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商业贿赂破坏了我国公平的市场经济秩序,治理商业贿赂一直是我国市场建设的一部分,但是由于我国法律对于商业贿赂的治理,偏重于行政制裁与刑事制裁,缺乏有效的民事救济措施,民事责任的规定极少,而且缺乏操作性,这不仅使商业贿赂的受害者难以得到有效的赔偿,也让商业贿赂这种经济违法行为没有得到应有的经济制裁,所以我国应当完善我国现有法律对商业贿赂民事救济的规定,达到最为有效的治理效果。  相似文献   

The role of the judiciary in combating corruption in Nigeria cannot be overemphasised. However, its ability to combat corruption is a function of the legal and political mechanisms in place. In Nigeria, these mechanisms and their effectiveness in the anti-corruption fight remain thorny issues. The judiciary faces myriad of challenges, ranging from perceived corrupt practices by judicial officers, interference by politicians, and the adjudicatory system in Nigeria. However, we are of the view that the judiciary can perform its role in the anti-corruption fight if its efforts are adequately complemented by legislation.  相似文献   

合并与分离:刑事附带民事诉讼制度的反思与重构   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
刑事附带民事诉讼制度的立法目的在于减轻诉累 ,提高诉讼效率 ,保证正确处理刑事案件 ,维护司法判决的统一性和严肃性 ,维护国家、集体财产利益以及被害人的合法权益。但随着法制建设的不断进步 ,民事实体和程序法律的不断完善 ,刑事附带民事诉讼制度的实践价值受到质疑。同时由于我国在立法规范和制度设计上的缺陷 ,导致附带民事诉讼缺乏独立性、救济范围过于狭窄 ,从而造成了对被害人的利益保护不足。因此 ,总结我国的立法和司法实践 ,借鉴各国立法经验 ,强化刑事案件民事赔偿救济程序的独立性 ,逐步实现刑事诉讼与民事诉讼的分立 ,将成为重构我国刑事附带民事诉讼的立法趋势  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the current problems of corruption in Ukraine. It provides an example of specific corruption practices in the country and describes the general provisions related to the fight against corruption in Ukraine. The paper presents preliminary results of a pilot study of corruption in Ukraine to examine the impact of corruption on thefinancial markets. We support the proposition of Claessens, Djankov, andKlingebiel (2000) that the development of financial institutions and the improvement of financial market services in a nation can be viewed as indicators of the effectiveness of the economic, political, and legal reforms and the dedication of the government to these reforms. The paper ends with a discussion of the role of the international community in the fight against corruption in Ukraine.  相似文献   

The article analyzes the privatization program carried out under the Carlos Menem administration in Argentina between 1989 and 1995. It shows how, on many occasions, the divestiture of government-owned assets was often carried out within a very weak legal framework which, in turn, opened windows of opportunities for corrupt behavior and collusive practices involving high ranking government officials and private corporations. Based on their findings, the authors stress the crucial role that transparency plays for effective results to take place after government selloffs. Indeed, the Argentine case shows that there is a strong correlation between the legal and regulatory problems that often arise in the aftermath of state divestitures and privatizations that have been carried out hastily and under a cloud of corruption allegations.  相似文献   

Moral outrage and lack of comparison distorts the understanding of the natureand politically determined functions of governmental corruption in post-communist transition. As post-communist societies move towards open market systems and corruption is no longer limited to the public sector, politics is transformed into a potent tool for illegal transactions. The political structureitself creates corrupt practices that become a structural feature of transition societies. This article offers first a critical discussion of both moral theories of corruption and the thesis that posits a link between corruption and democracy deficit in post-communist countries. Subsequently, it sketches a neo-functionalist approach that puts corruption in a specific social context.With respect to East/Central Europe, corruption is presented as a betrayal ofpublic trust that serves specific requirements of an emerging ``extortioniststate.' These requirements relate to the expansion of extortion opportunitiesand their institutionalization into a semblance of a Tule of law system.  相似文献   

Throughout the 1990s, tens of thousands of Ukrainian women were trafficked into prostitution. This phenomenon was researched by collecting data through interviews and surveys in Ukraine, media reports, governmental and non-governmental (NGO) reports on trafficking, and participant observation in conferences. Trafficking occurs because of a transnational political criminal nexus, which is comprised of individual criminals, organized crime groups, corrupt police and governmental officials, foreign governments, and NGOs. Traffickers' methods of operation are flexible and adapted to ease of recruiting victims, cooperation of corrupt officials, risk of being detected, and profit. In destination countries, victims are controlled by confiscation of travel and identity documents, debt bondage, threats, and violence. Political components of the nexus include foreign governments that support NGOs that ignore the views of civil society in Ukraine, and instead, support the foreign governments' positions on trafficking and prostitution, resulting in a corruption of civil society. Some foreign governments also support changes in laws that enable a legal flow of women into their sex industries.  相似文献   

根据刑法理论关于犯罪客体必须揭示犯罪本质的要求,将受贿罪客体界定为“国家的廉政制度”,不仅能准确揭示受贿罪的本质属性,高度概括出各种受贿行为的社会危害性,而且能反映受贿罪主体的心理特征,避免其他观点无法克服的矛盾;从反腐败的需要出发,结合我国国情和《联合国反腐败公约》的规定,在修订《刑法》时,将贿赂的范围扩大为财物和财产性利益,不仅必要,而且可行;对“为他人谋取利益”在受贿罪中的定位,理论界存有争议,也困惑着司法实践,重构受贿罪条文,以利用职务上的便利索取或非法收受贿赂作为定罪要件,将“为他人谋取利益”作为量刑情节,既增强了立法的科学性,又符合刑法理论,更有利于惩治和预防贿赂犯罪。  相似文献   

王捷 《北方法学》2013,7(4):133-138
《周礼》郑玄注云"狱"、"讼"分别指称"争罪"和"争财",但从出土法律文献视角通贯考察"狱"、"讼"二词在法律用语层面的语用,可以发现先秦时期的"狱"、"讼"二词并没有用于区分"争罪"和"争财",在法律用语层面上官府审案多称"狱",民间诉争则曰"讼",都是指称"案件"。郑玄注实是汉人以"汉今"律"周古"而得出的结论,以郑玄注为据而断定西周时的诉讼程序即刑民有分,于史实无证。  相似文献   

作为一种基本的刑事法律指导方针,宽严相济刑事政策在我国的刑事立法、司法实践活动中早有体现;但是,在司法实务过程中,以数额为主导确定定罪量刑幅度法定刑的规定,存在诸多法律或技术上的障碍和困惑,以及对贪污贿赂犯罪处理上宽严失衡客观情况的存在,都给全面贯彻宽严相济刑事政策造成了困惑和尴尬,因此,完善关于贪污贿赂犯罪的刑罚规范,并修改程序法以提高侦查机关依法打击贪污贿赂犯罪能力,将反腐败斗争纳入法治化轨道,同时完善反贪工作中运用宽严相济刑事政策的相关工作机制,成为贯彻宽严相济刑事政策的主要途径。  相似文献   

Law and globalization studies have documented how Global South lawyers compete over the adaptation of international norms. Yet, little is known about how this adaptation legitimates worldviews beyond the law. To advance this literature, this paper proposes a discourse-centered field analysis of the legal globalization of anti-corruption ideas in Brazil. It examines Brazilian lawyers' disputes over a 2016 anti-corruption bill. The bill supporters mobilize global anti-corruption discourses that are exogenous to the legal field to defend harsher criminal law. Their critics counter the reform by mobilizing endogenous legal ideas against criminal law expansion. In so doing, they do not challenge reformers' ideas about corruption. I show how this discursive mismatch leads to a form of globalization by stealth, whereby local dynamics allow global ideas to remain unchallenged in local fields.  相似文献   

Mention Nigeria to most people in the world and the retort is likely to be some reference to how corrupt the country is. Institutions, rules, and norms of behaviour have adapted toward the ultimate goal of predatory gain. When corruption becomes institutionalised in a society, it infiltrates the value-system, and it becomes a norm, part and parcel of culture. Nonetheless, one complicating and seemingly contradictory factor in this notion of the culture of corruption is that the majority of people in Nigeria do not internalise corruption as something morally acceptable. On the contrary, even if they have to take part in corrupt practices to get by or even to survive, they usually consider the practices as morally wrong. This work identifies, discusses, and analyses the weakness of institutions and the use and abuse of cultural norms as the primary reasons for endemic corruption in Nigeria.  相似文献   

马贵翔  林婧 《河北法学》2020,38(1):57-67
刑事被害人当事人化的实质是犯罪损害追诉方式的公私合一,该制度设计混淆了公益和私益两种不同性质的诉讼,导致两种权益保护相互冲突进而对刑事司法结果公正造成负面影响。公私分离是刑事被害人去当事人化的当然制度选择,其立法对策主要包括在刑事立法中确立被害人为特殊诉讼参与人、废除被害人在刑事审判中就定罪量刑发表意见的权利、废止被害人刑事自诉权和切断其引起刑事二审、再审的程序路径。同时需要完善相关配套举措,如允许被害人对其物质和精神损害单独提起民事诉讼、完善精神损害赔偿制度、建立刑事被害人国家补偿制度等。  相似文献   

随着性主体和性行为方式的多样化,强迫性交犯罪呈现出种种新现象。现有关于强奸罪的规定已不适应形势的发展,如强奸罪主体较狭窄,应该把女性主体和丈夫主体予以明确规定。同时,犯罪对象应该包括男性,客体为他人不可侵犯的性权利。客观方面,性交方式应将口交、肛交等包括进去;欺骗性交也可构成强奸。此外,适度降低强奸罪基本罪的法定刑,适当增加其量刑单位,并对加重情节予以完善。  相似文献   

王文祖 《河北法学》2004,22(5):139-142
我国现行刑事附带民事诉讼制度在立法上规定太笼统 ,相关法律规定不统一 ,关于刑事损害赔偿的救济途径的法律规定不全面 ;在司法实践中当事人的民事诉讼权利易被忽视、民事证据规则不能完全适用、审判人员审判观念存有误区等问题 ,导致刑事附带民事诉讼制度的存废成为讨论焦点。在立法上明确程序选择权、解决民事刑事法律在刑事损害赔偿方面的实体法规定、提高刑事审判人员的综合专业素质 ,是刑事附带民事诉讼制度得到完善的途径  相似文献   

This article provides a brief overview of the ways in which prosecutors must engage with victims in the course of their work in criminal proceedings and what formal roles victims can assume in criminal proceedings. Besides exploring what rights victims have per se in criminal proceedings, analysis is provided as to what it means to be an additional prosecutor or a private prosecutor in several European criminal justice systems. A brief analysis of the effects these rights and the use of prosecutorial discretion has on victims is provided.  相似文献   

简爱 《法学家》2020,(1):116-129,194,195
鉴于刑民实体关系的处理对司法实践中刑民交叉案件审理顺序的直接影响,刑民交叉案件应当坚持实体法和程序法的双重视角考察。在交叉案件的实体判断中,法秩序的统一不在于保持违法概念、违法判断的一致,而在于维护"合法"判断一致。强行将民事违法性作为刑事违法的判断前提,极有可能想当然地以合同无效、过错等充实尚无定论的民事违法性,反而导致了刑事违法判断的"失真"。在交叉案件的审理中,裁判的统一是客观事实的最大限度统一而非客观事实和法律评价的完全一致。贯彻了违法判断(相对)独立性的"刑民并行"模式既尊重了审判的独立性,也有助于避免因案件受理顺序的不同而导致裁判结果不同,是更为合理、高效的诉讼处理机制。但是,当刑民审判存在先决关系时,作为交叉案件审理例外模式的"先刑后民"和"先民后刑"具有一定妥当性。  相似文献   

The mechanism of preventive non-conviction-based seizure and confiscation of assets derived from corrupt acts offers an intricate interplay of criminal and civil law norms. The preventive seizure and confiscation approach is analyzed as to its functions, purposes, and norm-changing effects. The normative change is observed in the preventive confiscation as the decision of the judicial or quasi-judicial organs is based on the degree of danger posed by the relevant person and corrupt activity on a suspicion-based inquiry, thus eliminating the need for criminal conviction. The normative side of the mechanism of preventive confiscation seeks to immunize the lawful economy from a “contamination” by the ill-procured assets through corruption. The approach includes various human rights protections established by the European Court of Human Rights such as the right to a fair trial, the right to property, and the rule of law. The preventive mechanism also focuses on measuring the likelihood to commit illegal acts in the future, and management and usage of the proceeds from the illegal corrupt activity for socially oriented goals.  相似文献   

This paper exemplifies the research of the Organized Crime Study Center in Vladivostok, Russia. Using secondary sources, it examines Russian organized crime in the United States in recent years. Special attention is given to the study of cases of corruption by Russian criminal groups in the United States. The author analyzes corruption, crime, and the practices of U.S. law enforcement agencies to combat them.  相似文献   

民事主体与民事诉讼主体有限分离论之反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭启平 《现代法学》2007,29(5):143-152
对民事主体与民事诉讼主体的关系,我国现今学界主流持有限分离论。此论是对现行法律的误读及对两主体关系应然与实然的混淆。实体法与程序法在主体制度上的失衡,已成为两法共同有效地实现保障权利、解决民事纠纷、维护社会经济秩序等民事诉讼目的的巨大障碍。自然人、法人、非法人团体的"三元"民事主体结构,应成为我国民事立法关于民事主体结构构建的基本结构。民事主体与民事诉讼主体,应当是内涵有别但外延一致的关系。  相似文献   

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