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朱令  刘正 《行政与法》2010,(3):122-125
在金融危机的影响下我国外资并购出现了新的特点,新特点的出现也显现出我国外资并购立法的不足。我国应完善外资并购立法,加强执法监督力度,对特殊行业外资并购及时出台法律进行规制,让外资并购更好地服务于我国经济建设,实现外资并购与我国民族经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

总体上我国已经形成了相对完整的外资立法体系,这些立法在相当长的时期内对我国吸引外资,促进我国经济的发展,起到了积极的作用。但随着我国市场经济体制的逐步建立与完善,我国原有的外资立法体系也逐渐显露其不足,需要对其进一步完善,本文试作分析探讨。  相似文献   

外资准入的晚近发展趋势与我国的立法实践   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
外资准入的晚近发展趋势与我国的立法实践徐崇利在外资立法上,通常把外国投资活动划分为外资建立之前和外资建立之后两大阶段,即外资准入阶段(Admisionofforeigninvestment)和外资经营阶段(Operationoffor-eigninv...  相似文献   

外资并购将对中国国民经济的战略性调整和市场经济的发展起到重要作用,需要重视和研究入世后我国的外资并购,并作出立法应对。近年来,我国外资并购的迅猛发展得益于相关立法的支持。适应外资并购的发展,需要对外资并购运作方式及相关事项作出立法规范。我国外资并购中涉及的反垄断调控,急需有法可依。入世后,WTO规则涉及外资并购的重要事项,要求事先存在相关的立法,需要国内立法的及时补缺。  相似文献   

本文分析了中国当前的外资立法现状及问题,探讨了今后中国外资政策调整的方向,提出建立一个比较完善的投资立法体系的新构想,即从我国利用外资的实际情况出发,顺应当前国际投资法的发展趋势,广泛借鉴其他国家外资立法的经验教训,循序渐进地建立起合理、规范、完善,既有中国特色,又符合国际惯例的外资法律体系。  相似文献   

论外资并购中规制外资非法垄断立法体系的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外资并购中出现的外资非法垄断是个很现实的问题,它严重威胁我国的经济安全和影响公平的竞争秩序。而我国立法尚缺乏有效完整的立法体系予以规制。本文通过对外资并购中的外资待遇标准、行业准入、并购程序问题以及反垄断法的域外适用规则进行反思,提出建立以预防机制与规戒机制为主体的规制外资非法垄断立法体系的总体设想,借此抛砖引玉,呼吁我国加强在此方面的立法工作。  相似文献   

本文从国民待遇原则、取消数量限制原则与透明度原则三个方面,分析了我国外资立法与WTO规则的冲突。从在外资立法中确立国民待遇原则、取消外资立法中有关数量的限制、制定统一的《外商投资法》、规范立法权限、增强透明度等方面,提出了按WTO规则重构我国外资法的一些设想。  相似文献   

外资并购已是大势所趋 ,尽管我国已经基本有法可依 ,但与外资并购的实践还远远不够。本文旨在分析我国关于外资并购立法的不足 ,并提出了完善立法的途径。  相似文献   

何芳  张景 《法制与社会》2011,(3):159-159,178
本文从地方性外资法的地位和作用入手,分析了WTO——TRIMs对我国地方性外资法的影响,从WTO——TRIMs的角度论述了我国地方性外资立法的缺陷,并对如何完善我国地方性的外资立法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

WTO《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》与中国加入WTO   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴德生 《现代法学》2002,24(3):124-128
我国作为大量吸收外资的发展中国家 ,有必要根据我国现阶段外商投资的情势 ,协调我国外资立法与TRIMS协议的矛盾 ,以改善我国的投资环境 ,促进外资以更大的规模流向加入WTO后的中国  相似文献   

外商投资企业国民待遇问题一直是我国理论界探讨的重点。本文结合WTO的有关规定探讨了生产性外商投资企业和服务性外商投资企业的国民待遇。  相似文献   

China-EU Law Journal - Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) improves the global economy. Both inward and outward FDI contributes to EU competitiveness and international trade. The importance of the...  相似文献   

美国国会2007年通过的美国外国投资与国家安全法扩大了外国投资属于国家安全审查的范围,进一步改进了外国投资领域的国家安全审查制度。在外资并购领域加强国家安全审查制度是美国维护其国家利益的重要措施。为有效维护本国利益,我国也应建立外资并购领域国家安全审查制度。本文在分析美国外资并购领域国家安全审查制度的基础上,提出我国建立国家安全审查制度立法的建议。  相似文献   

适应“入世”新形势 重构我国外资法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
慕亚平  黄勇 《政法学刊》2001,18(1):8-11
随着社会主义市场经济的建立和改革开放的深入,尤其世界贸易组织体系下与贸易相关的投资措施的制度的确立,使得我国原本就显得落后,难以适应社会主义市场经济新形势的外资法面临更加严峻的挑战和冲击,重构我国外资法律体系已经显得十分迫切.为适应"入世"新形势,应当建立以市场经济为基础、以资本运行和管理为主导的立法模式,新的外资法体系应当是包括统一外资法、企业组织法、部门产业政策法及相关配套法律的完整体系.  相似文献   

2019年12月26日,國務院總理李克強簽署國務院令公佈《中華人民共和國外商投資法實施條例》(以下簡稱《實施條例》),自2020年1月1日起施行。司法部、商務部、發展改革委負責人就《實施條例》的有關問題回答了記者的提問。  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1996,59(3):479-488
Ronald Dworkin, Life's Dominion: An Argument about Abortion and Euthanasia M. Sornarajah, The International Law of Foreign Investment Ian Loveland, Housing Homeless Persons: Administrative Law and the Administrative Process David A. Schum, The Evidential Foundations of Probabilistic Reasoning R.C. van Caenegem, An Historical Introduction to Western Constitutional Law Randall L. Erickson and Robert D. Morrison, Environmental Reports and Remediation Plans: Forensic and Legal Review  相似文献   

This paper attempts to assess the determinants of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in China and its effects on the whole economy. After presenting the main theoretical contributions and the previous works done about China’s inward-FDI, an empirical study has been implemented extending the previous ones with a different data set (more recent) and with different methodologies. The traditional determinants of FDI seem to be relevant for China: domestic market size, cost advantages and openness to the rest of the world. Concerning the consequences of FDI on the Chinese economy, our empirical evidence supports the view that FDI affects China’s growth through the diffusion of ideas. Through the introduction of new ideas, multinational firms develop technical progress and hence long-run economic growth. The transmission of ideas seems to have had a positive effect on the Chinese growth.  相似文献   

In this paper we present technology transfer strategy of petrochemical process to Iranian industries. Petrochemical industries import requested technology by some known strategies such as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Licensing, Joint Venture (JV), Turn-key, Reverse Engineering (RE) and Research & Development (RD). The strengths and weaknesses of each strategy was evaluated according to our situation and condition. In first step, the related literature and previous studies we investigated to find indexes for technology transfer of petrochemical process. By prepared questionnaire and referring to petrochemical experts, through AHP method, the significance of indexes related to each strategy was evaluated and analyzed. The result shows that make JV with an International company who owns the know-how technology and strong background in requested technology, will help us to succeed in our investment. Licensing, also, is an appropriate alternative for some technology transferring projects that no JV could be created.  相似文献   


Trade and investment relations between China and the European Union (EU) have reached a momentous significance. China is the EU’s No. 1 supplier of goods and its second-largest export market. In turn, the EU is China’s largest trading partner. Not only goods but also services trade has large potential to grow, even as China undergoes a structural transition and the EU’s single market faces headwinds from a surge in state-centric political forces within Europe. Transport and trade-related services are bound to expand significantly as China’s integration into the world economy continues. Moreover, Chinese tourists have been flocking to Europe in ever greater numbers, giving a boost to related business. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is becoming the next engine of the China–EU partnership. While the EU is a long-standing investor in China, Chinese direct investment accounts for <1 % of the EU’s total inbound FDI stock. Investment relations have seen tremendous dynamism in line with Chinese companies’ outward expansion and Chinese M&A deals vis-à-vis the EU have grown rapidly in magnitude, scope and sophistication. Finally, plenty of headroom exists for greater adoption of the use of the Chinese Renminbi (RMB) in Europe, supporting financing of both investment and trade. The Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) currently in negotiation between China and the EU as well as growing rather than declining interdependence of trade and investment highlight the future potential for a comprehensive free trade agreement between the EU and China.


任强 《北方法学》2016,(3):149-160
国际投资协定通过条约义务设定,促使投资东道国保护其境内的外国投资。"国家安全例外"条款则以保护东道国利益为宗旨,并为国际投资协定和国际投资争端解决实践认可。"国家安全例外"在平衡国际投资者与投资东道国利益中扮演重要角色,但该条款会为以保护东道国国家利益为名行投资歧视之实的行为提供"条约保护伞",对国际投资造成不合理限制。在国际投资协定由"重投资保护轻东道国保护"向"投资者与东道国兼顾"的转型中,我国拟在《外国投资法》中设置国家安全审查机制的做法正逢其时,并与"投资者—东道国纠纷解决机制"退出国际投资条约的呼声相呼应,将为投资东道国利益提供条约上的保护。但在国际投资协定尚未完成转型的时期,通过国家安全审查国际投资时应兼顾考察所涉及的投资协定,以免国家承担可能发生的条约不履行的国际责任。  相似文献   

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