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笔者通过对一例墨水渗透痕迹的检验,成功地鉴定了送检的两页单据的相邻位置。墨水渗透痕迹(以下简称渗透痕迹)指书写人在书写钢笔字迹时,由于抑压力的作用,墨水渗入下面纸张,在渗透纸张的背面和被渗透纸张的正面留下的痕迹。  相似文献   

通过对定量分别为80克、60克双面书写纸和60克、40克单面有光书写纸上墨水字迹硫酸盐扩散的实验测定,考查了不同光泽度、不同克重的纸张以及纸张纤维的不同排列方向对墨水字迹硫酸盐扩散程度的影响,同时分析了产生这些影响的原因。  相似文献   

防止茚三酮溶液扩散纸张字迹的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭剑 《刑事技术》2002,(1):20-21
目的 解决茚三酮溶液在显现手印同时对纸张上字迹产生扩散作的问题;方法 分别采用茚三酮丙酮溶液,茚三酮氟利昂溶液,茚三酮石油谜溶液,茚三酮庚烷溶液作比较。结果 钢笔字迹用4种溶液均不易扩散;纸张上其它成份字迹用后两种方法显现手印时可有效保存纸张上文字原貌。  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法鉴别蓝色签字笔墨水的种类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的通过对签字笔字迹成分进行检验,达到对签字笔成分进行分离并对签字笔种类进行鉴定的目的。方法使用高效液相色谱法对蓝色签字笔字迹色痕中的色料成分进行分析,并依据分析结果对墨水的种类划分,同时考察了纸张的背景影响、最小用样量以及实验结果的重现性。结果22种蓝色签字笔样品均可以实现区分。结论本研究对实际应用有较大参考价值。  相似文献   

压痕字迹是指由于书写运动的压力作用 ,在衬垫的纸张上留下的无色印压痕迹。压痕字迹多为书写人在书写时无意中留下 ,是正本的复印件 ,所以具有较大的真实可靠性 ,一旦显现清晰 ,检验结论准确 ,可为侦察破案提供有力证据。压痕字迹的清晰程度主要取决于压痕的深浅 ,而压痕的深浅又与书写压力大小、纸张厚薄以及衬垫物的软硬有关 ,压力大 ,纸张薄 ,衬垫物软 ,压痕就深 ,反之则浅。压痕字迹检验首要环节是显现 ,显现的机理是设法加强文字笔画与纸面的明暗差别。目前 ,我国对压痕字迹的显现方法较多 ,但要根据每份检材的实际和现有设备进行选择…  相似文献   

用修正液-涂层透析法对涂抹掩盖字迹的检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在污损文件检验中,经常会遇到要求对涂抹掩盖字迹的显现检验。一般情况下,根据掩盖方式的不同、被掩盖材料性质的差别,采用的技术手段也有所不同。在所遇到的案件中,用墨水、墨汁等掩盖物涂抹字迹是较常见的方法。这类案件易发,检验起来却较困难,特别是一些被碳素墨水、墨汁掩盖的字迹,检验的方法不是很多,而且有的效果并不理想,操作也较复杂。在此笔者介绍一种用修正液涂层透析法,检验几类涂抹掩盖字迹供同行参考(图1)。1显现原理利用物质的相似相溶原理以及物质透析的原理。由于被掩盖层的圆珠笔等色料溶于乙醇液,而掩盖层…  相似文献   

字迹色痕形成时间检验是法庭科学领域的热点和难点问题之一.签字笔现在已成为最常用的书写工具,签字笔墨水字迹形成时间鉴定成为字迹色痕形成时间鉴定技术的一个重要组成部分.文章对国内有关签字笔墨水字迹形成时间鉴定的文献进行了综述,介绍了用于形成时间鉴定的无损检验和有损检验方法,对各种方法的适用性和检验条件进行了简单的分析总结,以期对相关研究人员提供借鉴作用,并在各类案件的侦查、诉讼和审判中发挥作用.  相似文献   

溶剂蒸溶法对书写时间判定的初步尝试   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文针对圆珠笔字迹相对书写时间的鉴定,参照溶剂提取法,提出一种新的实验技术——溶剂蒸溶法.该方法以检样纸张作为展开板,以乙醇蒸气作为展开剂,通过测定圆珠笔油墨在纸张上的扩散程度来判定圆珠笔字迹的相对书写时间.  相似文献   

近10年来,人为老化伪造遗嘱、契约、证件、档案等文件书写时间的案件不断出现,且方式各有不同,给常规的书写时间检验带来很大困难。笔者对所鉴定的一例进行了总结,介绍如下。1999年4月26日,四川省成都市中级人民法院送来“送货与收货清单”原件壹页,要求鉴定其形成时间。笔者对其进行了系统的分析检验,对案件的突破提供了有利证据。1检材和样本检材为“送货与收货清单”,纸张中部有一折痕,折痕上部记载退货的物品和数量,为蓝黑钢笔字迹,下部是落款时间“1998.3.19”及收货和退货人的签名,为碳素钢笔墨水字迹…  相似文献   

墨水书写时间测定的进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文追述了从20世纪20年代初到90年代末书写墨水的时间测定的进展.这包括,介绍新检验方法建立所需遵循的基本要求;推荐目前案件检验的工作程序,即墨水种类的确定,可疑文件的外观检验,同牌号、同配方、同批号比对样本的寻找;评述目前已为办案使用的各种书写年代测定的方法,如扩散法,转印法,染料比值法,气相色谱法、溶剂萃取法,差示扫描量热法等;以及讨论了有望用于年代测定的一些新技术,如用于钢笔墨水的电化学法,光谱法和用于圆珠笔墨水的显微分光光度法,付里叶变换拉曼光谱法等.  相似文献   

目的利用激光显微共聚焦拉曼光谱仪对文书中常见的红色墨迹材料进行表征,研究该方法对红色墨迹材料的区分能力。方法在785nm激发波长,50倍物镜条件下,对49种红色印文,以及9种彩色喷墨打印和13种彩色激光打印的红色墨迹材料进行拉曼光谱表征。结果通过对71种墨迹样品的谱图进行分析,可以发现,红色印文墨迹、喷墨打印红色墨迹及激光打印红色墨迹的拉曼光谱间均存在差异,同时,拉曼光谱可将这三种墨迹材料分别进一步区分。结论显微共聚焦激光拉曼光谱可对红色墨迹材料进行有效表征和区分。这一方法可对红色印文墨迹进行识别,并且可实现对伪造印文文件的鉴别。  相似文献   

Abstract: Disappearing inks have been used in different fields, but it may be abused in forgery and counterfeiting. This research was conducted on the preparation of disappearing inks using different concentrations of thymolphthalein, phenolphthalein, and their mixture. The prepared inks were applied to different types of handwriting papers. It was found that the handwriting stability increased by increasing thymolphthalein, phenolphthalein, or alkali concentration, but in the case of using 4 mL of 1 normal (N) NaOH, the handwriting stability of phenolphthalein and its mixture inks decreased. Deciphering of the faded handwriting was evaluated by different methods; using optical deciphering, the faded handwriting did not respond to the different light sources. All the faded handwriting was visible when treated with alkaline solution. There was no change in the faded handwriting when heated to 100°C; phenolphthalein and mixture inks containing 0.5 mL of 1 N NaOH became red when only Azhar and Xerox papers were heated to 150°C.  相似文献   

Stamp‐pad ink seals are often placed on important documents, and determining the dating of stamp‐pad ink seal is important to assess the authenticity of a document. In this study, 20 different brands and types of stamp‐pad inks were classified by ultraviolet visible spectrophotometer. Six different brands and types of papers were classified by micro‐Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and visual spectral comparator 6000. Three different brands of stamp‐pad inks and two different types of paper were used to make diachronic samples of the seals. A method was employed to date the stamp‐pad seals by comparing absorbance ratios and inks of known age. Curves were created to show the relationship between the absorbance ratio of ink and the age of the seals. The experimental results showed that the absorbance ratio method was applicable for the relative dating of stamp‐pad ink seals in some cases where the seal was placed on the document within 10 weeks.  相似文献   

书写材料的无损检验系统研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究运用显微分光光度仪、文件检验仪和傅立叶变换拉曼光谱仪三种方法,分别对在中国市场上收集的不同厂家、牌号、型号的35种黑墨水、20种蓝黑墨水、22种蓝墨水、49种黑色墨水笔、30种蓝色墨水笔、45种黑色圆珠笔、和50种蓝色圆珠笔等七组样品进行非破坏检验。结果表明:(1三种非破坏检验方法都能单独对七组样品进行不同程度的鉴别,区分率在50%—94.4%之间;(2)三种方法联用后对黑墨水、蓝黑墨水、蓝墨水、黑色墨水笔、蓝色墨水笔、黑色圆珠笔和蓝色圆珠笔的区分率可分别提高到93.4%、97.3%、99.1%97.2%、97.2%、95.6%和91.8%。通过三种非破坏检验方法的联用,证明它们之间有较强的互补性,最大限度地提高了检验效应,可建立系统的非破坏检验方法。  相似文献   

This study applies Raman microspectroscopy to differentiate the chemical components in printing inks of different brands, colors, and type using the 532 nm and 785 nm excitation wavelengths. Spectra were collected from 319 inks (78 inkjet, 76 toner, 79 offset, and 86 intaglio) representing various colors. Comparisons were performed to calculate discrimination capability percentages for each ink type. Overall, Raman microspectroscopy differentiates according to the following hierarchy: intaglio (96%), inkjet (92%), offset (90%), and toner (61%). The ability of Raman microspectroscopy to differentiate between same‐colored inks from different brands was dependent on the color and ink analyzed. Based on ink color, the discrimination capability ranged from 75 to 94% (inkjet), 0 to 86% (toner), and 0 to 77% (offset). Copper phthalocyanine was detected in cyan inks and various intaglio inks, while carbon black was identified in black inkjet, offset, and intaglio inks.  相似文献   

A new formulation has been developed for DFO stock solution. The working DFO solution, based on the new stock solution, appears to be more stable, has a longer shelf life, and has little effect on inks (and therefore does not cause inks to run). Photoluminescence spectra of latent fingerprints developed with DFO reagent have been measured and the choice of filters for excitation and emission (barrier) have been derived from these measurements. Comparisons of latent fingerprints developed with ninhydrin and DFO have been made using various papers and at various intensities. These comparisons show the much greater sensitivity of DFO developed latent fingerprints. Although enhanced ninhydrin and DFO develop latent fingerprints with similar sensitivity, the DFO process is much simpler.  相似文献   

This article aims to provide a new and fast method for differentiation of inks on a questioned document. The data acquisition was carried out by designing specific image analysis software for evaluating thin layer chromatograms (TLC-IA). The ink spot was extracted from the document using methanol and separated by TLC using plastic sheet silica gel 60 without fluorescent indicator, and a mixture of ethyl acetate, ethanol, and water (70:35:30, v/v/v) as mobile phase. To discriminate between different pen inks, new software was designed on the basis of intensity profile of red, green, and blue (RGB) characteristic. In practice, after development of chromatogram, the chromatograms were scanned by ordinary office scanner, intensity profiles of RGB characteristics on the development straight of each sample were produced and compared with the mentioned software. RGB profiles of ballpoint inks from various manufacturers showed that the patterns in most cases were distinctly different from each other. This new method allowed discriminating among different pen inks with a high reliability and the discriminating power of 92.8%. Blue ballpoint pen inks of 41 different samples available on the local market were successfully analyzed and discriminated.  相似文献   

The rise in improved and widely accessible printing technology has resulted in an interest to develop rapid and minimally destructive chemical analytical techniques that can characterize printing inks for forensic document analysis. Chemical characterization of printing inks allows for both discrimination of inks originating from different sources and the association of inks originating from the same source. Direct analysis in real‐time mass spectrometry (DART‐MS) and attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR‐FTIR) were used in tandem to analyze four different classes of printing inks: inkjets, toners, offset, and intaglio. A total of 319 samples or ~ 80 samples from each class were analyzed directly on a paper substrate using the two methods. DART‐MS was found to characterize the semi‐volatile polymeric vehicle components, while ATR‐FTIR provided chemical information associated with the bulk components of these inks. Complimentary data results in improved discrimination when both techniques are used in succession resulting in >96% discrimination for all toners, 95% for all inkjets, >92% for all offset, and >54% for all intaglio inks.  相似文献   

目的考察在运用拉曼光谱阵列面扫描检验朱墨时序的方法中书写笔油墨种类对检验结果的影响。方法根据拉曼谱图的不同对搜集的188种书写笔(包括22种黑色圆珠笔,62种蓝色圆珠笔,62种黑色签字笔,42种蓝色签字笔)进行扫描并分类,采用拉曼光谱阵列面扫描技术对书写笔与同一印泥和印油形成的朱墨时序样本进行检验。结果 188种书写笔被分为4大类23小类,4类书写笔与印泥或印油形成的朱墨时序样本都得到了较好的检验结果。结论在本实验条件下,书写笔油墨种类对拉曼光谱阵列面扫描检验朱墨时序的检验结果没有影响。  相似文献   

目的对红色印油印迹色料成分进行分析,研究确定印油印迹的种类区分方法,为侦查破案提供依据。方法采用超高效液相色谱法分析,以保留时间为主进行定性,对35种不同品牌的印油产品中色料成分进行区分。结果将印油印迹分为普通印油(印泥、原子印油等)、水性印油及光敏印油三类,建立了统一的UHPLC分析方法,其种类区分率达85%以上。结论通过印油印迹成分研究,最终区分印油印迹种类,可满足实际案件中对不同类型印油的鉴别区分。  相似文献   

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