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我国特困刑事被害人救助的实践大致经历了初步探索、逐步规范与地方立法等阶段。实地调查显示,各地检察机关开展救助的初衷有所不同,但都收到了较好的法律效果和社会效果:保证被害人及其家属的基本生活和保障公民的基本权利;化解加害人与被害人的矛盾,修复被破坏的社会关系;防止  相似文献   

为了解决因犯罪行为给刑事被害人造成的特殊困难,我国一些地方开展了刑事被害人救助工作,并且取得了较好的社会效果。2009年3月,中央八部委出台规定,要求各地根据自身情况制定被害人救助的具体实施办法,开展具体救助工作。无锡节、宁夏回族自治区和包头市人大常委会都制定了相应地方条例,通过对它们的比较分析,发现存在以下局限:与其他救助衔接方式不明,救助条件过于严苛,权利主体混乱,权利告知义务缺失和标准不确定。针对这些局限提出对建立刑事被害人国家救助制度的建议:明确与其他救助结合方式,协调相互关系;关注犯罪危害结果,给予有需要的被害人切实帮助;确定救助性质,弄清权利主体;规定告知义务,方便权利主体行使权利;与审查机关所在地经济发展水平相适应,保证救助标准的确定性。  相似文献   

刑事被害人救助立法早就列入全国人大立法规划,但许多问题还未解决.根据我国现实情况,国家专门制定一部单行的"刑事被害人救助法"是目前比较理想的选择.救助对象应限于个体被害人的生命和身体健康法益,包括直接被害人和间接被害人、实体被害人和程序被害人.同时,立法应区分实体被害人和程序被害人,分别规定救助的积极条件;分国家不予支付救助金和国家减少支付救助金或不予支付一部分救助金两种情形,分别规定救助的消极条件.救助资金的筹集坚持政府主导、社会广泛参与模式,但救助标准的制定和救助数额的确定应体现救助的抚慰性、救济性和保障性特征.此外,还要适当借鉴韩国、日本等做法,进一步完善救助程序.  相似文献   

建立刑事被害人国家救助制度对于加强被害人权利保护和增进社会和谐有着重要意义.当前我国各地已经开始尝试对被害人进行国家救助,建立统一规范的刑事被害人国家救助制度工作提上日程.从理论层面探讨,刑事被害人国家救助制度之构建,主要包括救助原则、救助对象、救助条件、救助范围、救助机构和程序、救助立法等内容.  相似文献   

叶德海 《法制与社会》2012,(30):245-246
刑事被害人救助制度于2009年3月9日出台了。它在检察工作中起到什么样的作用呢?本文试从:什么是刑事被害人救助制度?刑事被害人救助机制如何操作?哪些是符合条件的被救助对象?救助的形式有哪些?以及开展刑事被害人救助工作遇到的困难等方面进行探讨,从而说明刑事被害人救助机制在检察工作中的作用。如对刑事被害人或其家属能起到缓解其经济困难、舒解其精神痛苦,尽快走出灰色心境、早日重新融入社会的强大作用;对检察工作则能起到化解矛盾纠纷、解决信访难题,帮助弱势群体、关爱百姓疾苦以及促进社会和谐稳定、树立检察崇高形象的作用。  相似文献   

从检察角度分析刑事被害人救助制度的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
开展刑事被害人救助工作,既有效缓解刑事被害人及亲属遭受犯罪行为侵害后的精神痛苦和实际困难,又彰显党和政府的温暖和关怀,对促进社会和谐稳定,实现公平正义,具有积极的法律意义和社会效果。目前刑事被害人救助制度的实施在各地、各部门仍是不均衡的。本文拟从检察视角对刑事被害人救助有关问题略陈浅见,以期对理论和实践有所裨益。  相似文献   

和谐视野下刑事被害人国家救助的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和谐视野下刑事被害人国家救助的意义主要体现为:刑事被害人国家救助是保障刑事被害人人权的需要;刑事被害人国家救助是维护社会安定、和谐的需要;刑事被害人国家救助是实现社会公平、正义的需要;刑事被害人国家救助是适应刑法现代化改革的需要。  相似文献   

司法救助的前身是刑事被害人救助,后者与各国刑事被害人补偿具有同一性,而前者在吸收被害人救助内涵后,不再属于民事诉讼费用制度中的特定概念。社会矛盾激化、纠纷解决的司法化以及普遍存在的执行难现象,是司法救助取代刑事被害人救助的内在原因。我国司法救助以功利主义作为正当化根基,倡导保护生活模式,大幅扩张救助对象范围,实现救助决定权的多元分享,从而具有了鲜明的中国特点。明确国家在司法救助中的清偿代位人角色,多元化地理解司法救助的正当性根据,确定被救助人权利主体的地位,同时合理地对救助对象加以类型化,是我国司法救助制度完善的可行方案。  相似文献   

犯罪被害人被害后的困难处境已经引起了国家和社会的重视,犯罪被害人需要救济和帮助。对犯罪被害人的救助不能仅依靠个别机关或个人,需要在国家和全社会公同努力下,对犯罪被害人救助形成完整的体系和机制。本文对犯罪被害人救助的几个重要理论问题进行了阐述,并以我国的实际情况为基础,提出建立和完善我国犯罪被害人救助体系的建议。  相似文献   

尚保华  金朝 《法制与社会》2012,(11):297-298
随着我国法制社会的不断发展与完善,刑事案件未成年被害人的权利与救济得到了越来越多的关注和研究,针对被害人救助司法机关也开展诸多实务尝试.而对于检察机关而言,目前刑事未成年被害人救助工作重点和焦点在于不起诉案件被害人救助.本文从检察机关开展刑事未成年被害人权利保护与救济概述出发,逐步阐述检察机关刑事未成年被害人救济的理念与原则,根据检察机关相关规定结合检察机关工作实务探讨检察机关不起诉案件刑事未成年被害人救助制度的构建,并以本院不起诉案件刑事未成年被害人救助实际案例为试点初步建立不起诉案件被害人救助工作办法.  相似文献   

王道春 《时代法学》2006,4(6):69-75
当前,我国刑事被害人社会援助制度严重缺位:缺乏规范被害人社会援助的专门法律;相应的社会援助机构尚在起步阶段;缺失刑事被害人社会服务内容。为使被害人得到尽可能的合理的保护,避免他们的再度被害,应尽快构建我国的刑事被害人社会援助制度。  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of how secondary victims of murder—in this context, the parents or close family members of a primary murder victim—are represented in Swedish crime news discourse. The study is based on a discourse analysis of media coverage of secondary victims, and statements made by them, in relation to four highly publicized murder cases during the last two decades. The analysis shows that portrayals of secondary victimization reinforce the conflictual character of victim–offender relationships in the news, but also limit the conditions for talking about the significance of social support, mediation and reconciliation for crime victims. News representations of crime victims become less clearly marked by the characteristics of the ‘ideal’ victim as secondary victims, and persons who are explicitly critical toward the legal system, claim victimhood. Furthermore, the identity of the crime victims’ movement as a collective becomes destabilized when the category of the victim is widened to include individuals whose interests are framed as subjective, rather than related to the needs of other crime victims or the general public. In sum, increased media focus on secondary victims may thus undermine the legitimacy of victim claims in public discourse.  相似文献   

被害人参与量刑程序是量刑程序改革的重要组成部分,对于化解社会矛盾、促进社会和谐具有重要意义。从当前试行效果看,这一制度设计在实践中遇到一些困境。2012年修改后的刑事诉讼法为被害人参与量刑程序、发表量刑意见预留了足够空间。未来应区分"被害人影响陈述"与被害人的量刑意见,处理好被害人的量刑意见与检察机关的量刑建议的关系,进一步完善具体的制度设计。  相似文献   

以犯罪人为中心的刑事政策使被害人权利遭到严重忽视,尤其在经济上难以获得充分赔偿,易于导致被害人的"二次伤害"。建立刑事被害人社会补偿制度,将刑事被害人的权利保护纳入社会保障法体系范畴已被世界多国选择。我国应引入社会补偿制度,重新审视国家与社会、救助与补偿之间内涵与区别,明晰刑事被害人社会补偿制度的性质,构建补偿对象清晰、补偿条件明确、资金来源充裕、管理机构权威的刑事被害人社会补偿制度,以实现我国刑事被害人权利的充分保障。  相似文献   

Negative observer reactions towards victims may be related to people’s expectations of the characteristics and demeanor of an ideal victim. We examined how expressed emotion, victim sex, and type of victimization influence observers’ perceptions of victim credibility, victim character, and harm. Our hypothesis was that angry victims, male victims, and victims of sexual violence are perceived less positively than sad victims, female victims, and victims of physical violence. Additionally, we anticipated that expectancy violations following expressed agentic/high status, or passive/low-status emotions of the victim would lead to negative reactions. Participants (N?=?335) read a written victim impact statement, by a male or female victim of a sexual or physical assault, in which anger or sadness was expressed. The results show that observers generally respond more negatively to male victims than to female victims, and to victims expressing anger rather than sadness. However, a two-way interaction between expressed emotion and type of crime revealed that expressed emotion only significantly influences character derogation and victim credibility in cases of physical violence. Finally, emotion expectancy violations based on ex-ante expectations lead to derogation and diminished credibility. The discussion focuses on how emotion expectancy violations seem intimately tied to stereotype-ridden features of victimization.  相似文献   

The present study explored social and emotional loneliness, and victimisation among a sample of adult male prisoners. 241 prisoners took part, completing a behavioural measure of behaviours indicative of bullying (DIPC-R: Direct and Indirect Prisoner behaviour Checklist, Ireland, J.L. 2003. The Direct and Indirect Prisoner behaviour Checklist -- Revised. Psychology Department, University of Central Lancashire). and a measure of social and emotional loneliness (SELSA: Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults, DiTommaso, E. & Spinner, B. (1993). The development and initial validation of the social and emotional loneliness scale for adults (SELSA). Personality and Individual Differences, 14, 127-134.). Differences between the groups involved in bullying (i.e. pure bullies, pure victims, bully/victims and those not involved) were noted, with victim groups (pure victims and bully/victims) presenting with higher levels of social loneliness than those not-involved. Emotional loneliness was not a distinguishing characteristic for membership to the pure victim or bully/victim group, and instead was found to be associated with the type and amount of victimisation reported: victims who reported multiple types of victimisation presented with higher levels of emotional (family) loneliness than victims reporting just one type of victimisation. Increased victimisation was also associated with increased levels of social and emotional loneliness, most notably with regards to indirect victimisation. The results are discussed with reference to the environment in which the victimisation is taking place, and we outline a potential application of life events and added stress models in understanding social maladjustment (loneliness) among prisoners.  相似文献   

An ongoing discussion in the partner violence (PV) literature exists concerning the respective roles of perpetrator and victim. Most of it is gender based. The classical feminist argument is that women are victims of the violence and this is sustained by the social perception of them as victims. More recently increased recognition of mutual violence has taken place, calling into question the gender-based victim/perpetrator model. Recent research further calls into question this role differentiation through findings indicating that a majority of the protagonists in the PV drama view themselves as victims. A corollary to this controversy is that whether a man or a woman is the victim, the principal client in conventional intervention with PV is the woman. This paper will argue that the relevancy of gender-based role differentiation for most PV cases is not supported by recent data, and that incorporating an interactive perspective enables a more complex view than the classical victim/perpetrator one, and may improve our practice with PV populations.  相似文献   

While victims of racially motivated violence may be identified through observation of morphological features, those targeted because of their ethnic, religious, or national identity are not easily recognized. This study examines how perpetrators of genocide recognize their victims. Court documents, including indictments, witness statements, and testimony from the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia (FY) detail the interactions between victim and assailant. A total of 6012 decedents were included in the study; only 20.8% had been positively identified. Variables influencing victim selection in Rwanda included location, segregation, incitement, and prior relationship, while significant factors in FY were segregation, location, age/gender, and social data. Additional contributing factors in both countries included self-identification, victim behavior, linguistic or clothing evidence, and morphological features. Understanding the system of recognition used by perpetrators aids investigators tasked with establishing victim identity in such prosecutions.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined the influence of victim race on capital punishment, with a smaller number focused on victim gender. But death penalty scholars have largely ignored victim social status. Drawing on Black's (1976) multidimensional theoretical concept, the current research examines the impact of victim social status on the district attorney's decision to seek the death penalty and the jury's decision to impose a death sentence. The data include the population of cases indicted for capital murder in Harris County (Houston), Texas, from 1992 to 1999 (n=504). The findings suggest that victim social status has a robust influence on the ultimate state sanction: Death was more likely to be sought and imposed on behalf of high‐status victims who were integrated, sophisticated, conventional, and respectable. The research also has implications beyond capital punishment. Because victim social status has rarely been investigated in the broader sentencing literature, Black's concept provides a theoretical tool that could be used to address such an important omission.  相似文献   

This research is an exploratory test of two hypotheses emerging from debates about how police behavior may influence domestic violence victim reporting. From a procedural justice perspective, victims should be more apt to report victimization when previous encounters with police are viewed as procedurally fair. From a distributive justice perspective, denying victims their preferred outcome may discourage future police utilization. We find that satisfaction with police is related to both distributive and procedural justice but that re-utilization of police is conditioned by preferred outcome. Specifically, if the offender was arrested in accordance with victim preference, the victim is significantly more apt to utilize police in the future.  相似文献   

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