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近年来,国际粮食市场出现了剧烈的价格波动,主要粮食品种价格呈现出快速上涨的趋势.OECD和FAO的研究报告指出,导致全球粮食市场行情波动的主要原因是:(1)原油价格高涨引起的联动反应;(2)异常气候变化导致的粮食歉收;(3)生物燃料需求的增加;(4)谷物市场国际投机资金的流入等.其中,欧美的生物燃料发展战略是全球粮价上涨和引发粮食危机的重要诱因.本文通过对欧美生物燃料战略与东南亚粮食贸易的关联性的分析,揭示其对亚洲区域的影响.  相似文献   

世界性的粮价暴涨对东南亚国家的经济安全、社会稳定造成重大冲击.中国可通过提供紧急粮食援助、放宽粮食出口限制等短期措施及加强农业合作、投资当地农业生产资料生产和粮食物流设施等长期措施,帮助东南亚国家渡过粮食危机.  相似文献   

粮食是重要的农产品,事关人民基本生活和国家经济社会的稳定与发展.今年发生的世界粮食危机让许多国家陷入饥荒与混乱.泰国是世界上重要的粮食生产国和出口国,面对这场"无声的海啸",机遇与挑战并存,泰国政府从容不迫,从维护本国政府和人民的利益出发,着眼于粮食的可持续生产及农业的长远发展,制定出行之有效的粮食政策.这些政策主要涉及保护农民的种粮积极性、敦促利益分享机制的执行、整合农业发展、粮食生产的资金投入和增强国际协商与合作等方面.目前泰国的粮食政策运行良好,可资其他粮食生产国和出口国借鉴.  相似文献   

粮食事关国运民生,粮食安全是国家安全的重要基础。当前,全球粮食安全形势严峻复杂,国际粮价高位震荡,全球饥饿人口持续上升,地区社会动荡等次生危害加剧。在此背景下,中亚粮食安全问题再度突显,作为该地区人口最多的农业大国乌兹别克斯坦尤甚。一直以来,粮食问题贯穿于乌国农业乃至整个经济发展进程当中。独立30多年来,乌国基本实现了粮食自给自足,粮食安全保障水平明显提升。当前,全球经济发展疲软,国际局势风高浪急,极端天气频发,乌国粮食安全也面临诸多风险与挑战。乌国政府采取有效措施积极应对,虽基本解决了粮食供给问题,但俄乌冲突的爆发与持续又给乌兹别克斯坦粮食安全走势带来了极大的不确定性,走出粮食安全困境仍受到内生性和外源性两大方面因素的制约。  相似文献   

针对2008年至2010年爆发的世界粮食危机,美国政府出于人道主义和本国政治、经济利益的考虑,推出了面向贫困国家的"粮食喂养未来计划",开展了向受援国增加农业贷款和粮食供应、与受援国开展农业科技合作与交流、改善受援国粮食贸易体系等一系列援助活动。尽管该计划取得了一定的成效,但美国国家利益的局限、私人企业的趋利性和转基因技术引发的争议影响了其实施效果。由于无法解决土地等资源分配不公的深层次社会问题,且美国为了维护其经济利益和霸权地位而推行贸易保护政策,该计划无法从根本上解决受援国面临的粮食危机。  相似文献   

太平洋战争结束后,重返东南亚的英国试图全面重建战前的殖民统治.鉴于战后东南亚地区普遍的粮食危机已导致一定的社会、政治危机和外交困境,英国政府派遣凯勒恩勋爵为东南亚特派员主管东南亚地区的粮食供应并促进东南亚区域经济合作.自1946年3月16日至1948年3月27日,凯勒恩勋爵召集了一系列会议,组建了各地的联络机构,疏通粮食供应的交通渠道,促进粮食生产,并同东南亚主要产粮国(本文仅论暹罗)展开外交联系以保证英属东南亚地区的粮食进口.特派员的工作在一定程度上缓解了东南亚粮食危机,促进了东南亚各国的战后重建,为英国在该地区的经济与防务合作战略开辟了道路.  相似文献   

现在世界各国都重视粮食问题。特别是人口众多的国家,对此更为关注。人口占世界第五位、长期依靠进口粮食的印度尼西亚尤其是如此。 在一九八三年十月十六日纪念国际第三届世界粮食日的时候,印度尼西亚各大报纸以乐观的态度大肆宣传:一九八三年,印度尼西亚大米产量将达二千三百万吨,实现了粮食自给自足的目标。  相似文献   

作为世界上人口最为稠密的地区之一,东南亚各国历来高度关注粮食安全问题,东南亚既有世界主要粮食出口大国,也有世界主要粮食进口大国,粮食安全在地区安全中的地位至关重要.东南亚主要粮食出口国通过一系列举措,着力发展大米生产,渐次形成了本国粮食生产的比较优势,但由于缺乏成熟的粮食储备体系,其在粮食储备方面并不能满足粮食安全保障的需要;主要粮食进口国通过大力发展海上贸易,构建起以粮食进口贸易为主导的粮食安全保障体系,但由于长期偏重经济增长而忽视粮食生产,生产不足成为其保障粮食安全的最大短板.作为东南亚国家的近邻,中国在粮食安全保障方面与其具有很强的互补性,双方具备加强粮食安全合作的基础.此外,中国要从东南亚各国的粮食安全状况形成过程中借鉴经验、吸取教训,构建集粮食生产、贸易和储备于一体的粮食安全保障体系.  相似文献   

2009年4月1~3日在英国伦敦举行了20国集团领导人第二次金融峰会。本次峰会是在国际金融危机持续扩大蔓延,世界经济陷入严重衰退的背景下召开的。因此,如何有效应对危机、尽快实现经济复苏成为国际社会最关注的问题,也是此次会议的焦点。  相似文献   

欧债危机的战略影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王义桅 《德国研究》2012,27(1):33-41,126
欧债危机是从一些欧元区国家主权债务危机中折射的欧盟一体化危机,由于发生在欧洲衰落的时代背景下,其溢出效应被放大.从本质上说,欧债危机的爆发是欧洲一些国家产业空心化和国际比较优势下降造成的,是其生产方式无法维继民众生活方式表现出来的政治危机,反映出欧洲地区发展不平衡的恶果,而欧元区及欧盟机制又妨碍了问题的解决.从现实表现看,欧债危机不仅对欧元区经济、欧洲一体化进程、世界格局走向均产生不同程度的冲击,而且加大了德国和欧元区其他成员的矛盾、欧元区与非欧元区国家的矛盾、美国和欧盟的矛盾、欧元区与世界经济的矛盾,使欧盟未来数年内不得不忙于内部事务而非热衷于全球治理,倾向于走务实的地缘经济而非价值观路线,严重削弱了欧盟的硬、软实力.然而,欧盟正借助危机加速推进一体化,其成效将舒缓、但并不能化解欧盟的战略颓势,由此增添了世界多极化进程的复杂性和曲折性.  相似文献   

随着国际油价不断上涨以及能源需求的日渐扩大,东南亚国家将目光转向了核能,泰国、印尼、越南、马来西亚、菲律宾、缅甸甚至柬埔寨等国都相继提出了核能发展战略,并计划于2015年建成东南亚第一座核电站。但这些国家对核能的监管等能力受到东盟内外的质疑,尤其是日本福岛核电站危机后,东盟国家的核能开发战略以及与此相关的环境安全等问题引起全球的关注。东盟国家的核能开发战略可能放缓,但这些国家的核能开发计划不会完全停止。  相似文献   

In 2002, Malawi faced a devastating food crisis, an event in which hundreds of people died of hunger, while over a thousand succumbed to a country-wide cholera epidemic. By June of that year, over 3.2 million people needed emergency food aid, one-third of Malawi's population. This article assesses the crisis through the lens of donor–government relations. Beginning with the restructuring of the agricultural sector under a World Bank-sponsored structural adjustment programme, a process that discouraged food production by small-holder farmers, the article explains how the Malawian government's reliance on external sources of funding, and its deteriorating relations with key international creditors, rendered it impotent in the face of the oncoming crisis. Having sold its strategic grain reserve (SGR) to service mounting debts, the government could not rein in a food price spiral that peaked in March 2002. Allegations of financial irregularities surrounding the sale of the SGR served to make matters worse. The United States, Britain, Denmark and the European Union cancelled direct development funding and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank suspended Malawi from the Highly Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) initiative. With limited access to credit, the Government of Malawi could neither re-stock its food reserves nor fund emergency imports in time to mitigate the worst effects of the crisis. Relief aid was further delayed by disagreements between the government and key donors and aid agencies regarding genetically modified (GM) food. While accepting Amartya Sen's basic entitlements framework – the 2002 crisis was one of pricing and access rather than absolute shortages of food – the article posits the following theoretical argument: in the context of highly indebted poor countries, it is a government's relationship with its principal donors and creditors that determines the outcome of food crises by shaping the policy responses available both leading up to and during the event.  相似文献   

后金融危机时代的中日贸易特点、前景与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析后金融危机时代的中日贸易关系,发现全球金融危机对中日贸易的冲击破坏力远远大于亚洲金融危机的影响。虽然中日贸易总额受到剧烈冲击,但是日本对华出口价格指数未受到太大冲击,中国仍是日本最大贸易伙伴国,中日进出口商品贸易并非全线下降,中国对日进口生产用品及中国对日出口低端非耐用消费品均表现出逆境中的增长态势。文中最后预测了两国贸易发展将止跌企稳,并提出了后金融危机时代的对策与建议。  相似文献   

This article outlines the labour impacts and social consequences of the 1997–98 Asian financial crisis and 2008–09 global financial crisis on Southeast Asia. Both had adverse consequences on output, employment, income and poverty in the region, although the impact of the global financial crisis was much less severe compared to the Asian financial crisis. Economies recovered quickly from both crises. However, labour markets continue to be characterised by informal, vulnerable and precarious employment. The crises and the ensuing efforts of employers to resort to increased flexibility in labour hiring in both crisis and recovery periods fanned labour protests despite the diminutive size of the trade union movement and the underdeveloped system of industrial relations in most countries. In turn, these protests have triggered national and regional debates on rules for labour contracting, minimum wage adjustments and social protection. These debates have remained unresolved even as the region is gearing up for fuller economic integration in 2015 labelled as the ASEAN Economic Community.  相似文献   

本文所探讨的是在全球金融危机环境下,欧洲不同国家经济衰退的原因,将欧洲不同住房模式的抗压性反应与其对应的经济衰退状况进行关联研究,目的是通过实证比较研究证明,不同的住房模式对金融资产泡沫膨胀具有显性的推动或抵御的作用。更为重要的是,当金融危机已经出现后,不同住房模式的抗压反应之差异将影响到不同国家的经济衰退,同时也影响到其对应国家的金融稳定。  相似文献   

Olukoju  Ayodeji 《African affairs》2004,103(410):51-71
The supply of electricity, undoubtedly the key energy sourcefor industrial, commercial and domestic activity in the modernworld, falls far short of demand in many developing countries.In Nigeria, state monopoly has compounded rather than resolvedthe energy crisis. The National Electric Power Authority (NEPA),established by decree in 1972, epitomizes the utter failureof state monopolies in the power sector. This and other state-ownedenterprises have been the target of recent attempts at reformthrough privatization, deregulation or liberalization. Thisarticle analyzes developments in the Nigerian power sector,focusing on internal and external factors in NEPA's crisis,reform measures by successive governments, and the plight ofconsumers and their reactions to these circumstances, and commentson the ongoing and proposed reforms of the power sector.  相似文献   

Movements of people are a crucial element of global integration. Most destination countries favor the entry of highly skilled migrants, but restrict that of lower-skilled workers, asylum seekers and refugees. A major cause of migration is the growing inequality in incomes and human security between more- and less-developed countries. Further driving factors include uneven economic development; rapid demographic transitions; and technological advances in transport and communications. Increasingly, migrants do not shift their social existence from one society to another, but maintain transnational connections. The global economic crisis that began in 2008 has brought a hiatus in some of these factors, but has not undermined their long-term significance. Australia's traditional model of permanent-settlement migration needs to be adjusted to the new realities of global mobility and connectivity.  相似文献   

金融危机使东南亚各国面对一系列严峻挑战 ,也使该地区的国际关系发生重大而深远的变化。东盟主导东南亚地区事务的能力受到了削弱。中美日等大国的影响力增强了。尤其是美国 ,利用这次金融危机 ,得到了许多它平时得不到的东西。金融危机之后 ,东南亚地区形成了由美、日、中和东盟四足鼎立的政治经济格局。  相似文献   

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