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First, the clothing and shoes from 29 participants who had recently filled their vehicles with petrol were analysed for any traces of petrol. No traces of petrol were found on any of these items. Secondly, the clothing and shoes from 17 participants who had recently used a petrol-powered lawn mower were also analysed for petrol. Petrol was detected on two pairs of shoes from different participants. Components of petrol were detected on a set of clothing from a third participant, however, there were insufficient components present in this sample to confirm the presence of petrol. No traces of petrol were found on the items from the remaining 14 participants. Thirdly, the clothing from a forecourt attendant, a mechanic and a professional lawn mower were analysed at the end of a number of shifts. Petrol was detected on the upper and lower clothing from the forecourt attendant at the end of one shift. No petrol residues were found on the forecourt attendant after a second shift, or on the mechanic's clothing after two separate shifts or on the professional lawn mower's clothing after three separate shifts. These results can be used to assist the forensic analyst in assessing the chance of finding traces of petrol on clothing and shoes after the wearer has performed common activities that involve petrol.  相似文献   

The significance of the presence of petrol in motor vehicle fires has often been challenged due to the possibility of a natural occurrence of petrol residues inside the vehicle. Transfer and persistence studies were undertaken to investigate the potential transfer and persistence of petrol onto vehicle carpets through the 'normal' usage of motor vehicles. The results of the transfer study indicate that petrol may be transferred from the external environment in sufficient quantities via the shoes of drivers or passengers to be detected after a 24 h period, but not after 1 week. Low levels of petrol were detectable after 24 h on all carpet mats where the initial volume was 500 microL or more. The level of evaporation of the petrol detected increased with corresponding increases in the time period between transfer and analysis. The results of the persistence study indicate that small volumes of petrol (less than 100 microL) are unlikely to be detected on carpet after a 24 h period, and volumes of less than 1000 microL are unlikely to be detected on acoustic padding after this time period. Larger volumes may be detected after this period, but will generally not be detectable on either carpet or acoustic padding after 4 weeks. In each case, the petrol that is detected exhibits a chromatographic profile of greater than 60% evaporated petrol. These results demonstrate the significance of finding a large volume of fresh or slightly evaporated petrol on car carpet.  相似文献   

The use of a gas chromatograph equipped with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer as a detector is described for the determination of tetraalkyl lead compounds in petrol. Generally, a significant variation in the ratios of the tetraalkyl lead species was observed in the samples studied, but in samples of petrol from service stations that had obtained their supplies from only one refinery, a small variation in the ratios was found.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2014,54(6):412-420
An experimental study was made of the potential of the TASER-X26™ law enforcement electronic control device to ignite petrol vapours if used by an officer to incapacitate a person soaked in petrol, or within a flammable atmosphere containing petrol vapour. Bench scale tests have shown that a wooden mannequin with pig skin covering the chest was a suitable representation of a human target. Full scale tests using the mannequin have shown that the arc from a TASER-X26™ is capable of igniting petrol/air vapours on a petrol-soaked person. Further tests in a 1/5 scale and a full scale compartment have shown that if a TASER is used within a compartment, a petrol vapour explosion (deflagration) may be achieved. It is evident from this research that if used in a flammable vapour rich environment, the device could prove fatal not only to the target but the TASER® operator as well.  相似文献   

In a case of alleged sexual assault, the pollen content of samples of grass clippings and soil from the suspect's clothing and shoes was compared to that of a sample of grass clippings from the alleged crime scene (a grassy area) to determine whether or not the suspect had been at the scene. The clothing and shoe samples showed a very strong correlation with each other and with the sample from the alleged crime scene in the combination of the different types of pollen present, very strongly supporting the contention that the suspect had been at the scene.  相似文献   

The outer clothing and footwear of 122 people attending a university gymnasium and a private gymnasium were searched for fragments of glass. Both the surfaces and the pockets of the clothing and the uppers and soles of the footwear were searched. New Zealand forensic glass cases have been reviewed to determine the amount of non-matching glass present on the clothing of people who are suspected of breaking crimes. Data from 114 suspects who had no matching glass on their clothing and shoes were accumulated. Statistical modelling techniques have been applied to the data collected.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(1):53-62
It has recently been established that volatile organic compounds (VOCs) successfully transfer between clothing even with a short contact of 10 s, highlighting the potential to use VOCs in forensic reconstruction scenarios, such as sexual assault cases. The mid and low volatility compounds transferred in greater amounts than high volatility compounds. This study presents empirical data addressing the persistence of transferred VOCs on clothing for the first time. A series of experiments were carried out to determine the persistence of VOCs on clothing for time periods of up 4 weeks, on natural and synthetic fibres, and at three different environmental temperatures. The data indicate that the highest VOC amounts are generally obtained for shorter persistence times of up to 1 d. Whilst high volatility compounds were not recovered in sufficient amounts to allow quantification, the four other transferred VOCs were successfully quantified for persistence times of up to 4 weeks. The persistence for mid-volatility compounds follows decay curve trends in line with those previously obtained for fibres, glass and pollen. When comparing the persistence of VOCs on a natural and a synthetic fibre, for a persistence time of 1 h, the transferred VOCs were retained on a natural fibre in higher amounts than on a synthetic fibre. However, for longer persistence times the concentration of VOCs was similar between the two fabrics. Lastly, lower environmental temperatures resulted in higher recoveries for most VOCs, especially for short persistence times. These findings demonstrate that optimal recovery of VOCs from clothing occurs when the fabric is kept at cooler temperatures and analysed soon after the fragrance transfer occurred, although VOC recovery was possible at higher temperatures and after longer persistence times. Given the transfer and persistence characteristics of VOCs from fragrance, there is potential for fragrance to be used as a form of trace in forensic reconstruction approaches.  相似文献   

In criminal activities, soil can be transferred from a crime scene to items linked with a perpetrator; for example, shoes, cars or tools. Several parameters will influence the quantity of soil transferred in a given scenario. The knowledge of the most influential factors can help the expert to assess the evidence using a logical approach at the activity level or to predict the amount of soil that can be expected in a given scenario. The influence of five chosen parameters, namely the shoe profile, shoe size, walker's weight, soil type and soil humidity were assessed using Design of Experiment (DOE) in order to understand their influence on soil quantity transferred on shoes.The Faced Central Composite Design (FCCD) using a quadratic model was found to be highly significant, thus they could be adequately used to model and to interpret the amount of soil recovered from one shoe.These designs demonstrate that the characteristics of the donor (soil type and soil humidity), as well as a combination of these two factors have a very significant impact on the soil transfer. The characteristics of the receptor (shoe profile, shoe size and walker's weight) also have an impact on the transfer but to a lesser extent.Globally, this research provides valuable information for the forensic scientist both in investigative mode: evaluation of the soil quantity possibly transferred on shoes, and in the evaluative steps: is the quantity of soil found on the suspect shoes in accordance to the proposition/scenario given by the prosecution and the defence?  相似文献   

Microbiologic analysis of different soil samples was undertaken to assess the value of this method for forensic purposes. Three groups of micro-organisms were isolated on selective media: bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes. Comparison of the morphology of the colonies led to the conclusion of non identity of the soil samples under examination. The method was applied to soil traces on articles of clothing, trousers, shoes, and stockings. It was found that the soil did not originate from the suspected scene of a crime. Examination of the microbiologic soil composition does not provide an absolute certainty of identity, but it is highly reliable.  相似文献   

A case study is presented where a woman travelling from South America to the Republic of Ireland was detained at Dublin Airport and articles of clothing she had in her luggage were found to be impregnated with cocaine. The study shows that the amount of powder recovered from the garments was approximately 14% of the total weight of the garments. The cocaine was in the form of cocaine hydrochloride and the purity was approximately 80%. An examination of the garments under filtered light highlighted the areas exposed to cocaine and indicated that the method of impregnation was by pouring liquid containing cocaine onto the clothing.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2019,59(3):292-305
Environmental indicators are increasingly sought and analysed in a range of forensic reconstructions. Although the majority of casework and research studies are concerned with the criminal investigation of terrestrial habitats (soils, sediments, plants etc.), freshwater environments are also frequently encountered as crime scenes. As such, microalgae, particularly diatoms, may provide useful circumstantial trace evidence following their transfer to a victim or perpetrator. Diatom analysis is a relatively underused technique in forensic ecology, although an increased empirical research focus is beginning to recognise the evidential value of a transferred assemblage. This study aimed to examine three of the spatial and temporal variables known to influence the extent of an initial transfer of trace particulates, within the context of freshwater diatoms to clothing. A series of experiments were designed to consider the impact of recipient surface characteristics (clothing type), source environment conditions (seasonality), and morphological (type of diatom) variability, on the total number (no. per cm2) and species richness (total no. sp.) of an evidential diatom sample recovered from clothing. Nine commonly used clothing materials were immersed in a freshwater river at three times of year – the early and late spring and in the winter. Diatoms were recovered using a H2O2 extraction technique and examined microscopically. The results demonstrated that diatom transfer to clothing varies significantly, with a greater abundance and a higher species richness transferred to coarse woven surfaces including acrylic, linen, and viscose. Significantly fewer diatoms were transferred to clothing in the winter, in line with seasonal fluctuations in the source environment diatom community. Furthermore, variation in the relative abundance of particular diatom species was identified between clothing types, provisionally suggesting that morphological characteristics may also support or limit the transfer of material. These findings highlight that, although clothing may offer a valuable repository of freshwater diatom trace evidence, the interpretation of evidential material should be approached within an exclusionary framework. Thus, empirical data has been generated to develop evidence bases within forensic ecology, demonstrating some of the spatial and temporal factors which may contribute to or limit the transfer of evidence.  相似文献   

The petroleum-laced background   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using passive headspace concentration (ASTM E-1412) and gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric (GC/MS) analysis as described in ASTM E-1618, the authors have studied the volatile components detectable in several kinds of otherwise uncontaminated substrata, including clothing, shoes, household products, building materials, paper products, cardboard, and adhesives. Due to the use of petroleum-derived liquids in the manufacture of these materials, it is frequently possible to detect the liquids, even when the products are several years old. These results point out the need for the use of comparison samples whenever possible.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to test the theory that there is a natural occurrence of petrol on the carpet or carpet mats of motor vehicles that would interfere with the potential determination of arson residues. Part of this study was also to determine what levels of background interference due to the carpet matrix are likely to be encountered in the general population of motor vehicles. The study was conducted in three parts.
  • 1.A persistence study was conducted to determine the evaporation and persistence of unleaded petrol on carpet. The results indicate that small volumes of petrol (less than 100 μl) are unlikely to be detected on carpet after a 24 h period. Larger volumes will be detected after this period, but will generally not be detectable after 1 week.
  • 2.A known history study was conducted by the insertion of carpet mats, for varying lengths of time, into the driver area of separate vehicles, with subsequent analysis for the presence of petrol. A ‘history’ sheet was completed by the occupants of the vehicles during the insertion periods to record the frequency of contact with petrol, and general usage of the vehicles. The results indicate that petrol will not normally be found on previously uncontaminated carpet mats after a 6-week period of use in a vehicle, however, the occupation and behaviour of the occupants can affect the types of compounds deposited onto the carpet.
  • 3.An unknown history study was conducted via the collection of carpet or carpet mat samples from vehicles with an unknown history, and subsequent analysis for the presence of petrol. Six of the 150 samples examined contained petrol. These results indicate that only a small proportion of motor vehicles will exhibit the presence of petrol on carpet or carpet mats, and then only as evaporated petrol.
All of the above findings increase the evidential value of finding significant volumes of fresh or slightly evaporated petrol on carpet products in motor vehicles.  相似文献   

By the analysis of 54 traffic accidents involving prone, run-over people it is shown that the vast majority were drunken males who lay on the road during the night and were there driven over. There are many reasons for the "lying on the road" including, falling due to sickness, voluntary lying for suicide, falling of lying due to an alcoholic condition. For evidence respectively exclusion a previous accident, the clothing must be precisely examined for trace evidence (textile changes, transfer of paint, glass fragments, tyretread patterns, skidmarks from shoes). An analysis of skin, bones and internal organs indicates the cause of the injuries (driving into, throwing on to, throwing off and rolling over).  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the influence of a possible contamination of the victim's clothing by gunpowder residue on the estimation of shooting distance. The study was focused on the scenario in which the contamination might be caused by the surface on which the shot victim could fall. Contamination of two types of textile was examined after contact with two types of surfaces. One round was fired above those surfaces (the line of firing parallel to the surface) prior to the contact. It was found that few gunpowder residue particles could be transferred to the clothing. These findings should be taken into account when interpreting results for shooting distance estimation in cases when a minute quantity of gunpowder residue particles is found around the bullet entrance hole.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(6):797-805
DNA is frequently retrieved from commonly used objects or surfaces with no apparent biological stains. This DNA may have come from one or more individuals who directly deposited their DNA, or indirectly transferred the DNA of others, when physically contacting the sampled object or surface. Furthermore, contactless indirect DNA transfer of this ‘touch DNA’ from fabric substrates was recently demonstrated to be possible in a controlled laboratory environment. The circumstances and extent to which this form of contactless DNA transfer occurs are largely unknown. This study investigated indirect DNA transfer without contact by applying a gentle shaking agitation to used clothing, pillowcases and towels, with known usage and history, of 10 volunteers above the collection zone of the secondary surface. DNA transfer frequently occurred and was possible from all three investigated items. It occurred at levels that often produced informative profiles where transferred profiles closely resembled the profiles generated from the primary item. The outcomes of this study contribute to expanding the understanding of indirect DNA transfer without contact. However, this field would benefit from investigating a wider range of agitations and/or item types with various histories of use to determine the level of transfer and its detectability under different conditions.  相似文献   

A total of 776 pairs of shoes collected from random members of the public in south-eastern Australia were examined for the presence of glass fragments. From the samples collected a total of 110 fragments were recovered from 57 pairs of shoes (7.3% of the pairs examined). This study shows that the prevalence of glass fragments in footwear is dependent upon the area of the shoe from which the fragments were recovered. A much higher percentage of shoes were found to have fragments embedded in the sole (5.9%) than in the upper area of the shoe (1.9%). These shoes were also more likely to have multiple fragments from multiple sources of glass. Only a very small percentage of shoes contained fragments in both the upper and the sole (0.3%). These findings and their significance for the interpretation of glass evidence involving footwear are discussed in this study.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the extent of transfer of explosive particles to different surfaces in order to better evaluate potential cross-contamination by explosives in crowded security controls such as those at airports. This work investigated the transfer of nine explosive residues (ANFO, dynamite, black powder, TNT, HMTD, PETN, NH4NO3, KNO3, NaClO3) through fingerprints from one surface to another. First, the extent of adhesion of explosive residues from different surfaces to the bare finger, nitrile and latex gloves was studied. Then, the transfer of explosive residues from one surface to another through fingerprints was investigated. Cotton fabric (hereinafter referred to as cotton) as clothing material and polycarbonate plastic (hereinafter referred to as polycarbonate) as luggage material were chosen for the experiments. These surfaces containing explosive particles were imaged using a reflex camera before and after the particles were transferred. Afterwards the images were processed in MATLAB where pixels corresponding to explosive residues were quantified. Results demonstrated that transfer of explosive residues frequently occurred with certain differences among materials. Generally, the amount of explosive particles adhered to the finger decreased in the following order: skin>latex>nitrile, while the transfer of particles from the finger to another surface was the opposite. The adhesion of explosive residues from polycarbonate to the finger was found to be better compared to cotton, while the amount of particles transferred to cotton was higher.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(3):376-386
Environmental trace evidence offers useful circumstantial intelligence to link persons and scenes of forensic interest. An increasing empirical research base is dedicated towards understanding the transfer and persistence dynamics of environmental indicators including pollen, soils, and diatoms, within a diverse range of experimental frameworks. This paper presents two discrete studies exploring transfer and persistence of soils and sediments on footwear and diatomaceous earth adhered to clothing in forensically pertinent scenarios. Variables including sediment type, foot position, clothing type, and body positioning were also explored throughout. Both experiments incorporated a field-based methodology during the sampling effort. Photographs were collected of an initial transfer sample and of a retained assemblage following hours, days, and up to one-week of wear, facilitating macroscopic assessment of trace evidence dynamics. All images were processed using accessible, open-source software before spatial analysis of evidence distribution within and temporal assessment (% retention) upon each evidential surface. The results highlighted consistent loss of transferred sediment from footwear with significantly greater retention of loamy clay soil than dune sand which was absent beyond 24 h of wear. Loss was not influenced by wearer gait but was more rapid from those areas of the shoe sole in direct contact with the ground. Diatomaceous earth was retrieved from all three clothing types tested after one week – significant losses of material occurred before 48 h with a consistent assemblage identified beyond this. Denim was significantly more effective than acrylic and fleece for diatomaceous earth retention and significantly more material was lost from clothing worn on the lower body. These findings highlight the value of using visual environmental markers and a macroscopic analytical approach during the investigation of environmental trace dynamics. The methodology offers a novel, non-destructive assessment of soil and diatom transfer and persistence, complementing more extensive laboratory-based examinations to ensure the development of a well-rounded research base within the forensic sciences.  相似文献   

In determining the possibility that a specific weapon was responsible for a specific injury it is often valuable to examine the damage marks left on any clothing worn by a victim. Correlating this damage both to the skin and clothing with the dimensions of the suspect weapon (if available) may help in determining these possibilities. In this work four different types of knives were used to produce damage marks on various different fabrics both stretched and loose over skin. Statistically significant differences were found between the length of wound on the skin and the corresponding damage to the fabrics when the fabric was stretched over the skin while no statistically significant differences were observed when the fabric was loose over the skin. This was true for all of the knives examined.  相似文献   

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