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公共管理的理论源流与变革   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过“新公共管理运动”而从传统公共行政理论范式中分化出来的“公共管理”,体现了一种新的理论范式整合。传统的公共行政,以韦伯的官僚制来破解庇护主义,以政治/行政分开来化解政党分肥,以官制度来建构行政组织的基本规范,以泰勒主义来保证效率行政的主导地位。这种行政改进逐渐变成公共行政中的教条主义。结果,官僚制成了官僚主义的代名词,政治/行政两分成了“两张皮”,官制度变成了族主义,效率主导变成了缺乏效果的效率。求解这些疑难导致了传统公共行政范式向“新公共管理”范式的转移。而突出公共性、现代性和综合性的公共管理的理论建构,就是以公共行政为底色而对新公共管理或管理主义、政策分析以及20世纪80年代兴起的公共治理理论的一次理论整合。  相似文献   

英国新马克思主义的文化批判从总体性出发解释马克思思想的路径,结合英国自身的文化传统,基于生活世界拓展了传统理论语境中文化概念的内涵和外延,揭示了文化的物质属性,形成了一种文化整体观,即将文化视为一种整体的生活方式,并将文化生产或文化实践看成决定社会发展的重要因素。更为重要的是,它没有就此止步,而是以恢复或者说重塑被传统文化批判理论遮盖甚至否定了的主体能动性为理论诉求,持续关注和分析日常生活中文化形态的发展以及由此呈现出来的多样性,努力揭示当代社会文化实践的复杂机制,在文化研究方面形成了"文化主义"范式、"结构主义"范式和"葛兰西转向",每一种理论研究范式都致力于创造出新的主体位置以及有能力反抗自身被支配地位的社会政治主体。英国新马克思主义卓有成效的文化研究使得马克思主义在一种文化政治学的努力中获得了时代新意。  相似文献   

本文从研究东亚非政府组织的发展现状出发,选择以国家与社会合作互动为基本视角,对传统权威主义走向现代民主政治的进程进行了分析论证。非政府组织的成长发展适应和促进了东亚国家的政治民主化进程,扮演着东亚从权威政治走向民主政治的社会新角色,成为推动民主政治发展的新兴社会力量。  相似文献   

我国基层管理体制的变迁主要表现为单位制向社区制的演变。单位制的解体构成了探索社区管理体制变革和创新的基础和起点。单位制解体使国家无法将分散在社会底层的成员整合到国家体系中来,由此就可能出现社会秩序的混乱。这就提出了社区建设和  相似文献   

近年来,通过合同外包的方式购买服务逐渐成为公共服务供给的一种重要模式。然而,不少研究发现,公共服务合同外包的运作过程容易造成政府角色的迷失,在委托-代理、竞争性购买、合同契约、第三方评估和短服务周期等方面存在隐患。而广东省的"双百计划"实践,开辟了一种新的公共服务购买模式,它介乎传统的单位制和当下的市场制之间,通过建立直接委托-代理关系、非竞争性购买、事本主义、政府主导评估、中长期服务周期等,有利于规避服务外包中的隐患,显示着动态发展的政社关系的新前景。实践证明,行政的进入并不一定会挤压社会组织的自主性和专业性,相反,在一定程度上,行政的进入反而是一种积极的保护。与此同时,技术理性和过度的市场化机制可能会带来一些负面影响,这需要引起我们的警惕。  相似文献   

采取形意世界的理论视角,以叙事研究为方法,进入社会组织青年从业者的生命经验,理解其进入社会组织工作后形成的青年文化及机制。研究发现,公益行业和社会组织作为一个形意世界,改变了从业者的"自我",使其对社会发展形成了更深刻的理解和反思,增加了社会参与行动,并增进了自我认识和内在力量,这些都有助于形成新的青年主体性和文化。然而,青年仍需在日常生活中与成功主义和物质主义文化进行艰难协商。此外,这样的"自我"转变需结合从业者过往生命经验和当下日常实践。  相似文献   

本文从几种国际关系主流理论对外交决策的要求出发,分析了邓小平外交决策和外交思想是如何适应国际关系发展规律的。传统现实主义、新现实主义、自由制度主义等理论提出了国际体系中影响国家对外政策中的不同关键因素,反映着国际关系的总体要求。邓小平外交思想就是这样一种理性的、符合中国国情和国际体系要求的思想结晶。  相似文献   

正新自由主义在实践中频遇失败新自由主义的内容反映了其学术理论、政策纲领、意识形态和社会思潮的性质。目前学术界对新自由主义的研究已经非常深入,对其理论观点、流派演变、政策手段等诸方面都有详细的分析。总的说来,新自由主义的主要内容就是所谓"三个三",即"以‘三论’——人性自私论、私有制永恒论和市场万能论为理论基石;以‘三反’——反社会主义、反公有制、反国家干预为政治取向;以‘三化’——自由化、私有化和市场化为政策主张"。自20世纪70年代以来,新自由主义逐渐走出"书  相似文献   

大国治理需从小社区做起。要理解社区治理,既要注重本土经验的积累,又要关照国外的理论进展。自西方社区复兴运动以来,国外的社区治理研究有了新的发展。为全面把握相关研究动向,本研究采用文献分析法对国外社区治理研究进行述评。研究显示,在第三条道路的理论指导下,借由新自由主义和社区主义的调和,社区被重新发现,社区治理成为西方国家治理理论与实践转轨的重要"节点"。由此,西方学界突破了此前"社区内部互动论"的研究范畴,国家"元治理"作用被拉回到社区治理中"审视"。借由政策网络、国家与社会关系、社会资本理论等视角,国外学界既考察了影响社区治理的结构性因素,又考察了社区失灵等新问题,并且呈现出以质性研究为主的研究图景。国内的相关研究既要适度借鉴国外的研究成果,跟进理论前沿,更要在"结构一过程"研究、差异化研究和本土化研究上下功夫,推动符合中国实际的"社区治理理论"的发展。  相似文献   

吴江的新著《社会主义初级阶段理论的来龙去脉》(湖南人民出版社出版),为我们研究这一理论的形成和发展提供了新的角度、新的材料和新的观点。 首先令人感兴趣的是,作者在分析“来龙”时,不仅考察了领导人和党的决议的有关论述,而且考察了理论界的有关讨论。后者的考察恐怕只有在十一届三中全会以后才有可能和必要。回顾斯大林时代,那 万能主义和领袖万能主义的时代,国家迷信和个人迷信盛行。不仅整个经济生活和社会生活高度的国有化,而且对理论研究进行粗暴的行政干  相似文献   


Under the planned economy China's urban population was largely immobile and governed through the socialist workunit (danwei). Market reforms begun in the 1980s have culminated in the last decade with a dramatic decline of the state-sector and the emergence of a more mobile, heterogeneous and economically independent urban population. In rendering the old system obsolete, these trends have led the Chinese government to rethink its strategies for urban governance. At the turn of the millennium, a new campaign to ‘build communities’ was launched throughout the nation with the objective of establishing the residential ‘community’ as the new basic unit of urban governance. This paper explores the logic behind this policy innovation and analyzes the techniques adopted to operationalize ‘community governance’.  相似文献   


During the past decade a tremendous amount of work has been done on studying the homeless. The 1980s saw many disconnected city‐specific counts of the numbers of homeless that sought to obtain some information on their characteristics. As these studies began to be published, there was a growing awareness of the inadequacy of the methods available and the variety of interests that prompted the studies. The 1980s also saw the growth of new methods and models for counting and the coordination of efforts for multidisciplinary studies. This paper describes the development of new models for counting and new methods of sampling in time and space.  相似文献   

This contribution investigates how the structure of new political parties’ success influences their survival. Improving on the standard of previous studies, we argue in particular that there is no simple linear relationship between vote shares and the likelihood of party survival. Rather, the probability of survival increases sharply if new parties gain enough votes to secure representation. Furthermore, we argue that new parties should be more likely to survive when they are successful at the subordinate (local) level. We test our expectations using a new data set that includes information on 107 newly founded Czech regional parties. Our results show that studies on party lifespans and the electoral success of new political parties require an understanding of the impact of representational thresholds. Most importantly, the reported analyses indicate that models of party survival need to consider the significance of parliamentary representation and the multilevel structure of party competition.  相似文献   


In 1992, Housing Policy Debate published John Kain's comprehensive review of the extensive scholarly literature on the spatial mismatch hypothesis. This hypothesis maintains that the suburbanization of jobs and involuntary housing market segregation have acted together to create a surplus of workers relative to the number of available jobs in submetropolitan areas where blacks are concentrated.

Since Kain's review, more than two dozen new studies on the spatial mismatch hypothesis have been completed. Generally, these studies use more suitable data and superior methodologies than earlier studies and therefore provide the most reliable evidence to date on the spatial mismatch hypothesis. This article critically reviews the new studies and assesses what implications can be drawn for welfare reform.  相似文献   

作为东方主战场,中国抗战为世界反法西斯战争的胜利做出了巨大贡献。相应地,有关中国抗日战争史的研究几十年来取得颇为丰硕的成果。特别是新世纪以来的研究又有了新的进展,但也存在国外史料运用不够、史料运用的不规范、忽视史料解读及军事史的研究等多方面问题。今后抗日战争史研究需要注重海外档案文献的利用与国际间的交流对话,加强多层面、多角度、多方法的研究。  相似文献   

Why do constituent parties that participated in a party merger that was intended to be permanent decide to leave the merger to re‐enter party competition separately? To address this question, merger termination is conceptualised in this article as an instance of new party formation, coalition termination and institutionalisation failure. Building on this conceptualisation, three sets of factors are presented that account for which mergers are likely to be terminated by constituent parties and which are not. To test these three sets of hypotheses, a mixed‐methods design is used. First, survival analysis is applied to a new dataset on the performance of mergers in 21 European democracies during the postwar period. The findings support hypotheses derived from a conception of merger termination as new party formation: pre‐ and post‐merger legislative performance significantly affect the probability of merger termination. Furthermore, the institutionalisation of constituent parties helps to sustain mergers if the latter already built trust in pre‐merger cooperation, in line with the conception of merger termination as institutionalisation failure. Two theory‐confirming case studies are then analysed: one case of merger survival and the other of termination. These case studies substantiate the working of the significant variables identified in the large‐N analysis that drove the selection of case studies. They also reveal how mediating factors difficult to capture in large‐N designs help to account for why factors that – theoretically – should have complicated the working of the ‘survival case’, and should have been beneficial to the ‘termination case’, did not generate the expected effects.  相似文献   

大学生是祖国建设的生力军,是民族的希望和未来。大学生思想道德建设关系着国家的前途和命运。当今大学生主流积极,健康向上,亮点突出,但也存在不可忽视的问题。只有通过树立新理念,探索新内容,改进新方法,才能进一步提升大学生的思想道德素质。  相似文献   

When a new property is required to characterise an altered system, it is said to be 'emergent'. The fundamental importance of emergence for social activists is stressed. It is proposed that we deepen our understanding of it by examining well-understood processes to see exactly how new properties emerge in them. Reasons are given for hoping that this approach can be more fruitful now than in past eras. To illustrate the method, a simple case is examined which brings out inter alia the role of the environment and the precise way that a continuous process underlies the abrupt emergence. The results appear encouraging enough to stimulate further studies along these lines, and it is suggested where suitable cases can be found.  相似文献   

Social media offer a new outside lobbying tactics for interest groups, yet many examinations of social media use by interest groups have been case studies or single‐country studies. While much can be learned from those approaches, national‐level factors – such as the style of policy making and globalization – cannot be fully addressed. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the relationship between globalization and the use of social media as an outside lobbying strategy with cross‐national data. Controlling for other factors, I argue that globalization creates isomorphic pressure on interest groups to adapt new lobbying tactics, thereby increasing the likelihood of using social media and using it in certain ways. Specifically, based on data collected from interest groups operating in 13 countries, the analysis shows that globalization is associated with more internationally‐bounded social media strategies, but also with lower social media resonance. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目前我国治安学学科体系已初具规模,研究的范围比较广泛,形成了一支比较稳定的研究队伍,有相当数量的学术专著、学术论文及研究成果,并能从不同学科的视角,以新的思维方式研究治安学的有关问题,为治安学的理论研究注人了新的活力。但还存在一些问题制约着治安学的发展,制约其发展的因素主要有:研究对象不够明确,学科性质模糊不清,基本理论研究深度不够,教材建设存在问题,教师队伍不够专业。  相似文献   

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