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受市场利润、地理位置及经济发展等因素的影响,同心县的毒品犯罪问题异常严重,涉毒区域逐年扩大,吸毒人员持续增多,毒品来源途径多样化,毒品案件数量持续上升。当前,加强预防毒品犯罪,加大禁毒宣传法治教育力度,依法打击贩毒、吸毒违法犯罪活动活动显得迫切而必要。  相似文献   

当前广东省的禁毒斗争取得了显著成绩,主要表现在:以多种形式开展禁毒宣传教育,提高全民的禁毒意识;加大了打击毒品犯罪力度,促进了社会治安的好转;戒毒工作取得了一定进展。但是,也存在不少问题和薄弱环节,它们主要是:部分领导干部对禁毒斗争认识不足,存在畏难情绪和厌战情绪;禁毒宣传教育存在死角、盲区,缺乏针对性;缉毒力量不足,打击毒品犯罪不够有力;强制戒毒效果不理想。据此,提出了完善禁毒工作的措施,主要措施是:各级领导要进一步提高认识,加强领导;深入持久地开展有针对性的禁毒宣传教育;迅速建立强有力的缉毒专业队伍、加大打击力度;大力建设规范化强制戒毒所,推进戒毒工作正规化、科学化;对戒毒出所人员实行帮教监管,巩固戒毒效果。  相似文献   

加强青少年禁毒工作可以使青少年树立禁毒意识,自觉拒绝毒品,减少吸毒人员,从而有效地预防和控制毒品犯罪。那么怎样加强青少年禁毒工作呢?首先是政府部门要把青少年禁毒工作作为一项经常性的重点工作来抓;第二是要加大对青少年禁毒工作的宣传力度,其次是不断地健全、完善、落实对青少年吸毒人员的帮教措施,另外还要落实处罚措施,建立青少年吸毒人员劳教场所。  相似文献   

浙江毒品犯罪现状分析与对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际毒潮的渗透、影响和国内毒品问题严重地区的辐射、互动,毒品消费市场的形成和拉动,禁毒认识滞后、禁毒举措与毒品违法犯罪形势及发展趋势不相适应,零包贩毒打击处理难等是浙江毒品犯罪的主要原因。打击、遏制毒品犯罪,要以开展严打整治斗争为主线,以打击零包贩毒犯罪为重点;要以重点整治工作为载体和抓手,对毒品犯罪开展专项打击行动;要丰富缉毒侦查手段,走缉毒侦查专业化之路;要发挥整体作战优势和协同作战合力,联手打击毒品犯罪活动;要加快机构建设步伐,加大队伍建设力度,发挥公安禁毒部门的主力军作用。  相似文献   

禁毒部门“猎狼”行动战果辉煌 为加大打击过境贩毒活动力度,最大限度地遏制毒品来源,减少毒品危害,广西牡族自治区公安厅禁毒总队组织全区公安禁毒部门,从3月10日开始,在全区范围内开展为期二个月代号为“猎狼”的专项公路、铁路查毒行动。截止5月10日,全区公安机关共破获毒品案件24起,缴获毒品海洛因22112.54克,麻古90.6克,摇头丸310克,  相似文献   

<正> 根据目前我国已加入的国际禁毒公约和我国禁毒法律,在我国,毒品犯罪是指违反麻醉药品、精神药品管理法规,非法走私、贩卖、运输、制造、使用毒品以及与非法走私、贩卖、运输、制造、使用毒品直接相关的破坏国家禁毒活动的行为,如非法种植毒品原植物,非法持有毒品,引诱、教唆、欺骗、强迫他人吸食、注射毒品,窝藏毒品,包庇毒品犯罪分子等行为。我国政府历来对禁毒采取坚决措施并积极开展禁毒的国际合  相似文献   

禁毒工作必须要坚持“四禁并举,预防为本,严格执法, 综合治理”的禁毒工作方针,构筑家庭、学校、单位、社区的禁毒工作互联网络,充分运用法律、行政、经济、教育等多种手段综合治理毒品问题,坚持不懈地遏制毒品泛滥,最终解决毒品问题。禁吸,就是要抓好禁毒预防工作,实现吸毒人员的“零增加”;戒毒,是广义的禁吸,就是要对吸毒成瘾人员进行戒毒和帮教,降低复吸率,实现吸毒人数的“负增长”。  相似文献   

新疆毒品犯罪现状新疆毒品犯罪案件的基本情况1985年新疆公安机关侦破第一起毒品案件,19年来,虽然打击力度不断加大,但毒品犯罪并未因此减弱,禁毒形势依然严峻。案件数量持续增长新疆公安机关1985—2003年查获各类毒品案件统计表  相似文献   

刘建平 《河北法学》2008,26(3):177-180
南非是非洲大陆毒品危害较为严重的国家。南非突出的毒品犯罪恶化社会治安、危及政治稳定、阻碍经济增长,毒品的滥用也严重损害了民众健康。基于联合国和非洲区域性禁毒公约、禁毒机构的有力推动和国内民众的强烈呼吁,南非政府在完善相关立法、健全禁毒队伍建设、加强国际合作和提高国民禁毒意识等方面作出了努力,并取得了一定的效果。  相似文献   

毒品及毒品鉴定(Ⅰ)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来 ,毒品犯罪十分猖獗 ,严重威胁着全球的社会安定和经济发展 ,成为当今世界最严重的社会问题。任何一个国家和地区 ,一旦出现毒品问题 ,就必然诱发各种犯罪 ,使社会治安恶化 ,丑恶现象增加 ,造成对社会的政治、经济和文化秩序的巨大破坏。自 80年代以来 ,受国际环境的影响 ,“金三角”、“金新月”等毒品产地的国际贩毒集团从我国过境贩毒 ,使毒品犯罪开始在我国重新泛滥。吸毒现象不断蔓延 ,吸毒人数逐年增多 ,禁毒斗争形势日趋严峻。为此 ,我国政府积极与国际社会合作 ,先后加入了有关禁毒的国际公约 ,完善了国内的禁毒立法 ,加大了…  相似文献   

The National Institute of Forensic Toxicology, Oslo, receives blood and urine samples from all Norwegian drivers apprehended on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In 1983 we received samples from 1446 drug-suspected drivers, out of which 445 underwent toxicological analysis. The drugs found most frequently were tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) (n = 199), diazepam (n = 166) and amphetamine (n = 102). A cautious interpretation of the data indicate that about 200 of the 445 subjects selected for toxicological analysis drove under severe influence of drugs. Because of the high percentage of submitted cases not analysed for drugs, this figure represents a minimum estimate. Compared with the results from 1978, we found a several-fold increase in detections of THC and amphetamine in 1983. The number of diazepam detections did not increase in a similar way, but we estimated that the diazepam detections would have increased 3-fold if we had analysed as frequent for this drug in 1983 as in 1978.  相似文献   

拉曼光谱法鉴别常见毒品   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的建立一种识别毒品与其它常见白色物质的方法。方法使用激光显微拉曼光谱法对7种毒品和5种白色粉末进行了分析。结果7种常见毒品均有丰富的拉曼位移峰,可以通过其位移峰峰位的不同区分不同成分的毒品。另外,通过拉曼位移峰的峰位,还可以将7种常见毒品与5种常见白色粉末区分开来。结论拉曼光谱法适用于快速准确地识别毒品。  相似文献   

祖国大陆与我国台湾地区的毒品犯罪立法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学而严密的刑法规范是有效打击毒品犯罪的重要手段。通过比较分析,借鉴我国台湾地区的经验之所长,是进一步完善祖国大陆地区法律规范的重要途径。我国台湾地区在防制毒品犯罪方面有着比祖国大陆地区更长的历史,其立法经验也显得更为成熟。我国台湾地区将毒品依其成瘾性、滥用性及对社会危害性的不同予以分级,对不同级别的毒品所涉及的犯罪行为分别设置轻重不同的刑罚,将制造、贩卖、运输、持有专供制造或施用毒品器具的行为、转让毒品行为、服毒驾驶行为等予以犯罪化,其刑罚规范具有明确化特点。这些立法经验,都是值得祖国大陆借鉴的。  相似文献   

当今世界缴获毒品检验使用的技术发展迅速,为促进各国相关实验室间的技术交流,国际合作测试项目(ICE)已开展多次,本文通过对ICE缴获毒品组测试结果和总体评估报告进行分析,针对国际上缴获毒品检验常用技术方法及发展趋势进行分析,希望能为相关研究和实践提供一些参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

The stability of 46 drugs in postmortem femoral blood stored for one year at -20 degrees C was investigated. The drugs included benzodiazepines, antidepressants, analgetics and hypnotics. For seven drugs we found a significant change in the concentration between the first and second analysis. Five substances; ethanol, desmethylmianserin, 7-amino-nitrazepam, THC and zopiclone showed a decrease in the concentration whereas the concentrations of two substances; ketobemidone and thioridazine increased. However, the changes observed were not of such an order that it would affect the interpretation in normal forensic casework. We also investigated the possible influence of potassium fluoride on the concentrations of the 46 drugs in vitreous humor after storage for one year. For two substances, ethanol and zopiclone, there were significantly lower concentrations in the samples without potassium fluoride. Furthermore, we also studied the correlation between the concentrations in femoral blood and vitreous humor. For 23 substances there was a significant difference between the concentrations in the vitreous humor and femoral blood. Significant correlations between the concentrations in these two specimens were found for 23 substances, indicating that vitreous humor can be an alternative specimen when blood samples are not available, provided that such correlation exists for the particular substance. Statistical analysis also revealed a correlation between the degree of protein binding of the different drugs and percentage of vitreous/femoral blood concentrations.  相似文献   

从犯罪学的角度,根据毒品犯罪的特征,可以将毒品犯罪区分为五种,即:作为社会政治经济问题的毒品原植物大规模种植行为;作为有组织犯罪的毒品生产、制造和销售行为;作为街头犯罪的毒品零售行为和毒品原植物零星种植行为;作为白领犯罪的洗(毒)钱行为;作为无被害人犯罪的滥用毒品行为。基于犯罪性质的不同,应采取不同的对策。  相似文献   

The distribution or consumption of traditional drugs has become the subject of stringent penalties throughout most of the world and synthetic designer drugs have become the alternative. Novel psychoactive substances, also called ‘legal highs’, are highly varied in terms of chemical composition. These substances are advertised and distributed as an alternative to traditional drugs on the Internet, making identification of new substances and enforcement difficult. For this article, we downloaded and analysed 28 Russian-language online drug marketplaces which distribute traditional and novel psychoactive substances. All marketplaces used a noncontact drug dealing method where the seller and the buyer communicate through the Internet to arrange for payment and delivery of drugs without meeting face-to-face. Geographic information, price, amount, substance type and payment method data were extracted. Findings indicate such marketplaces are able to operate due to the ability of their clients to pay anonymously with the virtual currencies Qiwi and Bitcoin.  相似文献   

强奸案的证据通常应具备暴力证据和性交证据,机械性损伤、使用药物和生物检材等是构成暴力证据和性交证据的重要组成部分。由于加害人实施强奸时手段的不同以及个体性行为的差异,损伤的类型、形态、部位及生物检材的种类、遗留部位、遗留客体也会呈现不同特征。如果不仔细地检查和提取,就会使这些物证灭失。本文通过对120例强奸案件的分析,总结了案件中损伤、药物、生物检材的发现、提取和检验的相关信息与技术细节问题,同时结合案情对案件发生的时段、地点、环境、区域、作案手段与方法、嫌疑人和受害人的职业特点等进行了讨论,希望对法医学鉴定工作和民警办理案件有所帮助。  相似文献   

Tests of theories that attempt to explain why individuals currently use drugs are widespread; however, the theoretical examinations of abstention from drugs and the cessation of their use are rare. For its part, social learning theory has been supported consistently in its delineation of the process by which substance use is learned. We propose that cessation and abstention are also learned behavior. Using logistic regression analysis, we examine the ability of social learning variables to distinguish among abstainers, current users, and former users of illicit drugs within a sample of 1688 middle- and high-school students in two widely separated nonurban communities. Results indicate that social learning variables clearly distinguish abstainers from current users but are less able to distinguish former users and current users or former users from abstainers. The theoretical, research, and policy implications of these findings are examined in detail.  相似文献   

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