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齐延平 《法学论坛》2005,20(1):140-144
西塞罗因为对理性主义自然法的系统阐发而奠定了其在西方政治法律思想史上的地位。永恒的理性是自然法的本质 ,符合自然理性方为正义 ,自然法决定着人定法 ,构成了西塞罗法哲学体系的内在逻辑。秉持自然理性、关注现实实践、笃信法律与正义、倡导共和政制是西塞罗理性主义自然法的主要特点  相似文献   

任满军 《时代法学》2006,4(1):28-31
法律正义以一种整体性的至善理念形态长期存在于人们意识之中,并成为法律的终结价值和绝对精神。古代思想家们从自然法角度论证人类的正当理性就是自然法,且制定法应当具备自然法的所有秉性,从而确立了法律正义根源于人类自然理性的基本命题。对法律正义的长期探索反映了人们对法律所应当具备的道德基础的理性关注。后现代法学的理论误区就在于对人类的这种恒定的自然理性的否弃。  相似文献   

法律是最高的理性,从自然生出来的,指导应做的事,禁止不应做的事。自然法是衡量一切人定法的惟一标准。只有根据自然法,才能判断善与恶,辨别好的法律与坏的法律。因此,法律是正义与非正义事物之间的界限,是自然与一切原始事物之间达成的一种契约;法律和自然的标准相符合,构成了对邪恶予以惩罚,对善良予以保卫,才是"真正的法律"。 依照正义和自然法则而建立的"共和政府"是自由的,但是要有严格的法律制度为其根本保  相似文献   

肖洪泳 《政法论坛》2022,(4):179-191
以寻求普遍原则作为实际法审查标准的自然法思想,对西方法律传统的形成具有难以估量的重要影响。中国的法律传统中是否存在着类似的自然法观念,基于中西文明语境的不同,认识可谓错综复杂。西方汉学家对中西文明都有比较深入的了解或洞察,他们对中国自然法传统的思想判断在很大程度上可以消除中西文明之间的隔膜,但也同样会存在一定的误解甚至错讹。李约瑟认为中国存在有法学意义上的自然法,主张礼即自然法,但否认中国存在科学意义上的自然法则。郝大维与安乐哲则严格区分逻辑秩序与审美秩序,否认礼是自然法。皮文睿则将儒家法学视为超越自然法的均衡论,而将黄老思想看成一种基础自然主义的表达,从而认为其“道生法”的思想主张是建构于基础自然主义之上的自然法观念。借助西方汉学家考察中国自然法传统的理论视角,我们可以就中西文明所寻求的普遍原则提供一条有效对话的路径,促成人类共同价值的达成和实现。  相似文献   

西方自然法思想发源于古希腊时期,在其历经的几千年历史中,其被诠释为不同的概念,与"自然法"概念相近或可以作为它的替换词有:宇宙法、上帝法、永恒法、人类法、道德法。名称的变换,仅反映了人们对自然法所要求利用的角度。但自然法这种思想传统和政治意识形态却不断引导西方法律制度的构建。它也是组织人们看待人与自然的关系,人与人的关系的模式,是人们观察、分析和评价法律的参照物,它也对现代社会法律的研究提供了思想启迪。本文以期通过分析自然法的产生、发展以及新时期的转型,加深对其的了解和认识。  相似文献   

刘亮 《政法学刊》2011,28(5):22-26
《管子》思想与自然法(natural law)学说比较接近,都主张人定法需遵循一定的原则,以及承认永恒不变的原则存在。自然法学说坚称违背自然法的人定法无效力可言,并将永恒原则与人定法区别开来。管子学说主张制定法在现实中具最高效力,未有永恒原则与制定法的严格区分。双方在永恒原则的内容上存在诸多差异,如自然法主张平等、正义、人人得其所应得等无差别地适用于所有人的原则;管子学说却将人划为君臣父子等不同的身份级别,主张不同级别间的服从及统属。  相似文献   

论民法个人人格构造中的伦理与技术   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
马俊驹  张翔 《法律科学》2005,23(2):27-33
近、现代民法的个人人格 ,是在伦理基础之上的法律技术的产物。罗马法将“身份”作为生物人与法律人的连接点 ,形成了“界定适格者并使其成为法律主体”的人格塑造技术 ,并延续至今。法国法以自然法观念上的“理性”作为实定法中的人的依据。德国法在人的伦理属性基础之上 ,建立起“权利能力”的概念 ,实现了法律人的依据由伦理到实定法规则的转变。近代民法所开创的“抽象人格”技术 ,在今天剧变的社会环境下 ,仍然具有生命力。  相似文献   

法律的终极目标是实现理想中的正义,但正义却亦是比较模糊和不确定的概念.本文简述各时期自然法学派对正义的理解,从而阐述了以自然法思想与陈忠林教授的“三常”理论的引导下对追求相对正义的看法,并以自然法思想及“三常”理论为基础探讨具体案例的法律与社会效果.  相似文献   

孟磊 《政法学刊》2014,(3):5-10
自然法是西方历史上一个极为关键的概念,但是讽刺的是,并不存在一个统一连贯并得到广泛认同的自然法定义。在自然法思想发展过程中呈现出两条根本不同的进路,即古代自然法与近代自然法。自然法思想两条不同进路的差异表现在:从自然法的特性方面看是神圣性与世俗性的不同;在自然法的基点上自然理性与自然状态的区隔;自然法的内容区别则体现在自然义务与自然权利。  相似文献   

荣云 《法制与社会》2010,(22):289-289
关于自然法的概念,在人类认识史上出现过多种不同的观点。但通常是指宇宙秩序本身中作为一切制定法基础的关于正义的基本和终极的原则之集合。为了方便评述,本文将自然法历史分为三个阶段:古代自然法、古典自然法和自然法学的复新,希望能将自然法在历史上各个时期的脉络整理清楚,尽量将自然法中最精粹的部分展现在读者面前。  相似文献   

Psychoanalytic jurisprudence attempts to understand the images used by law to attract and capture the subject. In keeping with the larger psychoanalytic tradition, such theories tend to overemphasise the paternal principle. The image of law is said to be the image of the paterfamilias—the biological father, the sovereign, or God. In contrast to such theories, I would like to introduce the image of the mother and analyse its impact on the subject’s relation to law. For this purpose, I examine the history and use of the figure of Bharat Mata or Mother India and how it influences the Indian subject’s relation to law. When the subject is torn between his loyalties to the lawmaker–as–father and the nation–as–mother, who does he side with? Eschewing Greek myths and the Oedipus complex, I focus instead on Hindu mythology and the notion of an oedipal alliance to understand legal subjectivity in India. Lastly, I analyse a defining Indian political trial, the Gandhi murder trial, in which all these notions come to play and the accused justifies his decision to murder the father of the nation in the name of the motherland.  相似文献   

During his 2000–2001 seminar on the death penalty, Jacques Derrida argues that Kant is the most ‘rigorous’ philosophical proponent of the death penalty and, thus, the thinker who poses the most serious objections to the kind of philosophical abolitionism that Derrida is trying to develop in his seminar. For Kant, the death penalty is the logical result of the fundamental principle of criminal law, namely, talionic law or the right of retaliation as a principle of pure, disinterested reason. In this paper, I demonstrate how Derrida attempts to undermine Kant’s defence of the death penalty by demonstrating both its internal contradictions (the tenuous distinction between poena forensis, that is, punishment by a court, and poena naturalis, natural punishment) and its strange affinities with the law of primitive peoples (as understood by Freud in Totem and Taboo). I argue that Derrida’s repeated returns throughout the seminar to Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals suggest that Kant’s seemingly rational defence of the death penalty is ultimately motivated by interests that belie the supposed disinterestedness of modern law and by a notion of natural justice that at once subtends and subverts all criminal law.  相似文献   

封闭与开放:裁判文书论理风格之类型化检讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蔡杰  程捷 《法学论坛》2006,21(2):128-132
基于不同法律理念、司法制度以及裁判法源性等多元因素的影响,两大法系裁判文书的论理风格呈现出封闭型与开放型之窘异。此两种风格,从促进法律进步、发挥裁判社会效应以及社会冲突解决效果而言,有着各自的优势与缺陷。我国裁判文书传统上应属于封闭型论理风格,并且长期以来,对程序性事项、法理或实质性理由的分析、格式的创设性等诸多方面缺乏重视。通过对两大类型论理风格的借鉴,我国裁判文书应该改进为开放型模式为本体,保留封闭型模式局部特点的混合型论理风格。  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper takes the dichotomy between “exclusive” and “inclusive” positivism and applies it by analogy to natural‐law theories. With John Finnis, and with Beyleved and Brownsword, we have examples of “exclusive natural‐law theory,” on which approach the law is valid only if its content satisfies a normative monological moral theory. The discourse theories of Alexy and Habermas are seen instead as “inclusive natural‐law theories,” in which the positive law is a constitutive moment in that it identifies moral rules and specifies their meaning. The article argues that inclusive theories of natural law are better suited to expressing an authentic “republican” attitude. *

刘志云 《现代法学》2007,29(4):145-153
在国际法的发展进程中,"观念"不仅是客观存在的,而且起到了至关重要的影响。不过,在国际法的研究中,以理性主义为认识论的主流学派,并没有对此做出过系统性分析。这正是主流国际法学本身的一个重大缺漏。研究表明,诸如"世界观"、"原则化观念"以及"因果信念"等在国际法的发展进程中,起到了"路线图"、"黏合剂",以及"制度化"等方面的影响。  相似文献   

阮齐林 《法学研究》2003,(1):118-128
三要件论最重要的出发点是落实罪行法定原则 ,意在构建法定犯罪之构成 ;最重要的体系特征在于把罪状当作整体来把握 ,由此决定了它依托法律形式进行注释的、顺应司法认定思路的、局限于法定犯罪之犯罪构成的理论风格 ;四要件论是意在构建应然犯罪之构成 ,由此决定它从存在的犯罪现象出发 ,依托犯罪行为结构来揭示、把握犯罪法律因素的应然犯罪之犯罪构成的理论风格。从不同角度阐述犯罪构成 ,不仅可以并行不悖 ,而且还能相得益彰。我们既需要应然犯罪之犯罪构成论 ,也需要法定犯罪之犯罪构成论。现在的问题主要不在于如何把“四要件”论发展到完美无缺的程度 ,也不在于如何选择一个理论体系、抛弃另一个理论体系 ,而应在明确理论倾向、风格、功能的基础上 ,寻求犯罪构成理论风格的多元发展。  相似文献   

The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, one of the key concepts of sustainable development, has dual grounding; the pressures developed countries place on the global environment; and the technologies and financial resources they command. Though the developed countries are reluctant to admit the first grounding, the developing countries have a strong leverage to induce the former to accept differentiated treatment in their favor.Thus, this principle has become to be reflected in some conventions in the field of environment and development. The reflection of this principle takes two forms: one is "double standards" in environmental protection standards as well as their implementation in favor of developing countries; and the other is assistance by developed countries for sustainable development of developing countries. At present, "double standards" seem to be inevitable, but, they must be temporary measures in view of the integral and interdependent nature of global environment. And, in order to overcome these "double standards", the attainment by developing countries of their sustainable development seems to be indispensable. In a substantial number of environmental conventions, developed country parties assume obligations to assist development country parties. However, these obligations are confirmed to "incremental costs" necessary for implementation of the convention concerned, and do not extent to assistance for sustainable development in general. Changing consumption and production patterns seems to be one of the most important aspects of the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, since this concept takes issue, for the first time, with the pattern of development pursued by developed countries. However, this concept has much difficulties in translating into international legal terms.Though it may be difficult at present to characterize the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities to be a customary norm of international law, it is surely a basic principle of international law, and as such, may operate as a guiding principle for law-making, as well as for the interpretation and application of conventions in the field of environment and development.  相似文献   

邓正来 《河北法学》2008,26(3):2-16
中国法学界的"全球化论辩"可以从"肯定"与"否定"这两种态度加以分析。以"国际化"与"全球化"的区分为参照性判准,可以发现,"反法律全球化"论者与对"法律全球化"持肯定态度中的"唯法律全球化"论者其实都处在着同"去国家化"相关的"法律一元论"这一层面上,只不过前者主张的是"国家法律一元论",而后者主张的是"非国家法律一元论"。"法律全球化"是一种在全球层面上展开的包含"法律国际化"的进程,是一种从"国家法律一元论"走向"国家与非国家法律多元论"的开放性进程。中国法学论者之所以尊奉"法律一元论",实是因为教条性地尊奉"法律的唯国家意志论"与"经济基础决定上层建筑"这两个经典论说的结果。  相似文献   

在德国古典自然法中,人被视为具备理智与意志的伦理人,他是伦理与法律上的主体。普芬道夫与沃尔夫从伦理人概念中推导出自然权利义务理论体系。德国民法学对该理论体系予以批判性地吸收,从而形成古典私权一般理论。权利开始成为民法学的核心范畴,以之为逻辑主线,民法素材被重新整合为一个与传统的法学阶梯式体系迥然有别的潘得克吞式体系。民法体系由此发生基因突变。历史经验表明,民法体系植根于民法学理传统。我国民法典应采用潘得克吞式体系,并对其作必要的改进。  相似文献   

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