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家庭在德国社会法中扮演着复杂的多重角色。自19世纪末起国家以社会法介入家庭这一私人生活领域,影响了家庭形式的变迁,加深了国家与家庭之间的相互依赖,家庭政策的任务也在持续进行调整。德国当前家庭福利政策的核心议题是如何提高人口出生率和开展老年护理,本文即围绕德国应对低生育率和老龄化的措施展开介绍与讨论。由于德国家庭政策与其他社会政策之间存在复杂的重叠与冲突,对德国家庭政策的实际作用进行评估存在一定困难。  相似文献   

通过对欧洲社会保障模式和新自由主义经济思潮主导下的社会保障制度改革的双重反思,以安东尼·吉登斯、戈斯塔·埃斯平-安德森为代表的欧洲学者提出并逐步完善了"社会投资"思想,为重建欧洲福利国家提供了新的思路。20世纪90年代末,欧盟接受了"第三条道路",以就业参与、人力资源培育和家庭服务以及儿童保育为三个核心要素的社会投资政策逐渐体现在其社会政策和就业政策改革中。2008年金融危机之后的财政紧缩威胁到了社会投资战略的执行,但是危机也为欧盟进一步推进成员国社会保障制度的改革提供了机会。  相似文献   

法国现行的家庭政策框架包括货币补贴、税收机制、托幼服务机制以及假期制度安排,其独特性使它区别于其它传统的福利国家,其中最重要的一点体现在其托幼服务模式的多样性以及国家对每一种模式的公共支持。本文意在考察法国家庭政策出台的历史缘起、框架及主要内容、成效,着重介绍支持生育帮扶幼儿养育相关的政策法规、制度安排以及设施建设,从而为中国社会全面二孩时代幼儿养育配套政策的构建以及社会公共服务的改革探求经验层面的知识借鉴。  相似文献   

婚姻、家庭和人口三者有着有机的相互联系、互为因果的关系,家庭和婚姻系个人和社会的需要,也是后裔再生产和人类得以代代相传的需要。而家庭乃是社会的细胞和基层组织,它具有生育、抚养和教育子女的主要职能。家庭的巩固与否,对于社会的稳定和发展有着重大的意义。苏联党和政府对于家庭的巩固与和谐发展是比较重视的。但是对问题的重视并不等于问题的解决,尽管苏联采取一系列巩固家庭、婚姻关系和鼓励生育的社会政策与人口政策。但是在婚姻、家庭与人口方面仍存在不少问题。  相似文献   

文章以德国和美国的住房政策为研究对象,从社会保障学和制度经济学观点出发,解析社会保障体系与意识形态的关系,说明政府政策的社会性和制度性。在社会市场经济理论主导下的德国住房政策表现为充分的社会福利性质,而遵从自由市场经济理论的美国住房政策,则将中低收入家庭的住房问题完全定义在市场解决的范畴。任何无视社会环境,企图以它们为基础构筑某种住房政策的混合模式,都可能使政府行为的正当性受到质疑,并使自己解决市场危机的能力受到约束。文章反对以标签化的方式理解政策体系,认为意识形态和社会制度才是政策制定和实施的根本目标和基础资源。  相似文献   

本文以《单人房》和《寻找母亲》为中心,对申京淑小说中家庭的意义进行了探讨。通过在《单人房》中描写家庭与家庭之外(社会)的紧张关系,她为维新统治时期(韩国朴正熙总统执政时期)的最后阶段烙下了时代的印记。在《寻找母亲》中,她通过描写家庭成员的痛苦和忏悔反映了传统家庭制度的崩溃。申京淑的小说为既不全面拒绝也无法完全接受近代家庭意识的现代人提供了思考家庭意义的契机。  相似文献   

本研究关注现实社会中的家庭变化,主要研究了东亚社会中的韩国、日本、中国大陆和台湾地区这四个社会中电视剧是如何对家庭和家庭关系进行再现的。该研究的研究范围如下:首先是对电视剧中再现的家庭结构和状态进行分析;其次集中研究家庭关系;最后将关注点放在了电视剧中再现的个体性问题上。通过研究可知,从家庭自身的中心性层面来看,韩国最为明显,而日本并不是从基础的家庭关系,而是从新的基础上提出了问题。中国不同于日本和韩国,家庭是以夫妇为中心的核心家庭结构。同在中华文化圈的台湾地区则在乡土剧这一类型里,主要是强大的家长式权威下的两代为中心的家庭。  相似文献   

苏联解体之后,俄罗斯的社会政策保持了基本的连续性。尤其是叶利钦之后的俄罗斯,政府对社会保障和改善民生进行了巨大的投入,居民收入的增长和生活的改善非常明显。经济危机爆发之后,俄罗斯反危机政策更是赋予了社会政策以特别的使命,不仅缓解了危机的烈度,也起到了社会稳定器的作用。俄罗斯社会政策解决了国家长期发展需要面对的两个重要问题:一个是国家长期发展的人力资本积累问题,另一个是社会扩大再生产的可持续性问题。  相似文献   

英国自 2 0世纪 80年代以来进行了较为成功的经济体制改革 ,而社会养老制度改革是英国宏观经济改革的重要组成部分。本文就英国养老制度改革对英国居民家庭储蓄的影响进行了理论和实证的分析 ,指出英国的养老金政策改革特别是个人养老金计划推出以后 ,由于家庭其他资产积累与个人养老金计划资产积累存在一定的“替代效应” ,所以 ,家庭养老金资产变化对家庭储蓄这一部分的影响难以进行精确的定量分析 ,但某些实证分析表明 ,在个人收益方面 ,个人养老金计划中资产的积累超过 70 %的部分是因“协议退出”而增加的“新”财富 ;个人养老金计划带来家庭储蓄率的提高应该是予以肯定的 ;经过十几年的改革 ,由于个人养老金计划的引入而导致的国民储蓄的净增量大约为英国GDP的 0 .2 %。  相似文献   

俄罗斯住房政策与住房市场的现状和未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
住房政策与住房市场的变化不仅高度关联,同时住房政策也作为社会政策的一个重要组成,影响着国家的制度转型。研究俄罗斯住房市场,特别是立法的变化,不仅可以解释俄罗斯住房市场的一些方向性交化,同时还可以了解俄罗斯转型过程中,在市场经济模式下,社会政策的价值观转变现状,并对中国市场经济体制转型,提供有建设意义的借鉴。  相似文献   

Abstract— This article analyses the meanings attributed by Mexican women of different social classes to motherhood and extradomestic work, as well as life experiences of family planning and child care. Information for the study was provided by 79 in-depth interviews with women who were either married or living with a partner who contributed regularly to the family income. The findings suggest that cultural norms regarding motherhood change far more slowly in urban Mexico than child-rearing or fertility control practices. Many women from different social classes still consider motherhood as their main source of identity and only a very educated and privileged group speaks with ambivalence regarding their mother's role. In contrast, more women are ready to accept child-care substitutes, especially if they find satisfaction in extradomestic activities, or carry them out because of personal or family necessities. Finally, the analysis points out that most urban women in Mexico, particularly the younger and more educated cohorts, are very much aware of the costs involved in children's education and rearing, and have acted accordingly, using contraceptives and limiting their family sizes. 0 1997 Society for Latin American Studies  相似文献   


This article focuses on the migrant family in postwar Australia. The Commonwealth government’s two-year work contract scheme had significant effects on the initial settlement experience of displaced persons (DPs)—particularly, through the family separation that the contract enforced. Family reunification was afforded in accordance with an occasionally callous and pragmatic concern for maintaining a directable pool of labour. In this regard, the scheme and the available hostels and centres, while extensive in their bureaucracy and administrative reach, were woefully unprepared for the needs and wants of DPs, specifically the need for family unity during the initial settlement process. In drawing on archival sources, this article explores bureaucratic practices, and responses to DP resistance and dismay in the face of family separation.  相似文献   


The article opens a space in which to discuss migrant men's emotions and their engagement with family life. It focuses on Australia's Goan community to explore the fluidity of ethnic identity and its relation to remembered family and childhood. The article suggests a “family” that is not only a domestic home but is constituted across both time and space. The men's memories of their childhood and family life prior to arrival in Australia are central to their constitution of self within Australia. These memories provide the men with the emotional means to contest their positioning in Australia's multicultural framework. The men's memories of childhood are experienced beyond domestic and multicultural spaces, making remembered families an important part of their work lives and sense of success in Australia.  相似文献   

家族企业继承机制及其文化基础的国际比较   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
家族企业对经济的重要贡献已经得到公认 ,而家族企业对继承人的选择、培养以及是否实施适当的继承规划机制是关系到家族企业的持续发展、乃至生死存亡的关键问题 ,本文试图通过比较华人家族企业、美国家族企业和日本家族企业在企业代际传承中的实践 ,发现华人家族企业的现状 ,以便对华人家族企业下一步应采取的步骤有更清楚的认识。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the debate that occurred in the press of the Soviet Central Asian republics during 1988 and 1989 on the issue of family planning. The author identifies three basic opinion groups, those in favor of family planning, those in favor of family planning with certain reservations, and those opposed to family planning. The role this debate has played in bringing into the open a number of political, cultural, economic, and social issues, together with data to support the positions taken that are now possible with glasnost, is noted.  相似文献   


In the 1970s much of the literature on the role of married Japanese women presented a picture that roles should be clearly demarcated and segregated by gender. According to this ideal a man's main role is to earn a living, whereas a married woman's primary role is to run the household, manage the family finances, and look after the welfare of the family. Fundamental to this gender role segregation was the notion that women had a natural aptitude for matters relating to the home and to the family, and that a woman's most important and rewarding role was that of nurturing her family. This view lies behind the complete interdependence and role complementarity that characterize the Japanese husband-wife relationship.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代后,家族政治开始在日本政坛出现,人们对日本家族政治开始关注起来。1955年自民党成立,之后的38年间日本政坛大致经历了4代家族政治人物。在现任议员中“世袭议员”占了40%,在发达国家中这个比例是最高的。日本家族政治的形式在归纳起来大致为3大类:一是随同父兄进入国会、二是长期的工作上形成的信任关系、三是门生与老师的关系,当然家族政治也是按照一定原则形成起来的,其形成是日本传统的家族制度,选举制度、派阀政治以及后援会的存在共同影响的结果。  相似文献   


For many years, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela—in a number of his public statements and writings—frankly expressed his regrets regarding the strain that his anti-apartheid activism put on his immediate and nuclear family. From his marriage to Evelyn Mase, and later to his second marriage to Nomzamo “Winnie” Madikizela, one central thread that permeates both is the impact of colonial-apartheid dismemberment on the Mandela nuclear family. Thus, the focus of this article is on the critical analysis of a cultural text that was authored by the late former statesman to reflect on various aspects of his life. Relying on his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, the objective of the article is to understand how such a cultural text registers the idea of colonial-apartheid dismemberment as lived by the Mandela nuclear family under colonial-apartheid oppression. Besides the 27 years spent at Robben Island prison, much of Mandela's life was characterised by his neglect of family responsibilities, as a result of the lived realities of his activism against colonial-apartheid South Africa. Thus, using the case of Mandela's nuclear family structure, the article critically analyses the role of cultural texts such as autobiographies in registering colonial-apartheid dismemberment in South Africa.  相似文献   

大江氏家族是日本平安时代名闻遐迩的文化世家,公元7-8世纪中国科举制的东传为大江氏家族发展提供了重要契机。大江氏家族自始祖大江音人以来,读书应举,十一世父子、兄弟连第,可谓是英才迭出。研究大江氏家族的贡举参与不仅有益于剖析大江氏家族贡举成功的原因,还能把握大江氏家族与日本贡举制特征的内在关联性,挖掘贡举制度无法根植在日本社会的泉源。  相似文献   

In recent years, family history research has become a popular activity for many Australians. This imperative to connect with our ancestors extends into the field of literary production. In this essay, we examine one prominent novel that reflects this movement, Andrew McGahan’s The White Earth (2004). Looking through a lens of family history and historiography, the novel asks questions about postcolonial belonging, inheritance, and the violent foundations of the nation. McGahan’s young protagonist, William, stands to inherit a vast but crumbling property on the Darling Downs in Queensland. As William discovers more about the land, he comes into contact with both his own white pastoralist ancestors, and the powerful Indigenous spirits who inhabit secret and sacred spaces in the landscape. We argue that William’s encounter with secret family histories produces the hysteria at the climax of the novel, when the repressed violence of the past returns to haunt the present. Confronted with hidden knowledge, William—and, by proxy, the reader—is called to reconsider inherited histories in light of contemporary historiographies. The move towards knowledge of the family’s origins is a realisation of the complexity of the white Australian relationship to the land and its first inhabitants.  相似文献   

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