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The current essay discusses the narratives of five community psychologists from the perspective of a career “calling.” Each of the essays highlight different components of a calling: employing deep discernment to know the right path for oneself; experiencing a calling to do one's work, an invitation to which we choose to respond; serving community; discovering your quintessential self or “genius”; and using your gifts for the common good. Moreover, the author discusses how the essays not only illustrate calling, but also the emergence of confidence and the subjective career.  相似文献   

I review my 30 years in the community mental health field, emphasizing the personal and historical context that shaped this career. I especially highlight the origins of the values that guided significant career decisions, including family, neighborhood, religious and educational influences. The core guiding value was the belief that public service is both a privilege and an obligation, and that righting social injustice through such service is a noble calling. I trace the evolution of my thoughts and actions reflecting this value, from an early desire to "help children," through preparation to become a child psychologist, and ultimately to practice in a public community mental health setting and a career dedicated first to primary prevention and then to broader safety net services for those in need. I highlight a corresponding intellectual evolution as well, a progressive change in identity from "clinical psychologist in the community" to community psychologist.  相似文献   

社会转型期的妇女社会工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了“妇女社会工作”与“妇女工作”、“妇联工作”的关系,对我国传统妇女工作进行了全方位的回审,阐明了我国传统妇女工作进行现代转型的必要性及其要跨越的主要现实障碍,指出强化妇女社会工作是传统妇女工作模式转化的关键。文章重点论述了转型期我国妇女社会工作整体推进的思路,即妇联组织的工作模式需进行现代转型,高等院校需强化对妇女社会工作的教研投入,社会力量特别是民间妇女组织需深度介入妇女社会工作,妇女社会工作的社会政策法规运行环境需进一步优化等,应努力构建“专业化、职业化、社会化”的三位一体模式,并朝着本土化的方向不断发展。  相似文献   

在社会中,存在着一些影响女性职业发展的因素,即女性职业发展的"玻璃天花板"。研究表明,在大学女性教师的职业发展过程中,也面临着一种"玻璃天花板"。本文通过对教师结构的数据分析,探讨了在高等教育领域特别是高等学校中女性教师职业发展中的"玻璃天花板"问题,并从性别视角进行分析。  相似文献   

团体心理辅导应用于大学生的职业生涯规划教育是现代教育理论的创新与实践。"筑梦之旅"工作坊以"立足职业定位,实现人生梦想"为主题组织实施特色辅导活动,通过自我认知、团体融入、团体互动、团体辅导等过程与环节,对学生进行自我认知、探索职业世界等方面的教育,帮助大学生进行自我认知,从而树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。团体心理辅导已成为大学生职业生涯规划教育的有效载体,有利于提升大学生就业力和职业发展能力。  相似文献   


This article describes the author's experience entering a second career in community psychology in mid-life. The issues relating the author's first career and community psychology are discussed, as are his current activities, interests and reflections.  相似文献   

A "calling" is typically a compelling sense of purpose that arises from a place different from the calculus that leads to a choice of profession. Yet in the case of community psychology, the five people profiled in this essay have both an impressive professional portfolio and a sense of social mission. This essay explores the two sides of their work, and more broadly the challenges facing those who work as agents of change, while at the same time advancing and achieving notable accomplishments in systems that are at once sources of social problems and resources for solving them.  相似文献   

根据对“一院一品”理解,将新生入学教育作为学院“一院一品”建设的重点。在实际工作中,业已形成了以“三个一”(即做好“第一环节”、讲好“第一课”、搞好“第一次活动”)和“四个一主题班会”(即畅谈一个理想、介绍一位家人、讲述一段经历、推荐一部好书)为核心,结合心理、学习、交流活动的一整套入学教育模式。做好新生入学教育工作对于适应新形势下的大学生思想政治教育工作有着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

DECADES ago, in the era of the "cultural revolution" (1966-1976), love and marriage bore a heavy political burden; the little red book (Quotations of Chairman Mao) was presented in place of a wedding band, or generally served as a token of love and engagement. Imagine how outlandish it seems to young people today to read love letters that pine: "I hope you can arrange your work, study and life well, so as to sustain your ideals and revolutionary zeal, and not degrade into an uncouth and lowly person." But such sentiments were typical 40 years ago in decent young men and women, who often delivered revolutionary pep talks instead of whispering "sweet nothings."  相似文献   


This paper describes the application of such community psychology principles of empowerment and systemic interventions in a variety of applied settings, including school systems, a university campus, and a community hospital. The consistent application of such principles illustrates one way in which a viable career as community psychologist can be maintained in settings that do not have community psychology positions per se.  相似文献   

鞠九江  王桂兰 《人权》2011,(4):23-27
近年来,南通泰慕士服装有限公司50名“爱心妈妈”无私帮扶50名孤儿的善举在江苏省如皋市传颂着。50位孤儿融入了一个爱心家庭,每人都有一个“爱心妈妈”,他们找回了失去的母爱,拥有了温暖的家,快快乐乐地健康成长。在2011年“六一”国际儿童节前夕,笔者慕名对这个爱心团队进行了独家采访。  相似文献   

Autobiographical essays by five community psychologists suggest that members of this profession often grew up with a strong sense of community and an interest in human interactions, rather than more abstract intellectual ideas. Their life stories reflect the idealism of the 1960s and 1970s that motivated the development of the field. Although these authors have sometimes struggled in the more conservative atmosphere of the past three decades, they retain a characteristic American sense of optimism about the meaning of their lives.  相似文献   


The Hawaiian Studies Program (HSP) integrates the learning of Hawaiian culture with more traditional secondary curriculum in science, social studies, and English. Students also participate in weekly community service-learning sessions. Fifty-five HSP students and 29 peers (who were not involved in the program), completed a survey measuring: students' connection to, pride in, and responsibility for their community; civic attitudes; and career knowledge and preparedness. HSP teachers, community members, and students were also interviewed about program outcomes. Compared to other peers, HSP students tended to report feeling more connected to their community and school and to agree that they had career-related skills. Participants believed that service-learning contributed to these outcomes by making connections between school and community life and by exposing students to a variety of careers.  相似文献   

The Hawaiian Studies Program (HSP) integrates the learning of Hawaiian culture with more traditional secondary curriculum in science, social studies, and English. Students also participate in weekly community service-learning sessions. Fifty-five HSP students and 29 peers (who were not involved in the program), completed a survey measuring: students' connection to, pride in, and responsibility for their community; civic attitudes; and career knowledge and preparedness. HSP teachers, community members, and students were also interviewed about program outcomes. Compared to other peers, HSP students tended to report feeling more connected to their community and school and to agree that they had career-related skills. Participants believed that service- learning contributed to these outcomes by making connections between school and community life and by exposing students to a variety of careers.  相似文献   


Many community psychologists have the educational and professional backgrounds which make them potentially valuable resources for the disabilities field. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the reauthorized Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) call for greater community inclusion, empowerment, and self-determination for persons with disabilities. Community psychologists with interests in these concepts, as well as in interdisciplinary training, collaboration, community-driven research, and political action are needed as leaders in the disabilities field. This paper explores the development of one community psychologist's career working with persons who have disabilities and the institutions that support them.  相似文献   


A “calling” is typically a compelling sense of purpose that arises from a place different from the calculus that leads to a choice of profession. Yet in the case of community psychology, the five people profiled in this essay have both an impressive professional portfolio and a sense of social mission. This essay explores the two sides of their work, and more broadly the challenges facing those who work as agents of change, while at the same time advancing and achieving notable accomplishments in systems that are at once sources of social problems and resources for solving them.  相似文献   

职业女性诞生之初就遭遇到家庭角色与社会角色冲突的挑战。尽管知识经济时代两性在体力上的差异对职业选择和发展的影响越来越小,职业女性的规模与影响力都在持续上升,但由女性双重角色冲突而导致的工作与生活平衡困难并未明显减弱,不仅阻碍职业女性的高层发展道路,甚至束缚了年轻女性的职业选择。本文提出从领导力发展的视角探索职业女性工作与生活的平衡策略,从个人层面和组织层面两个角度分析了如何借助领导力效应帮助职业女性走出角色冲突困境、建构工作与生活的平衡机制,同时享受生活的快乐与工作的成就。  相似文献   

社区就业女性的增权问题研究:社会性别视角的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文选择社区就业女性群体为研究对象,尝试运用社会性别的视角,探讨社区再就业经历对女性增能可能产生的正向与负向影响,受传统社会性别规范支配的男女角色分工问题与现有社会政策的性别盲点如何改变女性社会地位,以及如何帮助失业女性通过社区再就业实现从“无权”状态向“增权”状态的转变。  相似文献   

Chez Guangdong     
Ever the food-oriented society, Chinese compliments of yore include such gems like "you've fattened up," indicating you've been eat-ing a lot, indicating life's been treating you pretty well. In 2021, the aforementioned pretty much denotes you've been stuffing your face; gracing any modern (fe)male with these words, usually ends in a crash diet—or two. Having said that, not even the highest-flying resident of China will let these words come between them. And their Cantonese nibbles. Sharpen your knives because here are the parts unknown of Chez Guangdong.  相似文献   

当代弱势群体大学生心理发展的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高等教育的不断发展,弱势群体大学生问题日渐凸显,针对他们的心理发展特点,着重分析其存在的主要心理问题,呼吁社会各界共同给予关爱和帮助,是改变他们的弱势地位,促进其全面、健康发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

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