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Abstract: The forensic community does not agree on the need to perform histological examination at forensic autopsy. The aim of our study was to determine the usefulness of systematic standard histology in forensic autopsies. A prospective study was carried out on 428 autopsy cases for which standard histological examination was systematic. Mechanism of death not shown by gross anatomic findings was discovered by histology in about 40% of the cases. Cause of death was established by only histology in 8.4% of the cases. Microscopic findings affected the manner of death in 13% of the cases. Histology provided complementary information about prior medical condition of the deceased in about 49% of the cases. Traumatic lesions were better documented by histology in about 22% of the cases. According to the results of our study, systematic standard histology for the main organs should be used in routine forensic autopsies.  相似文献   

Postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) is integrated into the evaluation of decedents in several American medical examiner offices and medicolegal death investigative centers in many other countries. We retrospectively investigated the value of PMCT in a series of firearm homicide cases from a statewide centralized medical examiner’s office that occurred during 2016. Autopsies were performed or supervised by board-certified forensic pathologists who reviewed the PMCT scans prior to autopsy. PMCT scans were re-evaluated by a forensic radiologist blinded to the autopsy findings and scored by body region (head–neck, thoracoabdominal, and extremities). Injury discrepancies were scored using a modified Goldman classification and analyzed with McNemar’s test. We included 60 males and 20 females (median age 31 years, range 3–73). Based on PMCT, 56 (79.1%) cases had injuries relevant to the cause of death in a single body region (24 head–neck region, 32 thoracoabdominal region). Out of these 56 cases, 9 had a missed major diagnosis by PMCT outside that region, including 6 extremity injuries visible during standard external examination. Yet all had evident lethal firearm injury. We showed that PMCT identifies major firearm injuries in homicide victims and excludes injuries related to the cause of death in other regions when a single body region is injured. Although PMCT has a known limited sensitivity for soft tissue and vascular pathology, it can be combined with external examination to potentially reduce or focus dissections in some of these cases depending on the circumstances and medicolegal needs.  相似文献   

142例过敏性休克死亡法医病理学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨过敏性休克死亡案例的特点.方法 对142例过敏性休克死亡案例进行回顾性分析,并对过敏性休克死亡案例与62例非过敏性休克死亡案例的血清IgE水平进行统计分析.结果 过敏性休克死亡大多发生于医疗机构,占77.46%.采用单纯静脉给药方式致过敏性休克死亡案例占53.53%.β-内酰胺类抗生素、糖皮质激素类药物、中药制剂在过敏性休克死亡案例生前治疗药物中占有重要比例.过敏性休克死亡案例多无特异性组织病理学改变,与非过敏性休克死亡组的血清IgE水平的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 过敏性休克死亡案例死因鉴定应根据案情、解剖检验结果及血清IgE水平等检测指标进行综合分析判定.  相似文献   

新生儿呼吸系统疾病死亡的法医病理学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析和探讨呼吸系统疾病引起新生儿死亡的病理学特点,为法医学死亡原因鉴定和相关医疗纠纷鉴定提供科学依据。方法回顾性总结分析1993~2008年16年间攀枝花市公安局尸检档案中85例新生儿死亡案例。结果呼吸系统疾病是引起新生儿死亡的首要因素(共56例,占65.88%),其中新生儿吸入性肺炎20例(23.53%)、新生儿感染性肺炎14例(16.47%)、新生儿窒息12例(14.12%)、新生儿肺透明膜病6例(7.59%)、新生儿肺出血4例(4.71%)。结论新生儿尸检应重视呼吸系统的检查,根据新生儿发病特点和肺部病理变化明确临床诊断和死亡原因。  相似文献   

Qin HJ  Li F  Ma SL  Mo YN 《法医学杂志》2006,22(1):65-66
围产期母婴死亡所致的医疗纠纷在医疗纠纷的法医学鉴定中占有相当大一部分比例。本文从死者性别年龄、涉及医院、尸检结果、医疗行为过错情况等方面统计分析了49例围产期母婴死亡的医疗纠纷尸检案例,揭示了围产期母婴的常见死亡原因、医疗因素在其中的作用以及医疗纠纷的发生原因等,希望能对该类医疗纠纷的法医学鉴定、医疗纠纷的正确处理和防范提供帮助。  相似文献   

The evolving opioid epidemic in the United States, fueled by illicit fentanyl, has greatly increased deaths from illicit drug use. These nonnatural deaths require formal death investigation. The National Association of Medical Examiners states in its Forensic Autopsy Performance Standards that autopsy remains a necessary component for proper investigation of suspected acute overdose deaths. If a death investigation office lacks adequate resources to investigate all deaths under its jurisdiction while meeting expected standards, then that office may be forced to consider altering its protocols for investigation by changing the types of deaths investigated or the extent of its investigations. Drug death investigations take longer to complete because novel illicit drugs and mixtures of drugs complicate toxicological analyses, prolonging a family's wait for completion of a death certificate and autopsy report. Public health agencies must also wait for results, but some agencies have developed mechanisms for rapid notification of preliminary results to allow timely deployment of public health resources. The increased deaths have strained the resources of medicolegal death investigation systems throughout the United States. Given the significant workforce shortage of forensic pathologists, newly trained forensic pathologists are too few to meet the demand. Nevertheless, forensic pathologists (and all pathologists) must make time to present their work and themselves to medical students and pathology trainees to encourage an understanding of the importance of quality medicolegal death investigation and autopsy pathology and to provide a model that can encourage interest in a career in forensic pathology.  相似文献   

90例医疗纠纷尸检分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的分析、讨论医疗纠纷中法医病理学尸体解剖的重要性。方法收集温州医学院法医学系2001—2008年涉及医疗纠纷尸体解剖案例90例,按照死者年龄、性别、死亡原因及临床诊断和法医病理诊断等要素进行分类整理和分析。结果死者年龄从新生儿至72岁,男女比例为1∶1,医院级别以县级医院较多(30例,33.33%),临床诊断与法医病理死因诊断符合率为33.33%。结论尸体解剖对涉及死亡的医疗纠纷的正确处理和防范有重要作用。  相似文献   

The rate for the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in Cape Town, South Africa, is estimated to be among the highest in the world (3.41/1000 live births). In several of these areas, including those of extreme poverty, only sporadic, nonstandardized infant autopsy, and death scene investigation (DSI) occurred. In this report, we detail a feasibility project comprising 18 autopsied infants with sudden and unexpected death whose causes of death were adjudicated according to the 1991 NICHD definitions (SIDS, n = 7; known cause of death, n = 7; and unclassified, n = 4). We instituted a standardized autopsy and infant DSI through a collaborative effort of local forensic pathology officers and clinical providers. The high standard of forensic investigation met international standards, identified preventable disease, and allowed for incorporation of research. We conclude that an effective infant autopsy and DSI protocol can be established in areas with both high sudden unexpected infant death, and elsewhere. (SUID)/SIDS risk and infrastructure challenges.  相似文献   

目的 分析法医尸体检验后送检器官的病理学特征,总结此类案件的特点.方法 对宝鸡市法医送检358例尸体解剖器官标本进行常规检查并进行组织病理学诊断. 结果 358例中以青壮年男性为主,死亡原因主要为创伤、猝死、中毒.组织学能明确死亡原因250例,无典型组织学病变101例,组织自溶腐败7例.病理诊断以心血管疾病为主,其次为呼吸、神经、消化系统疾病. 结论 法医解剖具有专业特点,与病理解剖不尽相同.组织病理学检验进行死亡原因诊断时,应积极与法医沟通,以充分掌握案情、死亡经过及特定的法医病理学特征.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Japanese method of inquest, which depends mostly on external examinations, may misdiagnose a considerable number of accidental deaths and suicides as death by disease. We conducted computed tomography (CT) scans of 80 cases for which police concluded death by disease or natural causes based on police investigations into the circumstances and results from external examinations. The cause of death was clearly determined by CT scan in 17 of 80 cases. Ten cases underwent autopsy after the police suspected criminality based on results of the CT examinations. The results suggest CT scan may be a tool for preventing a number of overlooked crimes and accidents in Japan. However, it cannot be a perfect tool for discerning between death by disease and other causes of death without cooperation from the investigative agencies and subsequent forensic examinations such as autopsy and toxicological tests.  相似文献   

目的通过对监管场所非正常死亡案例进行筛选、收集,分析其影响因素及法医学特点。方法收集某鉴定中心2000—2015年间受理的监管场所在押人员非正常死亡案例25例,从性别、年龄、历年发案数、死亡原因、死亡方式等方面分析其特征,并对公安类监管场所和监狱类场所的案件性质进行对比。结果涉案死者均为男性,中青年人群为高危人群,历年发案数量呈逐年下降趋势。公安类监管场所的伤害案件发生率(64.7%)大于监狱类场所(12.5%),而监狱类场所的自杀率(62.5%)高于公安类(23.5%)。死亡原因以损伤和窒息为主,其他还有中毒和电击等。结论监管场所非正常死亡案件暴露出执法不规范、监管有漏洞、医疗水平差等问题。进行全面、细致的尸体解剖对于查明此类案件的死因有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the macroscopic and microscopic changes that occur in the heart in different causes of cardiovascular death and sudden cardiac death in autopsy cases and evaluate the difficulties that a forensic practitioner may encounter during autopsies. All forensic autopsy cases in the Morgue Department of the Council of Forensic Medicine, Antalya Group Administration between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2019, were examined, retrospectively. The cases were chosen according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, and their autopsy reports were examined in detail. It was determined that 1045 cases met the study criteria, 735 of which were also met the sudden cardiac death criteria. The top three common causes of death were ischemic heart disease (n = 719, 68.8%), left ventricular hypertrophy (n = 105, 10%), and aortic dissection (n = 58, 5.5%). The frequency of myocardial interstitial fibrosis was significantly higher in deaths due to left ventricular hypertrophy than in deaths due to ischemic heart disease and other causes (χ2(2) = 33.365, p < 0.001). Despite detailed autopsy and histopathological examinations, some heart diseases that cause sudden death may still not be detected.  相似文献   

遗传性心律失常所致猝死的死因鉴定是法医病理学领域亟待解决的难题之一。近年来心律失常易感基因/突变的发现和高通量组学技术的推广,使得利用分子遗传学方法筛查猝死的遗传学病因(即"分子解剖")成为可能。本文通过汇总心律失常分子遗传研究的进展,综述传统遗传分析和近期全基因组关联性研究(GWAS)筛查的结果,为心源性猝死的"分子解剖"研究提供候选基因列表;并进一步比较针对不明原因猝死所开展的回顾性"分子解剖"筛查的结果,探讨新技术在该领域的应用前景。这一综述有助于更好的认识心律失常所致猝死的分子机制,并为借助新一代遗传分析技术进行分子解剖提供有益参考。  相似文献   

目的回顾分析精神病人尸体检验案例的死亡原因及死亡方式,为医疗卫生服务和司法鉴定提供参考。方法收集中国刑事警察学院物证鉴定中心2004—2019年受理并结案的精神病人尸体检验案例105例,分为疾病死亡、自杀死亡、意外死亡及他杀死亡4组,统计各组的常见死亡原因,分析各组之间年龄、病程、体重指数(body mass index,BMI)、性别的差异。结果105例中,男性60例、女性45例,精神病病程(12.9±10.4)年,死亡时年龄(51.3±11.4)岁,61.0%为精神分裂症。疾病死亡50例(47.6%),该组死者年龄最大、精神病病程最长、BMI最低,肺动脉血栓栓塞、呼吸系统感染、心脏性疾病是常见死亡原因。意外死亡26例(24.8%),交通事故是最常见死亡原因。他杀死亡15例(14.3%),全部为男性,颅脑损伤是最常见死亡原因。自杀死亡14例(13.3%),该组死者年龄最小,病程最短,高坠是最主要的自杀方式。结论了解精神病人的常见死亡原因有助于制定措施以降低该群体的死亡率。分析死亡方式时需要综合考虑死者的年龄、病程、性别等因素。  相似文献   

Death due to acute alcohol poisoning lacks specific anatomical characteristics, compared with other deaths due to drug poisoning. We report three forensic cases of death from acute alcohol poisoning due to inhibition of the respiratory centre and eventual asphyxia. Blood alcohol concentrations in the three fatalities were 5.28, 3.33 and 3.78 mg/mL, respectively. Lethal doses and blood alcohol concentrations showed differences between individuals. Detailed auxiliary tests besides autopsy were undertaken. These cases show that forensic scientists should exclude other causes of death, combine the autopsy with auxiliary tests, and then make an appraisal.  相似文献   

Intravascular lymphoma (IVL) is a rare subtype of extranodal lymphomas that is characterized by the selective growth of neoplastic cells within the lumen of small vessels. Authors document the case of an unexpected death caused by an undiagnosed intravascular large B-cell lymphoma with multi-organ involvement, which had initially manifested as an infection and then as an unclarified central nervous system pathology. Histological examination showed a diffuse intravascular large B-cell brain lymphoma with prominent cerebral involvement. The relevance of the case report reveals the importance of an autopsy of an extremely rare and threatening pathology that in most cases is diagnosed only postmortem. As a result, the role of the forensic pathologist becomes particularly important. When specifically performing an in-depth autopsy evaluation with a specific histologic analysis, it is possible to identify the intravascular lymphoma and declare a more accurate cause of death.  相似文献   

方俊杰  陈阳 《法医学杂志》2009,25(3):204-207
脂肪栓塞综合征(fat embolism syndrome,FES)是一种较多见而又威胁生命的临床症候。多年来,FES一直是医学界,尤其是法医学及骨科学领域研究的难点。在法医学中,FES的鉴定因缺乏典型的症状、体征,极易发生误鉴或漏鉴。本文就FES的病因、发病机理、病理学、致死机制以及FES的最新法医学诊断研究进行了回顾。  相似文献   

法医病理司法鉴定纠纷产生的原因及其防范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
法医病理司法鉴定在刑事案件、民事纠纷、保险理赔等方面发挥着重要的作用。通过鉴定工作实践,总结出法医病理司法鉴定纠纷产生的各种原因,结合中华人民共和国司法部第107号令《司法鉴定程序通则》第17条规定,在进行司法鉴定前必须签署司法鉴定协议书的实施情况,同时借鉴医疗活动中知情同意的做法,针对性地提出预防法医病理司法鉴定纠纷的对策。  相似文献   

Image acquisition of dead bodies, particularly using postmortem computed tomography (PMCT), has become common in forensic investigations worldwide. Meanwhile, in countries such as Japan which have an extremely low rate of autopsy, PMCT is being increasingly used in the clinical field to certify the cause of death (COD) without performing an autopsy or toxicological tests, even in cases of unnatural death. Additionally, these PMCT images are predominantly interpreted by clinical personnel such as emergency physicians or clinicians who are not trained in PMCT interpretation and who work for the police, that is, the so-called police doctors. Many potential pitfalls associated with the use of PMCT have been previously described in textbooks and published papers, including the pitfalls of not performing a complete forensic pathology investigation, and the use of physicians without appropriate PMCT training to interpret PMCT and direct death investigation and certification. We describe five examples in which apparent misdiagnosis of COD based on PMCT misinterpretation was revealed by autopsy. Here are the five examples of errors: (1) Postmortem changes were misinterpreted as COD, (2) resuscitation effects were misinterpreted as COD, (3) COD was determined after an incomplete examination, (4) fatal findings caused by external origin were wrongly interpreted as ‘of internal origin’ based on PMCT, and (5) non-fatal findings on PMCT were wrongly interpreted as fatal. Interpretation of PMCT by appropriately trained physicians and an accompanying complete forensic investigation, including autopsy when indicated, is necessary to prevent significant errors in COD determination and related potential adverse medicolegal consequences.  相似文献   

In 2012, the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences began prospectively collecting injury data from pediatric autopsies. These data and associated case information from 635 pediatric cases are archived in the Infant Injury Database (IID). This paper introduces the IID to the forensic community and demonstrates its potential utility for child abuse and infant fatality investigations. The database is intended to be a source of evidence‐based research for coroners/medical examiners and clinicians in the recognition and diagnosis of child abuse. RR estimates were employed to quantify the relationship between individual autopsy findings to trauma‐related and nontrauma‐related causes of death. For example, unsurprisingly, the RR of trauma cases with multiple injury types is significantly greater than other causes of death, but the RR results provide a quantitative representation of the relationship. ROC curve modeling of the presence/absence of various injury types performed well at discriminating trauma from other causes of death (AUC = 0.96).  相似文献   

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