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丁冬 《理论导刊》2012,(9):100-102,109
尽管法律之于食品安全保障的作用十分关键,但食品安全保障绝非一个依靠法律就可以解决的问题。时下媒体对于食品安全事件的密集报道产生了经由"议题限定"的"铭印效果",在民间话语层面重新激发了简单的重刑主义思维。对法律作用之过分倚重所衍生的"法律万能主义"思维和媒体报道下所衍生的"重刑主义"思维的相互勾连,并无助于食品安全问题的有效解决。因此,从决策高层的角度而言,需要跳出食品安全保障的"法律中心主义"思维,转而强化食品安全保障的社会多主体参与的"社会管理"过程。  相似文献   

在"空谈误国,实干兴邦"的语境下,重温九十多年前的"问题与主义"之争,重拾论战中的合理因素,思考诸如对待"主义"之态度,以及对待"问题"之方法,有利于我们在新的历史条件下辩证地理解"谈"与"干"的关系,科学地把握各种"主义"的特殊性和历史性,创造性地推进符合历史发展规律的"主义"的运用与发展。  相似文献   

赵连锋 《学理论》2012,(29):176-177
当下社会的多元境况使身处其中的每一个领域都无法不去面对各式各样的问题与主义,教育作为人和社会必须而有着巨大影响力的领域之一,自然不能例外。教育活动要良好地贯彻政治权力的内容和实现市场化利益交换离不开科学技术的合法性佐证和帮助。  相似文献   

鲍雪梅 《学理论》2014,(32):243-244
青少年犯罪,是当今世界各国共同面临的社会难题,党的十八大报告提出"把立德树人作为教育的根本任务",笔者对"问题学生"成因及如何关怀"问题学生"、预防和减少青少年违法犯罪进行研究探讨,旨在发挥社会、学校、家庭的全方位,多层次的管理力度,从根本上创造教育转化的沃土,解决"问题学生"的思想和生活方面的问题,切实做好预防青少年违法犯罪工作。  相似文献   

李智超 《学理论》2012,(6):14-16
魏昂德的"新传统主义"概念为中国单位制研究在极权主义和多元主义范式之外为提供了一种新的分析视角,其理论前提在于国家高度集中的再分配体制垄断了重要的社会资源,而这成为国家整合和控制单位组织及其成员的手段和工具。分析梳理了学界对"新传统主义"单位制研究的批评及争论,指出单位制研究将面向多元化的具体组织情景,回归到真实的组织运作过程,由此将生发出新的理论增长点。  相似文献   

刘贤贤 《学理论》2013,(20):5-6
马克思主义传入中国的道路不是一帆风顺的,从一开始就被"问题"与"主义"的两难选择所困扰,最初是具有初步共产主义思想的先进分子和改良主义分子之间展开了"问题与主义"之争,代表人物就是李大钊和胡适。在这战场论战中,马克思主义经受住了时间和实践的检验,逐渐为中国先进分子接受,掀起了传播马克思主义、研究社会主义的热潮。"问题与主义"之争,不仅是自由主义与马克思主义知识分子之间一次对中国未来之路的碰撞式的争论,而且也一直影响着中国的历史脉络。  相似文献   

近代中国,先进的中国人把目光投向西方文明寻求救国真理的历史演进中,"问题与主义"论争具有历史性转向的重要地位。它不仅是过往聚焦资产阶级文明目光的最高点总结,而且开启了追寻社会主义文明新目光的起点。从李大钊马克思主义观确立新视角探讨"问题与主义"论争,可以清晰地展现李大钊作为那时先进中国人的突出代表,在中国新旧民主主义革命的交汇期,顺应时代发展潮流,探究马克思主义学说,提出根本解决中国的社会问题,为实现这一历史性目光转向、促进马克思主义在中国广泛而深入的传播所产生的重要作用。  相似文献   

为了更好地进行"纲要"课社会实践的选题,要认真对待学生在"问题意识"方面面临的四种情形,指导老师要拿出切实可行的方案来解决学生的"问题意识"缺失,大致上,坚持乡土导向、专业导向和兴趣导向,会有助于学生"纲要"课选题时"问题意识"的培育。  相似文献   

刘鑫淼 《学理论》2013,(17):36-37
"中庸之道"并不是以往一味的"折中主义",通过马克思主义原理的分析赋予其科学诠释,具有矛盾观和系统论,以及认识论和方法论意义。在科学问题的方法论层面上具有借鉴意义。"中庸之道"倡导"正——反——合"的动态发展过程。有助于兼顾"绝对主义"与"相对主义",寻求一种解决科学问题的最佳路径。  相似文献   

"大哈萨克主义"又称为"泛哈萨克主义",针对"大哈萨克主义"社会思潮的潜在影响亟待加强研究。通过对"大哈萨克主义"社会思潮的起源及其影响进行分析,进而从社会主义核心价值体系等角度探寻应对这种社会思潮的措施和对策。  相似文献   

Abstract. Rational choice theory springs from the utilitarian premises that what is best for society is nothing but the sum of what is best for each individual and what is best for the individual is best understood by the individual himself. Modern research, however, has often found both these premises to be invalid. Sometimes rational individual action leads to collectively irrational decisions. Occasionally, individual preferences emerge out of irrational motives. Other theories of the relation between man and society such as the doctrines of paternalism and the general will are therefore analyzed. The conclusion is that the present difficulties of rational choice theory can be attributed to its reluctance to integrate our empirical knowledge of the decision making of parties and organizations. There is room for a new theory that makes the rulers more independent of their voters than they are in rational choice theory, but more bound than they are in practice.  相似文献   

当代西方发展理论论析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代西方发展理论在其半个多世纪的演变中,大致经历了20世纪40年代的“发展经济学”、50年代兴起的“现代化理论”、70年代的“依附论”和“世界体系论”、80年代的“新发展观”、90年代的“明冲突论”等理论形态的更迭;此外,旨在对现代化所出现的问题进行“纠偏”、“颠覆”与“解构”的后现代主义思潮也以其鲜明的特征为发展理论带来新的景观。这些学说或理论具有鲜明的“问题学”特征,拓展了发展问题的界域,自觉不自觉地顺应了当代社会发展的实际进程,是这一发展进程在理论上曲折的反映;然而,它们在发展观上所达到的科学程度是有限的,其走入误区的症结就在于:研究视角的单一与框架的狭窄、研究方法的形而上学特征以及学院式研究成果缺乏转化为实践的能力等。  相似文献   

This paper looks at the role of the EHRC in the wider context of measures to promote equality in the welfare state, and highlights two major problems. First, social policy uses categories which are derived from empirical social analysis and processes of policy design, while anti‐discrimination and equality ‘grounds’ (such as gender and ethnic origin) are drawn from the mutual recognition and political mobilisation of groups. The intersection of these two epistemologies can produce progressive social reforms, but it can also result in sterile political competition between groups. Second, equality law makes rights‐based claims which are deliberately abstracted from the problem of aggregating rights into a manageable set of claims on scarce resources. This may be a strength in pursuing remedies for individual injustice, but it is a weakness in advancing wider ambitions to combat disadvantage affecting large social groups.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the equivalence between sets of linear inequalities and a variety of social choice problems, a fact which permits the solution of the problems using linear programming techniques. An important advantage of this approach is that the primal solution of the linear programming problem, if one exists, provides a specific example illustrating the social choice conjecture under consideration. Examples illustrating this approach to several standard types of social choice problems are presented. Social choice theory relies heavily on demonstrations that various social choice functions can disagree with one another or that these functions are inconsistent with one or more fundamental conditions or axioms held to be desirable properties of a method of deriving a “fair and reasonable” social choice from a set of individual preference orderings. A large class of such conjectures can be shown to be equivalent to systems of linear inequalities. This equivalence makes it possible to establish the truth or falsehood of such social choice conjectures by testing the systems for consistency or by employing one of the many available algorithms to solve the corresponding linear programs. We will give below a number of examples of conjectures resolved in this fashion, but first we must show how the appropriate inequality systems and linear programs may be found.  相似文献   

Methods of demand theory are applied to the problem of the existence of a social welfare function under specific public choice algorithms. Integrability conditions, necessary for the derivation of social demand functions from utility maximization, are used. The social choice function, which chooses the mean of all voters demand for public goods to be the public provision, is analysed in detail. Necessary conditions for the existence of a social utility function, and by implication, a transative social ordering, are derived for this case. These conditions imply restrictions on individual preferences.  相似文献   


This paper draws upon and develops Paul Rabinow's concept of biosociality to analyse how the field of gambling research, the facts about gambling addiction and the politics of gambling regulation are in the process of transforming one another as the US gambling industry has begun to provide large amounts of funding for scientists and clinicians working on gambling problems. In particular, the paper focuses on the political economy of research that suggests that the negative consequences associated with gambling are not just social problems, but neurobiological ones. The paper introduces the notion of ‘biopolitical capital’ in order to describe how the gambling industry invests in particular kinds of research which are more likely to yield results that can be mobilized to support particular kinds of approaches to dealing with the social and personal problems associated with gambling.  相似文献   

Military analysts have focused on the problems of war initiation and conduct while largely ignoring the problem of how to terminate war on acceptable terms. This paper attempts to define the necessary conditions for war termination and proposes a framework for assessing alternative strategies.Deterrence and limited war theories suggest three war termination strategies: (1) attrition of warfighting capabilities; (2) protracted stalemate; and (3) coercive threats of unacceptable damage. A review of recent armed conflicts indicates the limitations on effective pursuit of these strategies and reveals an alternative formulation of the conditions necessary for effective war termination strategies. Based on these notions, current U.S. force posture and force employment doctrines are evaluated in terms of their consistency with war termination requirements. Finally, an agenda of issues related to the development of war termination strategies is proposed.  相似文献   

中国社会诚信体系建设的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前中国诚信体系建设存在诸多问题,主要表现为失信频率高发化、失信主体多元化、失信手段多样化、失信后果严重化,对我国当前诚信体系建设构成了严重的挑战。这些问题主要是因为经济发展水平总体不高、改革开放的冲击和传统文化的式微、城市化进程的迅速推进和法制建设进程的明显滞后等造成的。要解决这些问题推进我国社会诚信体系建设,就要着力推进社会主义核心价值体系建设,弘扬国内外经典,丰富诚信理论;进一步提高惩戒力度,完善法制建设;不断加强组织建设,提高领导水平。  相似文献   

网络著作权保护中的法律问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
被称做"第四媒体"的网络,正以势不可挡的发展趋势给社会生活的各个方面带来深刻的变革.面对数字化网络技术的发展,传统模式的版权保护方式已经无力解决网络著作权纠纷.如何规范网络环境中作品的使用,切实保护版权人的合法权益,正面临着诸多法律问题.探讨和解决这些问题,对法律界乃至全社会无疑都具有重大意义.  相似文献   

The Marxian transformation problem is usually thought of as bridging the transition from 'essence' (value) to 'phenomena' or surface (prices). This paper shows that such a conception is incorrect. The transformation is actually between two theoretical levels of the construction of the economic region of the capitalist mode of production. The first of these levels is production in itself (Capital,Volume I), while the second is the complex unity of production and circulation (Capital,Volume III). This theoretical construction is complicated for two reasons: (1) despite the fact that production is the dominant instance, the social relationships of commodity production appear only in circulation; (2) circulation categories appear implicitlyeven at the level of production in itself.

These considerations establish the transformation problem at the heart of a correct conception of the capitalist mode of production. Thus the sharpest distinctions between neo-Ricardianism, vulgar Marxism and Marxism can be drawn here. In particular, it is shown that a correct appreciation of the transformation problem proves the inadequacy of an instrumentalist conception of the state since, at least in this area, bourgeois class interest arises only at the level of class and is not the sum of individual interests (even over a subgroup of the class).

Finally, the transformation problem itself is reviewed in detail. Mathematical results are separated from the essentials of the problem which are shown to lie in the correct choice of normalization, a choice that insures the transformation will actually be from value to modified value and not from value to price.  相似文献   

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