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一种高强度汽车车轮螺栓的异常断裂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究典型断口形貌对失效分析工作的作用。方法利用金相分析、力学性能测试等方法对某交通事故中汽车车轮螺栓的异常断裂进行了检验分析。结果观察到了一种少见的高强度螺栓断口形貌,其上有聚集成群的球状碳化物,有的在疲劳裂纹的起始部位,有的在撕裂台阶的根部。结论螺栓成型时的塑性变形与热处理工艺匹配不合理可能是引起碳化物异常析出的原因,这些碳化物使螺栓的有效承载面积减小,从而引起了高应力疲劳断裂,并留下了低应力疲劳断裂的假象。  相似文献   

利用金属疲劳断口痕迹查明误报盗割案件1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
金属材料在交变循环应力或应变的循环加载下,在某些点会产生局部的永久性损伤,并在一定循环次数后形成裂纹或使裂纹进一步扩展直到完全断裂的现象叫做金属疲劳。疲劳断裂具有在时问上的突发性,在位置上的局部性及对环境和缺陷的敏感性等特点,故疲劳破坏常不易被及时发现且易造成事故。疲劳断口保留了整个断裂过程的很多信息,具有明显区别于其他任何性质断裂的断口形貌特征,研究和应用金属疲劳断口的痕迹特征可以帮助我们甄别案件的性质。笔者曾遇到一起误报盗割铁路器材案件,后运用金属疲劳的相关理论澄清了案件性质,报道分析如下。  相似文献   

中国法的过去、现在与未来:一个文化的检讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 历史常常因为一些巨大的事变而断裂、中止或者转向,但是这些恐怕都还是表面现象。如果我们细心探寻,也许不难发现,在那些断裂了的历史表象之后,有一些古老的东西,它们从极其遥远的过去,从某个鲜为人知的时代,悄悄地延续至今。人们从不曾注意到它,正好表明它暗地里支配我们的顽强、有力,表明它在多大程度上成为我们心  相似文献   

本文报道外伤对冲性硬脑膜下血肿8例。均为单侧发生,位于额颞顶叶,沿力的方向与受冲部位形成对冲关系,性状随伤后时间而异。究其发生的机制与致伤线性加速度、角加速度、冲击能量的大小紧密相关。法医检验鉴定时可根据血肿的部位、性状推断头部受伤的部位、方向及其时间,并排除病理性出血。  相似文献   

杜宇  周哲 《刑事技术》2012,(6):17-20
目的研究与分析第一掌骨基底部Rolando骨折成伤原因,拟为法医学解决相应类型案件提供技术帮助与科学证据。方法对49例形成原因无争议的Rolando骨折临床病历资料进行整理分析,对21例尸体双手第一掌骨不同部位进行钝性打击实验以观察骨折类型及形态,综合分析Rolando骨折成伤原因。结果临床病历资料统计分析及法医尸体打击实验均证实第一掌骨基底Rolando骨折系拇指屈曲内收时偏桡侧作用于第一掌骨头部并沿掌骨长轴传导的轴向暴力作用所致;Rolando骨折断面呈T形或Y形,骨折线通过第一掌腕关节。结论第一掌骨基底Rolando骨折系拇指屈曲内收时偏桡侧作用于第一掌骨头部并沿掌骨长轴传导的轴向间接暴力作用所致。  相似文献   

石伟 《现代法学》2012,34(4):172-186
随着中国法理学界对改革开放30年抑或建国60年学术总结的逐渐降温,针对现有材料做一番综述的综述就显得殊为必要。在进行分析之后,可以发现已有综述尽管涵盖宽广、视角多元,但是总的来看忽略了对整个学科思维的总结与评判,尤其是缺少了对实践转向的揭示。由此,本文力图在学术史的视角下,归纳出三十余年中国法理学转向的两个层次:学科整体与法学实践剥离到契合的转向和学科内部从单一宏观到多元微观的转向,并提炼出支配学科转向的实践主导意蕴。  相似文献   

梁超 《法制与社会》2010,(6):221-221
改革开放以来,我国城市化进程进入高速发展时期。由于交通便利,经济基础良好等原因,沿海城市得到了较快的发展。海洋开发促进了沿海城市的发展,加快了城市化进程。但是,由于城市建设、管理跟不上城市化的步伐等原因,致使我国的城市化过程中出现了社会、经济、环境等方面的问题。这些问题在东部沿海城市中表现得尤为突出,给我国沿海城市的发展敲响了警钟。本文运用文献研究法、综合分析法对我国沿海城市化问题进行了分析思考,并对沿海城市的发展提出了相关设想。  相似文献   

<正>较深部位小血管损伤,尤其是小动脉损伤时,不易进行结扎或缝合,解剖尸体时,因断裂动脉收缩,难以寻找到血管断端,给拍照取证带来不便。作者以右肩胛被砍伤因大出血死亡右旋肩胛动脉断裂的案例为例,向读者介绍采用向血管中注射粘稠酸奶确认血管破裂处的方法,可为同行在解决这一问题时参考。  相似文献   

目的对肋骨骨折的法医临床鉴定时间进行探讨。方法对40例定期复查的肋骨骨折鉴定案件的CT表现和时间相关性进行研究。结果 26例被鉴定人外伤后2、4、6w CT检查所见的肋骨骨折部位数量有增多趋势,外伤4w后检查所示骨折部位数量趋于稳定。复查发现的肋骨骨折有79.3%表现为肋骨内侧或者外侧局部轻微的骨皮质断裂不完全性骨折,20.7%未能观察到骨折线,仅表现为局部密度增高和骨痂生长。结论对肋骨骨折鉴定案例,在外伤4w后复查CT再进行人体损伤程度鉴定,可以有效避免损伤认定发生遗漏或鉴定意见出现错误。  相似文献   

随着哲学的语用学转向,哲学与法学的内在交融与互动,法哲学、法学方法论、法律语言学、法律逻辑的研究也随之发生了“语用学的转向”,这种转向的标志就是法律语用学和“规范语用学”的诞生与日新月异的发展,进而为我们理解和诠释法律的本质、类型、功能、适用机理、适用效力及其行动之有效性,提供了前所未有的分析方法、知识范式和建构模式,从而使法哲学、法学方法论(尤其是狭义的法律方法论)实现了——由事实世界向规范世界的转变,由主客二分到主体间性的行为互动,由面向单向度的工具理性转向实践理性,再由面向单一主体的实践理性转向多主体之间的沟通理性,由静态的逻辑分析转向动态的语境分析或情境构作,由困固于语形、语义分析转向以法律言语行为主体及其相关语境为出发点的语用建构和实践.  相似文献   

In the 1930s, warnings began to appear cautioning welders about risks of neurological effects caused by manganese in fumes from welding. Since the early 1990s, litigation based on these effects has increased dramatically. The basic allegation is that fumes from manganese-alloy welding rods can produce Parkinsonism, a severe neurological condition similar to Parkinson's disease. Exposure to manganese produces symptoms such as weakness, apathy, headaches, muscle cramps, and joint pains, followed by uncoordinated speech and gait, and possibly a form of psychosis known as “manganese madness.” Parkinsonism, involving tremors and movement disorder, develops as the last stage. However, most cases of Parkinson's disease, which has similar symptoms, do not have an identifiable cause and are termed “idiopathic Parkinson's disease” (IPD). The close resemblance between manganese-induced Parkinsonism and IPD makes distinguishing the two conditions difficult, and greatly complicates litigation.

Causes of the increase in litigation include recent pro-plaintiff verdicts, new studies linking welding fume exposure and neurological impairment, increased publicity regarding welding fume warnings, and aggressive recruiting of claimants by plaintiff attorneys. Companies that use welding or that make or sell welding rods and equipment are targets of this emerging litigation.

There are many potential plaintiffs with manganese-induced Parkinsonism or with Parkinson's disease, with which it may be confused. Informal reports from a recent unpublished study suggests that 12% of welders may have “Parkinson's type disease.” This percentage, and a population of 360,000 or more exposed to welding fumes, suggests that there may be at least 40,000 welders with impairment that would make them plausible plaintiffs.

Under the circumstances, defendant companies should take all appropriate measures to protect welders from fumes. To better position themselves to develop strategies for litigating or settling potential claims, defendant companies must proactively assess numerous factors, including the nature of their welding rod liabilities; the availability of insurance coverage to cover such liabilities; the status of the scientific evidence regarding exposure and health effects; the continued evolution of welding rod litigation; events transpiring on the regulatory front such as federal and state tort reform; and the development of other mass torts such as asbestos and silica.  相似文献   

The series of 365 pelvic bones from the area of pubic joint (195 female and 170 male) were studied. The author developed regression equations to determine individual age on the basis of the results of age dynamics study in relation to 5 morphologic characteristics of pubic joint (joint surface, front and rear borders, upper and lower ends). This method makes it possible to determine individual age within the interval of 15-90 years of age (mean error 7.23 years, correlation factor 0.9261).  相似文献   

The International Space Welding Experiment (ISWE) was a joint venture between the NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama and the E.O. Paton Welding Institute (PWI) in Kiev, Ukraine. ISWE was manifested as an element of the United States Microgravity Payload-4 (USMP-4) to demonstrate the feasibility of space welding as an operational maintenance process. On December 6, 1996, ISWE was demanifested due to conflicts between various experiments vying for limited astronaut EVA opportunities. Current plans include possible manifesting to the Russian space station MIR for welding to be performed by Russian cosmonauts. This paper illustrates the conflicts that can arise when designing and building a set of spaceflight hardware under one set of standards and trying to launch that hardware on another nation's vehicle. Issues which became areas of concern included language/communication, openness, qualification test procedures, material standards, and safety. The significant number of issues identified in this relatively small project in international space cooperation indicates how important it will be to reach a new consensus for conducting future large scale cooperative ventures. Imperative to attaining this consensus is an international conference where all space faring nations mutually develop and agree to a uniform set of standards.  相似文献   

A 31-year-old pregnant woman (multipara), who was near the expected date of birth, was found dead in the joint flat by her partner. She was lying beside the bed and showed burns on the front of the body caused postmortem by contact with a radiator. Autopsy revealed a rupture of the fetal membranes, the inner layers of the uterus and a large vein. After centrifugation, the supernatant of the blood from the right half of the heart was turbid and contained small corpuscular amniotic fluid components. The diagnosis of amniotic fluid embolism could be confirmed histologically. In the pulmonary vessels of the mother meconium, lanugo hairs and epidermic scales could be demonstrated; in addition the fetal horny lamellae were confirmed immunohistochemically (using monoclonal antibody against cytokeratin).  相似文献   

周济谱 《法人》2009,(11):54-57
身处其中的国企改革者们,在没有路标的岔道口凛然前行,用自己的实践来探索国企改革的正确道路,稍有不慎者,就可能在前进中触及法律与道德的底线,成为改革途中的悲情人物  相似文献   

Knee joint injuries were found in 214 out of 357 fatal pedestrian victims of traffic accidents (60%). The cross-sections of tibial and femoral epiphyses revealed bone bruises (due to compression and avulsion) and the percentage of victims with knee injuries increased to 80% (in the group of lateral impacts - 94%). The bone bruises in the central tibial and femoral condyles were observed only in victims hit in an upright position. There was a strong correlation between the side of impact on the extremities in medium sized pedestrians (from the front, back, lateral and medial side) caused by passenger cars and the mechanism of knee injuries (hyperextension, anterior dislocation of the proximal tibial epiphysis in relation to the femoral condyles, valgus and varus flexion). In the cases of very low impacts (e.g. in very tall victims hit by rapidly breaking wedge-shaped cars) or very high impact (e.g. in very short victims or truck hits) the "reversed" complexes of injuries were found (lever principle). These findings showed that knee joint injuries are useful for determining the car-pedestrian location on collision and the type of vehicle (in hit-and-run accidents).  相似文献   

Estimating the applied power during a stabbing incident, or estimating the minimal force necessary to penetrate the body with a certain weapon is a challenging task in forensic practice. A thorough forensic evaluation of stabbing forces needs objective numerical experimental data. Stabbing tests of 12 different weapons – including knives, a pair of scissors, a fork, screwdrivers, a rasp, a corkscrew, and a utility knife blade – were performed with a Mecmesin MultiTest-dV material tester on pork loin and ballistic gel to estimate the stabbing forces and dynamics. Penetration force (Fp) and maximal force (Fmax) were recorded, and the registered force curves were analyzed. Fmax was 159.8–212.07 Newton (N), 30.56–30.58 N, 168.9–185.48 N for various knives; 171.39–190.43 N for the pair of scissors, 233.6 N for the fork; 532.65–562.65 N, 370.31–367.19 N and 314.51–432.89 N for various screwdrivers, 44.14–56.62 N for utility knife during pork loin stabbing. The butter knife, corkscrew and rasp were not able to penetrate the pork loin, and the curved fork bent during stabbing. The results prove that weapon characteristics greatly influence the force necessary for penetration. Maximal stabbing force depends mostly on tip sharpness, and the force sharply decreases after penetration occurs, which indicates that edge sharpness is not as important as tip characteristics during stabbing perpendicular to skin surface. The penetration force during stabbing with a pair of scissors is comparable to the penetration force of knives. Stabbing with screwdrivers generally needs larger force than average knives but depends greatly on screwdriver size.  相似文献   

统一战线一直是中国共产党在革命、改革和建设等各个时期的关键议题,是我国社会主义民主政治建设的重要内容。统一战线寓于社会转型之中并深受社会转型的影响。迄今为止,中国近现代共经历了三次大的社会转型,三次社会转型的主题不同,产生的动因不同,对我国统一战线产生的阶段性影响也有所差异。我国现处于第三次社会转型期,中国社会在价值体系、经济环境、组织基础、利益格局等方面的转型造成了我国统战阶层的多元化、统战结构的复杂化、统战地位的强势化及统战力量的分散化,也使得我国统战工作面临新的问题。对此,我国各级统战部门在开展统战工作的过程中,必须积极创新统战工作理论、建立利益协调机制、拓宽政治参与渠道、搭建互动沟通平台。  相似文献   

The study has assessed the usefulness of ankle joint injuries for deducing about the presumable location of a pedestrian in relation to a motor vehicle at the moment of collision. A statistically significant correlation was found between the direction of impact and the mechanism of ankle joint injuries. Such injuries were found in 113 of 317 pedestrian, fatal victims of road traffic accidents (36%). In the cases of impacts on the medial surface of the lower limb, the injuries associated with the supination mechanism were six times more frequent than the injuries associated with the pronation mechanism, while in the group of impacts on the limbs from the lateral side those connected with the pronation mechanism were four times more frequent. In victims hit from the back, the injuries connected with the plantarflexion mechanism were found almost four times more frequent than the dorsiflexion mechanism and in victims hit from the front in three of the five damaged joints the dorsiflexion component was observed (without any plantarflexion case). Less frequent "pronation injuries" in the limbs hit from the medial side and "supination injuries" in the limbs hit from the lateral side as well as "dorsiflexion injuries" in victims hit from the back predominantly occurred in impacts to the pelvic area, i.e. resulting from collisions with a van or lorry. Injuries of upper ankle joints are, thus, useful for reconstructing the presumable location of the pedestrian in relation to the vehicle at the moment of collision, especially, when the vehicle involved in the accident is known.  相似文献   

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