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关于安乐死问题学者多是从哲学、宗教、伦理、医学等诸方面进行研究,而较少从民法基本理论角度进行分析。本文拟尝试以法益分析的方法从民法学之生命权和人格尊严权角度对安乐死做一初步考量。并在此基础上提出选择安乐死是自然人的一项天然权利,应给安乐死合法地位。  相似文献   

吴亚楠 《法制与社会》2011,(10):295-295
安乐死这个概念从20世纪30年代被提出以来,一直备受争议.安乐死合法化问题是涉及法律、伦理、医学、哲学等多个学科的复杂问题.到目前为止世界上对安乐死问题并未达成一致的认识.虽然少数的国家已经制定了有关法律,但是在全世界范围内,安乐死的合法化问题还有待进一步的研究.  相似文献   

本文针对安乐死问题,力求从伦理、法律两个方面进行探讨,就安乐死纷争的焦点:生命权与自由进行分析,并结合社会学提出反对安乐死的主张。  相似文献   

试论安乐死立法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
试论安乐死立法石文亮安乐死是一个涉及医学、伦理、哲学、宗教、法律、社会等古老而复杂的问题。长期以来,世界各国都在积极探索。资料表明,赞成安乐死的国家和人越来越多.我国1990年3月15日至17日,陕西省汉中市中级人民法院公开市理我国首例安乐死案件;1...  相似文献   

我们有死的权利吗——对安乐死争论的法理学思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
安乐死历来是个令人感兴趣的话题。有关安乐死的争论除在哲学、伦理学、医学等领域展开外,法学界对安乐死应否合法化问题也从不同的角度发表了不同的观点。本文通过对安乐死合法化纷争的分析,以自由理论为基点探讨了安乐死中的生命权和个人自由问题,并结合社会有机体理论提出反对安乐死合法化的主张。  相似文献   

安乐死自提出之时就引发了诸多争议,引发了涉及医学、伦理、道德、法律、社会学、哲学、经济、宗教等诸多领域的一轮又一轮的论战,不少人主张安乐死在中国的合法化,然而,安乐死的立法作为一项重要的制度安排,其可行性必然要考虑到影响它的制度环境。  相似文献   

本文从关于安乐死的争论入手,探讨了安乐死中伦理与法的碰撞,提出安乐死符合现代的伦理价值观,应对其进行立法规制。  相似文献   

随着荷兰"安乐死"法案的通过,关于"安乐死"问题的争论日趋激烈,仁智各见.本文拟从法理学的角度对"安乐死"提出个人的反对意见,并进行了较为严谨的论证.  相似文献   

安乐死的立法在中国势在必行.由于安乐死涉及伦理、医学、法学、社会学、心理学等学科,牵涉病人、家庭、医生、社会等方面,因而需要我们对其进行深入地探讨,妥善解决安乐死存在的各种问题,以推动安乐死的合法化.在安乐死立法前,我们需要做好一系列的宣传工作,以确保更多人了解安乐死,甚至认同安乐死.假设安乐死成功立法,如何防止“安乐死法”被不法分子利用.通过层层的审核,才能在维护患者尊严的同时亦保护申请人的意愿.  相似文献   

本文从生命权入手,认为安乐死是一个有关人类生命权利的问题,并在此基础上,提出死亡权属于生命权的一部分,人类有权选择死亡,并从哲学、社会学、伦理学、法学及现代医学等方面进行论证安乐死合法化的必要性。  相似文献   

Abstract.  The recent Dutch law legalising active voluntary euthanasia will reignite the euthanasia debate. An illuminating method for evaluating the moral status of a practice is to follow the implications of the practice to its logical conclusion. The argument for compassion is one of the central arguments in favour of voluntary active euthanasia. This argument applies perhaps even more forcefully in relation to incompetent patients. If active voluntary euthanasia is legalised, arguments based on compassion and equality will be directed towards legalising active non-voluntary euthanasia in order to make accelerated termination of death available also to the incompetent. The removal of discrimination against the incompetent has the potential to become as potent a catch-cry as the right to die. However, the legalisation of non-voluntary euthanasia is undesirable. A review of the relevant authorities reveals that there is no coherent and workable "best interests" test which can be invoked to decide whether an incompetent patient is better off dead. This provides a strong reason for not stepping onto the slippery path of permitting active voluntary euthanasia.  相似文献   

安乐死问题立法进展比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王红漫 《现代法学》2001,23(4):152-156
无论在国内还是在国际上 ,安乐死问题都是一个新课题。本文主要对美国、澳大利亚和中国关于安乐死问题的研究与立法状况进行了比较研究。作者认为 ,安乐死立法应体现无危害、无痛苦、不违背个人意愿三个特征。  相似文献   

The euthanasia debate has been re-ignited by the decision of the Dutch Parliament to legalise the practice. This will make the Netherlands the first nation in the world to legalise euthanasia. This paper explains the key aspects of the legislation and considers whether it provides a viable model for reform.  相似文献   

In 2002 the Dutch Euthanasia Act came into force. This Act is the result of a lengthy developmental process. It codifies the requirements that have evolved in case law and medical ethics since 1973. Empirical data indicate that the Dutch euthanasia practice is stabilising. Euthanasia and assisted suicide occur in 2.7% of all deaths. Now that the Act has been passed, the focus is on improving the quality of medical decision-making. From an international perspective, the Dutch legislation is exceptional. However, it appears that other countries and international organisations are considering euthanasia legislation as well. It remains to be seen how influential the Dutch model will prove to be.  相似文献   

The debate on euthanasia in Spain has been ongoing from the beginning of the 20th century and remains extant. Three periods can be identified: prior to 1978, 1978-2002, and after 2002. The debate increased significantly after the Ramon Sampedro case (1995-1998), and was fuelled with new, although very different cases, such as those of Leganés (2005-2008), Jorge Leon (2006) or Inmaculada Echevarria (2006-2007). As a consequence of these cases in 2008 the Regional Government of Andalusia started a legal process to pass a law regulating end-of-life decisions, excluding euthanasia and assisted-suicide, which was finally enacted in 2010. Two other Spanish regions (Navarra and Aragón) passed similar laws. The central government also initiated a legal process to approve a national law, excluding euthanasia and assisted-suicide. The project failed because of the dissolution of the Parliament in June 2011. The new government will have to decide how to continue the process.  相似文献   

安乐死的宪法学思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
安乐死是困扰人类的一个道德和法律难题,是一个多学科研究的问题。从宪法学的角度来看,安乐死主要涉及到:病人的生命权与人性尊严的竞合、病人是否具有死亡权或者能否放弃自己所享有的基本权利、病人的个人自决权与国家对基本权利的保护义务及其冲突三个问题。如果解决宪法学上的这三个问题,将为其他学科具体构建安乐死制度提供理论上的论证资源。  相似文献   

刑事政策视野中的安乐死出罪机制   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
刑事政策视野中的合法化与非犯罪化之间是有界限的 ,非犯罪化包括法律上的非犯罪化与事实上的非犯罪化 ,我国目前尚不具备对安乐死予以法律上的非犯罪化的条件 ,对我国安乐死行为应予以事实上的非犯罪化处理 ,对安乐死进行事实上的非犯罪化的适用条件应严加限制。  相似文献   

Euthanasia and assisted suicide are highly controversial subjects that have drawn much attention in Canada over the last two decades. This paper outlines how the Netherlands, the United States, Australia, and Canada have approached the practices. Jurisprudence, public opinion polls, legislative developments, and the positions of medical organizations and their members are included in the analysis. A number of arguments for and against the continued prohibition of the practices in Canada are evaluated. As well, information regarding the extent to which euthanasia and assisted suicide are performed in these countries is assessed. It will be shown that Canadians currently enjoy significant control over decisions concerning end of life. The principles of autonomy and beneficence provide the foundation necessary to justify lifting the prohibition of voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada. With regard to the development of safeguards, the way in which foreign jurisdictions have dealt with both procedures is highly instructive. A qualified system of pre-authorization, unlike those adopted elsewhere, would prevent abuses from occurring and maintaining the prohibition of non-voluntary and involuntary euthanasia. Since legislators are in the best position to deal with the issues, change in the law should be made by the government, not the judiciary. Practical legislation is feasible and a proposal of what this should entail is presented.  相似文献   

Debate over euthanasia is not a recent phenomenon. Over the years, public opinion, decisions of courts, and legal and medical approaches to the issue of euthanasia has been conflicting. The connection between murder and euthanasia has been attempted in a few debates. Although it is widely accepted that murder is a crime, a clearly defined stand has not been taken on euthanasia. This article considers euthanasia from the medical, legal, and global perspectives and discusses the crime of murder in relation to euthanasia, taking into consideration the issue of consent in the law of crime. This article concludes that in the midst of this debate on euthanasia and murder, the important thing is that different countries need to find their own solution to the issue of euthanasia rather than trying to import solutions from other countries.  相似文献   

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