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Observation of shape and posture is a means of examination forillness through the survey of the patient''s shape and posture. According to TCM,changes in the shape and posture of the humanbody go in accordance with the status of blood and vigour of the internalorgans.Through observation of shape and posture,therefore,the doctordetects whether the patient''s status of blood and vigour of the internalorgans is prosperous or declining,whetber the changes in the balance ofhis various internal factors are going in a positive or negativ direction,thus hs is able to understand the trend of development of the disease.  相似文献   

united front is in the process of socialist construction in China benign unique multi-carrier operation. Soft power enhancement is a systematic process that can match the United Front during the operation. The United Front has the country's soft power is converted to hard power, while hard power into a soft power conversion power. Explore the relationship between the two, on the significance of social development indispensable. Starting with Lili relations and relations with the country's soft power both analysis can unlock the strength of both hard and soft country dialectical. Thereby transforming the relationship between the force and the united front 揭明 stapler role of soft power and the country.  相似文献   

3 Judge and Arbitrator in International Legal Procedures:Implications for the Arbitral Tribunal of the South China Sea Dispute between China and the Philippines WU Hui, SHANG Tao [Abstract] The international legal procedures comprise judicial procedures and arbitration procedures, in which the personal factors of judges and arbitrators may have certain influences on these legal activities. The judges in the international judicial procedures shall have independence, swearing to be faithful to the court or tribunal. However, such independence is relative since the political factors during election, as well as the nationality, personal thoughts and ideas of a judge in service, will affect his or her handling of the cases. Meanwhile, the independence of the arbitrators in international arbitration procedures is insufficient compared with the judges in international judicial organizations such as International Court of Justice and International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. The arbitrator appointed by each party usually stands for and defends the benefit of this party. In the international legal procedures, judges and arbitrators can play a certain role in determining the procedure, calling witnesses or experts and receiving their evidence and visiting the localities to which the case relates, and attaching a separate or dissenting opinion to the award. Therefore, it is important for us to have a full understanding of the personal effects of the judges and arbitrators in international legal procedures in order to deal with the present arbitration cases China has participated in and the potential cases in future; it can also help supervise and avoid adverse personal factors when China does not participate in the arbitration proceedings or gives up appointing an arbitrator. [Key Words] United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, international legal procedures, judge, arbitrator [Authors] WU Hui, Professor, Supervisor of Doctoral Candidates, Vice-president at University of International Relations; SHANG Tao, PhD Candidate at China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations.  相似文献   

Empirical Studies of Public Happiness Index --Based on a Sample Survey of Guangdong Province in 2011--2014
Zheng Fanghui Bian Xiao Qin Lei (School of Public Administration,South China University of Technology , Guangzhou 510006)
Abstract: Happiness index is an important indicator of social harmony and development,also the basis of Gross National Happiness accounting system. Defined happiness in subjective area,with the use of 10 indicators of happiness and satisfa ction,Guangdong Province Public large sample volume continuous measurements have the results. In 2010-2013,the Guan-gdong public average happiness index is 61.745,which changes little in annual. And the average happiness is 70.34,average satisfaction is only 53.14. Further, the study found that the level of economic development and income have a greater impact on public happiness index. Background has more impact on happiness but less on satisfaction. Based on the limited capacity of the environmental resources and public services, and China's social and economic development and the evolution of public policy, it has the objective necessity to study from GDP-oriented guide to the satisfaction-oriented, and finally to the happiness index-oriented.  相似文献   

3 The Ukraine Crisis: What does it Mean to the World and China? ZHANG Wenmu
[Abstract] The Ukraine crisis and the return of Crimea to Russia has reaffirmed the limit and boundary of the eastward expansion of the Europe-dominated "New Versailles system". Instead of settling the border issue by military force as it has been always done, Russia managed, peacefully, to retain its border, the bottom line of its existence and the very foundation and prerequisite of its future revival, and consequently rendered it almost impossible for the EU to step up its eastward expansion in the foreseeable future. From the time of Peter the Great to that of Stalin, Russia had waged wars of attrition in the Baltic countries against Europe, and yet never lost a single one over Ukraine, except for the strategic contraction during the Stalin period in World War II and the Gorbachev period. In view of Russia's "victory" over Napoleon and Hitler in history, the Westerns are fully aware that Russians would allow for no exception in the neighboring territories wherever the land forces are maneuverablel The Black Sea, which neighbors Russia and connects land, is easily accessible for ground forces and yet lies beyond the reach of the sea powers of the west. Crimea is vital to Russia and yet, registers only as "important" to the European interest. Thus, Russia would mobilize all its resources in case of Ukraine crisis, but the West would not. Given the history of Russia in Ukraine, the Ukraine crisis marks only the beginning of Russia's strike back against the EU expansion. The impact of the crisis is yet to be felt globally and its warning lessons to be learned by China. [Key Words] Ukraine crisis, Russia, NATO, Versailles System, geopolitics [Author] ZHANG Wenmu, Professor at the Centre for Strategic Studies, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Beijing 100091).  相似文献   

Observation of face colour is to examine the colour,brightness orlustre in the face of the patient.It is a method of diagnosis the doctoruses to Know the Conditions of the Patient. Colour and lustre of a person''s facial skin are the outward displayof his conditions of internal organs,his function of vital energy,andhis state of the blood."Classics of Interna1 Medicine",an importantancient book,says:all the sap of vital energy cirujating in the twelvepassages of three hundred and sixty-five networks pours up in the end ontothe face and its seven apertures(eyes,ears,nostrils,and mouth).Thusprosperous or withered colour in the face tells the ups and downs of the  相似文献   

Democratic Politics, the Rational Bureaucracy and Public Administration
Abstract: Hundred years of western public administration have witnessed a tension between rational bureaucracy and democracy that has always been a major issue which has attracted much attention. Bureaucracy, widely regarded as "a wolf in sheep skin", has been an enemy of democratic governance rather than a friend. Therefore, how to coordinate the tension between rational bureaucracy and democracy becomes a core problem in the study of public administration. This paper argues that the dual value appeal of modern society to democracy and science has influenced on the theory and practice of the western public administration. The tradition of constitutional democracy makes public administration descend to the maid of constitutional values and democracy values, while rational bureaucracy often leads more and more to the an irrational way of life in modern world, and hence the multiple tensions and conflicts between "formal rationality" and "substantive irrationality". Nowadays, in China, to meet the requirements of Public Administration from modern administrative state and even the world civilization, it is necessary to break through such a traditional managerialism mode that zeroes unilaterally in on efficiency and economy, and highlight the normative values and ideas on which public administration based.  相似文献   

Plato and Historical Origins of the Grand Strategy SO Jingxiang [Abstract] Grand Strategy is not a concept that can be strictly limited; however, it is the advanced form of political struggle in human society, and any non-military means on the state-level can be included in the scope of Grand Strategy. Whether in China or in the West, we can find some major sources of strategic thinking from history. Plato was an important starting point for Grand Strategy; he was not only the greatest philosopher and strategist in world history, but also the political leader of a Mediterranean humanist group in his time. Plato founded his own epistemological framework of Grand Strategy for humanism, and tested it through practical philosophy. Plato revealed that the human history is in effect the development of rationals and rationality is the source of survival, progress, culture, civilization for people and society. Meanwhile, human history is also a history of anti-rational, and the struggle between rational and irrational is the major theme of world history. Plato funded Athens Academy as a training base for young political leaders, and trained many outstanding humanist politicians. After Plato's death, the Macedonian king Alexander the Great made the Persian Expedition under the guidance of the Athens Academy, according to Plato's Republic ideals. He implemented the Grand Strategy of humanism, and has made great achievements unprecedented in history. Grand Strategy is always accompanied by Counter-Strategy. In the era of Grand Strategy like today, it is of more significance than ever to study and understand Grand Strategy properly. [Key Words] Plato, Grand Strategy, Counter-Strategy, Alexander the Great, Aristotle [Author] SU Jingxiang, Senior Fellow, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations (Beij ing 100081).  相似文献   

Abstracts 3 The Russian Security Council: Its History and Revelation to China HU Hao [Abstract] Various measures have been initiated around the world to deal with the profound changes in the international situation and the complexity of national security which is invariably inextricably interwoven in traditional and non- traditional security issues. The Russian Security Council was founded before the collapse of the Soviet Union, and its working and decision-making mechanism was inherited and improved by Russia to meet its foreign and domestic changes.  相似文献   

Self-cognition and Responsibility of Social Orgnization Theory: Concerning with Group-anxiety Study
The traditional and modernization theory on organization has not received the group-worried as "family members", and this is a pity in scholarship history. Watching carefully, we could find that though the organization theory has touched the group-worried, it has not substantively opened the door to that. This includes steps, such as original sub- stance-orientated step, humanism-orientated step in organization research,  相似文献   

文人话本与吴越文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明清时期江浙地区繁荣的城市经济极大地刺激了话本的创作与传播,发达的教育为文人话本创作与消费培育了一批作家与读者,南宋的说话艺术为文人话本的创作提供了范本。明清文人话本作家绝大多数是江浙人,文人话本也大多刻于江浙地区,主要是苏州和杭州。文人话本形成了苏州、杭州两个创作、刻印中心,成为吴越文化独特载体。  相似文献   

鲁迅的文化活动是从翻译介绍法国文化开始的;鲁迅在他的一系列杂文中,联系中国现状,对法国许多文学大师进行了评价;鲁迅与法国作家又有很深的文学姻缘。鲁迅与中法文学交流是一个重要而研究尚不得深入的课题,从中可折射出法国文学对中国的影响,也为全面评价这些作家提供异域的文化参照。  相似文献   

本文认为,太虚提出佛教革命,进而提出人生佛学、人生佛教,再提出人间佛教,可见人间佛教有一个形成、发展的过程。因此,太虚"人间佛教"理念的提出是其佛教改革运动的产物,对佛教的改革运动产生了深远的影响,奠基了后来人间佛教思想的发展与实践。  相似文献   

柏林禅寺古代为禅宗著名道场,后来全面衰败。1988年以来又经历了一个迅速的复兴过程。该寺主持净慧法师认为佛教应该主动地顺应时代(契机),对旧的不合时宜的进行大胆的抛弃与改造,同时又要从传统中汲取智慧(契理)、在此基础上提出了“生活禅”修行理念。生活禅的主张、契机契理的口号实际上是佛教现代化的表现。柏林禅寺的复兴某种程度上是对这一时代课题的较好回答。这一个案对研究整个传统文化有启发意义。  相似文献   

中国传统文学中咏月现象极为突出。从审美主客体关系考察,这是作为客体的月与审美主体中国人的审美心理相适应的体现。儒、释、道三家共同作用,形成了中国人独特而稳定的审美理念:对中庸、和谐、纯净、虚幻和宁静事物的追求。月作为客观存在的宇宙星球,它蕴含着中庸、和谐、纯净、虚幻和宁静的内涵。月与审美心理的适应,使得人与月交融一体,密不可分。  相似文献   

在过去的200年间,佛教在西方的形象,前后发生了显著的变化:佛教徒已从最初的异教徒,转而成为犹太-基督教传统的对话者;西方学者原先常把印度佛教、巴利佛教看成"纯粹佛教",而把汉藏佛教当作印度佛教的附庸,甚至是堕落的表现形式,现在,这种"退化史观"得到了彻底的清算;佛教在19世纪被普遍当作一种"虚无主义",但到20世纪下半叶,竟成了疗治西方社会现代性危机的思想资源。所有这些变化,正在催生欧美国家的"新佛教":注重禅修、强调参与、倡导宗教对话。  相似文献   

中国本土思想中的情感与真实--对葛瑞汉和汉森的回应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在汉代以前的中国思想中,"情"的意义到底如何,它与"真实"、"情感"等概念有何关系,是西方汉学家长期关注的一个问题.以葛瑞汉和汉森为代表的西方汉学家,认为汉之前"情"在中国思想中意为真实,而"情感"的涵义源于佛教的传入.这种依托西方二元对立理性思维方式的分析,是对中国思想传统的一种误解.中国思想强调主客、内外之间的和谐互补,在这种语境中,"情感"与"真实"的意义在"情"中是内在联系的.  相似文献   

所谓现代性佛学研究,是非以信仰取向为主的对佛学相对客观性学术论述或相关探讨。辛亥革命以后至1949年,在困难的学术条件下,中国依然涌现了一些现代性宗教研究的典范学者,如从根本上质疑一切古代中国经文翻译的正确性和系统解明异质佛教思想形成相关背景的吕澂、首开使用敦煌禅宗史料研究从达磨到神会的新禅宗史的胡适等。1949年后的台湾地区在"解严"前(1949—1987),"胡适禅学案"等即可说明现代佛教学术研究的继续;"解严"后(1987—2011),虽无再度出现如吕澂或印顺这样的研究巨人,但却有区域性佛教现代史或断代佛教社会文化史各类优秀著作相继出现。中国新佛教史的体系性建构与佛教思想的批判性诠释的百年薪火,不只没有完全断裂过,而是更善于转型和趋于多元化。  相似文献   

法律是统治者意志的体现。唐政府给予佛教以法律上的支持,使佛教的发展有了法律依据和保障。《道僧格》是唐代的专门佛教法典,《唐律疏议》则有适用于佛教徒及相关人员的专门规定。佛教的“十恶”、“五逆”理念被吸收进入世俗法律体系并予以严厉打击。在一些特殊的节日,禁止杀生即“断屠钓”思想为唐代法律规范所采纳。  相似文献   

日本“东洋学”家高楠顺次郎站在亚洲整体观及东方学的立场上,对佛学之于印度的“文化清算”功能做了深入系统的分析阐述,认为佛学的出现标志着来自西方的印度雅利安人的文化由物质性的文化改造为精神性的东方文化,指出佛学从十五个方面对以往婆罗门教文化做了彻底的“文化清算”,从而与雅利安人固有的“西方思想”分道扬镳,实现了佛学的东方化,不仅改变了印度的历史文化的发展进程,而且逐渐成为“亚洲的核心思想”;他还进一步对印度、中国和日本的佛学特色做了比较。高楠顺次郎关于印度佛学的研究贯穿着“东方-西方”意识,表现了“亚洲核心思想”的认同,富有理论东方学的价值,值得我们进行批判的分析研究。  相似文献   

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