of the female body provided by the biomedical approach and challenges the passive role she is expected to play as a sick person. She deplores misinformation to patients and the insistence on reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy. Lorde denounces the discursive aggression toward women that is the result of the hidden patriarchal impositions insidiously operating within medical practices. She believes medical discourse has often been used to implement many of the precepts that underlie a male-centered society, shaping the gendering of women in line with a patriarchal worldview. This paper examines how Lorde faced with such a hostile situation, managed to overcome it, by speaking up and putting her fears and her hopes into words. Her personal diaries, The Cancer Journals (1980) and A Burst of Light (1988), constitute today a fundamental point of reference and an important contribution to the feminist cause.  相似文献   

This paper informs about results of a research taking place within an internal grant of College of Polytechnics Jihlava, which is aimed at examining the efficiency in public administration from the point of view of the office workers. The research is divided into three stages which were proceeding gradually in large organisations of public administration carrying out self-government as well as state government in figurative effect. The research took place in the form of questionnaires, which were given to randomly chosen workers of the offices, and these anonymously answered 60 questions were divided into six topics: human resources, organizational capital, information capital, customer capital, performance measuring, and innovation capital. The respondents assessed the situation in the office using their own judgement. The aim of this paper is to inform about the results of this research especially from the point of view of human capital, organizational capital, and social capital in organisations of public administration.  相似文献   

This empirical study examines the bribery, problem in Kuwaiti public administration, its conception, magnitude, reasons, and its consequences. The study is a field research which is based on a random sample consisted of (600) people from various spheres of life in society. Study findings have shown that bribery in Kuwaiti administration is widespread and increasing, transcends nationality, gender, position, education level, and agencies in Kuwait which require paying attention to what kind of measures need to be taken to eradicate it. Recommendations are suggested on ways how to eradicate this problem in order not to become a phenomenon.  相似文献   

What is reality, the truth, good, justice, man, etc., is something we have learned from texts for a historically long period of time. Together with writing and linear alphabet, a new ability which could be called conceptual thinking has become part of our life. Therefore, deciphering texts means nothing else than revealing images denoted by these texts. Traditionally, learning meant to be able to read in the book of the world, i.e., to learn to code the world in texts using linear writing first and then to learn to decipher texts applied to reality. Media theorist Vil6m Flusser states in his key texts that technical images become a dominant cognitive metaphor of the contemporary society. New social culture is being formed in connection with their creation, distribution, transfer, and consumption. Such new social structure needs new criteria of analysis and requires a new interpretive beginning. Flusser does not wonder how a medium is possible, but he deals with the consequences of the effect of one type of media abstraction, namely technical images. The following paper briefly analyses the dominant cognitive metaphor of Flusser's theory --the concept technical image.  相似文献   

In his book The Imaginary Institution of Society, the French philosopher Castoriadis wanted to explain the radical change of societies and their diversity; the social imaginary matters, and explains social change. But what is it today? The Castoriadis's answer is mainly a criticism of the imaginary of the bureaucratic society (perfect anticipations). He hoped more autonomy. In the paper, it is proposed this interpretation of the imaginary of the city: The main myths are personal strength, chance (here the reference is Ulrich Beck's book The Risk Society), and individual happiness (the reference being the works of the French philosopher Lipovetsky). One is able to explain the discrepancy between public policies (including city planning) and the real social needs. It exists because the doctrines used lag behind the "social imaginary significations". The concerned fields are the beauty of cities, spatial segregation, women in the city, environment, drugs, etc.  相似文献   

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