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Urban sustainability is a priority for cities, challenging public administrators to coordinate action on environmental policy, economic development and social policy. Multilevel governance is now a popular theoretical framework but research must illuminate the constraints on local administrators. This case study reviews efforts of public administrators in the City of Ottawa and Canada's national capital region to implement sustainability policies with collaborative governance, but new governance relationships are constrained by traditional intergovernmental relations. Case study research illuminates the challenges of multilevel governance for local governments and provides insights on the pursuit of sustainability with environmental programs, land use, and urban and development by Crown corporations.  相似文献   

台湾政党体系发展趋势探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年台湾的县市长选举、2010年初的两次“立委”补选以及年底的“五都”选举表明,民进党的政治实力已经从2008年的低谷回升.鉴于国民党和民进党各有源于不同阶层、不同地域的基本支持者,台湾民众在身份认同、统“独”议题、两岸关系、涉外关系方面存在较明显的“蓝、绿”分野,有理由预料均衡两党体系和政党轮替,将成为岛内的政...  相似文献   

Building on in‐depth case studies and extensive theory‐building by Canadian multilevel governance scholars, this article identifies and describes multilevel policy involvement by federal, provincial, municipal, private, and NGO actors in three policy phases and eighteen policy domains that specifically involve local governments in Canada. Drawing from an original pan‐Canadian survey of municipal mayors and councillors, we show that municipal politicians see multilevel policy involvement as remarkably prevalent across many policy domains. Using an original measure of multilevel policy involvement, we identify the policy domains in which policy involvement is most concentrated or fragmented and then describe the correlates of this measure. Multilevel policy involvement, we argue, is more clearly associated with policy phase and policy domain than with municipal population or region. We conclude with a discussion of implications for future research.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article is about building metropolitan governance capacity. Based on the case study of the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (the Montreal Metropolitan Community), the authors seek to understand how this new metropolitan institution develops its capacity to manage metropolitan issues. What factors influence metropolitan governance capacity? What are the impacts of actor behaviour, incentive structures, and political leadership on that capacity? Specifically, results focus on two of the CMM's areas of responsibility: land‐use planning, and social and affordable housing. Based on the analysis of official documents of the CMM (its act of incorporation, activity reports, budget, etc.) and thirteen interviews with elected municipal officials and public servants, the authors show that the building of metropolitan governance capacity is influenced by the interactions between those three factors, as well as by other elements specific to each context.  相似文献   

The provinces and cities in Canada, like in several other countries, are studying the indicators of municipal performance with a renewed interest. Based on a review of published studies, this article expands on the existing literature in two areas. It establishes a record of their use, taking into account the diversity of indicators used. It proposes also an analytical framework of the local, political and administrative interface that helps in the understanding of the variability and the volatility in the various uses of indicators. This new perspective allows a better understanding of the reason why the use of performance indicators by elected officials and administrators is limited.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article examines the transitional and short-term impacts of consolidation in three Canadian municipalities - the City of Abbotsford (British Columbia), the City of Miramichi (New Brunswick), and the Halifax Regional Municipality (Nova Scotia). The study involves an analysis of the administrative, financial and political impacts of the restructuring in these three urban regions, as well as the provinces' roles in the reform process. The analysis of the transition period identifies the many municipal functions and local services that must be considered in a restructuring initiative. The reorganization of intricate administrative and political structures that sustain municipal functions is a complex task and will be unique to each region considering reform. The complexity of municipal restructuring allows no easy answer as to whether consolidation will lead to effectiveness and efficiency improvements in service delivery or municipal governance. Ultimately, the success of consolidation in achieving greater efficiency and effectiveness will depend on the specific circumstances of the municipalities considering reform. Sommaire: Dans cet article, on examine les répercussions transitoires et à court terme de la consolidation dans trois municipalités canadiennes, la ville d'Abbotsford (Colombie-Britannique), la ville de Miramichi (Nouveau-Brunswick) et la municipalitb régionale d'Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse). L'étude comprend une analyse des répercussions administratives, financières et politiques de la restructuration dans ces trois régions urbaines ainsi qu'une analyse du rôle des provinces dans le processus de réforme. L'analyse de la période de transition ceme les nombreux services locaux et les fonctions municipales dont on doit tenir compte dans toute initiative de restructuration. La réorganisation des structures administratives et politiques corn-pliquées qui sous-tendent les fonctions municipales est me tâche complexe qui est particulière à chaque région. Face à la complexité de la restructuration municipale, il n'y a pas de réponse facile pour savoir si la consolidation permettra d'améliorer l'efficacité de la prestation des services ou de la gestion municipale. Finalement, pour obtenir une plus grande efficacité, la consolidation devra tenir compte des circon-stances particulières des municipalités qui envisagent une réforme.  相似文献   

Abstract: Despite a rich and well‐developed literature on Canadian federalism, multilevel governance, and aboriginal–settler relations, scholars have tended to ignore the variety of inter‐governmental agreements that have emerged between aboriginal and municipal governments in Canada. This article examines ninety‐three such agreements to construct a typology of aboriginal–municipal inter‐governmental partnerships in British Columbia. It finds that over time there has been a shift from mundane, service‐provision agreements towards more collaborative, cooperative and sometimes decolonizing, horizontal and multilevel governance partnerships. As a result, the authors suggest that scholars study these agreements to further explain and understand the evolution of aboriginal–settler relations and multilevel governance in Canada.  相似文献   

伴随着网络时代的到来,公民通过互联网表达自身利益诉求和公共意见已成为一种普遍现象。为此,地方政府通过制度创新,建立网络问政平台,顺势关注和吸纳网络民意。这种官民沟通机制的建立,改变着传统的单向式决策模式,构建着“官民共治”的新型治理模式,并最终将推动国家与社会良性互动关系的形成。  相似文献   

中国共产党是中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心。从公共政策层面看,地方党组织的领导既表现在宏观的政策决策上,如制定方针路线;也可体现在中微观的政策执行中,如全面引领治理过程。在制定方针路线与全面引领治理之间的行为选择中,地方党组织采取后一种行为方式的发生机制是什么?除受党的先进性、上级要求等因素影响外,通过对地方动迁政策实践的个案研究发现,由于复杂政策的"网络性"要求有效的协调制度,制度建构和运作需投入大量资源,而市场或行政机制下的执行方式存在资源投入不足和协调制度匮乏,导致地方治理陷入集体行动困境,进而催生地方党组织全面引领地方治理。基于党章党纪等初始制度,地方党组织得以动员大量资源,进而成功建构和运作内部协调制度和外部协调制度,并分别实现对政策执行主体、主客体之间和客体内部的关系协调,推动了地方善治。  相似文献   

公民参与是衡量一个国家政治民主化的重要尺度,而地方治理理念及分权化的制度设计为公民参与公共生活与公共事务管理提供了广阔的空间。地方治理是公民直接参与社会事务的有效途径,公民参与是地方治理的核心内容。地方治理的发展水平及治理能力和公民参与之间存在密切联系。地方治理中公民参与的困境需要找到行之有效的解决路径。  相似文献   

It is an important task to study the logic of behavior of local governments for interpretation of the “password” of national governance and promotion of modernization of national governance system and governance capabilities. From the perspectives of structure-function, governance processes and organizational system, the paper reviews the behavioral logic of local government over the past decade. It concludes that institution is a core element which affects local government behavior, and research transforms from the determinism which formal national governance system plays a decisive role over the local government to mutual construction of central governments, local governments and local social institution, from normative research to empirical research, from a macro-level to meso-level, from organization to organization field. In the future, empirical and comparative studies are recommended, focusing on the process of generating, strengthening, weakening or re-institutionalizing in inter-governmental or organizational interaction, for more exploration into the general logic of local government behavior.  相似文献   

互联网法院作为网络思维、网络技术与现代司法深度融合的产物,它是以“网上案件网上审”为审理思维,充分运用网络信息技术手段,将网络案件受理、送达、调解、证据交换、庭前准备、庭审、宣判、送达等诉讼环节在线化,构筑前置化调解、ODR、诉讼等多层级、多元化的解决网络纠纷的专门性审判机关。互联网法院作为我国网络治理模式的“试验田”,其演进历程与法院信息化建设息息相关,从1995年的萌芽至今,互联网法院演进逻辑可划分为四个阶段,初创期(1995年)、探索期(1996—2011年)、快速形成期(2012—2018年)、实践期(2019至今)。从语义与实证分析可窥见,互联网法院的功能定位为解决网络纠纷、便利民众以及探索网络治理新模式,旨在建立高效、便捷、专业、低成本的网络纠纷化解机构,从而推动网络纠纷的专业化治理和网络空间治理的法治化。  相似文献   

社区的蓬勃发展需要"人"这一主体的成长,社区人由居民到公民的成长,将为社区这一新型公共空间的发展提供行为主体.这种成长需要进行民主的训练和组织化的培育,上海社区居民委员会不断扩大的直接选举和社区民间组织的自组织发展为社区人公民性的成长提供了空间.而社区人的这种成长将为城市基层社会的治理提供动力,是使民主运转起来的重要力量,推动着城市社区的快速发展.  相似文献   

通过对湖南省A县第八次村民委员会换届选举工作的调查,发现在选举中存在诸多问题,如选举程序不完善,村民民主法治意识淡薄,投票热情不高,部分干部工作责任心不强,贿选问题严重,宗族势力干扰选举等。尝试性地提出了完善村民委员会换届选举工作的对策及建议,以期通过各方面的努力来改善村民委员会换届选举现状,提高村民的民主意识,积极参与选举,以正确的态度去参与选举,提高村民的法治理念,规范村民委员会换届选举程序,实现基层民众的自我治理。  相似文献   

Abstract: Since its creation in the mid-1950s, the elected council of Metropolitan Toronto was composed of politicians who had first been directly elected in their home municipalities (Scarborough, North York, etc.)- Over the years, various observers had noted the representational weaknesses of this arrangement, but little had changed by the mid-1980s. Metro concerns often appeared to be overlooked in the interest of local concerns, and lines of accountability from Metro to the public were weak. During the period 1986–88 a provincial government initiative led to a joint review of Metro's electoral arrangements and to enactment of major procedural reforms. By the 1988 Ontario municipal elections a system for direct election of the Metro council was in place. The provincial government's approach to reform, a provincial-municipal task force, merits examination, for the municipal affairs ministry was able to bring reforms forward despite opposition from certain local government leaders. Reviewing this experience sheds light on some of the complexities involved in analysing representational options as well as in assessing the provincial relationship with Metro issues. Study of the reform process utilized here illustrates the ability of a committed provincial government to place discussion of Metro change firmly on the political agenda. Reflection on the procedures and representation issues of the mid-1980s is now timely as the Ontario government is developing a yet larger entity, the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), which encompasses about 40 per cent of the province's population. Sommaire: Depuis son etablissement vers le milieu des annees 1950, le conseil elu du Toronto metropolitain etait compose de politiciens qui avaient d'abord ete elus directement dans leur propre municipality (Scarborough, North York, etc.). Au fil des annees, divers observateurs ont note les faiblesses de ce systeme de representation, mais tres peu changea jusqu'au milieu des annees 1980. Les preoccupations de  相似文献   

全球视野中的地方治理发展趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
20世纪80年代以来,随着经济全球化、政治民主化和信息技术革命的迅猛发展,世界各国都在推进政府再造和治理变革。纵观全球视野的地方治理变迁,各国普遍呈现出某些共同的发展趋势。这些趋势主要包括:推行地方自治制度,扩大地方分权程度,建构政府间合作机制,发展多中心治理体制。  相似文献   

Sommaire. L'auteur, après avoir décrit la nature du gouvemement local, son rǒle, sa fonction ainsi que son financement, s'interroge sur le type de gouver-nement local souhaité. Il opte pour un gouvemement local autonome dont le rǒle principal est de fournir des services à la propriété et aux personnes. Cette identification des rǒles permettra d'orienter les sources de revenue en référence avec les fonctions municipales. Selon cette hypothèse, l'impǒt sur le revenu comme source de financement municipal ne semble pas approprié. Il serait préférable d'améliorer la performance de l'impǒt foncier et trouver d'autres sources de taxation rattachées soit à la propriété, soit à la prestation des services. De měme, l'intervention des gouvemements provinciaux et fédéral doit ětre limitée si l'on ne veut pas que les municipalités deviennent des administrateurs de programmes provinciaux et fédéraux. Abstract. This paper, after reviewing the nature of local government, its role, its function as well as its funding, speculates as to the proper type of local government. He favours an autonomous local government whose main function would be to supply services to property and individuals. This role identification would allow to gear income sources to municipal functions. Under this policy, an income tax considered as the source of municipal funding would not seem suitable. It would be better to improve the performance of the real estate tax system and to find other sources on the basis of either ownership or supply of services. The intervention of provincial and federal governments should also be curtailed to prevent municipalities from becoming the administrators of provincial and federal programs.  相似文献   

革命圣地延安作为陕甘宁边区首府的地缘优势,以及该市参议会在边区、县、乡(市)三级参议会制中承上启下的枢纽地位,使得对其研究颇具意义。通过对《解放日报》相关报道的分析,梳理出延安市第一届参议会在基层民主选举、监督批评政府以及提案工作等方面的基本做法和历史经验。考察这一基层代议机关的日常运作机制,有助于我们更为深入地了解陕甘宁边区县域参议会制度的历史面貌,发扬"延安精神",坚持和完善人民代表大会制度,推进基层社会治理现代化。  相似文献   

建立于企业专用性知识投资理论基础上的内部人治理模式强调,作为内部人的知识工人与货币股东一样,承担了剩余风险,有配置控制权予以特别保护的必要,应当在公司董事会中占有重要的席位,这样的董事会由不拥有投票权的中立人充任主席.内部知识工人作为董事有很多外部独立董事所不具有的优势.  相似文献   

国际组织与非传统性公共安全问题的国际治理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对全球化背景下的非传统性公共安全问题的属性、特征及其国际治理需求作出了分析,并在此基础上归纳出作为治理主体的国际组织的六项公共安全治理功能:问题提示功能、信息提供功能、标准设置功能、组织协调功能、绩效评估功能和外部监督功能。最后对国际组织在非传统性公共安全治理中的“民主赤字”问题及其消极影响进行了简要的剖析,本文认为,非传统性公共安全治理要达到真正的帕累托最优,有赖于国际组织的责任性问题的解决。  相似文献   

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