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"Light on China" is a series jointly published by the Foreign Languages Press and the China Society for People's Friendship Studies.The 53 books in this series contain writings of international friends, China-watchers and journalists. They encompass historical works, biographies, diaries and col-  相似文献   

WETLANDS are a vital link in the global ecosystem, the "kidneys of the earth" fil-tering water flows and pro-viding a fertile habitat for countless organisms. The Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve in North China is a particularly rich "biological su-permarket" packed with 1,922 species of plants and animals.  相似文献   

THE medium-term target of creating a "moderately prosperous society,"as set out at the Chinese Communist Party’s 18th National Congress,is potentially a pivotal moment in China’s development.It is not only an economic goal,but also one that aims to build a sense of social cohesion and purpose-things the country has sometimes been found lacking in recent years.  相似文献   

The new Chinese leadership is fully aware of the importance of a stable and peaceful international environment for the country’s development.Last year was important to both China and the world at large.Overshadowed by a lingering globaeconomic slump,the chills of the European debt crisis were still broadly felt,putting a damper on growth in economies around the world.Despite  相似文献   

FU QI 《人权》2008,(3):7-9
"I have worked in ten countries as a reporter and been posted in two, China and Japan," said Jonathan Watts, correspondent of The Guardian in Beijing. "I think China is the greatest place for journalists."  相似文献   

IN a 2005 New York Tunes report titled: "China Is Bright Spot in Dark Report on the World's Diminishing Forests," Ms. Mette L. Wilkie, forest officer of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), was quoted as saying: "Asia lost about 3,000 square miles of forest a year in the 90s, but gained nearly 4,000 annually since 2000. Almost all of that change has occurred because of China's new forest policy." The article concluded that widespread tree planting in China has slowed the rate at which the earth's forested land is dwindling. So what's been happening on the ground?  相似文献   

For many Chinese, Buddhism is their philosophy of life, or it has tinted their philosophy of life, advertently and inadvertently. This fact, perhaps, renders Buddhism the most successful case of localization of a foreign religion in China.  相似文献   

THE aftermath of spectacular success is often a look back over the shoulder, and Chinese entrepreneurs-cum-philanthropists are busy trying to give back to their societies. As it turns out, corporations are discovering philanthropy is a lot more complicated than they thought. When life was simple, the donor could see where the donation went. When donors and benefactors rubbed elbows, good was done, and seen to be done. But these are the days of "big charity" - the needs may be great or small, or the beneficiaries far or near, but the management of foundations is complicated now; it isn't easy to follow the money and it isn't all about money anymore.  相似文献   

China's independently developed moon rover, which will be used during the second phase of the Chang'e lunar probe program, is a genuine feat of engineering, capable of overcoming virtually any obstacle it is likely to encounter on its upcoming mission to explore the lunar surface. "The rover will unfold and stand on its wheels automatically before proceeding with its exploration tasks once it gets out of the spacecraft," said Mao Ming, head of the China North Vehicle Research Institute, which is in char.cle of the rover's development.  相似文献   

THERE is nothing shy about China's new generation of Olympic sportsmen. Born almost exclusively in the 1980s, the athletically gifted young men and women who will represent China at the 2008 Games are far more willing to open up to the public than their predecessors, and like 20-somethings everywhere, they are at home on the Internet, managing their own fan blogs and communicating with their peers online.Their uninhibited self-expression has attracted the attention of commercial advertisers, and occasionally some less welcome interest, and they are celebrated as China's "new generation" in sports circles, ready to take center stage in August before a world audience.  相似文献   

“原则”与“数量”本是风马牛不相及的两个词汇。“原则”,是指说话或行事所依据的法则或标准;“数量”,则是指通过计量单位表现出来的事物的多少。然  相似文献   

格里芬借用的概念—“祛魅”和马克思在早期著作中引入的“异化”概念都蕴含了一个相近的思想批判主客体的分离。但由于两人所处的时代、肩负的使命和建构理论的目的不同,这两个概念又反映出二者思想上的巨大分歧。对此进行比较研究,有利于用马克思主义的立场、观点、方法分析当代西方哲学,正确评价以格里芬为代表的建设性后现代主义的思想,澄清马克思主义哲学与当代西方哲学之间的关系。  相似文献   

鲁迅是现代中国迄今无人超越的伟大思想家、文学家。他的意义并不仅仅在于他后来走上了“一条中国知识分子唯一正确的道路”,“终于成为了共产主义者”;而在于他为中华民族贡献了别人无法贡献的、他个人独有的东西;而这种贡献是早在五四时期就开始了。  相似文献   

市场化在农村的推进全面地改变了过去计划体制下农村的传统块状结构组织和整体性社会结构.与此同时,过去"生产队"式的思想政治工作模式失去了原有的效果.因而要从思维认识上转变到农民现代化的核心主题上,改过去"单位化"动员为"市场化"组织调控,才能使新形势下的农村思想政治工作发挥有效的功能.  相似文献   

文章阐述了邓小平的“三个有利于”和江泽民的“三个代表”两个论断共同的历史观基础和历史经验基础 ,及其在内容上的内在一致性。从“三个有利于”到“三个代表” ,反映了两代领导集体之间一脉相承的继承和发展关系 ,反映了本世纪最后二十多年历程中 ,有中国特色社会主义事业和中国共产党自身建设胜利发展的历史轨迹。  相似文献   

从"认识论"向"本体论"回归   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪30年代,毛泽东发表了《实践论》一文,在马克思主义实践观创立后又一次将实践问题提上了哲学的议事日程。自上个世纪80年代末期以来,人们已经看到,随着人类的进步和科学的发展,包括社会制度和意识形态在内的几乎所有现存的一切,都成了实践的对象。实践的问题不仅是认识论问题,而且是本体论问题。以改造世界为己任的马克思主义哲学,在提出实践问题并成功地指导了一个多世纪世界性的革命运动后,正在回归到实践本体上来。马克思主义哲学在21世纪的发展前景召唤着我们必须重视《实践论》的再研究和再评论。这对推动马克思主义哲学的发展,引…  相似文献   

罗静 《前沿》2010,(24):46-48
我们党对于"什么是社会主义"的思考,经历了从"共同富裕"到"和谐社会"的发展。如何考察"共同富裕"与"和谐社会"理论之间的关系,这种发展也告诉我们在对于"什么是社会主义"的问题上永远没有唯一的、现成的、永恒不变的答案。如何正确地认识社会主义,坚定社会主义信念,推动社会主义现代化目标的实现,是我们必须思考的问题。  相似文献   

在1990-2005年最高人民法院工作报告中,我国法院工作主题经历了由“稳定”到“公正与效率”的变化。分析引起我国法院工作主题变化的经济原因,有助于我们正确把握中国司法体制改革的走向。  相似文献   

“侦查虚拟化”、“虚拟侦查”是伴随智能犯罪高发、计算机技术应用于侦查而来的新名词.这一新概念的提出引发了作者的思考:究竞何谓虚拟化?虚拟化这个概念在侦查中的应用是否得当?是否会带来新的问题?从“虚拟”一词的本源词义入手,对当前学界中的“侦查虚拟化”等观点进行详细解读.有助于揭去“虚拟化”的神秘面纱。  相似文献   

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