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违宪审查机构的性质和地位——以宪法的性质为根据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
违宪审查机构的设置取决于对其性质和地位的理解。要正确把握违宪审查机构的性质和地位,必须以对宪法的理解为根据。我们认为,宪法不是法律,它既是高级法,又是社会契约,而两者之间的紧张关系将宪法推演为程序法则。因此,作为保证宪法实施的机构,违宪审查机构具有超国家、超法律的性质。  相似文献   

也论行政犯的性质及其对行政刑法定位的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
黄明儒 《现代法学》2004,26(5):81-87
行政犯的性质问题实质上是一个行政犯与刑事犯以及秩序违反行为的关系问题,行政犯包括对法益的侵害或威胁,属实质性的违法,是对派生性生活秩序的违反,其理念在行政上的合目的性;而刑事犯的理念在于社会正义;应被科以罚金或其他秩序罚的行政法规违反,并不是对行政法规的直接攻击,而是对顺利达到其行政目的而规定的一定义务(即行政义务)的违背。因而应当根据行政犯的特殊性相应适用与普通刑法的一般原则所不同的行政刑法原则。  相似文献   

经济法与社会法关系考辨——兼与董保华先生商榷   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
经济法与社会法关系的研究是一个重大的理论课题,当下学界对二者的关系也存在不同的看法。但有的社会法学者对已有的经济法理论成果存在着重大的误读,本文对此作出了必要的回应,并指出经济法与社会法是有殊别的,二者在发展中不会达到归并与融合,社会法不是经济法发展的终极进路。  相似文献   

通过程序制裁遏制刑事程序违法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在中国的刑事诉讼中,程序违法现象极为普遍,这在很大程度上是因为,现行的刑事诉讼法是一部缺乏制裁机制即违反之后没有法律后果的"软"法。刑事诉讼法基本上已经丧失了作为法律所应当具有的约束力,甚至沦落为规则的宣示或告诫。欲使刑事诉讼法成为"真正"的法律,就必须为其注入"制裁"这一法律规范的应有要素。而为刑事诉讼法注入"制裁"要素,应走"以程序制裁为中心"的道路,这是由程序制裁的独特优势所决定的。  相似文献   

胡城军 《时代法学》2005,3(4):52-59
国际法所调整的利益关系中,有国家利益、国家之间的共同利益和全人类的共同利益,但居于本质属性地位的是国家之间的共同利益和全人类的共同利益.国际法的共同利益性对国际法(学)诸方面会产生比较深远的影响,特别是对国际法与国内法相互关系的理论迷局的破解具有重要意义.  相似文献   

In what has become a classic work in the field, Matsueda (1982) tested control theory against differential association theory using Hirschi's (1969) Richmond Youth Project data. Matsueda found that measures of “definitions favorable to law violation” entirely mediated the effect of his social control measures and friends' delinquency, and concluded that differential association theory was supported over control theory. We note several problems with Matsueda's specification of control theory, and we reanalyze the Richmond data including measures of commitment to conventional goals and several attachment to parents variables that Matsueda excluded. We also propose and test a new method of measuring the social bond, conceptualizing the social bond as a second-order latent construct. In contrast with Matsueda's findings, we find that the social bond and friends' delinquency retain important direct effects on delinquency, and that these effects are greater than those of definitions. Thus, our results are more supportive of control theory than differential association theory.  相似文献   

马俊驹 《中国法学》2020,(1):106-125
中国民法的现代化进程,特别是数次编纂民法典的曲折而艰辛经历,印证了中国学习和借鉴西方近现代民法的理性依据,以及中西法律文化整合的历史必然性。从性善与性恶、整体与个体、契约与身份、人情与法律、社会转型与弘扬传统美德等相互排斥又相互关联的法律文化理念和价值体系维度看,民法是保护善意人之法、聚个体间合作之法,民法不能忽视对身份关系的调整,具有辩证的情法观,道德精神是民法内在价值的根基。实现民法和传统文化、民法和现代文明的良性整合,需寻求他们之间的共通处和结合点,建立既尊重人性、彰显权利,又崇尚社会公益、弘扬社会公德的民法新格局。  相似文献   

新的十六字方针是法律体系建成之后的必然选项,其实质是追求法律的正当性与司法的公正性,提倡一种相对积极主义的司法理念,强调社会安全与司法人权保障的平衡。司法积极主义是对简单遵循文义的专属主义反思化的结果,并非意味着基于秩序安宁而造法。司法克制主义和积极主义,都有相同的出发点。二者的根本分歧在于如何理解解释法律、寻找法律和创造法律的关系。绝对的积极主义因存在明显的违背教义学和罪刑关系的痕迹而应当引以为戒,相对积极主义因包含着法律的道德价值从而更能促进公正性的实现。当前我国的司法犯罪化理论如果被不加甄别地践行,或者不进行细致化的推演,可能具有绝对积极主义色彩而走向公正的反面。因为刑法包含着规范属性和道德属性,这意味着人道精神与法定理念互为补充,意味着公正和人道成为刑事司法的目标。相对积极主义的特征是注重方法论的合刑性以及合宪性要求。  相似文献   

刑法学发展至今貌似精巧,但理论构造似乎离生活常识越来越远,使得理论与公众的规范感觉、认同感觉之间的分歧很大。刑法研究无论走何种道路,可能都面临需要重新思考的问题:在我们的生活当中,哪些是常识性的东西,亦或哪些是生活经验上特别值得重视的东西。刑法学回归常识主义,要重视两个问题:一方面,刑法本身对社会有什么益处?或者刑法的社会功能究竟是什么?另一方面,刑法学回归常识主义,是否有可能性?亦即使刑法学和生活常识接近,或者尽量回归生活常识、尽量让公众能够去认同是否有可能?如果有可能,则其出发点或者基点是什么?常识主义刑法观对于欧陆刑法学会给予特别关注,强调跨文化的刑法趋同性,肯定了通过刑法保护社会中通行的规范关系的重要性。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):381-409
Extracurricular participation in adolescence is often linked to the development of a prosocial identity and social relationships. Through these social psychological mechanisms, participation is thought to prevent risky behavior in adolescence and into emerging adulthood. This study examined the relationship between high school activity portfolios and risky behaviors (i.e. binge drinking, drug use, and law violation) among a college sample. Five activity portfolios were identified, including sports-focused, low involvement, highly engaged, and two combination portfolios. There were significant differences between portfolios on social psychological measures (e.g. prosocial beliefs and social responsibility), current extracurricular involvement, and risky behaviors. Regression models indicated that social psychological factors and current involvement partially mediated the association between portfolios and risky behaviors, but portfolio type retained direct effects. Portfolios associated with involvement across several activity domains were more protective for emerging adults, in part by shaping their beliefs, sense of social responsibility, and continuing involvement.  相似文献   

转型时期法律与社会的关系是中西方学者共同关注的问题,然而对这一问题的解说却是远不够深入的,其根本原因在于缺乏一套关于现代社会中法律与社会关系的一般理论。德国社会学家尼克拉斯.卢曼的社会系统理论为此提供了一种整体性的解释,他把系统/环境的区分应用于法律与社会关系的分析,不仅明确了法律作为现代社会之独立功能系统的位置,也阐发了法律与其他社会功能系统之间复杂的互动机制。这一洞见揭示了法律与社会之间共同演化的关系,对正处于转型时期的当代中国社会而言,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

国家治理体系的主体包括中国共产党、国家机关、社会组织和公民,行政组织是主要的主体,而中国共产党是国家治理的领导力量。国家治理体系的现代化,政府现化代是关键,法治化是保障。在治理视域下,行政组织法不再仅是政府内部的结构法,而是包括协调党政群关系、体现共同治理的治理主体法。从优化组织结构,体现党政群协调共治出发,积极回应国家治理现化化对行政组织的要求,通过行政组织立法明确行政组织的职权范围,将中央与地方的关系、部门和地方间的横向协作关系法律化,确立社会组织的行政主体地位,为党委领导、政府负责、社会协同、全民参与的治理体系提供法治保障。  相似文献   

The starting point of this paper is the idea of individual autonomy: Autonomy from the social body and from its influences, i.e., broadly speaking, autonomy from the "whole" of which the individual is a part. In particular, I shall address some of the problems arising out of the relations between the whole and its parts, basically problems of law and morality. We are accustomed to thinking that the relation between a particular individual and the universal whole to which the individual belongs should be a happy relationship. Such "happiness," however, will prove to be—from the liberal perspective here assumed—a problematic notion. From such premises as these, an argument will be developed, on behalf of social recognition and legal protection for out-of-the mainstream forms of behaviour or lifestyles, i.e., for individuals or groups that claim the "otherness" of their position together with a right of freedom from discrimination.  相似文献   

法律和体育是人类生活的两大领域,也是重要的文化现象。如何从基本的理念与价值层面,揭示法律和体育内在关系的深刻社会基础与内在机制,为依法治体,构建以人为本的和谐体育法治提供基础性理论指导,就成为法学界和体育界面临的共同课题。运用比较分析方法,探讨法律与体育在构成要素、运行方式和思维模式方面的共同性或相似性,同时也分析法律与体育在价值选择、规则类型以及解纷机制上的不同点。通过对法律与体育的比较分析,期望能够对加强法律和体育之间的沟通与交流,推动当代中国体育运动的法治化进程提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

互联网法律规制的若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张平 《知识产权》2012,(8):3-16,2
互联网应用极大地改变了人们的生活方式,互联网领域的法律问题也改变着法律的世袭领地,创造出了法律的"混血儿"。调整因互联网应用而产生的各类社会关系的法律规范即互联网法,其调整手段涉及公法和私法领域,是一个正在成长中的兼具特异性范畴和共同性范畴的综合性法律部门。互联网立法既要针对互联网发展的特点,制定互联网领域的单行法,又要在现有的民法、刑法、知识产权法等部门法中增加针对互联网领域的专门条款,以达互联网法律规制的目的。  相似文献   

身份犯的处罚根据论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
身份犯的处罚根据问题是身份犯理论研究的基础性范畴,它直接决定了身份犯具体问题的展开。发端于大陆法系刑法中的"义务违反说"、"法益侵害说"以及建立在二者基础之上的"综合说"都不能圆满地说明身份犯的处罚根据;我国学者关于此问题的个别看法也不无纰漏。以"身份法益侵害说"作为身份犯的处罚根据,则是一种合理的选择。  相似文献   

The current study examined the prevalence of lifetime family violence among older women (N = 525) and the influence of family violence on depression using data from a national survey in South Korea. The major findings were that 49.3 % of respondents had been victimized from lifetime family violence, the prevalence of childhood maltreatment was 37.1 % and intimate partner violence was 23.4 %. Approximately, 55 % of participants had clinical depression, which was significantly associated with reported experiences of family violence. The findings suggest that family violence and depression are common social problems and that individualized intervention for older women in South Korea is needed.  相似文献   

Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) has been linked to a wide range of negative outcomes, including the development of low impulse control in adulthood. Because previous studies have identified impulsivity as a robust predictor of antisocial and criminal behaviors, CSA may be an important early-in-life risk factor to consider. But the pathway between CSA and impulsivity is not well understood. Research suggests CSA is an important predictor of various forms of psychopathology, such as depression and suicidal thoughts. Pulling this all together, we investigated the possibility that CSA impacts depression and suicidal thoughts and that those experiences go on to affect the development and manifestation of impulse control in adulthood. We drew on a nationally representative sample of adolescents and adults (Add Health) to test the pathways by which CSA might affect impulse control. We found that CSA negatively influences impulse control, and that depression and suicidal thoughts may mediate this relationship. Our findings highlight the importance of trauma-oriented interventions for survivors of CSA – on top of their other benefits, such interventions may have an influence on the development of impulse control later in life.  相似文献   

Law and economics in the United States and Europe focuses on private law. With the exception of work on antitrust and corporate finance, public law has been largely ignored. Yet economics is central to the understanding of social problems, such as environmental protection and occupational health and safety. Lawyer-economists need to study the relationship between government structure and policy outcomes. Economists must consider goals, such as democratic accountability and participation, which do not fit an efficiency framework.Lawyers and public officials need to recognize the social benefits of efficiency. Such legal-economic analysis can reveal failures in the way public law accommodates the practical reality of today's pressing social problems. It can also suggest solutions. In particular, economics can help with the design of substantive policies and with the analysis of government structures and process.  相似文献   

宪法权利与民事权利关系辨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
曹治国 《河北法学》2008,26(5):79-82
宪法是一国法律体系中的根本法,民法是对宪法在民事领域的具体化;但宪法又是公法,与作为私法的民法有本质上的区别。与此相对应,宪法权利与民事权利在性质、内容和行使方式等方面存在差别,但宪法权利功能的变迁又使其有影响民事权利发展的可能性。人权是整体法律体系的价值基础,人权入宪为宪法权利通过其体现的人权价值影响民事权利提供了法律基础,尽管如此,两者仍是不同性质的权利,宪法权利规范不能直接用于调整私人间的民事权利义务关系。  相似文献   

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