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This conference on "Public Administration in Co-operative Federalism", fittingly convened by the Royal Institute of Public Administration, is a most timely one. It is tangible evidence that co-operative federalism is not only possible but, in many areas, positively flourishes, and it provides an opportunity for those of us with state or federal responsibilities in public administration to state our problems fairly and frankly and seek ways of extending co-operation to secure future prosperity for Australia.  相似文献   

当代西方公共管理前沿理论述评   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
公共管理作为一门综合性的学科,其前沿理论五花八门,但其中比较宏观和有持续影响力的当属20世纪年70代末和80年代初兴起、到现在还在继续的长达二十多年的政府改革思潮.这一思潮的主要理论基础是20世纪60年代出现的公共选择学派.新公共管理、新公共行政/服务以及治理等前沿理论都与公共选择理论有着密切的关系,是公共选择理论的发展或是在批判公共选择学派的过程中形成的理论.这几个理论相关又不尽相同,与西方思想界都有着十分深厚的渊源,反映着不同思想阵营和不同理论之间的博弈,并没有达到能够相互替代的程度.它们的风行在中国的公共管理学界也引起了层层涟漪和概念上的混淆.从西方公共管理改革实践的历史背景出发,重点就这四大理论的特点、渊源和理论效度进行综述和评论,并讨论了它们对中国公共管理发展的启示.  相似文献   

This article describes assistance that is being provided as part of an institution building project with a view to making a lasting impact on the development of a democratic public service of Ukraine. It explains the nature of the project and the strategies adopted to overcome difficulties. It compares and contrasts approaches adopted by technical assistance projects in assisting administrative reform. It also examines the special nature of the Ukraine project that arises out of the distinctive context and needs of Ukraine. The article continues by examining the role of external assistance in validating the Ukrainian Institute of Public Administration and Local Government's Masters in Public Administration and the contribution made to the development and delivery of the Masters programme. A special feature of the project is the series of one-month internships when IPALG students visit London. The internship programme allows students to identify aspects of UK experience relevant to changes that Ukraine wishes to make in its administrative culture. As part of this programme, students are placed in government organizations and NGOs. The placements are complemented by a series of change management seminars that enable students to evaluate options for change, to assess their own role in the change process and recognize the key stages in the change process. The project team has undertaken a full evaluation of the first presentation of the programme and the article presents the findings.  相似文献   

Within the framework of administrative co-operation, transnational arrangements of education and training constitute a delicate activity. Many reverberations of colonial and early post-colonial times can still be felt in this domain. Nevertheless, the problems of transfer, be it doctrine, technical implementation or practical experience, are still very apparent and will probably continue. This article traces the progress of education and training through post-colonial history until the present, discusses the merits of the different approaches taken by the most active Western institutions and identifies the major experiences and lessons regarding the various problems of transfer. The debate concentrates on the specific activities and experiences of the most recent programmes offered by the Graduate School of Administrative Sciences in Speyer in co-operation with the public administration branch of the German Foundation for International Development.  相似文献   

The decade of the 1980s signalled major changes within public administration and development-oriented activities. As a consequence of the internationalization of the agendas of practitioners and academics working in these areas, there is today a growing convergence among public policy, public management, public administration and political science. Given the complexity of the public sector cross-nationally, what has become necessary in public management education is the design of programmes that meet specific needs and priorities and which are responsive to very different national settings. This particular case study is centred around one endeavour to achieve more effective interfacing between theory and practice, in the teaching of public management and the design of development programmes in the United States (US). It is based on an assessment of a 10-year co-operative endeavour between the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration and the US Agency for International Development. The outcomes of this project provided not only leverage for important changes in the teaching programmes of schools concerned with international management education but also built a new relationship between government and a non-governmental organization through the contacting out of management development work.  相似文献   

《公共行政学:管理、政治和法律途径》一书是美国著名行政学家戴维·H·罗森布鲁姆和罗伯特·S·克拉夫丘克的力作,是一部在国际公共行政学领域中享有盛誉的经典著作.首先总结了该书提出的三种不同视角的公共行政观、公共行政未来发展九大趋势及坚持传统公共行政范式,力图将(新)公共管理纳入其框架之中的主要观点.其次,分析了该书将法律途径纳入研究视角、多视角地研究公共行政的多元公共行政观及重视公共行政中民主宪政的重要性三方面的贡献及创新之处.再次,指出本书中的三点不足之处:其一是并未达到作者所预期的"合各种途径"的目的;其二是结构略显庞杂,论述不够深入、细致;其三是视角较为狭隘,仅局限于美国.最后,对于该书对我国的借鉴与启示作用,认为:一方面由于中、美国情差异很大,应该慎重对待该书中的相关理论;另一方面应借鉴该书中适用中国的经验、方法,推进中国公共行政理论与实践的发展.  相似文献   

The political role of public administration holds an ambiguous status in public administration theory. The dominant paradigms of the discipline offer more or less negative perspectives. Max Weber’s notion of bureaucracy conceives public administration as the apolitical tool of government, while the public choice school conceives it as the realm of individual selfishness and rent seeking at taxpayers’ expense. In this unfavorable epistemological environment, positive concepts of what makes public administration “political” can hardly flourish. However, as public authorities may organize clientele participation and consequently co‐opt stakeholders, they provide for symbolic sense making and create patterns of identity. Public administration thus works as a political integrator in its own right. Unfortunately, this subject is not prominent within contemporary scholarly research. German political integration through administration is analyzed here in order to address these and related theoretical questions.  相似文献   

This article takes a comparative look at the development of the public administration discipline in three countries: Australia, Brazil and Canada. The nature of the international public administration academic community is assessed through content analysis of articles in the Australian Journal of Public Administration (AJPA), Revista de Administração Pública (RAP), and Canadian Public Administration (CPA). The method is based on that used by existing United States (US) research, allowing for comparison with that national context. The focus is on the diffusion of theoretical approaches between these national contexts, assessing whether the international public administration discipline better approximates an epistemic community, in which theoretical approaches move seamlessly between the national contexts; or a ‘Tower of Babel’, in which the different national contexts remain largely isolated.  相似文献   

一门学科的发展离不开优秀专家学者的倾力支持,在公共行政学的形成和发展过程中,同样有一批优秀的公共行政学者推动了公共行政不同分支领域的衍生与发展。运用作者共被引和信息可视化方法,对权威期刊《公共行政评论》(Public Administration Review)于1975--2008年间发表的论文引文中被引频次前50名的学者进行分析。研究结果展现了公共行政领域的主要学术流派,并验证了公共行政研究确实是在沿着范式转移的轨迹更迭交替着。而这种变迁是相对的,大部分时间内,不同范式之间以及和其他学术流派之间是共存、互动甚至交融的。研究还发现,网络化治理正凭借其多中心和网络化的组织基础以及服务治理的先进理念迅速崛起,它将成为公共行政新的研究范式,而基于网络理论的公共行政理论大整合也将很有可能成为公共行政未来的研究热点。此外,实证结果与公共行政范式分类的高度相似性也充分表明了作者共被引和信息可视化方法的科学和有效,它的确为学科范式研究提供了一条定量研究的新思路和一个宏观分析的新视角。  相似文献   

The "big questions" articles previously published in Public Administration Review found a widely divergent set of questions rather than a shared research agenda. This article applies the concept of layers of society to analyzing the author's starting points and developing questions that link the organizational and institutional levels. Connecting these levels offers the potential to overcome the limitations of problem solving on only one level. In addition, this framework explains the diversity of research in public administration as potentially productive and connected, rather than fragmented and in intellectual disarray. This article offers four researchable questions that connect the organizational and institutional levels. The proposed questions build on existing research and address practical problems in public administration. This framework provides a typology that expects diverse research questions and can productively connect researchers with each other and with the complex challenges of democracy.  相似文献   

公共行政或公共行政管理作为一种实践活动具有美学即行政美学的意义。作为行政哲学分支学科的行政美学的任务就是要从公共行政实践活动中寻找行政美的本质及其规律,促进行政美的创造。研究行政美学的理论与实践意义,在于在追求行政管理合目的性和合规律性的统一中实现和谐行政。  相似文献   

The German public affairs sector has experienced considerable growth and noticeable changes since the millennium including the shift of the government seat from Bonn to Berlin. For a long time, public affairs was characterised by an effectively tripartite system composed of an interplay among state, economy and trade unions. Nowadays, observers recognise the emergence of a multitude of new players in this field and a fundamental change to a highly fragmented and extensive public affairs landscape. This development brought new challenges to the profession of interest representation. ‘Lobbying’ has become a highly discussed topic in the public debate carrying a rather negative connotation. Do we notice an increasing lack of transparency due to a multitude of players? How can we win back trust? First, this paper describes the need for interest representation and the necessity of defining political conditions for the public affairs sector within Germany. Second, the paper focuses on the development of the profession and addresses issues relating to the changes that have taken place in the course of time. Lastly, this article concludes with an evaluation of how public affairs and politics cope with the rising external and internal pressures in order to address current challenges and provide an outlook for future directions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

作为公共管理学科领域中的一员,在学习《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议》和国务院温家宝总理就建议讨论稿所作的说明时,联系到我国公共管理实践和学科研究,是很自然的事。因为公共管理正是要为国民经济和社会发展服务的。在这方面,过去所取得的巨大成就和不足之处,都有公共管理状况的因素,今后在实施“十一五”的全过程中,仍然需要继续加强和改进公共管理。为了避免泛泛而谈,根据温总理所归纳的“十一五”时期的主要任务和需要处理好的几个重大关系,从公共管理角度加以论述。坚持统领发展全局和要全面贯彻落实的是科学发展观。  相似文献   

以SSCI收录的公共管理期刊在1999-2008年间刊登的研究中国公共管理的学术论文为样本,采用实证方法分析从事中国公共管理研究的国际学术界的构成及国内外学者合作研究的现状,并分析其论文论述的主题及采用的理论视角和研究方法.研究结果表明:在国际学术界的构成上中国大陆学者所占比例偏低;在从事国际合作研究方面,大陆学者主动组织国际合作研究的能力较弱;在论题上,国际学术界研究的主题与国内学者关注的重大热点问题吻合度较高;五成以上的论文运用实证研究方法,研究设计及分析方法以案例研究为主,但进行理论检验的论文相对较少.在分析研究结果的基础上提出了关于中国公共管理研究实现科学化、国际化与本土化相结合路径的具体设想.  相似文献   

This is a paper presented on 6th October, 1966 by the author at the tenth session of the Working Party on Economic Development and Planning, United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE), which was organized by ECAFE with the co-operation of the United Nations Public Administration Branch and held in Bangkok, Thailand, 3-10 October, 1966. The author is the Head of the United Nations Public Administration Branch and concurrently the Senior Deputy Director of the Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations. The views expressed herewith are the views of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the United Nations.  相似文献   

突发公共事件应急管理研究中的重要科学问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
当今,各类突发公共事件已成为构建和谐社会的重要隐患,引起了社会各界的广泛关注.认为,加强突发公共事件应急管理中的科学问题研究是我国社会经济发展过程中产生的重大现实需求,对于建立和发展富有中国特色的应急管理理论以及相应的学科体系具有重要的科学意义;在此基础上,将突发公共事件应急管理中的科学问题归纳为突发公共事件应急管理体系建设战略研究、典型突发公共事件危机/灾害的机理机制研究、突发公共事件的监测预警研究、应急资源管理理论与技术研究、突发公共事件的认知与决策行为研究、突发公共事件的模拟仿真研究、突发公共事件的应急管理系统研究以及突发公共事件的后评估与重建研究,并对其研究现状和发展趋势进行了扼要的回顾和展望;最后建议国家有关部门设立重大研究计划以便加强研究力度,并就如何提炼和组织其中的科学问题提出了一些建议,可为我国开展突发公共事件应急管理中的科学问题研究提供参考.  相似文献   

Frances Harriet Williams was an unsung social equity pioneer in the field of public administration. Long before the Minnowbrook I Conference convened in the 1960s to discuss the importance of fairness in the provision of public services, Williams successfully promoted values of social equity and racial fairness within public administration scholarly and practitioner communities. Raised by progressive parents in the South, Williams was the only high‐ranking African‐American woman in the federal government during President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration. She was directly involved in leading the Office of Price Administration to a staff that was at least 13 percent black when the rest of government was no more than 1 percent black. This work was the focus of her 1947 article in Public Administration Review, the first publication on racial equity to appear in the field's flagship journal. Her efforts and accomplishments undergird many of the ideals and practices that constitute the concept of social equity in public administration today.  相似文献   

Professor Ali Farazmand has written a manifesto for administrative action in an effort to improve public governance and administration capacity not only for today but also for tomorrow, which is highly volatile and uncertain. Farazmand's earlier works, especially his essay "Globalization and Public Administration" (PAR, November/December 1999), are familiar to many students and scholars in public administration around the world.  相似文献   

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