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对足迹鉴定科学性的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在侦查和诉讼过程中足迹鉴定的技术难题一直是制约足迹个体识别技术发展的瓶颈。本文针对足迹鉴定理论和公安工作实际所提出来的一些问题,希望能在一个比较短的时间内得到有效解决,最终确立和发挥足迹个体识别技术在物证鉴定领域的应有地位和作用。  相似文献   

1第四届全国物征鉴定技术破案研讨会总结交流在刑侦、政保、经保、治安、交通管理等各项公安业务中运用多种物证鉴定技术手段进行破案的经验,沟通各地公安机关应用物证鉴定技术破案的信息,研讨各类刑事、民事及行政诉讼案件中的物证鉴定技术难题。时间及地点:三、四季度5天待定备注:征稿具体要求详见征文通知。2首届全国法医人类学进展学术交流会总结交流近年来法医科研及检案中涉及的尸骨个体识别、活体个体识别以及群体性死亡的个体识别的新方法、新技术及经验体会的交流,研讨办理上述案件时的难点以及今后法医人类学的发展,促进…  相似文献   

在涉及无名尸体特别是无名尸块的刑事案件中,尸源认定对侦破案件有重要意义.个体识别的方法很多,大多是通过尸体个体特征、衣着、遗留物,指纹等来判断分析,随着DNA指纹技术的不断成熟,个体识别的准确性也越来越高.本文收集5例实际案件中通过法医学鉴定进行个体识别的案例,着重对法医学个体识别的方法及注意事项进行讨论,供同道参考.  相似文献   

目的建立犬的复合扩增体系对犬进行个体识别和亲权鉴定。方法用建立的犬复合扩增体系进行PCR反应,用ABI310型遗传分析仪对扩增产物进行检测。结果鉴定结果表明,9个犬STR基因座复合扩增体系,各个基因座扩增平衡,结果稳定。结论9个犬STR基因座复合扩增体系可以进行犬的个体识别和亲权鉴定。  相似文献   

为了展示交流近年来国内法医人类学方法的研究和办案的成果,提高法医检验鉴定人员对活体及尸体的个人识别鉴定水平,公安部物证鉴定中心拟定于2002年12月上旬在吉林省吉林市召开《首届全国法医人类学破案经验交流会》,现将征文的有关事项通知如下:1征文内容(1)无名尸体案、碎尸案的法医学鉴定的个体识别(包括年龄、性别、身高推断及颅相重合、容貌复原、照片面像鉴定等);(2)活体的个体识别(包括活体的年龄鉴定、X光片及CT片的同一认定等);(3)群体性死亡的个体识别;2论文要求论文立意要新颖,论点明确,论据充…  相似文献   

足迹个体识别技术自动化——足迹计算机自动鉴定系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现场遗留的足迹,是直接认定罪犯的法庭物证,有着重要作用.近年来罪犯作案手段狡诈,换穿鞋作案或作案后把鞋仍、毁掉,致使现场足迹失去了检验特征及认定鞋子的条件.1975~1986年笔者成功研究出足迹鉴定进行个体识别的科学理论——“足迹动力学”和足迹动力形态检验新技术.1991年利用该技术开始研制“足迹计算机自动鉴定系统”,用于检验、鉴定一个人换穿鞋足迹的同一认定,及不同人穿相同鞋足迹的个体识别,实现了反映人体运动规律、个体特点的足迹动力形态特征数据的输入——检验、比对、鉴定——自动生成成果——输出打印鉴定报告、图形自动化.  相似文献   

烧骨个体识别的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
烧骨DNA检测在火灾、焚尸、爆炸等事故中的个体识别和亲权鉴定方面,发挥着越来越重要的作用。STR作为重要的遗传标记系统,已广泛应用于法医学个体识别、亲权鉴定等领域。本文从焚烧温度及时间对烧骨STR分型的影响、烧骨STR基因座的选择和烧骨DNA的提取方法三个方面结合目前的研究进展进行了概述。  相似文献   

<正>辽宁省基因识别技术重点实验室依托辽宁省公安厅,于2005年5月由辽宁省科技厅批准组建,旨在从事基因个体识别技术创新研究及各类重大刑事案件个体识别应用研究以及寻求与国外英、美等发达国家一流科研机构建立合作关系,吸收国外先进经验,带动新的技术飞跃,同时为国内分子生物学领域广大科研学者提供一个交流、培训的平台,促进本专业水平的提高。重点实验室配备有齐全的分子生物学实验设备,实验室功能设置严格遵照国际分子生物学实验室标准进行区域划分,建筑面积1000平方米,现有专业技术人员13名,其中硕士研究生8人。实验室实行主任负责制,学术委员会决策制。执行“开放、流动、联合、竞争”的运行机制。主要研究方向、内容一是从事法医分子遗传学理论方法的研究工作,包括开发新的DNA遗传标记,建立针对微量、降解等生物检材的发现和DNA提取新方法;解决微量、疑难生物物证的个体识别难题,从而扩大DNA个体识别鉴定的应用范围。二是有关个体识别检验标准、相关规范研究,包括完善现有的实验室管理规范、检验规程外,还应进一步完善实验室的各项管理制度,保证通过标准化的检验控制提供科学的研究结果和鉴定结论。三是开展利用DNA分析技术进行刑事案件个体识别的应用研究,包括在熟练掌握各项DNA检验技术的基础上,研究如何与现实鉴定需要相结合,为刑事案件的侦查、诉讼提供法律依据;根据各种不同类型重大灾难事件后遇难者个体识别工作的要求和特点,研究如何综合运行各种DNA个体识别鉴定方法,制定科学合理的检验策略,快速准确地完成罹难者身源鉴定,从而为事件善后和原因调查提供证据。  相似文献   

Fan AY  Zan YX  Liu HJ  Gao G  Zhang JL 《法医学杂志》2001,17(3):155-156
目的 探讨唾液酯酶( Set)多态性在法医学亲权鉴定和个体识别方面的应用价值。方法 应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶盘状电泳及固蓝 RR染色方法,调查了 114名中国人 Set的表型分布及基因频率,用χ 2检验进行统计学分析。结果 中国人酯酶表型频率 Set F 22.81%, Set FS 50.88%, Set S 26.31% ;基因频率为 SetF 0.482 5, SetS 0.517 5;非父排除机率为 0.187 5,个体识别率为 0.619 9。结论 Set有较高的父权排除率和个体识别率,可作为法医学亲权鉴定和个体识别的重要标记系统之一。  相似文献   

湖北地区德国牧羊犬10个微卫星DNA基因座遗传多态性研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
目的研究85头德国牧羊犬的10个基因座多态性。方法选用美国应用生物系统公司的10个商用犬微卫星基因座荧光标记复合扩增试剂盒进行PCR、并进行统计学分析。结果对85头德国牧羊犬的10个基因座的多态性研究表明,10个基因座累积DP值在0.9999972,非父排除率在0.9399,微卫星DNA基因座PEZ6、PEZ8、FHC2054的等位基因数均在8个以上,DP值接近或超过0.9,杂合度接近或超过0.7,能有效地应用犬的个体识别和亲权关系鉴定,其它7个基因座均未达到理想的个体识别和亲权鉴定使用条件。结论联合使用多个犬微卫星基因座,可以用于犬的个体识别和亲权鉴定。  相似文献   

William R. Maples practiced many aspects of human identification using simple and relatively inexpensive video superimposition equipment. Identification of skulls by comparison to known photographs was a primary concern. Clear, smiling photographs revealing the spatial relationships of the teeth to one another led to uncomplicated positive identifications. However, without benefit of dentition, how accurate was an identification based on the alignment of soft tissues with the underlying skull? Most importantly, how often would a false positive result when anterior dentition were not available? A study conducted by this author and Dr. Maples used three human heads and 98 profile and full-face photographs. A 0.6% incidence of false match resulted when both views of the face were used. Lateral view and frontal view superimpositions were identified incorrectly in 9.6% and 8.5% of the sample respectively. As a result, multiple photographs from varying angles were requested for superimposition identity cases. Additional applications in laboratory case work were developed for the equipment. Light boxes under the television cameras allowed radiographic comparisons. Video taped comparisons of antemortem and postmortem radiographs were shown to medical examiners and families as proof of identification. Dr. Maples and this author were also involved in several cases in which photographs taken by a surveillance or ATM camera were compared to court ordered photographs of an alleged perpetrator. One case, which went to trial, led to the conviction of a habitual criminal under Florida statute. This individual had a condition known as Stahl's ear, a deformation of the cartilaginous structure. The ear was seen clearly in many of the ATM camera photographs and was aligned easily with the known photographic sample.  相似文献   

Previous research conducted into the use of the human ear in the field of forensic identification has focused upon the use of grids and manual methods to measure and catalogue the different anatomical features of the ear. To date, few have considered the importance of the presence of ear piercings and their possible role in human identification. This study aims to highlight the common distribution of piercings of both ears in both genders and to explore the effect of piercings on earprints. The presence of a piercing may, in part, help to explain why partial and not whole earprints are sometimes recovered from a scene of crime (suggesting that the offender's ears may be pierced). The presence of piercings through the tragus and the superior part of the helix are shown to be infrequent and thus may be used to assist the identification of a body, due to its relative rarity with respect to piercings found in other areas of the ear.  相似文献   

The human ear: its role in forensic practice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The human ear has much to offer investigators in relation to many areas of forensic practice including forensic pathology, anthropology, identification and facial reconstruction and yet its full potential is often overlooked. This review paper explores current knowledge related to the human ear drawing attention to those situations where the ear could play a valuable role in a forensic investigation.  相似文献   

Skull identification by electronic photo-composition can, with the help of a video-animation compositor, be further developed beyond the pure superprojection technique into an animated picture difference image. The employment of this combined technique to be recommended on account of the improved possibilities of control to be realized in the congruity of the superprojection composite picture.  相似文献   

Although several papers have recently been devoted to establishing the validity of identification using the ear, this part of the human body still remains underexploited in forensic science. The perfect overlap of two images of the same ear is not really possible, but photographs of the ears as a reliable means of inferring the identity of an individual are poorly treated in the literature. In this study, we illustrate a simple, reproducible method, which divides the photograph of an ear into four parts-helix, antihelix, concha, and lobe-by means of a suitable grid of four straight lines. Although the division does not follow exact anatomical features, their edges do join anatomical points which are more easily identifiable. Measurement of certain areas of these parts can be combined to produce a code allowing personal identification. This method produces false-positive identifications of <0.2%. Last, the repeatability and reproducibility aspects of the method are tested.  相似文献   

A rapid method of identification by using computerized videotape erasure of mutilating injuries is presented. The identification of a human head, which was mutilated and severed in two major fragments, illustrates the application of the method. Following the reconstruction and suturing of the head fragments, the face was videotaped and the mutilating injuries were electronically erased. The televised broadcasting, in color, of the reconstructed face, free of injuries, elicited prompt visual identification by relatives of the deceased within < 1 h.  相似文献   

In an age of global combat against terrorism, the recognition and identification of people on document images is of increasing significance. Experiments and calculations have shown that the camera-to-subject distance - not the focal length of the lens - can have a significant effect on facial proportions. Modern passport pictures should be able to function as a reference image for automatic and manual picture comparisons. This requires a defined subject distance. It is completely unclear which subject distance, in the taking of passport photographs, is ideal for the recognition of the actual person. We show here that the camera-to-subject distance that is perceived as ideal is dependent on the face being photographed, even if the distance of 2m was most frequently preferred. So far the problem of the ideal camera-to-subject distance for faces has only been approached through technical calculations. We have, for the first time, answered this question experimentally with a double-blind experiment. Even if there is apparently no ideal camera-to-subject distance valid for every face, 2m can be proposed as ideal for the taking of passport pictures. The first step would actually be the determination of a camera-to-subject distance for the taking of passport pictures within the standards. From an anthropological point of view it would be interesting to find out which facial features allow the preference of a shorter camera-to-subject distance and which allow the preference of a longer camera-to-subject distance.  相似文献   

Skull-photograph superimposition continues to be the most prevalent method employed for identifying a skull recovered in a criminal case as that belonging to a putative victim whose face photograph is available. The reliability of identification achieved has been shown to be 91%, indicating the possibility of a skull mismatching with a face photograph belonging to a person other than the actual deceased. This lack of reliability dampens the confidence of the expert and in turn confounds the mind of the judge. It has been shown that the variations in the shape of the facial organs are influenced by the corresponding variations in the skeletal elements of the facial skull. "Cranio-facial morphanalysis", a new anthroposcopic method proposed here for evaluating the shape correlations between a skull and a face photograph, when applied conjointly with skull-photograph superimposition is shown to increase the reliability in forensic skull identification.  相似文献   

By means of X-ray photography tests were made of 224 (100 males and 124 females) volunteer Chinese adults of Han nationality to study the related regular patterns of superimposed projection of face landmarks onto the skull. On the basis of these tests, the present article reveals from a forensic anthropology angle the related regular patterns of plane projection of the human face with its skull. Study shows that there exist a strict individual identity and exclusiveness in relation between the human face and skull. The related regularity of displacement of face landmarks appears in projection of the skull with the human head at different photographic positions and angles. On the basis of this discovery, 52 indexes in 4 groups were established as a standard for judging the identification of a skull's body origin by means of skull-image superimposition. Based on forensic anthropology, the technique has raised to a great extent the credibility of unknown skull identification. In the past 8 years, 89 unknown skulls have been identified with their body origins which provided important and accurate evidence for the solution of murders with dismembered bodies, skeletonized bodies, and unidentified dead bodies.  相似文献   

We encountered an unusual practical case of craniofacial identification recently. The peculiarity of the case was that the skull itself was not available for examination unlike other such common cases. The supplied material exhibits were, a nearly front view photograph of a skeletonized face and a front view face photograph of the suspected victim. Further, the condition of the skull during taking its photograph was such that its lower and the upper jaws were not in a normal closed condition. The procedure involved in dealing with such a complicated craniofacial identification problem would be quite interesting from a forensic investigator's point of view, since standard methods of skull identification like photo/video superimposition techniques were not at all applicable here. As such, the present case report provides the details of the multiphase procedure adapted by us in dealing with this abnormal case. A solution to this unprecedented craniofacial identification problem was worked out by appropriate exploration of a newly introduced digital image processing technique that is based on craniofacial symmetry perception. The procedure leads to the reconstruction of a superimposable cranial image with upper and lower teeth in normal closed condition for establishment of its identity in usual way.  相似文献   

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